exrmaketiled - for generating tiled and rip/mipmapped images.
exrmaketiled [options] infile outfile
This manual page documents briefly the exrmaketiled command. This
manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the
original program does not have a manual page.
exrmaketiled reads an OpenEXR image from infile, produces a tiled
version of the image, and saves the result in outfile.
-o produces a ONE_LEVEL image (default)
-m produces a MIPMAP_LEVELS multiresolution image
-r produces a RIPMAP_LEVELS multiresolution image
-f c when a MIPMAP_LEVELS or RIPMAP_LEVELS image is produced, image
channel c will be resampled without low-pass filtering. This
option can be specified multiple times to disable low-pass
filtering for mutiple channels.
-t x y sets the tile size in the output image to x by y pixels (default
is 64 by 64)
-d sets level size rounding to ROUND_DOWN (default)
-u sets level size rounding to ROUND_UP
-z x sets the data compression method to x (none/rle/zip/piz/pxr24,
default is zip)
-v verbose mode
-h prints these options
This manual page was written by Andrew Lau
<>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but
may be used by others).
March 31, 2004