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       fkiss - Freely enjoy childlike KISS, French-KISS!


       fkiss [option...] [file.lzh...] [file.cnf]


       French-KISS!   (fkiss) is a sample implementation of KISekae Set system
       (KISS) for X Window System.  KISS is a paper doll  playing  system  for
       fkiss reads file.cnf (KISS configuration file), and reads the color and
       cell files described in it.  If file.lzh (LHa  archive)  is  specified,
       fkiss  calls  lha  to extract the archive and searches for *.cnf in the
       archive.  One of file.cnf or file.lha must be specified.


       -display name
              Display connection.

       -geometry geom
              Window geometry.

       -debug Print debug informations to stderr.

              Silent mode.  Warning messages are not  displayed.   Sounds  are
              not played.

              Verbose mode.

       -font font
              Use a font named font to print menu strings etc.

       -font8 font
              Use  a  font  named  font  to print comment strings.  By default
              "rk16" or "8x16" is used.

       -font16 font
              Use a font named font to print  Japanese  comment  strings.   By
              default "kanji16" or "k14" is used.

       -fg color
              Foreground color.

       -bg color
              Background color.

       -bw width
              Border width.

       -cursor n
              Cursor font control.
              0      (no control)
              1      hand   (null)
              2      undef  grip
              3      hand   grip    (*default)

       -s     Same as -cursor 1.

       -fixed n
              Do  not  move a object its fix value is more than or equal to n.
              If not specified, use maximum value described  in  configuration

              Unlimited scroll.

       -gray  Convert RGB value to Gray scale brightness level.  (On GrayScale
              visual class server, This option is turned on automatically)

       -test  Automatically display all set, and print  cell  informations  to

       -t     Execute  time command with arguments "fkiss -test ..." to report
              running time.  "fkiss -t kissmars.lzh" is same  as  "time  fkiss
              -test kissmars.lzh".

              Disable sound function. (same as -sound 0)

       -sound n
              Select sound handling mode.
              0      Disable sound function.
              1      Use internal sound routine (cf. sound.c).
              2      Execute "play" command to play sound.

       -soundcache n[k|m]
              Change  sound  data cache buffer size limit n (kilo|mega) bytes.
              By default, 256 kilobytes limit.

       -p     Use private color cells.

              Disable to make new colormap.

       -k keyword
              Decode encrypted lzh archives (suffix .hes) with keyword.

       -randseed n
              Use n for randomize seed.  If this option is not specified,  use
              current time.

              Disable fkiss event extension.

              Enable  to execute shell command described in KISS configuration
              file.  Take care, this funciton makes a SECURITY HOLE!

       -wkiss Emulate WKISS bug.

       -transparency n
              Set pseudo transparency mode.
              0      Disable pseudo transparency functions.
              1      Static dithered pseudo transparency mode.
              2      Under construnction. Buggy.

       -comment n
              Set cell comment display mode.
              0      Not display cell comment.
              1      Display pointed cell comment.
              2      Display all cell comment pointed object.

              Display cell comment with cnf line number.

       -button1 n
              Assign function n to mouse button1 (left).
              0      No operation.
              1      Object catch, move and drop.
              2      Iconify window.
              3      Display cell comment.

       -button2 n
              Assign function n to mouse button2 (center).

       -button3 n
              Assign function n to mouse button3 (right).

       -document document_browse_command
              Execute document_browse_command to browse document.  By default,
              execute  DOC_COMMAND  defined  in fkiss.c.  (Initial DOC_COMMAND
              defined  "xemacs")  If  the  character  %  is   not   found   in
              DOC_COMMAND,  Append  "  %P" string.  If the character at end of
              DOC_COMMAND is not &, Append & character.  Following  parameters
              in document_browse_command substitute.
              %A      directory
              %P      pathnames
              %F      filenames
              -document "(cd %A; more %F) &"
              "(cd /tmp/fkiss123; more litks09.doc readme.txt) &"
              -document "(emacs %P) &"
              "(emacs /tmp/fkiss123/litks09.doc /tmp/fkiss123/readme.txt) &"

       -suffix .foo
              Add suffix .foo into document suffix list.

       -nosuffix .foo
              Delete suffix .foo from document suffix list.

       -autoadjust n
              Automatic  object  position adjustment range n pixels.  4 pixels
              by  default.   "-autoadjust  0"  to  disable  automatic   object
              position adjustment.

              Suppress CEL and Sound file case-ignore warnings.

       -maxaction n
              Change maximum number of actions per event.  Default 256.

       -maxtimer n
              Change maximum number of timers.  Default 256.

       -maxevent n
              Change maximum number of events.  Default 256.

       -maxsoundfile n
              Change maximum number of sound files.  Default 256.

       -alpha n
              Change  alpha  channel  tranparency  level.  Add n to each pixel
              alpha level (0..255).
              -255      All pixels transparent.
              +255      Not transparent.

       -esd host
              Change EsounD server host.  Default Localhost.

       -noesd Not use EsounD, use /dev/dsp.

       -midiplayer program
              Set external MIDI player program.   Default  "/usr/bin/midiplay"
               "/usr/bin/playmidi" or
               "/usr/local/bin/timidity -idq".


              Catch  the  object  which  is  pointed.   If no objects or fixed
              object is pointed, scroll the image with moving mouse.

              Iconify window.

              Display cell comment.

       -      Previous set.

       =      Next set.

       [      Previous color group.

       ]      Next color group.

       Space  Toggle upper/lower menu bar.

       Escape Iconify window.

              Save cnf file.  Original cnf file is renamed *.cnf~.

       q      Quit.

              Unmap the cell which is pointed.  And register it for ’v’ toggle
              For KISS data creaters ONLY.  Others must NOT use this function.

       v      Toggle  mapping/unmapping  the  cell  which   is   unmapped   by
              Contol-Button1.   Don’t  forget  mapping  it  again  before next

       d      Browse document files (*.doc *.txt  *.hed).   Initial  settings,
              use xemacs program.

       r      Revert  position  of  all objects in current set to initial.  If
              fkiss event extension is detected, this function is disabled.


       *.cnf  KISS configuration file

       *.kcf  KISS color file

       *.cel  KISS cell file

       *.lzh  LHa archive file

       lha    LHa archiver

              temporary directory to extract files

              rc file for fkiss.

              startup sound file

       play   command for playing sound file


       fkiss conforms to KISS/GS2, KISS/GS4 (draft).  See kissgs.doc - KISS/GS
       (KISS General Specification) Manual.


       Cannot  enjoy colorful dresses on GrayScale and StaticGray visual class
       TrueColor or DirectColor visual class server  is  required  to  display
       True-colored CEL data.
       Transrucent image operation is emulated with dither stipple pattern.
       Does not work with Network Audio System.
       Xdefaults settings are ignored.




       French-KISS! and this manual page are free software, licensed under the
       GNU GPL.
       The original version by yav is  at  "".
       The  version  in  Debian  has  been  substantially  modified to keep it
       functioning half-decently, since yav seems to have stopped development;
       please file bug reports with Debian.


       yav <>
       Large portions of the manpage rewritten by Nathanael Nerode.

                               Tue Nov 12, 2001                       fkiss(1)