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       Maq - Mapping and Assembly with Qualities


       maq command [options] arguments command [options] arguments


       Maq is a software that builds mapping assemblies from short reads
       generated by the next-generation sequencing machines. It is
       particularly designed for Illumina-Solexa 1G Genetic Analyzer, and has
       a preliminary functionality to handle AB SOLiD data.

       With Maq you can:

       · Fast align Illumina/SOLiD reads to the reference genome. With the
         default options, one million pairs of reads can be mapped to the
         human genome in about 10 CPU hours with less than 1G memory.

       · Accurately measure the error probability of the alignment of each
         individual read.

       · Call the consensus genotypes, including homozygous and heterozygous
         polymorphisms, with a Phred probabilistic quality assigned to each

       · Find short indels with paired end reads.

       · Accurately find large scale genomic deletions and translocations with
         paired end reads.

       · Discover potential CNVs by checking read depth.

       · Evaluate the accuracy of raw base qualities from sequencers and help
         to check the systematic errors.

       However, Maq can NOT:

       · Do de novo assembly. (Maq can only call the consensus by mapping
         reads to a known reference.)

       · Map shorts reads against themselves. (Maq can only find complete
         overlap between reads.)

       · Align capillary reads or 454 reads to the reference. (Maq cannot
         align reads longer than 63bp.)


       Key Commands

       fasta2bfa  maq fasta2bfa in.ref.fasta out.ref.bfa

                  Convert sequences in FASTA format to Maq’s BFA (binary
                  FASTA) format.

       fastq2bfq  maq fastq2bfq [-n nreads]

                  Convert reads in FASTQ format to Maq’s BFQ (binary FASTQ)


                  -n INT   number of reads per file [not specified]

       map        maq map [-n nmis] [-a maxins] [-c] [-1 len1] [-2 len2] [-d
                  adap3] [-m mutrate] [-u unmapped] [-e maxerr] [-M c│g] [-N]
                  [-H allhits] [-C maxhits] in.ref.bfa
                  in.read1.bfq [in.read2.bfq] 2>

                  Map reads to the reference sequences.


                  -n INT   Number of maximum mismatches that can always be
                           found [2]

                  -a INT   Maximum outer distance for a correct read pair

                  -A INT   Maximum outer distance of two RF paied read (0 for
                           disable) [0]

                  -c       Map reads in the colour space (for SOLiD only)

                  -1 INT   Read length for the first read, 0 for auto [0]

                  -2 INT   Read length for the second read, 0 for auto [0]

                  -m FLOAT Mutation rate between the reference sequences and
                           the reads [0.001]

                  -d FILE  Specify a file containing a single line of the
                           3’-adapter sequence [null]

                  -u FILE  Dump unmapped reads and reads containing more than
                           nmis mismatches to a separate file [null]

                  -e INT   Threshold on the sum of mismatching base qualities

                  -H FILE  Dump multiple/all 01-mismatch hits to FILE [null]

                  -C INT   Maximum number of hits to output. Unlimited if
                           larger than 512. [250]

                  -M c│g   methylation alignment mode. All C (or G) on the
                           forward strand will be changed to T (or A). This
                           option is for testing only.

                  -N       store the mismatch position in the output file
                  When this option is in use, the
                           maximum allowed read length is 55bp.


                  * Paired end reads should be prepared in two files, one for
                    each end, with reads are sorted in the same order. This
                    means the k-th read in the first file is mated with the
                    k-th read in the second file. The corresponding read names
                    must be identical up to the tailing ‘/1’ or ‘/2’. For
                    example, such a pair of read names are allowed:
                    ‘EAS1_1_5_100_200/1’ and ‘EAS1_1_5_100_200/2’. The tailing
                    ‘/[12]’ is usually generated by the GAPipeline to
                    distinguish the two ends in a pair.

                  * The output is a compressed binary file. It is affected by
                    the endianness.

                  * The best way to run this command is to provide about 1 to
                    3 million reads as input. More reads consume more memory.

                  * Option -n controls the sensitivity of the alignment. By
                    default, a hit with up to 2 mismatches can be always
                    found. Higher -n finds more hits and also improves the
                    accuracy of mapping qualities. However, this is done at
                    the cost of speed.

                  * Alignments with many high-quality mismatches should be
                    discarded as false alignments or possible contaminations.
                    This behaviour is controlled by option -e. The -e
                    threshold is only calculated approximately because base
                    qualities are divided by 10 at a certain stage of the
                    alignment. The -Q option in the assemble command precisely
                    set the threshold.

                  * A pair of reads are said to be correctly paired if and
                    only if the orientation is FR and the outer distance of
                    the pair is no larger than maxins. There is no limit on
                    the minimum insert size. This setting is determined by the
                    paired end alignment algorithm used in Maq. Requiring a
                    minimum insert size will lead to some wrong alignments
                    with highly overestimated mapping qualities.

                  * Currently, read pairs from Illumina/Solexa long-insert
                    library have RF read orientation. The maximum insert size
                    is set by option -A. However, long-insert library is also
                    mixed with a small fraction of short-insert read pairs. -a
                    should also be set correctly.

                  * Sometimes 5’-end or even the entire 3’-adapter sequence
                    may be sequenced. Providing -d renders Maq to eliminate
                    the adapter contaminations.

                  * Given 2 million reads as input, maq usually takes 800MB

       mapmerge   maq mapmerge [...]

                  Merge a batch of read alignments together.


                  * In theory, this command can merge unlimited number of
                    alignments. However, as mapmerge will be reading all the
                    inputs at the same time, it may hit the limit of the
                    maximum number of opening files set by the OS. At present,
                    this has to be manually solved by endusers.

                  * Command mapmerge can be used to merge alignment files with
                    different read lengths. All the subsequent analyses do not
                    assume fixed length any more.

       rmdup      maq rmdup

                  Remove pairs with identical outer coordinates. In principle,
                  pairs with identical outer coordinates should happen rarely.
                  However, due to the amplification in sample preparation,
                  this occurs much more frequently than by chance. Practical
                  analyses show that removing duplicates helps to improve the
                  overall accuracy of SNP calling.

       assemble   maq assemble [-sp] [-m maxmis] [-Q maxerr] [-r hetrate] [-t
                  coef] [-q minQ] [-N nHap] out.cns in.ref.bfa 2>

                  Call the consensus sequences from read mapping.


                  -t FLOAT Error dependency coefficient [0.93]

                  -r FLOAT Fraction of heterozygotes among all sites [0.001]

                  -s       Take single end mapping quality as the final
                           mapping quality; otherwise paired end mapping
                           quality will be used

                  -p       Discard paired end reads that are not mapped in
                           correct pairs

                  -m INT   Maximum number of mismatches allowed for a read to
                           be used in consensus calling [7]

                  -Q INT   Maximum allowed sum of quality values of mismatched
                           bases [60]

                  -q INT   Minimum mapping quality allowed for a read to be
                           used in consensus calling [0]

                  -N INT   Number of haplotypes in the pool (>=2) [2]


                  * Option -Q sets a limit on the maximum sum of mismatching
                    base qualities. Reads containing many high-quality
                    mismatches should be discarded.

                  * Option -N sets the number of haplotypes in a pool. It is
                    designed for resequencing of samples by pooling multiple
                    strains/individuals together. For diploid genome
                    resequencing, this option equals 2.

       glfgen     maq glfgen [-sp] [-m maxmis] [-Q maxerr] [-r hetrate] [-t
                  coef] [-q minQ] [-N nHap] out.cns in.ref.bfa 2>

                  Calculate log-likelihood for all genotypes and store the
                  results in GLF format (Genotyping Likelihood Format). Please
                  check MAQ website for detailed descriptions of the file
                  format and the related utilities.

       indelpe    maq indelpe in.ref.bfa > out.indelpe

                  Call consistent indels from paired end reads. The output is
                  TAB delimited with each line consisting of chromosome, start
                  position, type of the indel, number of reads across the
                  indel, size of the indel and inserted/deleted nucleotides
                  (separated by colon), number of indels on the reverse
                  strand, number of indels on the forward strand, 5’ sequence
                  ahead of the indel, 3’ sequence following the indel, number
                  of reads aligned without indels and three additional columns
                  for filters.

                  At the 3rd column, type of the indel, a star indicates the
                  indel is confirmed by reads from both strands, a plus means
                  the indel is hit by at least two reads but from the same
                  strand, a minus shows the indel is only found on one read,
                  and a dot means the indel is too close to another indel and
                  is filtered out.

                  Users are recommended to run through ‘ indelpe’ to
                  correct the number of reads mapped without indels. For more
                  details, see the ‘ indelpe’ section.

       indelsoa   maq indelsoa in.ref.bfa > out.indelsoa

                  Call potential homozygous indels and break points by
                  detecting the abnormal alignment pattern around indels and
                  break points. The output is also TAB delimited with each
                  line consisting of chromosome, approximate coordinate,
                  length of the abnormal region, number of reads mapped across
                  the position, number of reads on the left-hand side of the
                  position and number of reads on the right-hand side. The
                  last column can be ignored.

                  The output contains many false positives. A recommended
                  filter could be:

                    awk ’$5+$6-$4 >= 3 && $4 <= 1’ in.indelsoa

                  Note that this command does not aim to be an accurate indel
                  detector, but mainly helps to avoid some false positives in
                  substitution calling. In addition, it only works well given
                  deep depth (~40X for example); otherwise the false negative
                  rate would be very high.

       Format Converting

       sol2sanger maq sol2sanger in.sol.fastq out.sanger.fastq

                  Convert Solexa FASTQ to standard/Sanger FASTQ format.

       bfq2fastq  maq bfq2fastq

                  Convert Maq’s BFQ format to standard FASTQ format.

       mapass2maq maq mapass2maq

                  Convert obsolete mapass2’s map format to Maq’s map format.
                  The old format does not contain read names.

       Information Extracting

       mapview    maq mapview [-bN] > out.aln.txt

                  Display the read alignment in plain text. For reads aligned
                  before the Smith-Waterman alignment, each line consists of
                  read name, chromosome, position, strand, insert size from
                  the outer coorniates of a pair, paired flag, mapping
                  quality, single-end mapping quality, alternative mapping
                  quality, number of mismatches of the best hit, sum of
                  qualities of mismatched bases of the best hit, number of
                  0-mismatch hits of the first 24bp, number of 1-mismatch hits
                  of the first 24bp on the reference, length of the read, read
                  sequence and its quality.  Alternative mapping quality
                  always equals to mapping quality if the reads are not
                  paired. If reads are paired, it equals to the smaller
                  mapping quality of the two ends. This alternative mapping
                  quality is actually the mapping quality of an abnormal pair.

                  The fifth column, paired flag, is a bitwise flag. Its lower
                  4 bits give the orientation: 1 stands for FF, 2 for FR, 4
                  for RF, and 8 for RR, where FR means that the read with
                  smaller coordinate is on the forward strand, and its mate is
                  on the reverse strand. Only FR is allowed for a correct
                  pair. The higher bits of this flag give further information.
                  If the pair meets the paired end requirement, 16 will be
                  set. If the two reads are mapped to different chromosomes,
                  32 will be set. If one of the two reads cannot be mapped at
                  all, 64 will be set. The flag for a correct pair always
                  equals to 18.

                  For reads aligned by the Smith-Waterman alignment
                  afterwards, the flag is always 130. A line consists of read
                  name, chromosome, position, strand, insert size, flag
                  (always 130), position of the indel on the read (0 if no
                  indel), length of the indels (positive for insertions and
                  negative for deletions), mapping quality of its mate, number
                  of mismatches of the best hit, sum of qualities of
                  mismatched bases of the best hit, two zeros, length of the
                  read, read sequence and its quality. The mate of a
                  130-flagged read always gets a flag 18.

                  Flag 192 indicates that the read is not mapped but its mate
                  is mapped. For such a read pair, one read has flag 64 and
                  the other has 192.


                  -b       do not display the read sequence and the quality

                  -N       display the positions where mismatches occur. This
                           flag only works with a .map file generated by ‘maq
                           map -N’.

       mapcheck   maq mapcheck [-s] [-m maxmis] [-q minQ] in.ref.bfa
         > out.mapcheck

                  Read quality check. The mapcheck first reports the
                  composition and the depth of the reference. After that there
                  is a form. The first column indicates the position on a
                  read. Following four columns which show the nucleotide
                  composition, substitution rates between the reference and
                  reads will be given. These rates and the numbers in the
                  following columns are scaled to 999 and rounded to nearest
                  integer. The next group of columns show the distribution of
                  base qualities along the reads at a quality interval of 10.
                  A decay in quality can usually be observed, which means
                  bases at the end of read are less accurate. The last group
                  of columns present the fraction of substitutions for read
                  bases at a quality interval. This measures the accuracy of
                  base quality estimation. Idealy, we expect to see 1 in the
                  3? column, 10 in the 2?  column and 100 in the 1? column.


                  -s       Take single end mapping quality as the final
                           mapping quality

                  -m INT   Maximum number of mismatahces allowed for a read to
                           be counted [4]

                  -q INT   Minimum mapping quality allowed for a read to be
                           counted [30]

       pileup     maq pileup [-spvP] [-m maxmis] [-Q maxerr] [-q minQ] [-l
                  sitefile] in.ref.bfa > out.pileup

                  Display the alignment in a ‘pileup’ text format. Each line
                  consists of chromosome, position, reference base, depth and
                  the bases on reads that cover this position. If -v is added
                  on the command line, base qualities and mapping qualities
                  will be presented in the sixth and seventh columns in order.

                  The fifth column always starts with ‘@’. In this column,
                  read bases identical to the reference are showed in comma
                  ‘,’ or dot ‘.’, and read bases different from the reference
                  in letters. A comma or a upper case indicates that the base
                  comes from a read aligned on the forward strand, while a dot
                  or a lower case on the reverse strand.

                  This command is for users who want to develop their own SNP


                  -s       Take single end mapping quality as the final
                           mapping quality

                  -p       Discard paired end reads that are not mapped as
                           correct pairs

                  -v       Output verbose information including base qualities
                           and mapping qualities

                  -m INT   Maximum number of mismatches allowed for a read to
                           be used [7]

                  -Q INT   Maximum allowed number of quality values of
                           mismatches [60]

                  -q INT   Minimum mapping quality allowed for a read to be
                           used [0]

                  -l FILE  File containing the sites at which pileup will be
                           printed out. In this file the first column gives
                           the names of the reference and the second the
                           coordinates. Additional columns will be ignored.

                  -P       also output the base position on the read

       cns2fq     maq cns2fq [-Q minMapQ] [-n minNeiQ] [-d minDepth] [-D
                  maxDepth] in.cns > out.cns.fastq

                  Extract the consensus sequences in FASTQ format. In the
                  sequence lines, bases in lower case are essentially repeats
                  or do not have sufficient coverage; bases in upper case
                  indicate regions where SNPs can be reliably called. In the
                  quality lines, ASCII of a character minus 33 gives the PHRED


                  -Q INT   Minimum mapping quality [40]

                  -d INT   Minimum read depth [3]

                  -n INT   Minimum neighbouring quality [20]

                  -D INT   Maximum read dpeth. >=255 for unlimited. [255]

       cns2snp    maq cns2snp in.cns > out.snp

                  Extract SNP sites. Each line consists of chromosome,
                  position, reference base, consensus base, Phred-like
                  consensus quality, read depth, the average number of hits of
                  reads covering this position, the highest mapping quality of
                  the reads covering the position, the minimum consensus
                  quality in the 3bp flanking regions at each side of the site
                  (6bp in total), the second best call, log likelihood ratio
                  of the second best and the third best call, and the third
                  best call.

                  The 5th column is the key criterion when you judge the
                  reliability of a SNP. However, as this quality is only
                  calculated assuming site independency, you should also
                  consider other columns to get more accurate SNP calls.
                  Script command ‘ SNPfilter’ is designed for this (see

                  The 7th column implies whether the site falls in a
                  repetitive region. If no read covering the site can be
                  mapped with high mapping quality, the flanking region is
                  possibly repetitive or in the lack of good reads. A SNP at
                  such site is usually not reliable.

                  The 8th column roughly gives the copy number of the flanking
                  region in the reference genome. In most cases, this number
                  approaches 1.00, which means the region is about unique.
                  Sometimes you may see non-zero read depth but 0.00 at the
                  7th column. This indicates that all the reads covering the
                  position have at least two mismatches. Maq only counts the
                  number of 0- and 1-mismatch hits to the reference. This is
                  due to a complex technical issue.

                  The 9th column gives the neighbouring quality. Filtering on
                  this column is also required to get reliable SNPs. This idea
                  is inspired by NQS, although NQS is initially designed for a
                  single read instead of a consensus.

       cns2view   maq cns2view in.cns > out.view

                  Show detailed information at all sites. The output format is
                  identical to cns2snp report.

       cns2ref    maq cns2ref in.cns > out.ref.fasta

                  Extract the reference sequence.

       cns2win    maq cns2win [-w winsize] [-c chr] [-b begin] [-e end] [-q
                  minQ] in.cns >

                  Extract information averaged in a tilling window. The output
                  is TAB delimited, which consists of reference name,
                  coordinate divided by 1,000,000, SNP rate, het rate, raw
                  read depth, read depth in approximately unique regions, the
                  average number of hits of reads in the window and percent


                  -w INT   Size of a window [1000]

                  -c STR   Destinated reference sequence; otherwise all
                           references will be used [null]

                  -b INT   Start position, 0 for no constraint [0]

                  -e INT   End position, 0 for no constraint [0]

                  -q INT   Minimum consensus quality of the sites to be used

       Simulation Related

       fakemut    maq fakemut [-r mutrate] [-R indelfrac] in.ref.fasta >
                  out.fakeref.fasta 2> out.fake.snp

                  Randomly introduce substitutions and indels to the
                  reference. Substitutions and sinlge base-pair indels can be


                  -r FLOAT  Mutation rate [0.001]

                  -R FLOAT  Fraction of mutations to be indels [0.1]

       simutrain  maq simutrain out.simupars.dat

                  Estimate/train parameters for read simulation.

       simulate   maq simulate [-d insize] [-s stdev] [-N nReads] [-1
                  readLen1] [-2 readLen2] [-r mutRate] [-R indelFrac] [-h]
                  out.read1.fastq out.read2.fastq in.ref.fasta in.simupars.dat

                  Simulate paired end reads. File in.simupars.dat determines
                  the read lengths and quality distribution. It is generated
                  from simutrain, or can be downloaded from Maq website. In
                  the output read files, a read name consists of the reference
                  sequence name and the outer coordinates of the pair of
                  simulated reads. By default, simulate assumes reads come
                  from a diploid sequence which is generated by adding two
                  different sets of mutations, including one base-pair indels,
                  to in.ref.fasta.


                  -d INT   mean of the outer distance of insert sizes [170]

                  -s INT   standard deviation of insert sizes [20]

                  -N INT   number of pairs of reads to be generated [1000000]

                  -1 INT   length of the first read [set by in.simupars.dat]

                  -2 INT   length of the second read [set by in.simupars.dat]

                  -r FLOAT mutation rate [0.001]

                  -R FLOAT fraction of 1bp indels [0.1]

                  -h       add all mutations to in.ref.fasta and generate
                           reads from the single mutated sequence (haploid


                  * Reads generated from this command are independent, which
                    deviates from the truth. Whereas alignment evaluation is
                    less affected by this, evaluation on SNP calling should be
                    performed with caution. Error dependency may be one of the
                    major causes of wrong SNP calls.

       simustat   maq simustat > out.simustat

                  Evaluate mapping qualities from simulated reads.

       SOLiD Related

       fasta2csfa maq fasta2csfa in.nucl-ref.fasta > out.colour-ref.fasta

                  Convert nucleotide FASTA to colour-coded FASTA. Flag -c
                  should be then applied to map command. In the output, letter
                  ‘A’ stands for color 0, ‘C’ for 1, ‘G’ for 2 and ‘T’ for 3.
                  Each sequence in the output is 1bp shorter than the input.

       csmap2nt   maq csmap2nt in.ref.nt.bfa

                  Convert color alignment to nucleotide alignment. The input
                  in.ref.nt.bfa is the nucleotide binary FASTA reference file.
                  It must correspond to the original file from which the color
                  reference is converted. Nucleotide consensus can be called
                  from the resultant alignment.

       Miscellaneous/Advanced Commands

       submap     maq submap [-q minMapQ] [-Q maxSumErr] [-m maxMM] [-p]

                  Filter bad alignments in Command-line options are
                  described in the ‘assemble’ command.

       eland2maq  maq eland2maq [-q defqual] in.list in.eland

                  Convert eland alignment to maq’s .map format. File in.list
                  consists of the sequence names that appear at the seventh
                  column of the eland alignment file in.eland and the name you
                  expect to see in maq alignment. The following is an example:

                    cX.fa chrX
                    c1.fa chr1
                    c2.fa chr2

                  If you are aligning reads in several batches using eland, it
                  is important to use the same in.list for the conversion. In
                  addition, maq will load all the alignments and sort them in
                  the memory. If you have concatenate several eland outputs
                  into one huge file, you should separate it into smaller
                  files to prevent maq from eating all your machine memory.

                  This command actually aims to show Eland alignment in
                  Maqview. As no quality information is available, the
                  resultant maq alignment file should not be used to call
                  consensus genotypes.

       export2maq maq export2maq [-1 read1len] [-2 read2len] [-a maxdist] [-n]
         in.list in.export

                  Convert Illumina’s Export format to Maq’s .map format.
                  Export format is a new alignment format since
                  SolexaPipeline-0.3.0 which also calculates mapping qualities
                  like maq. The resultant file can be used to call consensus
                  genotypes as most of necessary information is available for
                  maq to do this accurately.


                  -1 INT   Length of the first read [0]

                  -2 INT   Length of the second read [0]

                  -a INT   Maximum outer distance for a correct read pair

                  -n       Retain filtered reads


       demo demo [-h] [-s] [-N nPairs] [-d outDir] in.fasta

                  Demonstrate the use of maq and its companion scripts. This
                  command will simulate reads from a FASTA file in.fasta. The
                  sequence length and qualities are determined by in.simudat
                  which is generated from maq simutrain or can be downloaded
                  from Maq website. The simulated reads will then be mapped
                  with easyrun. The alignment accuracy is evaluated by
                  maq simustat, the consensus accuracy by maq simucns, and the
                  SNP accuracy by

                  By default, paired end reads will be simulated and a diploid
                  sequence will be generated from the input by adding
                  mutations to either haploid type. The insert size and
                  mutation rate are controlled by maq simulate.


                  -h       simulate a haploid sequence instead of a diploid

                  -s       use single-end mode to align reads instead of
                           paired-end mode

                  -N INT   number of pairs of reads to be simulated [1000000]

                  -d DIR   output directory [maqdemo]


                  * The output files from have not been
                    documented, but you may make a good guess at some of these

                  * This command just demonstrates the use of the maq suite.
                    The accuracy on real data is almost always lower than what
                    you see from pure simulation.

       easyrun easyrun [-1 read1Len] [-d out.dir] [-n nReads] [-A
                  3adapter] [-e minDep] [-q minCnsQ] [-p] [-2 read2Len] [-a
                  maxIns] [-S] [-N] in.ref.fasta in1.fastq [in2.fastq]

                  Analyses pipeline for small genomes. Easyrun command will
                  run most of analyses implemented in maq. By default, easyrun
                  assumes all the input read sequences files are single-end
                  and independent; when -p is specified, two read sequence
                  files are required, one for each end.

                  Several files will be generated in out.dir, among which the
                  following files are the key output:

           final SNP calls with low quality ones
                                  filtered out

                  cns.fq          consensus sequences and qualities in the
                                  FASTQ format


                  -d DIR   output directory [easyrun]

                  -n INT   number of reads/pairs in one batch of alignment

                  -S       apply split-read analysis of short indels (maybe
                           very slow)

                  -N INT   number of haplotypes/strains in the pool (>=2) [2]

                  -A FILE  file for 3’-adapter. The file should contain a
                           single line of sequence [null]

                  -1 INT   length of the first read, 0 for auto [0]

                  -e INT   minimum read depth required to call a SNP (for
                           SNPfilter) [3]

                  -q INT   minimum consensus quality for SNPs in

                  -p       switch to paired end alignment mode

                  -2 INT   length of the second read when -p is applied [0]

                  -a INT   maximum insert size when -p is applied [250]


                  * For SNP calling on pooled samples, users should set
                    correct ‘-N’ as well as ‘-E 0’.

                  * The input file can be maq’s binary format. will
                    automatically detect the file format.

       SNPfilter SNPfilter [-d minDep] [-D maxDep] [-Q maxMapQ] [-q
                  minCnsQ] [-w indelWinSize] [-n minNeiQ] [-F in.indelpe] [-f
                  in.indelsoa] [-s minScore] [-m maxAcross] [-a] [-N
                  maxWinSNP] [-W densWinSize] in.cns2snp.snp >

                  Rule out SNPs that are covered by few reads (specified by
                  -d), by too many reads (specified by -D), near (specified by
                  -w) to a potential indel, falling in a possible repetitve
                  region (characterized by -Q), or having low-quality
                  neighbouring bases (specified by -n). If maxWinSNP or more
                  SNPs appear in any densWinSize window, they will also be
                  filtered out together.


                  -d INT    Minimum read depth required to call a SNP [3]

                  -D INT    Maximum read depth required to call a SNP (<255,
                            otherwise ignored) [256]

                  -Q INT    Required maximum mapping quality of reads covering
                            the SNP [40]

                  -q INT    Minimum consensus quality [20]

                  -n INT    Minimum adjacent consensus quality [20]

                  -w INT    Size of the window around the potential indels.
                            SNPs that are close to indels will be suppressed

                  -F FILE   The indelpe output [null]

                  -f FILE   The indelsoa output [null]

                  -s INT    Minimum score for a soa-indel to be considered [3]

                  -m INT    Maximum number of reads that can be mapped across
                            a soa-indel [1]

                  -a        Alternative filter for single end alignment

       indelpe indelpe in.indelpe > out.indelpe

                  Correct the number of reads mapped without indels for
                  homopolymer tracts. This command modify the 4th, 10th and
                  the last three columns of in.indelpe and output the result
                  in out.indelpe. After the correction, the following awk
                  command gives putative homozygous indels:

                    awk ’($3=="*"││$3=="+") && $6+$7>=3 && ($6+$7)/$4>=0.75’

                  and the following gives heterozygotes:

                    awk ’($3=="*"││$3=="+") && $6+$7>=3 && ($6+$7)/$4<0.75’

                  Please note that this indelpe command just implements
                  several heuristic rules. It does not correct for impure
                  homopolymer runs or di-nucleotide/triplet repeats.
                  Consequently, the two awk commands only give approximate
                  hom/het indels.


       · Easyrun script:
  easyrun -d easyrun ref.fasta part1.fastq part2.fastq

       · Key commands behind easyrun:
           maq fasta2bfa ref.fasta ref.bfa;
           maq fastq2bfq part1.fastq part1.bfq;
           maq fastq2bfq part2.fastq part2.bfq;
           maq map ref.bfa part1.bfq;
           maq map ref.bfa part2.bfq;
           maq mapmerge;
           maq assemble cns.cns ref.bfa;


       GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3)




       Heng Li <>