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       nmcli - command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager


       nmcli  [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }

       OBJECT := { nm | con | dev }

       OPTIONS := {
       -m[mode] tabular | multiline
       -f[ields] <field1,field2,...> | all | common
       -e[scape] yes | no


       nmcli is a command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager and getting
       its status.  It is not meant as a replacement of nm-applet or other
       similar clients.  Rather it's a complementary utility to these
       programs.  The main nmcli's usage is on servers, headless machines or
       just for power users who prefer the command line.

       The use cases comprise:

       --  Initscripts: ifup/ifdown can utilize NetworkManager via nmcli
           instead of having to manage connections itself and possible
           interfere with NetworkManager.

       --  Servers, headless machines: No GUI is available; then nmcli is used
           to talk directly to NetworkManager and control only system-wide

       --  User sessions: For this case, nmcli can talk to nm-applet to find
           user connections.  It can still talk directly to NetworkManager for
           manipulating these connections.  As nmcli doesn't have direct
           access to user configuration data in GConf, nm-applet handles that
           itself.  That may, for example, cause the applet to pop up keyring
           dialogs when secrets are needed.

       -t, --terse
              Output is terse.  This mode is designed and suitable for
              computer (script) processing.

       -p, --pretty
              Output is pretty.  This causes nmcli to produce easy readable
              outputs for humans, i.e. values are aligned, headers are
              printed, etc.

       -m, --mode tabular | multiline
              Switch between tabular and multiline output.  If omitted,
              default is tabular for most commands.  For the commands
              producing more structured information, that cannot be displayed
              on a single line, default is multiline. Currenly, they are:
                'nmcli con list id|uuid <name>'
                'nmcli dev list'
              tabular   - Output is a table where each line describes a single
              entry.  Columns define particular properties of the entry.
              multiline - Each entry comprises more lines, each property on
              its own line.  The values are prefixed with the property name.

       -f, --fields <field1,field2,...> | all | common
              This option is used to specify what fields (column names) should
              be printed.  Valid field names differ for specific commands.
              List available fields by providing an invalid value to the
              --fields option.
              all is used to print all valid field values of the command.
              common is used to print common field values of the command.  If
              omitted, default is common.  The option is mandatory when
              --terse is used.  In this case, generic values all and common
              cannot be used.  (This is to maintain compatibility when new
              fields are added in the future).

       -e, --escape yes | no
              Whether to escape ':' and '\' characters in terse tabular mode.
              The escape character is '\'.  If omitted, default is yes.

       -v, --version
              Show nmcli version.

       -h, --help
              Print help information.

       nm     NetworkManager
              Use this object to inquire and change state of NetworkManager.

          COMMAND := { status | sleep | wakeup | wifi | wwan }

                     Show overall status of NetworkManager.  This is the
                     default action, when no command is provided to nm object.
                     Reference to D-Bus:
                     No simple reference.

                     Put NetworkManager to sleeping mode.  Thus all interfaces
                     that NetworkManager manages are deactivated.
                     Reference to D-Bus:
                     interface: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager
                     method:    Sleep
                     arguments: TRUE

                     Awake NetworkManager from sleep.  When NetworkManager is
                     awaken, devices are available to be activated.
                     Reference to D-Bus:
                     interface: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager
                     method:    Sleep
                     arguments: FALSE

              wifi [on|off]
                     Inquire or set status of WiFi in NetworkManager.  Without
                     any further argument, WiFi status is printed; on enables
                     WiFi; off disables WiFi.
                     Reference to D-Bus:
                     No simple reference.

              wwan [on|off]
                     Inquire or set status of WWAN in NetworkManager.  Without
                     any further argument, WWAN status is printed; on enables
                     WWAN; off disables WWAN.
                     Reference to D-Bus:
                     No simple reference.

       con    Connections
              Get information about NetworkManager's connections.

          COMMAND := { list | status | up | down }

              list [id <id> | uuid <id> | system | user]
                     List configured connections.  Without a parameter,
                     configured connection from both system and user settings
                     services are listed.  system argument filters only
                     system-wide connections, user prints user connections
                     only.  In order to get connection details, id with
                     connection's name or uuid with connection's UUID shall be
                     specified.  When no command is given to con object, the
                     default action is 'nmcli con list'.
                     Reference to D-Bus:
                     No simple reference.

                     Print status of active connections.
                     Reference to D-Bus:
                     No simple reference.

              up id <id> | uuid <id> [iface <iface>] [ap <hwaddr>] [--nowait]
              [--timeout <timeout>]
                     Activate a connection.  The connection is identified by
                     its name using id or UUID using uuid.  For requiring
                     particular device to activate the connection on, iface
                     option with interface name should be given.  ap option
                     can further concretize what AP should be used in case of
                     WiFi connection.  --nowait option causes nmcli to exit
                     immediately and not to wait for command completion.
                     --timeout option provides a means to specify how long to
                     wait for operation completion.
                     Reference to D-Bus:
                     interface: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager
                     method:    ActivateConnection
                     arguments: according to arguments

              down id <id> | uuid <id>
                     Deactivate a connection.  The connection is identified by
                     its name using id or UUID using uuid.
                     Reference to D-Bus:
                     interface: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager
                     method:    DeactivateConnection
                     arguments: according to arguments

       dev    Devices
              Get information about devices.

          COMMAND := { status | list | disconnect | wifi }

                     Print status of devices.  This is the default action,
                     when no command is specified to dev object.
                     Reference to D-Bus:
                     No simple reference.

              list [iface <iface>]
                     Get detailed information about devices.  Without an
                     argument, all devices are examined.  To get information
                     for a specific device, iface argument with the interface
                     name should be provided.
                     Reference to D-Bus:
                     No simple reference.

              disconnect iface <iface> [--nowait] [--timeout <timeout>]
                     Disconnect a device and prevent the device from
                     automatically activating further connections without
                     user/manual intervention.  --nowait option causes nmcli
                     to exit immediately and not to wait for command
                     completion.  --timeout option provides a means to specify
                     how long to wait for operation completion.
                     Reference to D-Bus:
                     interface: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device
                     method:    Disconnect
                     arguments: none

              wifi [list [iface <iface>] [hwaddr <hwaddr>]]
                     List available WiFi access points.  iface and hwaddr
                     options can be used to get just APs for particular
                     interface or specific AP, respectively.
                     Reference to D-Bus:
                     No simple reference.


       There are probably some.  If you find a bug, please report to - product NetworkManager.


       nm-tool(1), NetworkManager(8).

                                 14 April 2010