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       mylvmbackup - a utility for creating MySQL backups using LVM snapshots


       mylvmbackup [OPTIONS]


       mylvmbackup is a tool for quickly creating backups of MySQL server’s
       data files. To perform a backup, mylvmbackup obtains a read lock on all
       tables and flushes all server caches to disk, makes an LVM snapshot of
       the volume containing the MySQL data directory, and unlocks the tables
       again. The snapshot process takes only a small amount of time. When it
       is done, the server can continue normal operations, while the actual
       file backup proceeds.

       The LVM snapshot is mounted to a temporary directory and all data is
       backed up using the tar program. By default, the archive file is
       created using a name of the form backup-YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_mysql.tar.gz,
       where YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, and ss represent the year, month, day,
       hour, minute, and second of the time at which the backup occurred. The
       default prefix backup, date format and file suffix may be modified. The
       use of timestamped archive names allows you to run mylvmbackup many
       times without danger of overwriting old archives.

       Alternatively, instead of tar, you may use rsync. This process is
       nearly identical, with the exception that the file suffix is not used.
       The rsync backup can perform both local backups as well as backing up
       to a remote server using rsyncd or rsync via SSH.

       mylvmbackup also supports creating backups by using rsnap, which is a
       wrapper around rsync to automatically maintain and rotate a given
       number of last backups (7 by default). It utilizes hard links to link
       to unchanged files for saving disk space.

       Additionally, a backup type none is provided for cases where the user
       wants to use mylvmbackup only for creating the snapshots and intends to
       perform the actual backup by using the appropriate hooks. (Or for cases
       where the snapshot itself is considered to be the backup).


       It is required to run mylvmbackup on the same host where the MySQL
       server runs. If your MySQL daemon is not listening on localhost or
       using the default socket location, you must specify --host or --socket.
       Even though mylvmbackup communicates with the server through a normal
       client connection to obtain the read lock and flush data, it performs
       the actual backup by accessing the file system directly. It is also a
       requirement that the MySQL server’s data directory resides on an LVM
       volume. (It is, however, a good idea to do the LVM backup to a
       different partition than the one where the data directory resides.
       Otherwise, there is a good chance that LVM will run out of undo space
       for LVM snapshot maintenance and the backup will fail.)

       The user who invokes mylvmbackup must have sufficient filesystem
       permissions to create the LVM snapshot and mount it. This includes
       read/write access to the backup directory.

       If you plan to back up InnoDB tables using LVM snapshots, be advised
       that it is not sufficient to lock the tables and issue the FLUSH TABLES
       command to get the table files into a consistent state. When starting
       the MySQL server from these restored files, InnoDB will detect these
       tables as being in an inconsistent state and will perform a log
       recovery run before the tables can be accessed again. As this can
       potentially take some time (which you may not want to spend after
       restoring a server and trying to get it back on its feet as fast as
       possible), consider using the option --innodb_recover, which will
       perform the recovery operation on the backup snapshot prior to
       archiving it.

       The recovery operation is performed by spawning a second mysqld
       instance that uses the snapshot volume as the data directory. Note that
       this functionality currently assumes the default InnoDB configuration -
       it does not work properly if you use options like
       --innodb-file-per-table, --innodb-data-home-dir,
       --innodb-data-file-path or --innodb-log-group-home-dir that modify the
       default file layout for InnoDB tables.

       If you use InnoDB tables exclusively, you may also want to consider to
       include the option --skip_flush_tables, to avoid the probably time-
       consuming and in this case unnecessary flushing of buffers. But don’t
       enable this option when MyISAM tables are involved!


       It is possible to run arbitrary external programs or scripts (hooks) at
       various stages of the backup process, to perform additional actions as
       part of the backup process.

       These scripts or symbolic links to executables should be placed in the
       directory that the hooksdir configuration option points to
       (/usr/share/mylvmbackup by default). They should return zero upon
       successful completion, any non-zero return value will be considered a
       failure which will be logged.

       Hook scripts can also be implemented as Perl modules. The module must
       be named and must be a package of type hookname. The module
       must implement execute() which is called by mylvmbackup to initiate the
       hook. It must return boolean true/false (1 or 0) on success/failure.
       execute() will be passed 2 parameters. The first parameter is a clone()
       of the global database handle $dbh. This will allow hook scripts to
       interact with the database using the established connection.  The
       second parameter is a string containing any messages passed to the
       run_hook() function.  The module must also implement errmsg() which
       will return a string error message to be sent to log_msg(). This will
       be called by mylvmbackup when execute() returns false/0.

       The names of the scripts or symbolic links reflect the stage in which
       the hook will be called. Currently, the following stages exist:

           before a connection to the database server is established

           before calling FLUSH TABLES

           before the file system snapshot is created

           before the database tables are unlocked again

           before the connection to the database server is released

           before the snapshot volume is mounted

           before the snapshot backup will be performed

           after a successful backup

           after a failed backup

           when an error is logged

           before the snapshot is unmounted and discarded

       These hooks are optional and will only be called if a file for the
       particular stage exists and is executable. Note that hooks implemented
       as Perl modules ( have priority over "plain" hook scripts
       (hookname), if both exist, only the first one will be used. The
       execution of all hooks can be suppressed by passing the --skip_hooks
       option or by setting the skip_hooks configuration option to 1;


       mylvmbackup supports the following command line options. The same
       options can also be defined in the /etc/mylvmbackup.conf configuration
       file (omitting the leading dashes, of course). A sample configuration
       file is included in the distribution.

           Specifies the username to use for connecting to the MySQL server.
           The default is root.

           Specifies the password to use for connecting to the MySQL server.
           The default is the empty string (no password).

           Specifies the host name to use for connecting to the MySQL server.
           Note that mylvmbackup needs to be run on the same system that the
           MySQL server to be backed up runs on - do not enter a remote host’s
           host name or IP address here!  A non-empty value for host other
           than localhost overrides any given socket path value.  The default
           is the empty string.

           Specifies the TCP port number to use for connecting to the MySQL
           server.  This value is only honoured, if host is provided as well
           and is not equal to localhost.  The default is the empty string.

           Specifies the path to the local socket file, if it is not located
           at the default location. The default is the empty string.

           Suppresses logging of informal messages. Warnings and errors will
           still be printed or logged (depending on the selected logging
           mechanism).  The default is verbose logging.

           Run InnoDB recovery on the writable snapshot prior to performing
           the backup.

           Don’t issue a FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK command before creating
           the snapshot. Only use this option when backing up InnoDB tables
           (as they don’t support this function anyway and will require
           recovery in any case). This option skips the (probably time
           consuming) flushing of buffers.

           If your database performs a lot of writes, it may help to perform
           an extra initial FLUSH TABLES so that the lvcreate can finish
           within the interactivity timeout during the read-locked flush.

           Specifies the full path and file name to the PID file of the server
           instance that is spawned to perform the InnoDB recovery (see option
           --innodb_recover). Must be different from the PID file that the
           actual running server uses.  The default is

           Specifies the pathname for the lvcreate program.  The default is

           Specifies the pathname for the lvremove program.  The default is

           Specifies the pathname for the lvs program.  The default is lvs.

           Specifies the pathname for the mysqld_safe program.  The default is
           mysqld_safe.  Only used to perform InnoDB recovery.

           Specifies the name of the MySQL config file to include in the
           backup.  The default is /etc/my.cnf.

           Skip backing up the MySQL configuration file.  The default is to
           include a copy of the configuration file in the backup.

           The location of external scripts or executable to be called during
           various stages of the backup. See the HOOKS section in this manual
           page for more info.  The default is /usr/share/mylvmbackup.

           Skip invoking any external hooks during the backup.

           Specifies the volume group of the logical volume where the MySQL
           data directory is located.  The default is mysql.

           Specifies the name of the logical volume where the MySQL data
           directory is located.  The default is data.

           Specifies the name of the logical volume for the snapshot volume.
           The default is appending _snapshot to the lvname.

           If this option is given, mylvmbackup will not remove the snapshot
           before terminating. Note that keeping multiple LVM snapshots open
           at the same time can reduce I/O performance and you will need to
           manually discard the snapshot before invoking mylvmbackup again.

           If this option is given, mylvmbackup will not remove the mounted
           partition before terminating. This option also implies
           keep_snapshot=1, as it would not be useful if the snapshot is
           removed. You need to manually unmount this directory before
           invoking mylvmbackup again.

           Relative path on the logical volume to the MySQL data directory (no
           leading or trailing slash). Example: the logical volume is mounted
           on /var/lib, but the MySQL data directory is /var/lib/mysql. In
           this case, relpath should be set to mysql.  The default is the
           empty string.

           Specifies the size for the snapshot volume.  The default is 5G (5

           Specifies what type of backup to perform. The available options are
           tar, rsync, rsnap and none.

           Prefix added to the backup file names. It is also appended to the
           name of the directory used to mount the snapshot volume.  The
           default value is backup.

           Suffix added to the backup file names (after the time stamp).  The
           default value is _mysql.

           Format of the time stamp included in the backup file name. See the
           Date::Format perldoc page for a description of the format.  The
           default value is %Y%m%d_%H%M%S, which creates a time stamp like
           YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS, e.g. 20070531_112549

           Path for mounting the snapshot volume to.  The default value is
           /var/cache/mylvmbackup/mnt/.  If the directory does not exist, it
           will be created.

           It is possible to use selected timestr() formatting sequences to
           create directory names which contain a dynamic date value.
           Currently, the following format strings are supported: %Y 4-digit
           year (e.g. 2009), %m month (01..12), %d day of month, leading zero
           %h month abbreviation, %H hour, 24 hour clock, leading zero %M
           minute, leading zero %S seconds, leading zero Example:
           $mountdir=/path/to/%Y-%m-%d will expand to /path/to/2009-06-13

           Specifies the pathname of the directory where the archive files
           will be written to. The backup directory must not be on the same
           volume as the MySQL data directory. If the directory does not
           exist, it will be created.

           It is possible to use selected timestr() formatting sequences to
           create directory names which contain a dynamic date value.
           Currently, the following format strings are supported: %Y 4-digit
           year (e.g. 2009), %m month (01..12), %d day of month, leading zero
           %h month abbreviation, %H hour, 24 hour clock, leading zero %M
           minute, leading zero %S seconds, leading zero Example:
           $mountdir=/path/to/%Y-%m-%d will expand to /path/to/2009-06-13

           Instead of a local directory, you can also provide a valid rsync
           URL here, e.g.  username@hostname:/path, hostname:path or
           hostname::rsync-module/path.  This requires a properly configured
           remote rsync setup (e.g. pre-setup SSH keys or a working rsyncd

           The default is /var/cache/mylvmbackup/backup/

           Specifies the pathname for the mount program.  The default is

           Specifies the pathname for the umount program.  The default is

           Specifies the pathname for the tar program.  The default is tar.

           Specifies the initial arguments for the tar program.  The default
           is cvf.

           Specifies the suffix arguments for the tar program.  The default is
           the empty string.  To exclude a database, you would pass --exclude
           dbname here.

           Specifies the suffix for the tarball.  The default is .tar.gz.

           Specifies the name of the compression program. Only used if
           backuptype is set to tar. Some possibilities are gzip, bzip2 or
           lzma.  The program must support reading the to be compressed data
           from stdin and writing to stdout, without requiring intermediate
           temporary files (for this reason, 7zip cannot be used). It’s also
           possible to use cat. In this case, no compression will be done.
           Make sure to update the compressarg option accordingly.  The
           default is gzip. Can be left empty.

           Specifies the command line options given to the compress program.
           For gzip, that would be --stdout --verbose --best, for lzma or
           bzip2 --stdout --verbose -7 and for cat, it would be empty.  The
           default is --stdout --verbose --best.

           Specifies the pathname for the rsnap program.  The default is

           Specifies the arguments for the rsnap program.  The default is 7,
           which causes it to keep the last 7 snapshot (useful when running
           mylvmbackup once per day).

           Specifies the pathname for the rsync program.  The default is

           Specifies the arguments for the rsync program.  The default is
           -avWP. Should must ensure that the recursive option is included
           either implicitly by -a, or explicitly.

           Use the nouuid mount option to safely mount snapshot partitions
           that use the XFS file system.

           How to log output from this script. Valid options are console,
           syslog or both.  The default value is console.

           What type of socket to use for connecting to the syslog service.
           Valid options are native, tcp and udp.  The default value is

           Define a particular syslog facility Default value is the empty

           Host name of a remote syslog server.

           Specify an alternative configuration file.  The default is

           Displays a help message showing the available options.


           The mylvmbackup configuration file

           The executable Perl script that performs the work.


       For proper operation mylvmbackup requires Perl 5 with the DBI and
       DBD::mysql modules. It also needs the Config::IniFiles to read the
       global configuration file of the program and Sys::Syslog in case you
       want to enable the syslog log facility. Date::Format is required to
       create the time stamp used in the backup file names. In addition, it
       utilizes Getopt::Long, File::Basename and File::Temp, which usually are
       part of the default Perl distribution.

       It also requires several other external programs: GNU tar and gzip to
       back up the data, LVM utilities (lvcreate, lvremove and lvs) to create
       and remove the LVM snapshot, and the system utilities mount and umount.
       Please note that mylvmbackup requires Linux LVM Version 2 or higher. It
       does not work on LVMv1, as this version does not support writable

       Optionally, rsync or rsnap may be required instead of tar and gzip,
       depending on which backup type you choose.


       mount(8), tar(1), lvcreate(8), lvremove(8), lvs(8), umount(8), rsync(1)


       This program was initially written by Aleksey "Walrus" Kishkin from
       MySQL AB, with suggestions from Peter Zaitsev and Lenz Grimmer.

       It is currently maintained by Lenz Grimmer, <>


       Main web site:

       Mailing list:

       Source code, bug tracker:


       See the file CREDITS included in the distribution for a list of
       individual contributors.


       mylvmbackup is distributed under the GNU public license. See the file
       COPYING for details.