source-highlight-ide - A Qt4 IDE for GNU Source-Highlight.
Sourcehighlightide is an IDE for GNU Source-highlight. It can be
useful when you have to develop a new language definition file, modify
an existing one, or, most importantly, debug a language definition
Basic Usage
Source-Highlight-Ide can be used as an editor for Source-Highlight
.lang definition files (left text edit); moreover, an example input
file can be opened (right text edit, top) that will be used to produce
html highlighted output (right text edit, bottom); the highlighted
output can be seen both in source format (html) and in a preview
This way, while writing the language definition file, it is also
possible to check on-the-fly whether the output is the one expected.
The highlighting can be performed by using the menu or the toolbar
Source-Highlight-Ide is a MDI application, thus, several .lang
definition files can be opened.
Source-Highlight Settings
Source-highlight library uses a path (called data dir) to search for
the language definition file, output format definition files, style
files, etc. This path must be set correctly otherwise highlighting
features will not work. In a standard installation this path should
already be set appropriately. However, if you use a non standard
installation of source-highlight, this path might not be set correctly
(a symptom is when you get errors when trying to perform highlighting,
or a message box shows up when you run Source-Highlight-Ide).
You can set this path using the Settings -> Source-highlight Settings
menu. This will bring a dialog where you can set the path (or choose it
with the browse button); notice that the dialog also checks whether the
currently selected path is a valid path for source-highlight. Although
you can use Source-Highlight-Ide for testing a language definition file
while you're editing it, the feature that can be most useful is the
debugging mechanism.
You start debugging by using the button "Debug", and then press "Step"
for formatting element by element the parts of the input file that is
to be formatted. You can interrupt the debugging by using the button
During debuggin, the debugging frame will appear under the lang
definition file text editor ("Debugging Info").
The debugging steps at each matched regular expression and the one that
was matched is shown in the debugger frame and the text editor of the
language definition file will position in the corresponding line. In
the "highlighted output" part you can check the pieces of the input
file that are being formatted.
Notice that if the language definition file includes another one, the
editor window will open the included file containing the current
matched regular expression. When the debugging finishes, the original
lang file will be shown in the text editor.
Lorenzo Bettini <>
2010-03-13 source-highlight-ide(1)