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       tau2otf - convert TAU tracefiles to OTF tracefiles for Vampir/VNG


       tau2otf [-n streams] [-nomessage] [-v]


       This program is generated when TAU is configured with the
       -otf=<otf_dir> option. The tau2otf trace converter takes a TAU
       formatted tracefile (*.trc) and a TAU event description file (*.edf)
       and produces an output trace file in the Open Trace Format (OTF). The
       user may specify the number of output streams for OTF. The input files
       and output file must be specified in that order. TAU traces should be
       merged using tau_merge prior to conversion.


       -n streams Specifies the number of output streams (default is 1).
       -nomessage Suppresses printing of message information in the trace.  -v
       Verbose mode sends trace event descriptions to the standard output as
       they are converted.


       The program must be run with the tau trace, tau event and otf output
       files specified in the command line in that order. Any additional
       arguments follow. The following will produced an OTF file, a pp.otf and
       other related event and definition files, from the TAU trace and event
       files merged.trc and tau.edf trace file:

       tau2otf merged.trc tau.edf app.otf


       tau2vtf(1), tau2profile(1), vtf2profile(1), tau_merge(1),
