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       BibTeX2HTML - A translator of bibliography databases into HTML


       bibtex2html [options] <filename>


       bibtex2html is a translator which reads a bibliography file and outputs
       two HTML documents that contain respectively the cited bibliography  in
       a  nice  presentation,  and  the  original  BibTeX  file augmented with
       several transparent HTML links to allow easy navigation.


   General aspect of the HTML document
       -t string, --title string
              specify the title of the HTML file (default is the file name).

       --header string
              give an additional header for the HTML document.

       --footer string
              give an additional footer for the HTML document.

       -s string, --style string
              use BibTeX style string (plain, alpha, etc.). Default  style  is

       -noabstract, --no-abstract
              do not print the abstracts (if any).

       -nokeywords, --no-keywords
              do not print the keywords (if any).

       -both, --both
              produce  both  pages  with  and without abstracts. If the BibTeX
              file is foo.bib then the two pages will be respectively foo.html
              and  foo_abstracts.html (The suffix may be different, see option
              --suffix). Links are inserted from the page without abstracts to
              the page with abstracts.

       -nokeys, --no-keys
              do not print the cite keys.

       -use-keys, --use-keys
              use  the  cite keys from the BibTeX input file (and not the ones
              generated by the BibTeX style file).

       -rawurl, --raw-url
              print URLs instead of files’ types.

       -heveaurl, --hevea-url
              interpret the macro rl as HeVeA’s one, i.e. with two  arguments,
              the  first  one  being  the  url  and the second one the text to
              print. The default behavior is to interpret the  macro  \url  as
              the  one  from the package url, which has only one argument (the
              url itself).

       -f field, --field field
              add a web link for that BibTeX field.

       -nf field string, --named-field field string
              similar to -f but specifies the way to display  the  link  (e.g.
              -nf springer "At Springer’s").

       -note field, --note field
              declare  that  a  field must be treated like the abstract field,
              i.e. is an annotation to be displayed as a text paragraph  below
              the entry.

       -multiple, --multiple
              make  a  separate  web  page for each entry. Beware: this option
              produces as many HTML files as BibTeX entries!

       -single, --single
              produce a single document,  inserting  each  BibTeX  entry  (the
              input) right after its BibTeX output.

       -bg color, --background color
              set the background color of the HTML file (default is none).

       -css file, --style-sheet file
              set  a style sheet file for the HTML document (default is none).

       -charset c, --charset c
              specify the charset to use in the META  tag  of  generated  html
              files.  The default is the output of the command locale charmap,
              or if this doesn’t work, ISO-8859-1.

       -dl, --dl
              use HTML DL lists instead of HTML tables to format entries.

       -unicode, --unicode
              use Unicode entities for  some  macros,  such  as  &#X22A8;  for
              \models, etc.

       -html-entities, --html-entities
              use  HTML entities for some macros, such as &asymp; for \approx,

   Controlling the translation
       -m file, --macros-from file
              read the LATEX macros in the given file. Note: bibtex2html  does
              not handle macros arguments; arguments are simply discarded.

       -noexpand, --no-expand
              do not expand the abbreviation strings, leave them in the output

   Selecting the entries
       -citefile filename, --citefile filename
              Select only keys appearing in filename. To be used  manually  or
              in conjonction with bib2bib.

       -e key, --exclude key
              exclude an particular entry.

   Sorting the entries
       -d, --sort-by-date
              sort by date.

       -a, --sort-as-bibtex
              sort as BibTeX (usually by author).

       -u, --unsorted
              unsorted i.e. same order as in .bib file (default).

       -r, --reverse-sort
              reverse the sort.

              number  entries  in  reverse  order  (i.e.  from n to 1 in plain

   Miscellaneous options
              do not produce any HTML documents but write to stdout the sorted
              list of BibTeX keys (one key per line).

       -nodoc, --nodoc
              do not produce a full HTML document but only its body (useful to
              merge the HTML bibliography in a bigger HTML document).

       -nobibsource, --nobibsource
              do not produce the _bib.html file. In that case, no BibTeX entry
              links are inserted in the HTML file.

       -suffix string, --suffix string
              give  an  alternate  suffix string for both HTML files and links
              (default is .html).

       -fsuffix string, --file-suffix string
              give an alternate suffix  string  for  HTML  files  (default  is

       -lsuffix string, --link-suffix string
              give  an  alternate  suffix  string  for  HTML links (default is

       -o file, --output file
              specifies the output file. If  file  is  -,  then  the  standard
              output is selected.

       -c command, --command command
              specify   the   BibTeX   command   (default   is   bibtex  -min-
              crossrefs=1000). May be  useful  for  example  if  you  need  to
              specify the full path of the bibtex command.

       -i, --ignore-errors
              ignore BibTeX errors.

       -q, --quiet
              be quiet.

       -w, --warn-error
              stop at the first warning.

       -h, --help
              print a short usage and exit.

       -v, --version
              print the version and exit.

       -noheader, --no-header
              do  not  insert  the  bibtex2html  command  in the HTML document
              (default is to insert it as a comment at the beginning).


       Bibtex2html has been written by Jean-Christophe  Filliatre  and  Claude
       Marche.   This  manpage  has  been  compiled  by  Ralf Treinen from the
       original bibtex2html documentation.



       For complete documentation, please check the bibtex2html manual.  On  a
       Debian  system  the  manual  can be found at /usr/share/doc/bibtex2html
       both in the formats postscript and HTML, or via the Debian help system.
