Man Linux: Main Page and Category List






       #      (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory.

       #      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.  #


       __builtin__.dict(__builtin__.object)    MPDParmDB    __builtin__.object
       MPDRing   MPDSock   MPDConClientSock   MPDListenSock   MPDConListenSock
       MPDStreamHandler MPDTest

       class MPDConClientSock(MPDSock)

              |      Method resolution order:

              |      MPDConClientSock

              |      MPDSock

              |      __builtin__.object


              |      Methods defined here:


              |      __init__(self,     name=’console_to_mpd’,     mpdroot=’’,
                     secretword=’’, **kargs)


              |      ----------------------------------------------------------------------

              |      Methods inherited from MPDSock:


              |      accept(self, name=’accepter’)


              |      close(self)


              |      connect(self, *args)


              |      fileno(self)


              |      getsockname(self)


              |      recv(self, nbytes)


              |      recv_char_msg(self)


              |      recv_dict_msg(self, timeout=None)


              |      recv_one_line(self)


              |      send_char_msg(self, msg, errprint=1)


              |      send_dict_msg(self, msg, errprint=1)

              |      #  The default behavior on an error needs to be to handle
                     and/or report

              |      # it.  Otherwise, we all waste time trying to figure  out

              |      # the code is silently failing.  I’ve set the default for

              |      # to YES rather than NO.


              |      sendall(self, data)


              |      ----------------------------------------------------------------------

              |      Data descriptors inherited from MPDSock:


              |      __dict__

              |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)


              |      __weakref__

              |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

       class MPDConListenSock(MPDListenSock)

              |      Method resolution order:

              |      MPDConListenSock

              |      MPDListenSock

              |      MPDSock

              |      __builtin__.object


              |      Methods defined here:


              |      __init__(self,    name=’console_listen’,   secretword=’’,


              |      ----------------------------------------------------------------------

              |      Methods inherited from MPDSock:


              |      accept(self, name=’accepter’)


              |      close(self)


              |      connect(self, *args)


              |      fileno(self)


              |      getsockname(self)


              |      recv(self, nbytes)


              |      recv_char_msg(self)


              |      recv_dict_msg(self, timeout=None)


              |      recv_one_line(self)


              |      send_char_msg(self, msg, errprint=1)


              |      send_dict_msg(self, msg, errprint=1)

              |      #  The default behavior on an error needs to be to handle
                     and/or report

              |      # it.  Otherwise, we all waste time trying to figure  out

              |      # the code is silently failing.  I’ve set the default for

              |      # to YES rather than NO.


              |      sendall(self, data)


              |      ----------------------------------------------------------------------

              |      Data descriptors inherited from MPDSock:


              |      __dict__

              |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)


              |      __weakref__

              |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

       class MPDListenSock(MPDSock)

              |      Method resolution order:

              |      MPDListenSock

              |      MPDSock

              |      __builtin__.object


              |      Methods defined here:


              |      __init__(self,  host=’’,  port=0,  filename=’’, listen=5,
                     name=’listener’, **kargs)


              |      ----------------------------------------------------------------------

              |      Methods inherited from MPDSock:


              |      accept(self, name=’accepter’)


              |      close(self)


              |      connect(self, *args)


              |      fileno(self)


              |      getsockname(self)


              |      recv(self, nbytes)


              |      recv_char_msg(self)


              |      recv_dict_msg(self, timeout=None)


              |      recv_one_line(self)


              |      send_char_msg(self, msg, errprint=1)


              |      send_dict_msg(self, msg, errprint=1)

              |      #  The default behavior on an error needs to be to handle
                     and/or report

              |      # it.  Otherwise, we all waste time trying to figure  out

              |      # the code is silently failing.  I’ve set the default for

              |      # to YES rather than NO.


              |      sendall(self, data)


              |      ----------------------------------------------------------------------

              |      Data descriptors inherited from MPDSock:


              |      __dict__

              |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)


              |      __weakref__

              |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

       class MPDParmDB(__builtin__.dict)

              |      Method resolution order:

              |      MPDParmDB

              |      __builtin__.dict

              |      __builtin__.object


              |      Methods defined here:


              |      __getitem__(self, key)


              |      __init__(self, orderedSources=[])


              |      __setitem__(self, sk_tup, val)


              |      get_parms_from_env(self, parmsToOverride)


              |      get_parms_from_rcfile(self,              parmsToOverride,


              |      has_key(self, key)


              |      printall(self)


              |      printdef(self)


              |      ----------------------------------------------------------------------

              |      Data descriptors defined here:


              |      __dict__

              |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)


              |      __weakref__

              |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)


              |      ----------------------------------------------------------------------

              |      Methods inherited from __builtin__.dict:


              |      __cmp__(...)

              |      x.__cmp__(y) <==> cmp(x,y)


              |      __contains__(...)

              |      D.__contains__(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False


              |      __delitem__(...)

              |      x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]


              |      __eq__(...)

              |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y


              |      __ge__(...)

              |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y


              |      __getattribute__(...)

              |      x.__getattribute__(’name’) <==>


              |      __gt__(...)

              |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y


              |      __hash__(...)

              |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)


              |      __iter__(...)

              |      x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)


              |      __le__(...)

              |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y


              |      __len__(...)

              |      x.__len__() <==> len(x)


              |      __lt__(...)

              |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y


              |      __ne__(...)

              |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y


              |      __repr__(...)

              |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)


              |      clear(...)

              |      D.clear() -> None.  Remove all items from D.


              |      copy(...)

              |      D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D


              |      get(...)

              |      D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d.   d  defaults  to


              |      items(...)

              |      D.items() -> list of D’s (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples


              |      iteritems(...)

              |      D.iteritems()  -> an iterator over the (key, value) items
                     of D


              |      iterkeys(...)

              |      D.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys of D


              |      itervalues(...)

              |      D.itervalues() -> an iterator over the values of D


              |      keys(...)

              |      D.keys() -> list of D’s keys


              |      pop(...)

              |      D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key  and  return  the
                     corresponding value

              |      If  key  is  not found, d is returned if given, otherwise
                     KeyError is raised


              |      popitem(...)

              |      D.popitem() -> (k,  v),  remove  and  return  some  (key,
                     value) pair as a

              |      2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty


              |      setdefault(...)

              |      D.setdefault(k[,d])  ->  D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k
                     not in D


              |      update(...)

              |      D.update(E, **F) -> None.  Update D from E and F:  for  k
                     in E: D[k] = E[k]

              |      (if E has keys else: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v) then: for
                     k in F: D[k] = F[k]


              |      values(...)

              |      D.values() -> list of D’s values


              |      ----------------------------------------------------------------------

              |      Data     and     other    attributes    inherited    from


              |      __new__ = <built-in method  __new__  of  type  object  at

              |      T.__new__(S,  ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype
                     of T


              |      fromkeys = <built-in method fromkeys of  type  object  at

              |      dict.fromkeys(S[,v])  ->  New  dict  with keys from S and
                     values equal to v.

              |      v defaults to None.

       class MPDRing(__builtin__.object)

              |      Methods defined here:


              |      __init__(self,    listenSock=None,    streamHandler=None,
                     secretword=’’,   myIfhn=’’,   entryIfhn=’’,  entryPort=0,


              |      accept_lhs(self, lhsHandler=None)


              |      accept_rhs(self, rhsHandler=None)


              |      connect_lhs(self, lhsIfhn=’’, lhsPort=0, lhsHandler=None,


              |      connect_rhs(self, rhsIfhn=’’, rhsPort=0, rhsHandler=None,


              |      create_single_mem_ring(self,       ifhn=’’,       port=0,
                     lhsHandler=None, rhsHandler=None)


              |      enter_ring(self,        entryIfhn=’’,        entryPort=0,
                     lhsHandler=’’, rhsHandler=’’, ntries=1)


              |      handle_lhs_challenge_response(self, sock)


              |      handle_rhs_challenge_response(self, sock)


              |      handle_ring_listener_connection(self, sock)


              |      reenter_ring(self,       entryIfhn=’’,       entryPort=0,
                     lhsHandler=’’, rhsHandler=’’, ntries=5)


              |      ----------------------------------------------------------------------

              |      Data descriptors defined here:


              |      __dict__

              |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)


              |      __weakref__

              |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

       class MPDSock(__builtin__.object)

              |      Methods defined here:


              |      __init__(self, family=2, socktype=1, proto=0,  sock=None,


              |      accept(self, name=’accepter’)


              |      close(self)


              |      connect(self, *args)


              |      fileno(self)


              |      getsockname(self)


              |      recv(self, nbytes)


              |      recv_char_msg(self)


              |      recv_dict_msg(self, timeout=None)


              |      recv_one_line(self)


              |      send_char_msg(self, msg, errprint=1)


              |      send_dict_msg(self, msg, errprint=1)

              |      #  The default behavior on an error needs to be to handle
                     and/or report

              |      # it.  Otherwise, we all waste time trying to figure  out

              |      # the code is silently failing.  I’ve set the default for

              |      # to YES rather than NO.


              |      sendall(self, data)


              |      ----------------------------------------------------------------------

              |      Data descriptors defined here:


              |      __dict__

              |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)


              |      __weakref__

              |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

       class MPDStreamHandler(__builtin__.object)

              |      Methods defined here:


              |      __init__(self)


              |      close_all_active_streams(self)


              |      del_handler(self, stream)


              |      handle_active_streams(self,                 streams=None,


              |      set_handler(self, stream, handler, args=())


              |      ----------------------------------------------------------------------

              |      Data descriptors defined here:


              |      __dict__

              |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)


              |      __weakref__

              |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

       class MPDTest(__builtin__.object)

              |      Methods defined here:


              |      __init__(self)


              |      run(self,  cmd=’’,  expIn=’’, chkEC=0, expEC=0, chkOut=0,
                     expOut=’’, ordOut=0, grepOut=0, exitOnFail=1)


              |      ----------------------------------------------------------------------

              |      Data descriptors defined here:


              |      __dict__

              |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)


              |      __weakref__

              |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)


       dumps(...)   dumps(obj,  protocol=0)  --  Return a string containing an
       object in pickle format.

              See the Pickler docstring for the meaning of  optional  argument

       loads(...)  loads(string) -- Load a pickle from the given string

       md5new  =  openssl_md5(...)   Returns  a  md5  hash  object; optionally
       initialized with a string







       mpd_get_ranks_in_binary_tree(myRank, nprocs)

       mpd_handle_signal(signum, frame)

       mpd_init_zc(ifhn, my_level) #### experimental code for zeroconf



       mpd_read_nbytes(fd, nbytes)

       mpd_register_zc(ifhn, level)

       mpd_same_ips(host1, host2)







       mpd_trace_calls(frame, event, args)

       mpd_trace_returns(frame, event, args)

       mpd_uncaught_except_tb(arg1, arg2, arg3)


       mpd_which(execName, user_path=None)

       random(...)  random() -> x in the interval [0, 1).

       sleep(...)  sleep(seconds)

              Delay execution for a given number of seconds.
                     The argument may be a floating point number for subsecond


       ECONNREFUSED  =  61  ECONNRESET  = 54 EINTR = 4 EISCONN = 56 EPIPE = 32
       grp_module_available  =  1  mpd_cli_app  =   ’’   mpd_dbg_level   =   0
       mpd_my_hostname  =  ’’  mpd_my_id  =  ’’  mpd_procedures_to_trace  = []
       mpd_signum = 0 mpd_tmpdir = ’/tmp’ mpd_zc = 0 pwd_module_available =  1
       subprocess_module_available = 1 syslog_module_available = 1

                               22 February 2010                      mpdlib(1)