Man Linux: Main Page and Category List


       dans-gdal-scripts - A GDAL add-on set of utilities

       · gdal_contrast_stretch  -  Contrast stretch and conversion from 16-bit
         to 8-bit
       · gdal_dem2rgb - Generate hillshaded images from DEMs
       · gdal_raw2geotiff - Convert raw binary files into GeoTIFFs
       · gdal_get_projected_bounds - Project a polygon and return its bounding
       · gdal_trace_outline  -  Trace the outline of an image and generate WKT
         or Shapefile
       · gdal_merge_vrt - Merge individual bands into a single VRT image
       · gdal_merge_simple - Merge individual  bands  into  a  single  GeoTIFF
         image (8-bit only)
       · gdal_landsat_pansharp  -  Pansharpening  -  works  best for Landsat 7
       · gdal_wkt_to_mask - Generate a bitmap of the area covered by a polygon
       · gdal_list_corners  - Prints raster geocode information in YAML format
         (similar to gdalinfo but gives YAML)


       This manual page documents  briefly  the  Dan’s  GDAL  Scripts  set  of
       commands.   You can get a synthetic description of accepted options and
       command line arguments by using -h option with every command.  This set
       of  tools  is  based  on  the GDAL/OGR library and provides some useful
       simple manipulation of geo rasters and satellite data.   Do  not  buggy
       GDAL team for possible issues with this software, this is a contributed
       set of programs.


       gdalinfo(1),    gdal_translate(1),    gdal_contour(1),     gdaladdo(1),
       gdal_grid(1),   gdaltransform(1),   gdalmanage(1),   gdal_rasterize(1),
       gdaltindex(1), gdalenhance(1), gdalwarp(1).


       The dans-gdal-scripts tools were written by Dan Stalke  for  GINA,  the
       Geographic  Information  Network  of  Alaska,  a  working  group of the
       University of Alaska.
       This  manual  page   was   written   by   Francesco   Paolo   Lovergine
       <>,  for  the  Debian  project  (and  may  be used by

                                March 25, 2009