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       sdfget - Documentation Extraction Utility


       sdfget extracts documentation embedded in source code.


        usage  : sdfget [-h[help]] [-o[out_ext]]
                [-l[log_ext]] [-O[out_dir]]
                [-f formatting_filename] [-g[get_rule]]
                [-r[rpt_file]] [-s scope] [-i]
                [-v[verbose]] file ...
       purpose: extract documentation embedded in source code
       version: 2.000    (SDF 2.001)

       The options are:

        Option       Description
        -h           display help on options
        -o           output file extension
        -l           log file extension
        -O           output to input file's (or explicit) directory
        -f           filename to use when formatting the output
        -g           rule to use to get documentation
        -r           report file
        -s           scope of documentation to be extracted
        -i           only output lines not extracted
        -v           verbose mode


       The -h option provides help. If it is specified without a parameter, a
       brief description of each option is displayed. To display the
       attributes for an option, specify the option letter as a parameter.

       By default, generated output goes to standard output. To direct output
       to a file per input file, use the -o option to specify an extension for
       output files. If the -o option is specified without a parameter, an
       extension of out is assumed.

       Likewise, error messages go to standard error by default. Use the -l
       option to create a log file per input file. If the -l option is
       specified without a parameter, an extension of log is assumed.

       By default, generated output and log files are created in the current
       directory. Use the -O option to specify an explicit output directory.
       If the -O option is specified without a parameter, the input file’s
       directory is used.

       The -f option can be used to specify a filename to use when formatting
       the output. This is useful when the text is coming from the standard
       input stream.

       The get-rule nominates the formatting of the embedded documentation to
       be extracted. All currently defined get-rules assume the documentation
       is in comment blocks in one of the following formats:

        text of section 1, line 1
        text of section 1, line ..

        text of section 2, line 1
        text of section 2, line ..

        >>section_title3:: text of section 3

       The first form is most commonly used. In this format, the text in a
       section extends until the end of the current "comment block" or the
       start of the next section, whichever comes first. The second form (i.e.
       explicitly specifying where the section ends) is useful if you wish to
       add some normal comments (i.e. non-documentation) which you do not want
       extracted. If the text is short, the third form can be used.
       Regardless of the format, if a section is found which is already
       defined, the text of the section is concatenated onto the existing
       text. This permits the documentation for each entity to be specified
       immediately above where it is defined in the source code.

       The -g option specifies the get-rule to use. The available get-rules
       differ on the prefix expected at the front of each line as shown below.

        Rule                              Prefix
        perl                              #
        cpp                               //
        c                                 * or /*
        fortran                           c (with 5 preceding spaces)
        eiffel                            --
        bat                               rem

       Within C code, a trailing space is required after the characters above.
       For other languages, a trailing space is optional. Within FORTRAN code,
       the "c" character must be preceded by exactly 5 spaces.  For other
       languages, zero or more whitespace characters are permitted before the
       characters above.

       For example, embedded documentation within C code looks like:

        /* >>Purpose::
         * This library provides a high level interface
         * to commonly used network services.

       If the -g option is not specified, perl is the default get-rule. If the
       -g option is specified without a parameter, the extension in lowercase
       of the filename (or the formatting filename if the text is coming from
       standard input) is used to guess the get_rule as shown below.

        Rule                              Extensions
        cpp                               cpp, c++, cc, hpp, hpp, h, java, idl
        c                                 c
        fortran                           fortran, for, f77, f
        eiffel                            eiffel, ada
        bat                               bat, cmd

       A report filename can be specified using the -r option. If the name
       doesn’t include an extension, sdg is assumed. Reports provide a
       mechanism for:

       ·   selectively extracting sections, and

       ·   rudimentary reformatting (e.g. to SDF)

       If no report is specified, all sections are output in the following



       If -r is specified on its own, default.sdg is assumed. This report
       selects the set of sections (within the SDF documentation standards)
       which form the user documentation and formats them into SDF. Details on
       the report format are specified below. Reports are searched for in the
       current directory, then in the stdlib directory within SDF’s library

       The -s option can be used to specify the scope of the documentation to
       be extracted. (This is an experimental feature and may change so most
       users should avoid using it.)

       The -i option outputs only those lines which the get-rule did not
       match. This option is useful for extracting non-documentation from a
       file to give just the code.

       Note: The -r option is ignored if -i is specified.

       The -v option enables verbose mode. This is useful for seeing which
       rule is being used for each file.


       To extract the user documentation from a SDF application written in C++
       (xyz, say) and save it into xyz.sdf:

             sdfget -gcpp -r -osdf xyz.cpp


       It would be nicer if the get-rule was always guessed from the filename
       extension but changing the default from perl could break existing
       scripts. Therefore, get-rule guessing must be explicitly enabled by
       specifging the -g option without a parameter.