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       courierlogger - Courier syslog wrapper


       courierlogger [-name=title] [-facility=subsystem] [-pid=filename]
                     [-user=user] [-group=group] [-droproot]
                     [[[-respawn] [-start] program [argument...]] | [-stop] |


       courierlogger is a wrapper that captures another process´s error
       messages, and forwards them to the system logging facility, “syslog”.

       There are two ways to use courierlogger:

        1.  Use the shell to pipe another command´s standard error, and/or its
           standard output, to courierlogger´s standard input.

        2.  Alternatively, courierlogger itself can start another process, and
           arrange to have its standard error captured.

       In either case, each read line of text is sent as a syslog message.


           Use title for sending messages to syslog.  title should be the
           application´s name.

           Use subsystem for classifying messages. Your syslog facility uses
           subsystem to determine which log messages are recorded in which log
           files. The currently defined subsystems are:

           ·   auth

           ·   authpriv

           ·   console

           ·   cron

           ·   daemon

           ·   ftp

           ·   kern

           ·   lpr

           ·   mail

           ·   news

           ·   security

           ·   user

           ·   uucp

           ·   local0

           ·   local1

           ·   local2

           ·   local3

           ·   local4

           ·   local5

           ·   local6

           ·   local7

               Not all of the above facility names are implemented on every
               system. Check your system´s syslog documentation for
               information on which facility names are allowed, and which log
               files record the corresponding messages for each facility.

           Save courierlogger´s process ID in filename. The -pid option is
           required when -start, -stop, -restart are given. If -pid is given
           without any of these, -start is assumed.

           Run as a daemon. The pid option is required.  courierlogger will
           quietly terminate if another courierlogger process is already
           running. This is used to make sure that only one instance of
           program is running at the same time. Specify a different filename
           with pid to start a second copy of program.

           Restart program if it terminates. Normally courierlogger itself
           will terminate when program finishes running. Use respawn to
           restart it instead.

           Send a SIGHUP signal to the courierlogger process (as determined by
           examining the contents of the file specified by pid), which will in
           turn send a SIGHUP to its child program. Does nothing if
           courierlogger is not running.

           program must be originally started with the respawn option if
           sending it a SIGHUP causes it to terminate.

           The same thing may be accomplished by sending SIGHUP to
           courierlogger itself.

           Send a SIGTERM signal to courierlogger, which in turn forwards it
           on to program. If program does not terminate in 8 seconds, kill it
           with SIGKILL.

       -user=user, -group=group
           If running as root, change credentials to the given user and/or
           group, which may be given as names or numeric ids.

           When running a child program, it is started before privileges are
           dropped (unless the -droproot option is also given). This gives a
           means of starting a child as root so it can bind to a privileged
           port, but still have courierlogger run as a non-root user. For the
           -stop and -restart options to work, you should configure the child
           program to drop its privileges to the same userid too.

           Drop root privileges before starting the child process. The -user
           and -group options specify the non-privileges userid and groupid.
           Without the -droproot option the child process remains a root
           process, and only the parent courierlogger process drops root

       program [ argument ] ...
           If a program is given program will be started as a child process of
           courierlogger, capturing its standard error. Otherwise,
           courierlogger reads message from standard input, and automatically
           terminates when standard input is closed.


       couriertcpd(1)[1], your syslog man page.


        1. couriertcpd(1)