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       sigitdb - A tool to manage the signature-database which sigit uses.


         sigitdb [-hvV] [--add file db-file] [--append db-file] [--edit db-file] [--list db-file]
                 [-H option] [--rebuild [file] db-file] [--delete sig-number db-file]


       Since Sigit uses another way of storing signature, than the normal raw
       text, you need a tool to manage this data-file. Sigitdb is the tool for
       that, it provides you with almost every possible action you migth want
       taken on the data-file.


       These are the command-line options for sigitdb:

       --add file db-file
            Use <add> when you have a signature, you want to add to the data
            file. This flag will take a test file as the first arguemne, and a
            db-file as the second ie: sigitdb --add sigfile.txt db-file.bin
            This will add the signatures mentioned in the "sigfile.txt", if
            there are more than one signature in the file, then they need to
            be sepperated with 2 @ signs. And the first line in the file must
            start with a @@ else the program cant decide if there’s multiple
            signatures to be found.  Should you have a signature file created
            from sigitdb --list db-file, then the --add flag can also handle

       --append db-file
            If you like to make a quick addition of a signature to your
            db-file, then this flag will be usefull. It will execute sigitdb,
            with an expectancy to read the signature from stdin. This way you
            can paste the signature in question directly to sigitdb, or if you
            happen to have a temp file only containing the signature, then you
            can pipe this to sigitdb. Just remember ^D is the way to exit
            reading from stdin. Bare in mind, when using this flag, it is
            expected, that _only_ one signature will be pasted, thus it will
            read untill ^D or the signature size exceeds buffer size.

       --delete sig-number db-file
            If you happen to have a massive db-file, and hate to b<--edit> the
            whole file, befor deleting this one perticular signature, then use
            this flag as a shortcut. It will delete the signature with the
            matching sig-number from the db-file. If you use the
            show_ident=yes setting in your .sigitrc, then the number given
            after the x in "Statement NNNxMMMMMMM" will be the sig-number it
            resides with in the db-file.

       --edit db-file
            Use <edit> when you just found that signature number 152 out of
            the 10.000 you have, is filled with spelling errors. By invoking
            with this flag, the program will read the db-file, and execute
            your $EDITOR with the signatures extracted into a regular text
            file. Once you’ve made the changes, and exit your editor, the db-
            file will be rebuild with the contence of what you achieved in
            your editor. Should you have forgotten to set the $EDITOR, your
            most convenient vi(1) editor will be used.

       --list db-file
            Use <list> when you want to get a fast look through the signatures
            contained in the db-file. This flag will read any db-file format,
            and print the signatures to stdout with their respective IDENT
            numbers, so you can use sigitdb --delete IDENT db-file if you just
            wanted to delete that specific signature, and didn’t wanted to
            wait for your $EDITOR to load so you manualy could delete it.

       --rebuild [file] db-file
            Erase the given db-file, and rebuild it with the contence of the
            given file, where this will be a strict text file, where each
            signature is seperated by a ’@@’ This is good, if the db-file is
            currupted. If you only provide the ’db-file’ argument, and it
            matches a ’db-file’ structure, then the program will try and
            recreate the file as if it was a conversion of an earlier Sigit
            db-file version.

       -v <verbose>
            Sometimes it’s good to know how the program is running, and how
            far it’s in the execution. Here comes <verbose> as a very good
            solution. It will keep all the very specific infos hidden, yet let
            you know just what part of the program is beeing used, and how it

       -vv <very verbose>
            The usage of <very verbose>, is mostly usefull, when you’re trying
            to debug the thing, and you have no idear what caused it to abort.
            Throw in a couple more v’s and see what sort of extra info is
            displayed :)

       -h <help>
            Print a nice help screen and exit.

       -V <version>
            The -V will print the current version of the program, and exit.

       -H option <Extra help>
            Use the "-H" If you have found an option in the help screen, but
            dont seem that confident with using it, for a quick refference use
            this flag to get more describing info on how to use that option.


       sigit.rc(5) sigit(1)

License and Disclaimer

       Sigit are Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 by Kenneth ’Redhead’
       Nielsen. Sigit may be used and distributed under the terms of the GNU
       General Public License. All other brand and product names are
       trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective

       These programs are distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
       WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
       with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
       Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.


       Thanks go to:

       * Rasmus ’moffe’ Hansen, for beeing a good consultant through the whole
       * Sean Russell, for giving alot of new idears and inspiration.


       See the README file that came with the source code, or check the


       Sigit written by

       Kenneth ’Redhead’ Nielsen <>

       Documentation formatting by

       Kenneth ’Redhead’ Nielsen <>

       All future infos on the sigit exploration, can be found at:


       If you find a bug or problem, please send an email describing the bug
       to: <> with information on:
            * A subject containing the word ’Sigit’
            * What Sigit version.
            * What system you’re running.
            * What mail/news program you were using when the bug appeared.
            * A description on what you tried, when the bug accured.
            * A debug/verbose output of the bug. (if one can be made)