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       vdmfec - Block ECC for files


       vdmfec [-v] [-d] [-b blocksize] [-n N] [-k K] [file]
       vdm_encode [-v] [-b blocksize] [-n N] [-k K] [file]
       vdm_decode [-v] [-b blocksize] [-n N] [-k K] [file]


       vdmfec  reads  an input stream and adds error correction blocks so that
       large consecutive sections of the output stream may be  corrupted,  and
       the  data  recovered.   For  example,  diskettes  typically  lose whole
       sectors at once, or related groups of sectors, or even  entire  tracks.
       Data written to a diskette with this program may be recovered even with
       many read errors.

       The algorithm used is a Forward Error Correction (FEC)  code  based  on
       Vandermonde  (VDM)  matrices  in GF(2^8) due to Luigi Rizzo.  Given the
       FEC parameters K and N, with N greater than K, N blocks are written for
       every  K input blocks in such a way that any K blocks are sufficient to
       reconstruct the data.  That is, up to N - K blocks out of  every  group
       of N blocks may be lost without loss of data.

       The  amount  of  overhead  in the output stream is easily adjustable by
       varying K.  N and blocksize control the total amount of  data  written.
       Depending  on the types of errors you expect, different settings may be
       more or less useful.  For example, you may not expect to  have  two  or
       three  bad  sectors  on every track (if you do it’s time to replace the
       diskette!), but you might expect three bad  sectors  on  two  or  three
       contiguous tracks (diskette errors tend to cluster).


       -v     Print  informative  messages  about  the  encoding  or  decoding
              process to stderr, including the expansion factor.  Use  -vv  to
              get information about each block being read or written.

       -d     Decode  the input rather than encoding it.  Using this option is
              equivalent to invoking the program as vdm_decode.

       -b blocksize
              Set the FEC block size to blocksize bytes.   The  blocksize  may
              have  a ’k’ or ’K’ appended, in which case the block size is set
              to blocksize * 1024 bytes.  This should usually be a multiple of
              the  output  media  block  or sector size (e.g., 512, 1024, 18K,
              etc.), and must be at least 26  bytes  in  version  1.   Default

       -n N -k K
              Set  the  FEC  N and K parameters.  N must be greater than 2 and
              less than or equal to 256.  K must be greater than  0  and  less
              than N.  Default N=18, K=14.

       Note  that  the  N,  K, and blocksize parameters are NOT written to the
       output!  You must specify the same parameters when you run the decoder.
       (Actually,  the decoder is capable of explicitly detecting an invalid K
       value, but incorrect blocksize or N values will result  in  bad  blocks
       and decode failure.)

       The  decoder  is  capable  of  reading  from non-seekable media such as
       pipes, however, buffer underruns are not detected and  will  result  in
       failure.   Also, when reading from a pipe the entire file must be read.
       Reading from a seek-able stream can  be  faster  because  only  K  good
       blocks out of N need to be read.

       The  encoder stores chunk and block ids which are used to detect out of
       order blocks, but those errors  (which  can  sometimes  happen  due  to
       filesystem  corruption) are not corrected.  The only type of error that
       can be corrected is  in  place  corruption  of  data.   In  particular,
       missing  blocks  (as  from lost packets) result in decode failure, even
       when K good blocks are available.  This program is  primarily  intended
       to  recover  data  lost  due  to  read  errors  on  fixed media such as
       diskettes; several other programs and libraries are available that  use
       FEC to handle the other (typically network packet) errors.


       Consider  a  diskette  with 80 tracks, 2 heads, and 18 512-byte sectors
       per track (a standard 1.44MB diskette).

              bzip2 < file | vdmfec > /dev/fd0

       uses the default parameters of -b1k -n18 -k14, stores up to  ~1.1MB  of
       compressed  input  data,  written  one  (double-sided) track (18K) at a
       time, and allows 4 bad clusters (8 sectors) per track.

              vdmfec -d /dev/fd0 | bunzip2 > file

       recovers the original file.

              vdm_encode -b18k -n80 -k70 file.img > /dev/fd0

       writes the entire diskette, stores up to ~1.23MB of  data,  and  allows
       multiple errors on 10 different double-sided tracks.

              vdm_decode -b18k -n80 -k70 /dev/fd0 > file.img

       recovers  the  data  and  reads  no  less  than  70  tracks.  Note that
       vdm_decode  exits  with  a  non-zero  status  on   failure,   so   that
       constructions such as

              vdm_decode /dev/fd0 > moo && tar -xvf moo

       are possible.

              dd if=/dev/tape ibs=1024 conv=noerror,sync | \
              vdm_decode > file

       This  might  be necessary to recover data from some non-seekable media.
       You can of course simply write the encoded output to a normal file,  as

              tar -cf - dir | gzip | vdm_encode -v > dir.tgz.vdm


       Report bugs to Tom Holroyd <>.

