zftp - CERNLIB program to transfer ZEBRA formatted files over a network
zftp [hostname]
zftp is a file transfer program that supports the transfer of
formatted, unformatted and ZEBRA RZ files. (If you have no idea what
ZEBRA files are, it is highly unlikely that you want to use this
program instead of a standard FTP client.) Formatted files are
typically KUIP macros, command or EXEC files, source code or even FZ
ALPHA exchange format files. Unformatted files may be FZ binary
exchange format or EPIO files or any other binary file with fixed
length records.
zftp also provides LS, CD, PWD and RSHELL commands. It provides a
common interface on all systems and the possibility of macros (via
KUIP). It avoids the problems of file format conversion that occur
when transferring binary files between VMS and UNIX systems. zftp
comes with the traditional KUIP user interface, including a HELP
function that describes the available commands.
Please note that, like many other FTP programs, zftp transfers
unencrypted passwords over the network. It should therefore be used
only within a trusted LAN.
o zftp online HELP command
o ftp(1)
o zserv(8)
zftp is part of the CERNLIB CSPACK package, documented fully at (PostScript) or (HTML).
This manual page was written by Kevin McCarty <> for
the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
February 3, 2003