tricensus-mpi-status - Summarise the log file of an MPI census of
tricensus-mpi-status log-file
This utility reads a log file produced by a tricensus-mpi job, and
writes a human-readable summary to standard output. It can be used for
both jobs that have finished and jobs that are still running.
The logs produced by tricensus-mpi are quite detailed, including
timestamps, details of which slaves have taken which tasks, and how
many triangulations each task has produced. This utility distills this
information into an easy-to-read summary, with one line for each face
Output will only be given for face pairings that have been examined so
far (including face pairings whose processing is still underway), and
will include:
· whether processing for each face pairing has finished;
· the number of triangulations found so far for each face pairing;
· the number of subsearches generated and/or finished for each face
pairing (only relevant when running in subsearch mode).
The final line of output will state whether the census has finished,
and if not, when the last log entry was written.
For further explanation of the terminology used above, see the
tricensus-mpi reference.
See the tricensus-mpi reference for a sample session in which
tricensus-mpi-status is used.
tricensus-mpi, regina-kde.
Regina was written by Ben Burton <> with help from
others; see the documentation for full details.
12 May 2009