Man Linux: Main Page and Category List


       rootstock - manual page for rootstock


       rootstock -f <hostname> [OPTION]...


       Generates  Ubuntu  armel  rootfs  tarballs  and/or  qemu  image,  to be
       uncompressed onto a root device.

       Note that it does not set up a kernel, modules or bootloader  for  you.
       Kernel  and  bootloader  need to be set up in a device specific manner,
       modules should be copied to the filesystem after it was uncompressed on
       the target device.

       It  also  uses  a  virtual  machine  and  can  take  long to build your
       filesystem, please be patient and make sure to have enough CPU power on
       the host machine.



       -f --fqdn <hostname>

              Hostname to be used for the target system


       -l --login <login name>

              Login ID of the admin user created during setup

       -p --password <password>

              Password of the admin user created during setup

       -h --help

              Display this help

       -n --fullname <quoted string>

              Full  Name  of  the  admin  user  created during setup (default:
              "Ubuntu System User")

       -s --seed <csv list>

              List of packages to install (i.e. ubuntu-desktop)

       -i --imagesize <size>M/G

              Size  of  the  target  filesystem  to  be  created  (i.e.  500M)
              (default: 1G)

       -g --manifest <path to file>

              Manifest file with list of packages to install (one per line)

       -m --mirror <url>

              apt  mirror  to  use (i.e.

       -c --components <csv list>

              Archive components (default: main,universe)

       -d --dist (jaunty, karmic, lucid or maverick)

              Specify Release to build (default: maverick)

       -t --timezone <timezone>

              Timezone  for  the   system   (i.e.   Europe/Berlin)   (default:
              buildsystem timezone)

       -x --locale <locale.encoding>

              Language   used  in  the  installed  system  (i.e.  en_US.UTF-8)
              (default: buildsystem locale)

       --script <filename>

              Run this script at the end of the installation process

       --serial <devicename>

              Create a serial tty of <devicename> inside the rootfs for  login
              (i.e. ttyS0)


              Do create a swapfile in tmpfs for the virtual machine

       --swapsize <size in megabyte>

              Use  a  different  size  for  the  swapfile  used by the virtual
              machine (default: 256M)


              Print version number


       --kblayout <layout>

              Keyboard layout (i.e. us) (default: buildsystem kblayout)

       --kbmodel <model>

              Keyboard model (i.e. pc105) (default: buildsystem kbmodel)

       --kbvariant <variant>

              Keyboard  variant  (i.e.   nodeadkeys)   (default:   buildsystem

       --kboptions <options>

              Additional keyboard options (default: buildsystem kboptions)



              Keep the qemu image instead of deleting it (disabled for native)


              Do not roll a tarball of the rootfs (autosets --keepimage)

       Extra parameters:

       -q --quiet

              Quiet operation, only write to log


       --kernel-image <http url to kernel .deb>

              install board specfic kernel package from  http  accessible  deb
              package inside rootfs


              save  a  snapshot  of  all  packages used for a build locally to
              re-use  them  in   a   subsequent   offline   build   with   the
              --restore-package-cache option


              use   precached   packages   from   a   former  build  run  with


              empty the package cache of a former --copy-package-cache run


              additional mirror to use


              run rootstock without requiring root access (slower  as  uses  a
              full vm)


       Xubuntu-Desktop  (as  root): rootstock -f host -l user -p temppwd -i 2G
       -s xubuntu-desktop

       Minimal Ubuntu (as user): rootstock -f host -l user -p temppwd -i  512M
       --no-root -s ubuntu-minimal


       Written  by  Oliver  Grawert  <>  and Ricardo Salveti


       Report bugs at


       Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Canonical License: GNU GPL version 2 or  later

       This  is  free  software:  you  are free to change and redistribute it.
       There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.