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       muscleTool   -  Program  to  manage  and  personalize  your  MuscleCard


       muscleTool [-d]


       -d     Enables libmusclecard debugging.


       This manual page documents briefly the muscleTool command.

       This manual page was written for the Debian  distribution  because  the
       original program does not have a manual page.

       muscletools  is  a  program that manage and personalize your MuscleCard
       smart cards.

       Supported commands are:

       - Object related functions

              create [id] [size] Create an object

              delete [id] Delete an object

              write [file] [id] Write from file to object

              read [id] [file] Read from object to file

              move [id] [newid] Rename an object

              changeacl [id] Change the ACL of an object

              list List objects on token

       - PIN related functions

              verify [pinnumber] Verify a PIN

              makepin [number] [value] [unblkvalue] Create a PIN

              changepin [pinnumber] [oldvalue] [newvalue] Change a PIN

              unblock [pinnumber] Unblock a PIN

              deleteid [IDnumber] Delete an ID

              listpins List the PINs

       - Key related functions

              listkeys List the keys

              exportkey [keynumber] [file] Export a key

              importkey [pinnumber] [file] Import a key

              genkeys [algorithm] [keysize] Generate keys

              deletekey [keynumber] Delete a key

              movekey [keynumber] [newkeynumber] Renumbers a key

              changekeyacl [keynumber] Change the ACL of a key

              filecrypt [keynum] [infile] [outfile] Perform a cipher operation
              on infile and stores result in outfile

              crypt  [keynum]  Perform  a  cipher  operation  on user supplied

       - General functions

              format [tokennumber] Format the token

              tokens Lists tokens available

              connect [tokennumber] Connect to a token

              resume Get the token’s capabilities
               crypt     - Lists available crypto algorithms
               rsa       - Lists RSA capabilities
               dsa       - Lists DSA capabilities
               des       - Lists DES capabilities
               3des      - Lists 3DES capabilities
               aes       - Lists AES capabilities
               ec        - Lists EC capabilities
               keys      - Lists Key capabilities
               pins      - Lists PIN capabilities
               objects   - Lists Object capabilities

              release Release a token

              status Gets the token’s status

              challenge Gets a random number

              logout Logs out AUT

              version Print the version

              exit Exits this program




       This manual page was written by Ludovic Rousseau <>,
       and updated by Karsten Ohme <> for the Debian
       GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).

                                July  31, 2005