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       Dreadnaut - command line interface to nauty graph isomorphism library



       Dreadnaut   is  interactive,  and  takes  no  command  line  arguments.
       Commands to read and write graphs, and  compute  isomorphisms,  can  be
       given on standard input, either from a script or from the keyboard.  To
       exit, type ^D


       +- a : write automs        v : write degrees    *=# : select invariant:
           b : write canong      w=# : set worksize
        +- c : canonise            x : run nauty         -1 = user-defined
        +- d : digraph or loops  y=# : set tc_level       0 = none
           e : edit graph          z : write hashcode     1 = twopaths
        -f, f=#, f=[...] : set colours                    2 = adjtriang(K=0,1)
           g : read graph        $=# : set origin         3 = triples
         h,H : help               $$ : restore origin     4 = quadruples
           i : refine              ? : type options       5 = celltrips
           I : refine using invar  _ : compl  __ : conv   6 = cellquads
           j : relabel randomly    % : Mathon doubling    7 = cellquins
        k=# # : set invar levels   & : type colouring     8 = distances(K)
         K=# : set invar param    && : + quotient matrix  9 = indsets(K)
         l=# : set line length   >ff : write to file     10 = cliques(K)
        +- m : write markers    >>ff : append to file    11 = cellcliq(K)
         n=# : set order          -> : revert to stdout  12 = cellind(K)
           o : write orbits      <ff : read from file    13 = adjacencies
        +- p : set autom format    @ : save canong       14 = cellfano
           q : quit                # : canong = savedg?  15 = cellfano2
         r,R : relabel/subgraph   ## : + write mapping
         s=# : random g (p=1/#)  "..." : copy comment
         t,T : type graph          ! : ignore line

       Commands for g and e :
           There is always a "current vertex" v, initially first vertex.
           # : add edge v=#       ; : increment v (exit if over limit)
          -# : delete edge v=#   #: : set v := #
           ? : list nbhs of v     . : exit
        Syntax for f :  f=[2 3|4:9|10]  (rest in extra cell at right)
                       -f same as f=[], f=# same as f=[#]
        Syntax for r :  r 2:4 1 5;    (rest appended in order)
        Syntax for R :  R 2:4 1 5;   or  -R 0 3 6:10;
        Arguments for u : 1=node,2=autom,4=level,16=ref (add them)
        Accurate times for easy graphs: M=# selects number of times to run.