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       html2ps - convert HTML to PostScript


       html2ps [ -2cdDFghHLnORtTuUv ] [ -b URL ] [ -C string ] [ -e encoding ]
       [ -f file[:file[:...]]  ] [ -i num ] [ -k file ] [ -l lang ] [ -m num ]
       [  -M num ] [ -N num ] [ -o file ] [ -r path ] [ -s num ] [ -S string ]
       [ -W string ] [ -x num ] [ URL|file ]


       The program html2ps converts HTML to PostScript. The HTML code  can  be
       retrieved  from  one  or  more  URL:s  or  local  files,  specified  as
       parameters on the command line.  If  no  parameter  is  given,  html2ps
       reads from standard input.

       Note:  To avoid unnecessary network traffic, one can rebuild an already
       generated PostScript file with new options. This  is  done  by  running
       html2ps with the new options, and with the old PostScript file as input
       (not applicable for all options).


       All  options  have  a  short  (case  sensitive),  and  a   long   (case
       insensitive) form.

       -2 --twoup
              Two column (2-up) output. The default is one column per page.

       -b URL --base URL
              Use  URL  as  a  base  to expand relative references for in-line
              images. This is useful if you have downloaded a  document  to  a
              local  file.   The  URL  should  then be the URL of the original

       -c --check
              Check the syntax of the HTML  file  (using  an  external  syntax
              checker). The default is to not make a syntax check.

       -C string --toc string
              Generate a table of contents (ToC). The value should be a string
              consisting of one of the letters ’f’, ’h’,  or  ’t’,  optionally
              combined with the letter ’b’:

              b      The  ToC  will  be  printed  first.  This  requires  that
                     Ghostscript is installed.
              f      The ToC will be generated from the links in the converted
              h      The ToC will be generated from headings and titles in the
                     converted documents. Note that if the document author for
                     some strange reason has chosen to use some other means to
                     represent the headings than the HTML elements  H1,...,H6,
                     you are out of luck!
              t      The ToC will be generated from links having the attribute
                     rev=TOC in the converted document.

       -d --debug
              Generate debugging  information.  You  should  always  use  this
              option when reporting problems with html2ps.

       -D --dsc --DSC
              Generate DSC compliant PostScript. This requires Ghostscript and
              can take quite some time to do.  Note  that  a  PostScript  file
              generated  with  this  option cannot be used as input to html2ps
              for reformatting later.

       -e encoding --encoding encoding
              The  document  encoding.   Currently   recognized   values   are
              ISO-8859-1,  EUC-JP,  SHIFT-JIS,  and  ISO-2022-JP (other EUC-xx
              encodings may also work). The default is ISO-8859-1.

       -f file[:file[:...]] --rcfile file[:file[:...]]
              A colon separated  list  of  configuration  file  names  to  use
              instead    of    the   default   personal   configuration   file
              $HOME/.html2psrc.   Definitions  made  in  one   file   override
              definitions  in  previous  files  (the last file in the list has
              highest  precedence).  An  empty  file  name  (as  in   ’:file’,
              ’file1::file3’,  or ’file:’) will expand to the default personal
              file. The environment variable HTML2PSPATH is  used  to  specify
              the  directories where to search for these files. (Note: this is
              only supposed  to  be  used  on  the  command  line,  not  in  a
              configuration file.)

       -F --frame
              Draw a frame around the text on each page. The default is to not
              draw a frame.

       -g --grayscale
              Convert  colour  images  to  grayscale  images.  Note  that  the
              PostScript file will be smaller when the images are converted to
              grayscale. The default is to generate colour images.

       -h --help
              Show usage information.

       -H --hyphenate
              Hyphenate the text. This requires TeX hyphenation pattern files.

       -i num --scaleimage num
              Scale in-line images with a factor num The default is 1.

       -k file --cookie file
              Enable  cookie  support,  using a netscape formatted cookie file
              (requires libwww-perl).

       -l lang --language lang
              Specifies the language of the document  (overrides  an  eventual
              LANG  attribute  of  the  BODY element).  The language should be
              given according to RFC1766 (
              and ISO 639 (

       -L --landscape
              Generate  code  for  printing  in landscape mode. The default is
              portrait mode.

       -m num --scalemath num
              Scale mathematical formulas with a factor num The default is  1.

       -M num --mainchapter num
              Specifies  the  start number for automatic numbering of headings
              (by setting the seq-number parameter), the default is 1.

       -n --number
              Insert page numbers. The default is to not number the pages.

       -N num --startno num
              Specifies the starting page number, the default is 1.

       -o file --output file
              Write the PostScript code to file.  The default is to  write  to
              standard output.

       -O --original
              Use  PostScript original images if they exist. For example, if a
              document contains  an  image  figure.gif,  and  an  encapsulated
              PostScript  file  named exists in the same directory,
              that file will be use instead. This only work for documents read
              as  local  files.  Note:  if  the  PostScript  file  is large or
              contains bitmap images,  this  must  be  combined  with  the  -D
              option.  In  HTML  4.0 this can be achieved in a much better way

              <OBJECT data="" type="application/postscript">
              <OBJECT data="figure.gif" type="image/gif">
              <PRE>[Maybe some ASCII art for text browsers]</PRE>

       -r path --rootdir path
              When a document is read from a local file, this value  specifies
              a base directory for resolving relative links starting with "/".
              Typically, this should be the directory where your web  server’s
              home page resides.

       -R --xref
              Insert  cross  references  at  every  link  to within the set of
              converted documents.

       -s num --scaledoc num
              Scale the entire document with a factor num The default is 1.

       -S string --style string
              This  option  complements/overrides  definitions  made  in   the
              configuration  files.  The  string must follow the configuration
              file syntax. (Note: this is only supposed  to  be  used  on  the
              command line, not in a configuration file.)

       -t --titlepage
              Generate a title page. The default is to not generate one.

       -T --text
              Text  mode, ignore images. The default is to include the images.

       -u --underline
              Underline text that constitutes a hypertext link. The default is
              to not underline.

       -U --colour
              Produce  colour  output for text and background, when specified.
              The default is black text on white background (mnemonic:  coloUr

       -v --version
              Print information about the current version of html2ps.

       -W string --web string
              Process  a  web of documents by recursively retrieve and convert
              documents that are referenced with hyperlinks. When dealing with
              remote  documents  it  will  of  course  be  necessary to impose
              restrictions, to avoid downloading the entire web...  The  value
              should  be  a  string consisting of one of the letters ’a’, ’b’,
              ’l’, ’r’, or ’s’, optionally combined with a combination of  the
              letters ’p’, ’L’, and a positive integer:

              a      Follow all links.
              b      Follow only links to within the same directory, or below,
                     as the start document.
              l      Follow only links specified with "<LINK rel=NEXT>" in the
              p      Prompt   for   each   remote  document.  This  mode  will
                     automatically be entered after the first 50 documents.
              r      Follow only relative links.
              s      Follow only links to within the same server as the  start
              L      With  this  option,  the order in which the documents are
                     processed will be: first all top  level  documents,  then
                     the  documents  linked to from these etc. For example, if
                     the document A has links to B and C, and B has a link  to
                     D,  the order will be A-B-C-D.  By default, each document
                     will be followed by the first document it links  to  etc;
                     so the default order for the example is A-B-D-C.
              #      A positive integer giving the number of recursive levels.
                     The default is 4 (when the option is present).

       -x num --duplex num
              Generate postscript code for single or  double  sided  printing.
              No default, valid values are:

              0      Single sided.
              1      Double sided.
              2      Double sided, opposite page reversed (tumble mode).


       (This is incomplete.)

       The  CELLSPACING  attribute  of the TABLE element is not implemented as
       described in the specification; instead the value  of  the  CELLPADDING
       attribute is increased by half the value of CELLSPACING.

       Rendering  HTML  tables  well is a non-trivial task. For "real" tables,
       that is representation  of  tabular  data,  html2ps  usually  generates
       reasonably  good  output. When tables are used for layout purposes, the
       result varies from good to useless. This is because  a  table  cell  is
       never  broken across pages. So if a table contains a cell with a lot of
       content, the entire table may have to be scaled down in size  in  order
       to  make this cell fit on a single page. Sometimes this may even result
       in unreadable output.

       Page breaks are occasionally done in bad places: for  example  directly
       after a (long) heading, and before the last line in a paragraph.


              This   variable   specifies   the   directories  to  search  for
              configuration files. It should be  a  colon  separated  list  of
              directory  names. Use a dot ’.’ to denote the current directory.
              An empty directory name (as in ’:dir’, ’dir1::dir3’, or  ’dir:’)
              will expand to the directory where the global configuration file
              is. The default value is  ’.:’,  that  is:  search  the  current
              directory first, and then the global one.


              User configuration file, see html2psrc(5).


       html2psrc(5), perl(1), setlocale(3), strftime(3), weblint(1)


       This manpage describes html2ps version 1.0 beta5.



       Jan Karrman (