NetPIPE - Network Protocol Independent Performance Evaluator
NPtcp [-h receiver_hostname] [-b TCP_buffer_sizes] [options]
mpirun [-machinefile hostlist] -np 2 NPmpi [-a] [-S] [-z] [options]
mpirun [-machinefile hostlist] -np 2 NPmpi2 [-f] [-g] [options]
NPpvm [options]
See the TESTING sections below for a more complete description of how
to run NetPIPE in each environment. The OPTIONS section describes the
general options available for all modules. See the README file from
the tar-ball at for
documentation on the InfiniBand, GM, SHMEM, LAPI, and memcpy modules.
NetPIPE uses a simple series of ping-pong tests over a range of message
sizes to provide a complete measure of the performance of a network.
It bounces messages of increasing size between two processes, whether
across a network or within an SMP system. Message sizes are chosen at
regular intervals, and with slight perturbations, to provide a complete
evaluation of the communication system. Each data point involves many
ping-pong tests to provide an accurate timing. Latencies are
calculated by dividing the round trip time in half for small messages (
less than 64 Bytes ).
The communication time for small messages is dominated by the overhead
in the communication layers, meaning that the transmission is latency
bound. For larger messages, the communication rate becomes bandwidth
limited by some component in the communication subsystem (PCI bus,
network card link, network switch).
These measurements can be done at the message-passing layer (MPI,
MPI-2, and PVM) or at the native communications layers that that run
upon (TCP/IP, GM for Myrinet cards, InfiniBand, SHMEM for the Cray T3E
systems, and LAPI for IBM SP systems). Recent work is being aimed at
measuring some internal system properties such as the memcpy module
that measures the internal memory copy rates, or a disk module under
development that measures the performance to various I/O devices.
Some uses for NetPIPE include:
Comparing the latency and maximum throughput of various network
Comparing the performance between different types of networks.
Looking for inefficiencies in the message-passing layer by
comparing it to the native communication layer.
Optimizing the message-passing layer and tune OS and driver
parameters for optimal performance of the communication
NetPIPE is provided with many modules allowing it to interface with a
wide variety of communication layers. It is fairly easy to write new
interfaces for other reliable protocols by using the existing modules
as examples.
NPtcp can now be launched in two ways, by manually starting NPtcp on
both systems or by using a nplaunch script. To manually start NPtcp,
the NetPIPE receiver must be started first on the remote system using
the command:
NPtcp [options]
then the primary transmitter is started on the local system with the
NPtcp -h receiver_hostname [options]
Any options used must be the same on both sides.
The nplaunch script uses ssh to launch the remote receiver before
starting the local transmitter. To use rsh, simply change the nplaunch
nplaunch NPtcp -h receiver_hostname [options]
The -b TCP_buffer_sizes option sets the TCP socket buffer size, which
can greatly influence the maximum throughput on some systems. A
throughput graph that flattens out suddenly may be a sign of the
performance being limited by the socket buffer sizes.
Use of the MPI interface for NetPIPE depends on the MPI implementation
being used. All will require the number of processes to be specified,
usually with a -np 2 argument. Clusters environments may require a
list of the hosts being used, either during initialization of MPI
(during lamboot for LAM-MPI) or when each job is run (using a
-machinefile argument for MPICH). For LAM-MPI, for example, put the
list of hosts in hostlist then boot LAM and run NetPIPE using:
lamboot -v -b hostlist
mpirun -np 2 NPmpi [NetPIPE options]
For MPICH use a command like:
mpirun -machinefile hostlist -np 2 NPmpi [NetPIPE options]
To test the 1-sided communications of the MPI-2 standard, compile
make mpi2
Running as described above and MPI will use 1-sided MPI_Put() calls in
both directions, with each receiver blocking until the last byte has
been overwritten before bouncing the message back. Use the -f option
to force usage of a fence to block rather than an overwrite of the last
byte. The -g option will use MP_Get() functions to transfer the data
rather than MP_Put().
Start the pvm system using:
and adding a second machine with the PVM command
add receiver_hostname
Exit the PVM command line interface using quit, then run the PVM
NetPIPE receiver on one system with the command:
NPpvm [options]
and run the TCP NetPIPE transmitter on the other system with the
NPpvm -h receiver hostname [options]
Any options used must be the same on both sides. The nplaunch script
may also be used with NPpvm as described above for NPtcp.
NetPIPE tests network performance by sending a number of messages at
each block size, starting from the lower bound on the message sizes.
The message size is incremented until the upper bound on the message
size is reached or the time to transmit a block exceeds one second,
which ever occurs first. Message sizes are chosen at regular
intervals, and for slight perturbations from them to provide a more
complete evaluation of the communication subsystem.
The NetPIPE output file may be graphed using a program such as
gnuplot(1). The output file contains three columns: the number of
bytes in the block, the transfer rate in bits per second, and the time
to transfer the block (half the round-trip time). The first two
columns are normally used to graph the throughput vs block size, while
the third column provides the latency. For example, the throughput
versus block size graph can be created by graphing bytes versus bits
per second. Sample gnuplot(1) commands for such a graph would be
set logscale x
plot "np.out"
-a asynchronous mode: prepost receives (MPI, IB modules)
-b TCP_buffer_sizes
Set the send and receive TCP buffer sizes (TCP module only).
-B Burst mode where all receives are preposted at once (MPI, IB
-f Use a fence to block for completion (MPI2 module only).
-g Use MPI_Get() instead of MPI_Put() (MPI2 module only).
-h hostname
Specify the name of the receiver host to connect to (TCP, PVM,
IB, GM).
-I Invalidate cache to measure performance without cache effects
(mostly affects IB and memcpy modules).
-i Do an integrity check instead of a performance evaluation.
-l starting_msg_size
Specify the lower bound for the size of messages to be tested.
-n nrepeats
Set the number of repeats for each test to a constant.
Otherwise, the number of repeats is chosen to provide an
accurate timing for each test. Be very careful if
specifying a low number so that the time for the ping-
pong test exceeds the timer accuracy.
-O source_offset,dest_offset
Specify the source and destination offsets of the buffers
from perfect page alignment.
-o output_filename
Specify the output filename (default is np.out).
-p perturbation_size
NetPIPE chooses the message sizes at regular intervals,
increasing them exponentially from the lower boundary to
the upper boundary. At each point, it also tests
perturbations of 3 bytes above and 3 bytes below each
test point to find idiosyncrasies in the system. This
perturbation value can be changed using the -p option, or
turned off using -p 0 .
-r This option resets the TCP sockets after every test (TCP
module only). It is necessary for some streaming tests
to get good measurements since the socket window size may
otherwise collapse.
-s Set streaming mode where data is only transmitted in one
-S Use synchronous sends (MPI module only).
-u upper_bound
Specify the upper boundary to the size of message being
tested. By default, NetPIPE will stop when the time to
transmit a block exceeds one second.
-z Receive messages using MPI_ANY_SOURCE (MPI module only)
-2 Set bi-directional mode where both sides send and receive
at the same time (supported by most modules). You may
need to use -a to choose asynchronous communications for
MPI to avoid freeze-ups. For TCP, the maximum test size
will be limited by the TCP buffer sizes.
np.out Default output file for NetPIPE. Overridden by the -o
The original NetPIPE core plus TCP and MPI modules were written
by Quinn Snell, Armin Mikler, Guy Helmer, and John Gustafson.
NetPIPE is currently being developed and maintained by Dave
Turner with contributions from many students (Bogdan Vasiliu,
Adam Oline, Xuehua Chen, and Brian Smith).
Send comments/bug-reports to: <>.
Additional information about NetPIPE can be found on the World
Wide Web at
As of version 3.6.1, there is a bug that causes NetPIPE to
segfault on RedHat Enterprise systems. I will debug this as soon
as I get access to a few such systems. -Dave Turner