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       re - programm to conver russian texts between different encodings


       re <infile><outfile><infrmt><outfrmt><f|b|s><u|l|s>


       This  manual  page  was  written  for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
       because the original program does not have a manual page.

       re is a program that converts russian texts between encodings.


       The easiest way to convert some file into readable form  (KOI-8),  just
       type this:

       re <SourceFile> <DestFile> ? K

       where :

       <SourceFile> - unreadable file

       <DestFile>   - resulting file

       ?             -  tells RE that source codepage is unknown and RE should
       analyze the file and determine the source codepage

       K            - tells RE that destination codepage is KOI-8

       Note: If you know, what is source codepage, you may use it  instead  of
       "?"  option. For example, you want to convert letter.txt file which was
       written  in  Win  you  know,  that  this  file  is  in  1251  codepage:

           re letter.txt letter2.txt W K

       Now  examine the letter2.txt - you should see russian symbols in KOI-8.

       Here  is   the   know   codepages   list   and   their   abbreviatures:

           W   - Windows 1251    "_"  - _xxe
           D   - Dos             "%"  - %hex
           K   - KOI-8           "\\" - \’hex
           L   - Latin            G   - Graph_win
           I   - Iso             "<"  - <binhex>
           H   - HEX              +   - +UTF7-
           S   - ShiftKbrd        C   - C_MIC
           M   - Mac              Y   - Y_c16
           A   - AFF              Z   - Z_c32
           O   - Odd(UTF8_1)      F   - F(UTF8_2)
           B   - Base64           P   - Pict
           E   - Express          N   - N_Estl
           T   - T-Html           V   - V_Vpp855
           U   - User             X   - X_sp
           "-" - uue              J   - J_diff

       Other options are: [-v][-E|-R|-N][-e|-s]
            -v - tells what is processing
            -n - don’t tells what is processing (default)
            -E - converts all p,H from Russian to English
            -R - converts all p,H from English to Russian
            -N - lets all p,H Russian or English as in text (default)
            -e - converts all symbols 0x80 - 0xFF
            -s  -  converts  only  64  symbols  of  Russian Alphabet (default)


       This manual page was written by Aigars Mahinovs  <>,
       for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).

                                March 21, 2000