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       csv2latex — convert a csv file into a LaTeX document


       csv2latex    [--nohead]     [--longtable]     [--noescape]    [--guess]
       [--separator c|s|t|p|l]   [--block  q|d|n]   [--lines  #]   [--position
       l|c|r]    [--colorrows   0-1]    [--reduce  1|2|3|4]   [--repeatheader]
       [--nohlines]  [--novlines]  [file]


       This manual page documents the csv2latex program.

       csv2latex is a program that reads a "comma separated values" (csv) file
       and  outputs  a  LaTeX  file  with  one or more tabular environments to
       display the printable values of the csv file. The LaTeX code is flushed
       on the standard output.

       So-called  "comma  separated  values"  files  are  common  formats  for
       exchanging two-dimensinal tables between programs such as  spreadsheets
       editors,  to represent almost any kind of data.  By default, a csv file
       is made of  printable  data  separated  by  commas  (‘,’),  each  comma
       representing  a  ‘cell’ separator, and each line representing a row. By
       extension, cell separators can be represented by tabs if the  comma  is
       considered as printable data.  Moreover, some non true csv files can be
       assumed as two-dimensional tables as well.  In some  circumstances,  if
       the  printable data includes the cell separator of the exchange format,
       the latter can use a second extra character to  embrace  the  printable
       data  into  a  block  (e.g: quoted text). Thus, it is still possible to
       parse the file by using the block delimiter (used twice to embrace  the
       cell) instead of the separator.

       csv2latex aims to parse various csv formats plus formats that fits into
       the above definiton, assuming the data is text, and to  produce  a  yet
       simple  LaTeX  file  using  the "tabular" environment for a table-style
       layout.  Some options of output will also use macros provided by  extra
       LaTeX   packages   that   are  commonly  included  in  the  main  LaTeX


       This program follows the usual  GNU  command  line  syntax,  with  long
       options  starting  with  two  dashes  (‘-’).   A  summary of options is
       included below.

       -h           --help
                 Show summary of options.

       -v           --version
                 Show version of program.

       -n           --nohead
                 Do not output the LaTeX document header.  This is useful when
                 the  output  is  to  be  included as a separate file into the
                 master document.

       -t           --longtable
                 uses the ’longtable’ package instead of  the  ’tabular’  one.
                 This is useful when the input is long, with --lines 0 option.
                 This option uses the extra ‘longtable’ LaTeX package.  If you
                 also  use --nohead option, do not forget to add the following
                 line   into   the   header   of   your    master    document:

       -x           --noescape
                 Do not escape TeX control characters from the input.  This is
                 useful when the input contains already TeX code.

       -g           --guess
                 Try to guess the csv format.  This is useful when  the  input
                 is not strictly a comma separated set of printable data.  For
                 example, a line like %Foo, Bar%:%Wizz: Hey% may be parsed  as
                 "Foo, Bar" then "Wizz: Hey".

       -s c|s|t|p|l           --separator c|s|t|p|l
                 Set  the given separator as cell separator of the csv format.
                 ‘c’ means a comma (default).  ‘s’  means  a  semicolon.   ‘t’
                 means a tab.  ‘p’ means a space.  ‘l’ means a colon.

       -b q|d|n           --block q|d|n
                 Set  the  given  block  delimiter that embraces the printable
                 data of the csv format.  ‘q’ means a simple quote.  ‘d’ means
                 a double quote.  ‘n’ means no quoting at all (default).

       -l #           --lines #
                 Force  to  output  multiple  tabulars,  each having a limited
                 number of lines.  The  given  argument  must  be  a  POSITIVE
                 INTEGER  VALUE.  This is useful when the number of input rows
                 is too big to fit into a single papersheet.  A  good  average
                 for  a4  paper  is about 40 lines (default). 0 means infinity
                 (actualy about 2 Giga lines).

       -p l|c|r           --position l|c|r
                 Set the text position in all cells at once.  This simply uses
                 one  of  the  three basic cell formating options of the LaTeX
                 tabular environment.  ‘l’ means left-aligned (default).   ‘c’
                 means centered.  ‘r’ means right-aligned.

       -c 0-1           --colorrows 0-1
                 Alternate  white/gray  rows  on  the LaTeX output, having the
                 given graylevel.  The given argument must be  a  REAL  NUMBER
                 BETWEEN  0 AND 1.  0 means black while 1 means white.  A nice
                 looking value is 0.75 when  printed  on  white  paper.   This
                 option  uses the extra ‘colortbl’ LaTeX package.  If you also
                 use --nohead option, do not forget to add the following  line
                 into     the     header     of    your    master    document:

       -r 1|2|3|4           --reduce 1|2|3|4
                 Reduce the size of the tabular and  the  font  in  the  LaTeX
                 output,  given a reduction level.  The given argument must be
                 one of 1, 2, 3 or 4.  The more the level is  high,  the  more
                 the  tabular will appear small.  This is useful to shrink the
                 table width when the printable data  is  made  of  very  long
                 text.   This  option  uses the extra ‘relsize’ LaTeX package.
                 If you also use --nohead option, do not  forget  to  add  the
                 following  line  into  the  header  of  your master document:

       -z           --nohlines
                 Do not output horizontal lines in the table(s).

       -y           --novlines
                 Do not output vertical lines in the table(s).

       -e           --repeatheader
                 Repeat the first row of the first table in every table.  This
                 is  useful  when  the  output  is  very long and separated in
                 multiple tables.


       Create a PDF document with small text, alternate gray  rows,  80  lines
       per  table, from a guessed csv format of the january stats that my boss
       created with his super point-and-click spreadsheet program (which could
       not generate a PDF output!).

       csv2latex    --guess   --lines   80   --colorrows   0.75   --reduce   2
       january_stats.csv > january_stats.tex && pdflatex january_stats.tex

       Quickly preview a phonebook from a file formated  as  "Surname"  "Name"
       "Phone" "Cellular":

       csv2latex -s p -b d -l 42 phonebook-sorted.txt | latex


       tex (1), latex (1).