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       rsbac_jail - put program into RSBAC jail


       rsbac_jail [-vilnrao] {path} {IP} {prog} [args]


       All  Linux  kernels provide the chroot system call to confine a process
       in a subdirectory. Unfortunately, this does not protect the system from
       root  processes,  and  it can be broken out of. The JAIL module extends
       the chroot system call functionality  to  provide  a  superset  of  the
       FreeBSD  jail functionality (except individual kernel level hostnames).

       This program will put the process into a jail with chroot to  path,  ip
       address IP and then execute prog with args.

       See appropriate RSBAC documentation about for JAIL module details.


       -v     verbose program output

       -i     allow access to IPC outside this jail

       -l     allow jailed processes to change their rlimits

       -n     allow all network families, not only UNIX and INET (IPv4)

       -r     allow INET (IPv4) raw sockets (e.g. for ping)

       -a     auto-adjust INET any address to jail address, if set

       -o     additionally allow to/from remote INET (IPv4) address


       Amon Ott <>.