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       ispellaff2myspell - A program to convert ispell affix tables to myspell


        ispellaff2myspell [options] <affixfile> --myheader your_header


           --affixfile=s      Affix file
           --bylocale         Use current locale setup for upper/lowercase
           --charset=s        Use specified charset for upper/lowercase
                              conversion (defaults to latin1)
           --debug            Print debugging info
           --extraflags=s     Allow some non alphabetic flags
           --lowercase=s      Lowercase string
           --myheader=s       Header file
           --printcomments    Print commented lines in output
           --replacements=s   Replacements file
           --split=i          Split flags with more that i entries
           --uppercase=s      Uppercase string


       ispellaff2myspell is a script that will convert ispell affix tables to
       myspell format in a more or less successful way.

       This script does not create the dict file. Something like

       ( echo ‘cat mydict.words+ | wc -l‘; cat mydict.words+ ) > mydict.dict

       should do the work, with mydict.words+ being the munched wordlist


               Affix file. You can put it directly in the command line.

               Use current locale setup for upper/lowercase conversion. Make
               sure that the selected locale match the dictionary one, or you
               might get into trouble.

               Use specified charset for upper/lowercase conversion (defaults
               to latin1).  Currently allowed values for charset are: latin0,
               latin1, latin2, latin3.

       --debug Print some debugging info.

               Allows some non alphabetic flags.

               When invoked with no value the supported flags are currently
               those corresponding to chars represented with the escape char \
               as first char. \ will be stripped.

               When given with the flag prefix will allow that flag and strip
               the given prefix. Be careful when giving the prefix to properly
               escape chars, e.g. you will need -e "\\\\" or -e\\’ for flags
               like \[ to be stripped to [. Otherwise you might even get
               errors. Use -e "^" to allow all flags and pass them unmodified.

               You will need a call to -e for each flag type, e.g., -e "\\\\"
               -e "~\\\\" (or -e\\-e~\\’).

               When a prefix is explicitely set, the default value (anything
               starting by \) is disabled and you need to enable it
               explicitely as in previous example.

               Lowercase string. Manually set the string of lowercase chars.
               This requires --uppercase having exactly that string but

               Header file. The myspell aff header. You need to write it
               manually. This can contain everything you want to be before the
               affix table

               Print commented lines in output.

               Add a pre-defined replacements table taken from ’file’ to the
               .aff file.  Will skip lines not beginning with REP, and set the
               replacements number appropriately.

               Split flags with more that i entries. This can be of interest
               for flags having a lot of entries. Will split the flag in
               chunks containing i entries.

               Uppercase string. Manually set the sring of uppercase chars.
               This requires --lowercase having exactly that string but

       If your encoding is currently unsupported you can send me a file with
       the two strings of lower and uppercase chars. Note that they must match
       exactly but case changed. It will look something like



       The Lingucomponent Project home page


       and the document


       that provides information about the basics of the myspell affix file

       You can also take a look at


       in your Debian system.


       Agustin Martin <>