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       rpncalc - a reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator.


       rpncalc [-h]|[-v]|["expression"]


       rpncalc  partially  emulates  a  HP  28S  and is intended for every-day
       purposes (i.e.  1 1 +), not for complex calculations (use gnuplot(1) or
       octave(1)  for  these).  rpncalc evaluates expression if given or reads
       from standard input otherwise.  These features are not implemented:
        · complex numbers,
        · vector, matrices, lists and arrays,
        · algebraic input, symbolic evaluation,
        · units, and
        · variables.

       rpncalc recognizes the following functions, operations, and constants:

       !       %        %ch      %t          &         *        +        -
       /       ?        ^        abs         acos      acosh    alog     and
       arg     asin     asinh    atan        atan2     atanh    bin      cbrt
       ceil    char     chs      clear       cos       cosh     dec      depth
       div     drop     drop2    dropn       dup       dup2     dupn     erf
       erfc    exit     exp      expm        fact      floor    fp       gcd
       help    hex      hypot    inv         ip        j0       j1       jn
       ld      ldb      lg       lgamma      ln        lnp1     log      max
       min     mod      neg      not         oct       or       over     pick
       pop     prec     prod     push        quit      rand     rdz      rint
       rnd     rot      shl      show        shr       sign     sin      sinh
       sl      slb      sq       sqr         sqrt      sr       srb      sum
       swap    tan      tanh     warranty    xor       y0       y1       yn
       |       ~

       Delimiters are ,, ;, space, tab and newline.

       A few things have been added with respect to a HP28:  the  prefixes  0x
       resp.  0  stand  for  hexadecimal  resp.  octal constants, as in C. The
       Bessel Functions and the error functions are  new,  in  order  to  make
       better use of the math library.


       -h, --help
              stands for help

       -v, --version
              prints out the current version of rpncalc and exits.


       dc(1), bc(1), gnuplot(1), pari(1), octave(1), units(1).


       The floating point exception handling relies on the math library and is
       site- and architecture dependent.

       Accuracy and range of the calculations is at  the  mercy  of  the  math
       library (and generally much worse than the original).


       David Frey


       HP 28S is a trademark of Hewlett Packard Instruments.


       look into /usr/doc/rpncalc/copyright