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       ndb_restore - restore a MySQL Cluster backup


       ndb_restore options


       The cluster restoration program is implemented as a separate
       command-line utility ndb_restore, which can normally be found in the
       MySQL bin directory. This program reads the files created as a result
       of the backup and inserts the stored information into the database.

       ndb_restore must be executed once for each of the backup files that
       were created by the START BACKUP command used to create the backup (see
       Section, “Using The MySQL Cluster Management Client to Create
       a Backup”). This is equal to the number of data nodes in the cluster at
       the time that the backup was created.

           Before using ndb_restore, it is recommended that the cluster be
           running in single user mode, unless you are restoring multiple data
           nodes in parallel. See Section 17.5.6, “MySQL Cluster Single User
           Mode”, for more information about single user mode.

       The following table includes options that are specific to the MySQL
       Cluster backup restoration program ndb_restore. Additional descriptions
       follow the table. For options common to all MySQL Cluster programs, see
       Section 17.4.2, “Options Common to MySQL Cluster Programs”.

       Typical options for this utility are shown here:

           ndb_restore [-c connectstring] -n
           node_id [-s] [-m] -b backup_id -r --backup_path=/path/to/backup/files [-e]

       The -c option is used to specify a connectstring which tells
       ndb_restore where to locate the cluster management server. (See
       Section, “The MySQL Cluster Connectstring”, for information on
       connectstrings.) If this option is not used, then ndb_restore attempts
       to connect to a management server on localhost:1186. This utility acts
       as a cluster API node, and so requires a free connection “slot” to
       connect to the cluster management server. This means that there must be
       at least one [api] or [mysqld] section that can be used by it in the
       cluster config.ini file. It is a good idea to keep at least one empty
       [api] or [mysqld] section in config.ini that is not being used for a
       MySQL server or other application for this reason (see
       Section, “Defining SQL and Other API Nodes in a MySQL

       You can verify that ndb_restore is connected to the cluster by using
       the SHOW command in the ndb_mgm management client. You can also
       accomplish this from a system shell, as shown here:

           shell> ndb_mgm -e "SHOW"

       -n is used to specify the node ID of the data node on which the backups
       were taken.

       The first time you run the ndb_restore restoration program, you also
       need to restore the metadata. In other words, you must re-create the
       database tables — this can be done by running it with the -m option.
       Note that the cluster should have an empty database when starting to
       restore a backup. (In other words, you should start ndbd with --initial
       prior to performing the restore. You should also remove manually any
       Disk Data files present in the data node´s DataDir.)

       It is possible to restore data without restoring table metadata. Prior
       to MySQL 5.1.17, ndb_restore did not perform any checks of table
       schemas; if a table was altered between the time the backup was taken
       and when ndb_restore was run, ndb_restore would still attempt to
       restore the data to the altered table.

       Beginning with MySQL 5.1.17, the default behavior is for ndb_restore to
       fail with an error if table data do not match the table schema; this
       can be overridden using the --skip-table-check or -s option. Prior to
       MySQL 5.1.21, if this option is used, then ndb_restore attempts to fit
       data into the existing table schema, but the result of restoring a
       backup to a table schema that does not match the original is

       Beginning with MySQL Cluster NDB 6.3.8, ndb_restore supports limited
       attribute promotion in much the same way that it is supported by MySQL
       replication; that is, data backed up from a column of a given type can
       generally be restored to a column using a “larger, similar” type. For
       example, data from a CHAR(20) column can be restored to a column
       declared as VARCHAR(20), VARCHAR(30), or CHAR(30); data from a
       MEDIUMINT column can be restored to a column of type INT or BIGINT. See
       Section, “Replication of Columns Having Different Data
       Types”, for a table of type conversions currently supported by
       attribute promotion.

       Attribute promotion by ndb_restore must be enabled explicitly, as

        1. Prepare the table to which the backup is to be restored.
           ndb_restore cannot be used to re-create the table with a different
           definition from the original; this means that you must either
           create the table manually, or alter the columns which you wish to
           promote using ALTER TABLE after restoring the table metadata but
           before restoring the data.

        2. Invoke ndb_restore with the --promote-attributes option (short form
           -A) when restoring the table data. Attribute promotion does not
           occur if this option is not used; instead, the restore operation
           fails with an error.

       In addition to --promote-attributes, a --preserve-trailing-spaces
       option is also available for use with ndb_restore beginning with MySQL
       Cluster NDB 6.3.8. This option (short form -R) causes trailing spaces
       to be preserved when promoting a CHAR column to VARCHAR or a BINARY
       column to VARBINARY. Otherwise, any trailing spaces are dropped from
       column values when they are inserted into the new columns.

           Although you can promote CHAR columns to VARCHAR and BINARY columns
           to VARBINARY, you cannot promote VARCHAR columns to CHAR or
           VARBINARY columns to BINARY.

       The -b option is used to specify the ID or sequence number of the
       backup, and is the same number shown by the management client in the
       Backup backup_id completed message displayed upon completion of a
       backup. (See Section, “Using The MySQL Cluster Management
       Client to Create a Backup”.)

           When restoring cluster backups, you must be sure to restore all
           data nodes from backups having the same backup ID. Using files from
           different backups will at best result in restoring the cluster to
           an inconsistent state, and may fail altogether.

       -e adds (or restores) epoch information to the cluster replication
       status table. This is useful for starting replication on a MySQL
       Cluster replication slave. When this option is used, the row in the
       mysql.ndb_apply_status having 0 in the id column is updated if it
       already exists; such a row is inserted if it does not already exist.
       (See Section 17.6.9, “MySQL Cluster Backups With MySQL Cluster

       The path to the backup directory is required; this is supplied to
       ndb_restore using the --backup_path option, and must include the
       subdirectory corresponding to the ID backup of the backup to be
       restored. For example, if the data node´s DataDir is
       /var/lib/mysql-cluster, then the backup directory is
       /var/lib/mysql-cluster/BACKUP, and the backup files for the backup with
       the ID 3 can be found in /var/lib/mysql-cluster/BACKUP/BACKUP-3. The
       path may be absolute or relative to the directory in which the
       ndb_restore executable is located, and may be optionally prefixed with

           Previous to MySQL 5.1.17 and MySQL Cluster NDB 6.1.5, the path to
           the backup directory was specified as shown here, with backup_path=
           being optional:


           Beginning with MySQL 5.1.17 and MySQL Cluster NDB 6.1.5, this
           syntax changed to --backup_path=/path/to/backup/files, to conform
           more closely with options used by other MySQL programs; --backup_id
           is required, and there is no short form for this option.

       It is possible to restore a backup to a database with a different
       configuration than it was created from. For example, suppose that a
       backup with backup ID 12, created in a cluster with two database nodes
       having the node IDs 2 and 3, is to be restored to a cluster with four
       nodes. Then ndb_restore must be run twice — once for each database node
       in the cluster where the backup was taken. However, ndb_restore cannot
       always restore backups made from a cluster running one version of MySQL
       to a cluster running a different MySQL version. See Section,
       “MySQL Cluster 5.1 and MySQL Cluster NDB 6.x/7.x Upgrade and Downgrade
       Compatibility”, for more information.

           It is not possible to restore a backup made from a newer version of
           MySQL Cluster using an older version of ndb_restore. You can
           restore a backup made from a newer version of MySQL to an older
           cluster, but you must use a copy of ndb_restore from the newer
           MySQL Cluster version to do so.

           For example, to restore a cluster backup taken from a cluster
           running MySQL Cluster NDB 6.2.15 to a cluster running MySQL 5.1.20,
           you must use a copy of ndb_restore from the MySQL Cluster NDB
           6.2.15 distribution.

       For more rapid restoration, the data may be restored in parallel,
       provided that there is a sufficient number of cluster connections
       available. That is, when restoring to multiple nodes in parallel, you
       must have an [api] or [mysqld] section in the cluster config.ini file
       available for each concurrent ndb_restore process. However, the data
       files must always be applied before the logs.

       Formerly, when using ndb_restore to restore a backup made from a MySQL
       5.0 cluster to a 5.1 cluster, VARCHAR columns were not resized and were
       recreated using the 5.0 fixed format. Beginning with MySQL 5.1.19,
       ndb_restore recreates such VARCHAR columns using MySQL Cluster 5.1´s
       variable-width format. Also beginning with MySQL 5.1.19, this behavior
       can be overridden using the --no-upgrade option (short form: -u) when
       running ndb_restore.

       Most of the options available for this program are shown in the
       following table:

       |Long Form                             | Short Form | Description                                           | Default Value                |
       |--backup-id                           | -b         | Backup sequence                                       | None                         |
       |                                      |            | ID                                                    |                              |
       |--backup_path                         | None       | Path to backup                                        | None                         |
       |(added in MySQL                       |            | files                                                 |                              |
       |5.1.17 and MySQL                      |            |                                                       |                              |
       |Cluster                               |            |                                                       |                              |
       |                  NDB                 |            |                                                       |                              |
       |6.1.5;                                |            |                                                       |                              |
       |previously this                       |            |                                                       |                              |
       |was                                   |            |                                                       |                              |
       |                  backup_path         |            |                                                       |                              |
       |— see Note in                         |            |                                                       |                              |
       |text)                                 |            |                                                       |                              |
       |--character-sets-dir                  | None       | Specify the                                           | None                         |
       |                                      |            | directory where                                       |                              |
       |                                      |            | character set                                         |                              |
       |                                      |            | information can                                       |                              |
       |                                      |            | be found                                              |                              |
       |--connect, --connectstring,           | -c or -C   | Set the                                               | localhost:1186               |
       |or                                    |            | connectstring in                                      |                              |
       |                  --ndb-connectstring |            |                   [nodeid=node_id;][host=]host[:port] |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   format                              |                              |
       |--core-file                           | None       | Write a core file in the event of an error            | TRUE                         |
       |--debug                               | -#         | Output debug log                                      | d:t:O,/tmp/ndb_restore.trace |
       |--dont_ignore_systab_0                | -f         | Do not ignore system table during restore —           | FALSE                        |
       |                                      |            |                   EXPERIMENTAL; not for production    |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   use                                 |                              |
       |--exclude-databases=db_list           | None       | Do not restore the indicated database or databases    | [N/A]                        |
       |                                      |            | (added in MySQL                                       |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   Cluster NDB 6.3.22 and 6.4.3)       |                              |
       |--exclude-missing-columns             | None       | Ignore any columns present in the backup copy of the  | [N/A]                        |
       |                                      |            | table that are not                                    |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   present in the table as being       |                              |
       |                                      |            | restored (added in MySQL                              |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   Cluster NDB 6.3.26 and 7.0.7)       |                              |
       |--exclude-tables=tbl_list             | None       | Do not restore the indicated table or tables; each    | [N/A]                        |
       |                                      |            | table must be                                         |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   specified using                     |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   database.table                      |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   format (added in MySQL Cluster NDB  |                              |
       |                                      |            | 6.3.22 and 6.4.3)                                     |                              |
       |--help or --usage                     | -?         | Display help message with available options and       | [N/A]                        |
       |                                      |            | current values, then                                  |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   exit                                |                              |
       |--include-databases=db_list           | None       | Restore only the indicated database or databases      | [N/A]                        |
       |                                      |            | (added in MySQL Cluster                               |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   NDB 6.3.22 and 6.4.3)               |                              |
       |--include-tables=tbl_list             | None       | Restore only the indicated table or tables; each      | [N/A]                        |
       |                                      |            | table must be specified                               |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   using                               |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   database.table                      |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   format (added in MySQL Cluster NDB  |                              |
       |                                      |            | 6.3.22 and 6.4.3)                                     |                              |
       |--ndb-mgmd-host                       | None       | Set the host and port in                              | None                         |
       |                                      |            |                   host[:port]                         |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   format for the management server to |                              |
       |                                      |            | connect to; this                                      |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   is the same as --connect,           |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   --connectstring, or                 |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   --ndb-connectstring, but without a  |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   way to specify the nodeid           |                              |
       |--ndb-nodegroup-map                   | -z         | Specifies a nodegroup map — Syntax: list of           | None                         |
       |                                      |            |                   (source_nodegroup,                  |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   destination_nodegroup)              |                              |
       |--ndb-nodeid                          | None       | Specify a node ID for the ndb_restore process         | 0                            |
       |--ndb-optimized-node-selection        | None       | Optimize selection of nodes for transactions          | TRUE                         |
       |--ndb-shm                             | None       | Use shared memory connections when available          | FALSE                        |
       |--no-binlog                           | None       | Do not write anything to mysqld binary logs (added in | FALSE (in other words, write |
       |                                      |            |                   MySQL Cluster NDB 6.2.16 and        | to binary logs unless        |
       |                                      |            | 6.3.16)                                               |                   this       |
       |                                      |            |                                                       | option is used)              |
       |--no-restore-disk-objects             | -d         | Do not restore Disk Data objects such as tablespaces  | FALSE (in other words,       |
       |                                      |            | and log file groups                                   | restore Disk Data objects    |
       |                                      |            |                                                       |                   unless     |
       |                                      |            |                                                       | this option is used)         |
       |--no-upgrade                          | -u         | Do not re-create VARSIZE columns from a MySQL 5.0     | FALSE (in other words,       |
       |                                      |            |                   Cluster backup as variable-width    | re-create                    |
       |                                      |            | columns (added in                                     |                   VARSIZE    |
       |                                      |            |                   MySQL 5.1.19)                       | columns from a MySQL 5.0     |
       |                                      |            |                                                       |                   Cluster    |
       |                                      |            |                                                       | backup as variable-width     |
       |                                      |            |                                                       | columns unless this          |
       |                                      |            |                                                       |                   option is  |
       |                                      |            |                                                       | used)                        |
       |--nodeid                              | -n         | Use backup files from node with the specified ID      | 0                            |
       |--parallelism                         | -p         | Set from 1 to 1024 parallel transactions to be used   | 128                          |
       |                                      |            | during the                                            |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   restoration process                 |                              |
       |--print                               | None       | Print metadata, data, and log to stdout               | FALSE                        |
       |--print_data                          | None       | Print data to stdout                                  | FALSE                        |
       |--print_log                           | None       | Print log to stdout                                   | FALSE                        |
       |--print_meta                          | None       | Print metadata to stdout                              | FALSE                        |
       |--restore_data                        | -r         | Restore data and logs                                 | FALSE                        |
       |--restore_epoch                       | -e         | Restore epoch data into the status table; the row in  | FALSE                        |
       |                                      |            | the                                                   |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   cluster.apply_status having the id  |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   0 is inserted or updated as         |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   appropriate — this is convenient    |                              |
       |                                      |            | when starting                                         |                              |
       |                                      |            |                   up replication on a MySQL Cluster   |                              |
       |                                      |            | replication slave                                     |                              |
       |--restore_meta                        | -m         | Restore table metadata                                | FALSE                        |
       |--skip-table-check                    | -s         | Do not check table schemas (Added in MySQL 5.1.17)    | FALSE                        |
       |--version                             | -V         | Output version information and exit                   | [N/A]                        |

       Beginning with MySQL 5.1.18, several additional options are available
       for use with the --print_data option in generating data dumps, either
       to stdout, or to a file. These are similar to some of the options used
       with mysqldump, and are shown in the following table:

       |Long Form                       | Short Form | Description                       | Default Value |
       |--tab                           | -T         | Creates                           | None          |
       |                                |            | dumpfiles, one                    |               |
       |                                |            | per table, each                   |               |
       |                                |            | named                             |               |
       |                                |            |                     tbl_name.txt. |               |
       |                                |            |                     Takes         |               |
       |                                |            | as its argument                   |               |
       |                                |            | the path to the                   |               |
       |                                |            | directory                         |               |
       |                                |            |                     where         |               |
       |                                |            | the files should                  |               |
       |                                |            | be saved                          |               |
       |                                |            | (required; use                    |               |
       |                                |            |                     .             |               |
       |                                |            | for the current                   |               |
       |                                |            | directory).                       |               |
       |--fields-enclosed-by            | None       | String used to enclose all column | None          |
       |                                |            | values                            |               |
       |--fields-optionally-enclosed-by | None       | String used to enclose column     | None          |
       |                                |            | values containing character data  |               |
       |                                |            | (such as                          |               |
       |                                |            |                     CHAR,         |               |
       |                                |            |                     VARCHAR,      |               |
       |                                |            |                     BINARY,       |               |
       |                                |            |                     TEXT, or      |               |
       |                                |            |                     ENUM)         |               |
       |--fields-terminated-by          | None       | String used to separate column    | \t (tab       |
       |                                |            | values                            | character)    |
       |--hex                           | None       | Use hex format for binary values  | [N/A]         |
       |--lines-terminated-by           | None       | String used to terminate each     | \n (linefeed  |
       |                                |            | line                              | character)    |
       |--append                        | None       | When used with --tab, causes the  | [N/A]         |
       |                                |            | data                              |               |
       |                                |            |                     to be         |               |
       |                                |            | appended to existing files of the |               |
       |                                |            | same name                         |               |

           If a table has no explicit primary key, then the output generated
           when using the --print includes the table´s hidden primary key.

       Beginning with MySQL 5.1.18, it is possible to restore selected
       databases, or to restore selected tables from a given database using
       the syntax shown here:

           ndb_restore other_options db_name_1 [db_name_2[, db_name_3][, ...] | tbl_name_1[, tbl_name_2][, ...]]

       In other words, you can specify either of the following to be restored:

       ·   All tables from one or more databases

       ·   One or more tables from a single database

       Beginning with MySQL Cluster NDB 6.3.22 and 6.4.3, you can (and should)
       use instead the options --include-databases and --include-tables for
       restoring only specific databases or tables, respectively.
       --include-databases takes a comma-delimited list of databases to be
       restored.  --include-tables takes a comma-delimited list of tables (in
       database.table format) to be restored. You can use these two options
       together. For example, the following causes all tables in databases db1
       and db2, together with the tables t1 and t2 in database db3, to be
       restored (and no other databases or tables):

           shell> ndb_restore [...] --include-databases=db1,db2 --include-tables=db3.t1,db3.t2

       (For the sake of clarity and brevity, we have omitted other, possibly
       required, options in the example just shown.) When --include-databases,
       --include-tables, or both are used, only those databases or tables
       specified are restored; all other databases and tables are ignored by

       Also beginning with MySQL Cluster NDB 6.3.22 and 6.4.3, it is possible
       to exclude from being restored one or more databases, tables, or both
       using the ndb_restore options --exclude-databases and --exclude-tables.
       --exclude-databases takes a comma-delimited list of one or more
       databases which should not be restored.  --exclude-tables takes a
       comma-delimited list of one or more tables, using database.table
       format, which should not be restored. You can use these two options
       together. For example, the following causes all tables in all databases
       except for databases db1 and db2, along with the tables t1 and t2 in
       database db3, not to be restored:

           shell> ndb_restore [...] --exclude-databases=db1,db2 --exclude-tables=db3.t1,db3.t2

       (Again, we have omitted other possibly necessary options in the
       interest of clarity and brevity from the example just shown.)

       You should not use --include-databases or --include-tables together
       with --exclude-databases or --exclude-tables, since --include-databases
       and --include-tables exclude all databases and tables not explicitly
       named. Similarly, --exclude-databases and --exclude-tables include all
       databases and tables not listed in the arguments to these options.

       Beginning with MySQL Cluster NDB 6.3.26 and MySQL Cluster NDB 7.0.7, it
       is also possible restore only selected table columns using the
       --exclude-missing-columns option. When this option is used, ndb_restore
       ignores any columns missing from tables being restored as compared to
       the versions of those tables found in the backup. This option applies
       to all tables being restored. If you wish to apply this option only to
       selected tables or databases, you can use it in combination with one or
       more of the options described in the previous paragraph to do so, then
       restore data to the remaining tables using a complementary set of these

       Error reporting.  ndb_restore reports both temporary and permanent
       errors. In the case of temporary errors, it may able to recover from
       them. Beginning with MySQL 5.1.12, it reports Restore successful, but
       encountered temporary error, please look at configuration in such

           After using ndb_restore to initialize a MySQL Cluster for use in
           circular replication, binary logs on the SQL node acting as the
           replication slave are not automatically created, and you must cause
           them to be created manually. In order to cause the binary logs to
           be created, issue a SHOW TABLES statement on that SQL node before
           running START SLAVE.

           This is a known issue with MySQL Cluster management, which we
           intend to address in a future release.


       Copyright 2007-2008 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

       This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
       modify it only under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
       published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

       This documentation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
       with the program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
       51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or see


       For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which
       may already be installed locally and which is also available online at


       Sun Microsystems, Inc. (