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        c_incl - determine dependencies


        c_incl [ option...  ] filename
        c_incl -Help
        c_incl -VERSion


        The c_incl program is used to traverse source files looking for
        include dependencies suitable for [collect]ion or #include-cooked-ing
        by cook.

        The filename ‘‘-’’ is understood to mean the standard input.  When you
        use this file name, caching is ignored.

        Several input languages are supported, see the options list for


        The following options are understood.

        -C      The source file is a C source file.  It is assumed that it
                will have the dependencies resolved by the cpp(1) command.
                The same include semantics as the cpp(1) command will be
                employed.  This is the default.  This is short-hand for

                This option may be used to specify the language of the source
                file.  Know names include ‘‘C’’, ‘‘M4’’, ‘‘optimistic’’ and

                The ‘‘optimistic’’ language will take on almost anything.  It
                accepts an include keyword in any case, including mixed, with
                leading white space, but at most one leading punctuation
                character.  It assumes that the filename follows the include
                keyword and does not contain white space, and does not start
                or end with punctuation characters (it strips off any it may
                find).  The rest of the line is ignored.  The drawback is that
                it will sometimes recognise commands and other text as
                unintended include directives, hence the name.  This is often
                used to recognise include directives in a wide variety of
                assembler input.

        -Roff   The source file is a *roff source file.  It is assumed that it
                will have the dependencies resolved by the roffpp(1) command.
                The same include semantics as the roffpp(1) command will be
                employed.  This is short-hand for ‘‘--language=roff’’

                Tell what is happening.

                Specify include path, a la cc(1).

                Any directories you specify with -I options before the -I-
                option are searched only for the case of #include "file"; they
                are  not  searched for #include <file>.

                If  additional  directories are specified with -I options
                after  the -I-, these directories are searched for all
                #include directives.  (Ordinarily all -I directories are used
                this way.)

                In addition, the -I- option inhibits the  use  of the current
                directory (where the current input file came from) as the
                first search directory for #include "file".  There is no way
                to override this effect of -I-.  With -I. you can specify
                searching the directory which was current when c_incl was
                invoked.  That is not exactly the same as what the
                preprocessor does by default, but it is often satisfactory.

                The -I- option does not inhibit the use of the standard system
                directories for header files.  Thus, -I- and -No_System are

                This option may be used to allow absolute paths in the output.
                This is usually the default.

                This option may be used to exclude absolute paths from the

                For files included using a #include filename.h directive,
                ignore the file if it cannot be found.

                For files included using a #include filename.h directive,
                print the file name even if the file cannot be found.  This is
                the default (it probably needs to be built).

                For files included using a #include filename.h directive,
                print a fatal error if the file cannot be found.

                For files included with a #include <filename.h> directive,
                ignore the file if it cannot be found.  This is the default
                (it was probably ifdef’ed out).

                For files included with a #include <filename.h> directive,
                print the file name even if the file cannot be found.

                For files included with a #include <filename.h> directive,
                print a fatal error if the file cannot be found.

                If the file named on the command line cannot be found, behave
                as if the file were found, but was empty.

                If the file named on the command line cannot be found, print a
                fatal error message.  This is the default.

                This option may be used to request that newlines in the output
                are escaped with backslash (‘‘\’’) characters.

                Give information on how to use c_incl.

        -EXclude filename
                This option may be used to nominate include file names which
                are not to be used.

                Tell what version of c_incl is being run.

        -Interior_Files filename...
                This option may be used to tell c_incl about include files
                which don’t exist yet.  This is because they are interior to
                the dependency graph, but cook(1) hasn’t finished walking it
                yet.  Often used with Cook’s [interior-files] function.
                (Note: the filename list has an arbitrary number of files; it
                ends at the next option or end-of-line, so you need to be
                careful where you put the input filename.)

                Do not search the /usr/include directory.  By default this is
                searched last.  This option implies the -No_Absolute_Paths
                option, unless explicitly contradicted.

                This option may be used to turn caching on.  This is the

                This option may be used to turn caching off.

        -PREfix string
                This option may be used to print a string before any of the
                filenames are printed.  It will not be printed if no file
                names are printed.

                This option may be used to have c_incl quote filenames.  This
                permits filenames to contain characters which are special to
                Cook, including spaces.

        -SUFfix string
                This option may be used to print a string after all of the
                filenames are printed.  It will not be printed if no file
                names are printed.

        -Output filename
                This option may be used to specify the output file.  Defaults
                to the standard output if not set.

                This option will give a fatal error if a #include
                filename.h directive is used.  This is necessary when you
                are using Cook’s search_list functionality to stitch together
                a baseline and a private work area.

                This option may be used to specify that nested include files
                are to be scanned, so that their includes may also be
                discovered.  This is the default.

                This option may be use to specify that nested include files
                are not to be scanned.  This option is recommended for use
                with the Cook cascade-for recipes.  This option implies
                -No_Cache, unless a -Cache option is specified.

        -Remove_Leading_Path path
                This option may be used to remove path prefixes from the
                included filenames.  May be used more than once.  This is
                necessary when you are using Cook’s search_list functionality
                to stitch together a baseline and a private work area; usually
                as ‘‘[prepost "-rlp=" "" [search_list]]’’

                This option may be used to specify that leading redundant dot
                directories are to be removed from paths before processing.
                This is the default.

                This option may be used to specify that leading redundant dot
                directories need not be removed from paths before processing.
                (Some path flattening may still occur.)

        -Substitute_Leading_Path from to
                This option may be used to modify path prefixes from the
                included filenames.  May be used more than once.  This is
                necessary when you are performing heterogeneous builds in the
                same directory tree.  By using an ‘‘arch’’ variable to hold
                the architecture, and placing each architecture’s objects in a
                separate directory tree, this option may be used as ‘‘-slp
                [arch] "’[arch]’"’’ (The outer quotes protect from Cook, the
                inner quotes protect from the shell.)  If you need more
                intricate editing, used sed(1).

        Any other options will generate an error.

        All options may be abbreviated; the abbreviation is documented as the
        upper case letters, all lower case letters and underscores (_) are
        optional.  You must use consecutive sequences of optional letters.

        All options are case insensitive, you may type them in upper case or
        lower case or a combination of both, case is not important.

        For example: the arguments "-help", "-HEL" and "-h" are all
        interpreted to mean the -Help option.  The argument "-hlp" will not be
        understood, because consecutive optional characters were not supplied.

        Options and other command line arguments may be mixed arbitrarily on
        the command line.

        The GNU long option names are understood.  Since all option names for
        c_incl are long, this means ignoring the extra leading ’-’.  The
        "--option=value" convention is also understood.


        The caching mechanism use by the c_incl program caches the results of
        searching files for include files (in a file called .c_inclrc in the
        current directory).  The cache is only refreshed when a file changes.

        The use of this cache has been shown to dramatically increase the
        performance of the c_incl program.  Typically, only a small
        proportions files in a project change between builds, resulting in a
        very high cache hit rate.

        When using caching, always use the same command line options,
        otherwise weird and wonderful things will happen.

        The .c_inclrc file is a binary file.  If you wish to rebuild the
        cache, simply delete this file with the rm(1) command.  Being a binary
        file, the .c_inclrc file is not portable across machines or operating
        systems, so you will need to delete it when you move your sources.  It
        is a binary file for performance.

        Accesses to the .c_inclrc file use file locking, so recipies using
        c_incl need not use the single-thread clause.


        The c_incl command will exit with a status of 1 on any error.  The
        c_incl command will only exit with a status of 0 if there are no


        c_incl version 2.33
        Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,
        1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
        2008, 2009 Peter Miller

        The c_incl program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use
        the ’c_incl -VERSion License’ command.  This is free software and you
        are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; for details
        use the ’c_incl -VERSion License’ command.


        Peter Miller   E-Mail:
        /\/\*             WWW: