miqser - aqsis RIB processor
miqser [options] [RIB file...]
-h, -help
Print this help and exit
Print version information and exit
-pause Wait for a keypress on completion
-o, -output=string
Set the output filename, default to <stdout>
Print the standard declarations to the resulting RIB
-v, -verbose=integer
Set log output level 0 = errors 1 = warnings (default) 2 =
information 3 = debug
-i, -indentation=integer
Set output indentation type 0 = none (default) 1 = space 2 = tab
-l, -indentlevel=integer
Set the indetation amount
Set output compression type 0 = none (default) 1 = gzip
-b, -binary
Output a binary encoded RIB file
-nc, -nocolor
Disable colored output
Log messages to syslog
Override the default archive searchpath(s)
compiled Oct 20 2009 00:00:00