PermuteFlipImageOrientationAxes - part of ANTS registration suite
Usage: ./PermuteFlipImageOrientationAxes ImageDimension inputImageFile
outputImageFile xperm yperm {zperm} xflip yflip {zflip}
for 3D:
./PermuteFlipImageOrientationAxes 3 in.nii out.nii 2 0 1 1 1
would map z=>x, x=>y, y=>z and flip each for 2D:
./PermuteFlipImageOrientationAxes 2 in.nii out.nii 1 0 1 0
would map x=>y, y=>x and flip x
0 1 2 for permute factors gives no axis permutation 1 2 0 maps y
to x, z to y and x to z the flip values are boolean - 0 1 0
would flip the y-axis only
The FlipAboutOrigin boolean lets you flip about the coordinate
set in the origin