3c515-diag - setup and diagnostic program for the 3Com 3c515 Ethernet
3c5x9setup - setup program for the 3Com 3x9 cards.
6x86_reg - Register Dump utility for Cyrix 6x86
a2enmod, a2dismod - enable or disable an apache2 module
a2ensite, a2dissite - enable or disable an apache2 site / virtual host
a2enmod, a2dismod - enable or disable an apache2 module
a2ensite, a2dissite - enable or disable an apache2 site / virtual host
aa-audit - set a AppArmor security profile to audit mode.
aa-autodep - guess basic AppArmor profile requirements
aa-complain - set a AppArmor security profile to complain mode.
aa-decode - decode hex-encoded in AppArmor log files
aa-enforce - set an AppArmor security profile to enforce mode from
aa-genprof - profile generation utility for AppArmor
aa-logprof - utility program for managing AppArmor security profiles
apparmor_notify - display information about logged AppArmor messages.
apparmor_status - display various information about the current
aa-unconfined - output a list of processes with tcp or udp ports that
aa-update-browser - update browser profiles with browser abstractions
accessdb - dumps the content of a man-db database in a human readable
accton - turns process accounting on or off
acngfs - Virtual file system for use with apt-cacher-ng
acpid - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface event daemon
acpi_listen - ACPI event listener
actctrl - configure IBM Active 2000 ISDN adaptor
activate - read/write flags marking active boot partition
actsync, actsyncd - Synchronize newsgroups
actsync, actsyncd - Synchronize newsgroups
add-apt-key - Command line tool to add GPG keys to the APT keyring
addftpuser - set up anonymous FTP user
addgnupghome - Create .gnupg home directories
adduser, addgroup - add a user or group to the system
add_members - Add members to a list from the command line.
addpart - simple wrapper around the "add partition" ioctl
addrconsole - Setup a new remote console user
add-shell - add shells to the list of valid login shells
addtcpquota - Allowe or disallowe users to use tcp quota
adduser, addgroup - add a user or group to the system
adjtimexconfig - find kernel clock variables and save for reboots
adjtimex - display or set the kernel time variables
afclient - controls the client functions of the afbackup package
afclient - controls the client functions of the afbackup package
client.conf - client side configuration file for afbackup
client.conf - client side configuration file for afbackup
afclient - controls the client functions of the afbackup package
afmserver - the multi-stream server of the afbackup package
afp_acls - Setup and Usage Howto for ACLs with Netatalk
afpd - Apple Filing Protocol daemon
afrestore - the restore utility of the afbackup package
afsd - Initializes the Cache Manager and starts related daemons
server.conf - server side configuration file for afbackup
server.conf - server side configuration file for afbackup
afserver - the server program of the afbackup package
afs-newcell - Set up initial database server for AFS cell
afs-rootvol - Generate and populate root volumes for new AFS cells.
afverify - verify of a previous backup
ahcpd - ad-hoc configuration daemon
aideinit - create a new AIDE database
aide.wrapper - call aide binary for Debian mechanisms
al-httpd — minimal HTTP daemon for Albatross web applications -
aliaslookup - Look up mail aliases
alias_manager (or alias_manager.pl) - manage Sympa aliases
al-session-daemon — session daemon for Albatross web applications -
alta-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards
amaddclient - program to add client to an existing Amanda configuration
amadmin - administrative interface to control Amanda backups
amaespipe - wrapper program for aespipe
amanda - The Open Source Backup Platform
amarchiver - Create, extract or list amanda archive
amavisd-new-cronjob - Cronjobs for the Debian amavisd-new package
amavisd-new - Interface between MTA and virus scanner/content filters
amcheckdb - check Amanda database for tape consistency
amcheckdump - check the results of an Amanda dump
amcheck - run Amanda self-checks
amcleanup - run the Amanda cleanup process after a failure
amcrypt - reference crypt program for Amanda symmetric data encryption
amcrypt-ossl-asym - crypt program for Amanda asymmetric data encryption
amcrypt-ossl - crypt program for Amanda symmetric data encryption using
amcryptsimple - reference simple crypt program for Amanda symmetric
amdevcheck - Validate an Amanda device and volume.
fsinfo - coordinate site-wide filesystem information
amd - automatically mount file systems
amdump - back up all disks in an Amanda configuration
amfetchdump - extract backup images from multiple Amanda tapes.
amflush - flush Amanda backup files from holding disk to tape
amgetconf - look up configuration parameters and manipulate debug logs
amgpgcrypt - reference crypt program for Amanda public-key data
amgtar - Amanda Application to interface with GNU Tar
amiga-fdisk - Amiga disk partitioning program
amlabel - label an Amanda tape
amorad - Amora (A Remote Mobile Assistant) daemon
amoverview - display file systems processed by Amanda over time
ampgsql - Amanda Application to interface with PostgreSQL
amplot - visualize the behavior of Amanda
amq-check-wrap - check loopback RPC connection to amd
amq - automounter query tool
amraw - Amanda Application open and read data
amrecover - Amanda index database browser
amreport - generate a formatted output of statistics for an Amanda run
amrestore - low-level data-extraction from Amanda volumes
amrmtape - remove a tape from the Amanda database
amsamba - Amanda Application to interface with smbclient
amserverconfig - program to setup initial Amanda configuration
amservice - run an amanda service on a client
amstar - Amanda Application to interface with star
amstatus - display the state of an Amanda run
amsuntar - Amanda Application to interface with native tar utility
amtape - Control Amanda changers
amtapetype - generate a tapetype definition by testing the device
amtoc - generate TOC (Table Of Contents) for an Amanda run
amvault - Copy Amanda dumps from one volume to another
amzfs-sendrecv - Amanda script to create zfs sendrecv
amzfs-snapshot - Amanda script to create zfs snapshot
anacron - runs commands periodically
and - auto nice daemon
mix - starts the proxyserver of the an.on anonymizing proxy project.
anytun-config - anycast tunneling configuration utility
anytun-controld - anycast tunneling control daemon
anytun - anycast tunneling daemon
anytun-showtables - anycast tunneling routing table visualization
aoecfg - manipulate AoE configuration strings
aoe-discover - tell aoe driver to discover AoE devices
aoe-flush - flush the down devices out of the aoe driver
aoe-interfaces - restrict aoe driver to specified network interfaces
aoe-mkdevs - create special device files for aoe driver
aoe-mkshelf - create special device files for one shelf address
aoeping - simple communication with AoE device
aoe-revalidate - revalidate the disk size of an aoe device
aoe-stat - print aoe device status report
aoe-version - print AoE-related software version information
nsd - AOLserver program
apache2ctl - Apache HTTP server control interface
apache2 - Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol Server
apache2ctl - Apache HTTP server control interface
ap-auth - AP authorized MAC change utility
ap-config - configure and monitor Atmel and NWN based APs
apcsmart - Driver for American Power Conversion Smart Protocol UPS
apcupsd - daemon for Most APCC’s UPS support under Linux and UNIX
ap-gl - configure and monitor ATMEL_PRISM based APs
ap - parse addresses 822-style
apmd - Advanced Power Management (APM) daemon
ap-mrtg, ap-rrd - AP statistics translators
apparmor_notify - display information about logged AppArmor messages.
apparmor_parser - loads AppArmor profiles into the kernel
apparmor_status - display various information about the current
apphbd - Application Heartbeat Monitor for High-Availability Linux
applyfilter - apply filter settings to news spool
approx-gc - garbage-collect the cache of Debian archive files
approx - proxy server for Debian archive files
approx-import - copy local .deb files into the approx cache
approx-update - update cached Packages and Sources files
ap-mrtg, ap-rrd - AP statistics translators
aprsdigi - APRS(™) digipeater
aprsmon - monitor APRS AX.25 traffic for javAPRS
apt-cache - APT package handling utility -- cache manipulator
apt-cacher-ng - caching proxy for software package downloads
apt-cdrom - APT CDROM management utility
apt-config - APT Configuration Query program
apt-dater - terminal-based remote package update manager
apt-forktracer - a utility for managing package versions
ap-tftp - TFTP client for upgrading ATMEL AT76C510 WiSOC-based APs
apt-get - APT package handling utility -- command-line interface
apt - Advanced Package Tool
aptitude - high-level interface to the package manager
apt-key - APT key management utility
apt-mark - mark/unmark a package as being automatically-installed
apt-move - move cache of Debian packages into a mirror hierarchy.
apt-offline - Offline APT Package manager
apt-p2p — apt helper for peer-to-peer downloads of Debian packages -
apt-proxy - A proxy for saving bandwidth to Debian servers
apt-proxy-import - Import packages into the apt-proxy cache.
ap-trapd - a SNMP trap processing daemon
apt-rdepends - performs recursive dependency listings similar to
apt-secure - Archive authentication support for APT
apturl - graphical apt-protocol interpreting package installer
apturl - graphical apt-protocol interpreting package installer
apturl - graphical apt-protocol interpreting package installer
apt-zip-list, apt-zip-inst - Use apt with removable media
apt-zip-list, apt-zip-inst - Use apt with removable media
apt-zip-list, apt-zip-inst - Use apt with removable media
apxs - APache eXtenSion tool
arbitron - arbitron mailboxes
arbitronsort - sorts arbitron(8) output
arched - ARC Hosting Environment Daemon
archived (or archived.pl) - Mailing List Archiving Daemon for WWSympa
archive - Usenet article archiver
linux-atm - preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump
argus - audit record generation and utilization system
argus - audit record generation and utilization system
arno-iptables-firewall - Single- yyyyyamp; multi-homed firewall script with
arp2ethers - convert arpwatch address database to ethers file format
arpalert - ARP traffic monitoring
arpd - userspace arp daemon.
arpfetch - obtain ethernet/ip address pairings via snmp
arp - manipulate the system ARP cache
arping - send ARP REQUEST to a neighbour host
arpon - Arp handler inspectiON
arpsend - utility to send ARP requests.
arpsnmp - keep track of ethernet/ip address pairings
arpspoof - intercept packets on a switched LAN
arptables - ARP table administration
arptables-restore - Restore ARP Tables
arptables-save - Save ARP Tables
arpwatch - keep track of ethernet/ip address pairings
asetkey - Add a key from a keytab to an AFS KeyFile
askPrinter - Program to detect the name of your EPSON printer
asmtpd - Avenger SMTP Daemon
asoundconf-gtk - A GUI to select the default ALSA sound card
aspell-autobuildhash - Autobuilding aspell hash files for some dicts
asql - Provide an SQL interface to Apache logfiles.
asterisk - All-purpose telephony server.
astgenkey -- generates keys for for Asterisk IAX2 RSA authentication -
astribank_allow - License Xorcom Astribank (xpp) capabilities.
astribank_tool - Xorcom Astribank (xpp) firmware loader
astribank_is_starting - Mark / check is a Xorcom Astribank (xpp) is
astribank_tool - Xorcom Astribank (xpp) control tool
al1700-diag - Diagnostic program for the Allied Telesis AT1700
atalkd - AppleTalk RTMP, NBP, ZIP, and AEP manager
atd - run jobs queued for later execution
tftpd - DARPA Trivial File Transfer Protocol server
athcool - control power-saving mode on AMD Athlon/Duron CPUs
atheme-services - a modular IRC services daemon
atieventsd - ATI external events daemon
atlantic-setup - Setup program for ethernet cards based on AT/LANTIC
atmaddr - list and maintain local ATM addresses
atmarpd - ATMARP demon
atmarp - administer classical IP over ATM connections
atmdiag - show ATM device driver diagnostics
atmdump - capture or generate ATM cells
atmel_fwl - Load firmware into Atmel at76c50x wireless networking
atmloop - get/set loopback mode of ATM interfaces
atmsigd - ATM signaling demon
atmtcp - set up ATM over TCP connections
linux-atm - preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump
atp-diag - Diagnostic program for Realtek RTL8002/RTL8012 pocket
atsadc, atsa1, atsaftp, atsahttp — counter-collection -
atsadc, atsa1, atsaftp, atsahttp — counter-collection -
audispd - an event multiplexor
audispd-zos-remote - z/OS Remote-services Audit dispatcher plugin
audisp-prelude - plugin for IDMEF alerts
audisp-remote - plugin for remote logging
auditctl - a utility to assist controlling the kernel’s audit system
auditd - The Linux Audit daemon
aa-audit - set a AppArmor security profile to audit mode.
aulast - a program similar to last
aulastlog - a program similar to lastlog
aureport - a tool that produces summary reports of audit daemon logs
ausearch - a tool to query audit daemon logs
ausyscall - a program that allows mapping syscall names and numbers
auth2db-alert - alert manager for Auth2DB suite
auth2db-daemon - daemonize tool for Auth2DB suite
auth2db - log parser utility for Auth2DB suite
authbind-helper - helper program to bind sockets to privileged ports
auth-client-config - pam and NSS profile switcher
authenumerate - Fetches all known users from the authentication modules
auth_krb5 - nnrpd Kerberos v5 authenticator
autocptapes - Script capable to copy backups from a client to the given
aa-autodep - guess basic AppArmor profile requirements
/etc/init.d/autofs - Control Script for automounter
autolog - Log out idle users
AutomatedBastille - automatically install a profiled Bastille
automount - manage autofs mount points
automysqlbackup - backup all of your database daily, weekly, and
autosupport — interactive script to provide Digium[tm]’s support with -
autotrust - automated updates of DNSSEC trust anchors.
autrace - a program similar to strace
avahi-autoipd.action - avahi-autoipd action script
avahi-autoipd - IPv4LL network address configuration daemon
avahi-daemon - The Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon
avahi-dnsconfd.action - avahi-dnsconfd action script
avahi-dnsconfd - Unicast DNS server from mDNS/DNS-SD configuration
avcstat - Display SELinux AVC statistics
avenger.local - deliver mail for a local user
avmcapictrl - Add, reset or remove active AVM cards and load firmware
avr-evtd - Linkstation AVR Event daemon
linux-atm - preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump
ax25_call, netrom_call, rose_call, tcp_call - make an AX.25, NET/ROM,
ax25d - General purpose AX.25, NET/ROM and Rose daemon
ax25ipd - AX.25 into IP Encapsulator
ax25mond - dump the AX.25 network traffic and and provide sockets where
ax25rtctl - AX.25 routing control program
ax25rtd - AX.25 routing daemon
ax25spyd - ax.25 traffic analyzer, dumper and spy daemon
axctl - Configure/Kill running AX.25 connections.
axfrdns-conf - sets up a DNS zone-transfer service.
axfrdns - a DNS zone-transfer server.
axfr-get - a DNS zone-transfer client.
axparms - Configure AX.25 interfaces.
axspawn - Allow automatic login to a Linux system.
babeld - ad-hoc network routing daemon
backup2l - low-maintenance backup/restore tool
backup_adddump - Defines a dump level in the dump hierarchy
backup_addhost - Adds a Tape Coordinator entry to the Backup Database
backup_addvolentry - Defines a volume entry in a volume set
backup_addvolset - Creates a new (empty) volume set
backup_apropos - Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
backup_dbverify - Checks the integrity of the Backup Database
backup_deldump - Deletes a dump level from the Backup Database
backup_deletedump - Deletes one or more dump records from the Backup
backup_delhost - Deletes a Tape Coordinator entry from the Backup
backup_delvolentry - Deletes a volume entry from a volume set
backup_delvolset - Deletes one or more volume sets from the Backup
backup_diskrestore - Restores the entire contents of a partition
backup_dump - Creates a dump (dumps a volume set at a particular dump
backup_dumpinfo - Displays a dump record from the Backup Database
backup_help - Displays help for backup commands
backup - Introduction to the backup command suite
backup_interactive - Enters interactive mode
backup_jobs - Lists pending and running operations in interactive mode
backup_kill - Terminates a pending or running operation
backup_labeltape - Creates the magnetic label on a tape
backup_listdumps - Displays the dump hierarchy from the Backup Database
backup_listhosts - Lists Tape Coordinators registered in the Backup
backup_listvolsets - Lists volume set entries from the Backup Database
backup-manager - An easy to use backup tool for your Linux box.
backup-manager-purge - backup-manager’s wrapper for outdating files
backup-manager-upload - Multiprotocol uploader for backup-manager.
This documentation describes BackupPC version 3.1.0, released on 25 Nov -
backup_quit - Leaves interactive mode
backup_readlabel - Reads and displays a tape’s label
backup_restoredb - Restores a saved copy of the Backup Database
backup_savedb - Creates a saved copy of the Backup Database
backup_scantape - Extracts dump information from a tape
backup_setexp - Sets the expiration date for existing dump levels.
backup_status - Reports a Tape Coordinator’s status
backup_volinfo - Displays a volume’s dump history from the Backup
backup_volrestore - Restores one or more volumes
backup_volsetrestore - Restores all volumes in a volume set
bconsole - Bacula’s management Console
bacula-dir - Bacula Director
bacula-fd - Bacula’s File Daemon
Bacula - The Network Backup Solution
bacula-sd - Bacula’s Storage Daemon
badblocks - search a device for bad blocks
badsect - create files to contain bad sectors
bandwidthd - Tracks usage of TCP/IP and builds html files with graphs.
BastilleBackEnd - harden a host
BastilleChooser - harden a host using predefined profiles
batcher - Article batching for InterNetNews
batctl - B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced control and management tool
batmand - better approach to mobile ad‐hoc networking
battery-stats-collector - Collect statistics about battery charge
batv-filter - BATV (Bounce Address Tag Validation) filter for sendmail
baycomepp - Baycom EPP modem driver
baycomusb - Baycom USB modem diagnostics utility
.PP bbackupctl usually writes error messages to the console and the system -
bbmessage.cgi - CGI utility used for proxying Xymon data over HTTP
bbproxy - Xymon message proxy
1. mailing list -
bccmd - Utility for the CSR BCCMD interface
bcfg2-admin - Perform repository administration tasks
bcfg2-build-reports - Generate state reports for bcfg2 clients
bcfg2-info - Creates a local version of the bcfg2 server core for state
bcfg2-remote - Connect to a bcfg2 agent and trigger client execution
bcfg2-repo-validate - Check Bcfg2 repository data against data schemas
bcfg2-server - Server for client configuration specifications
bcmxcp - Driver for UPS'es supporting the serial BCM/XCP protocol
bcmxcp - Experimental driver for UPS'es supporting the BCM/XCP protocol
bconsole - Bacula’s management Console
bcopy - Bacula’s ’Copy from tape’
bcron-exec - Execute jobs on behalf of bcron-sched
bcron-sched - bcron system scheduler
bcron-spool - Manage user crontab submissions
bcron-start - Start the bcron scheduling system
bcron-update - Update system crontabs.
bdii - services
bdii - services
bdii - services
bdii - services
bd_pgsql_purge - summarizer script for bandwidthd (postgresql mode)
beacon - transmit periodic messages on an AX.25 port.
bearerbox, wapbox, smsbox - Parts of Kannel, the WAP and SMS gateway
belkin - Driver for Belkin serial UPS equipment
belkinunv - Driver for Belkin "Universal UPS" and compatible
bestfcom - Driver for Best Power Fortress/Ferrups
bestfortress - Driver for old Best Fortress UPS equipment
bestuferrups - Driver for Best Power Micro-Ferrups
bestups - Driver for Best Power / SOLA (Phoenixtec protocol) UPS
bextract - Bacula’s ’Extract from tape’
bgpd - a BGPv4, BGPv4+, BGPv4- routing engine for use with Quagga
bgpsim - BGP4 routing environment simulator
bhm - program to send SMTP mail to /dev/null
bidentd - Bisqwit’s TCP/IP Identification Protocol daemon
bihourly - track ethernet/ip address pairs
bing - compute point to point throughput using two sizes of ICMP
binkd - transfer files between two Fidonet systems over TCP/IP
Binkdlogstat - binkd log analyser and statistic generator
biosdecode - BIOS information decoder
biosinfo - Shows type, revision and vendor of the mainboard as well as
BitlBee - IRC gateway to IM chat networks
blazer_ser, blazer_usb - Driver for Megatec/Q1 protocol serial/USB
blddecr - decrement the counter of an IP address on a bld host
bld - A black list daemon
bldsubmit - submit an IP address to a bld host
bld-mrtg.pl - return MRTG-friendly statistics about local BLD status
bld-pf_log.pl - feed BLD with Postifx log files
bld-postfix_policy - BLD policy server for Postfix
bldquery - query a bld host
bldread - read bld dumps
bldsubmit - submit an IP address to a bld host
blend-role - add/remove roles in registered Debian Pure Blend
blend-update-menus - add menu of meta package to all Debian Pure Blend
blend-update-usermenus - update user menus of all Debian Pure Blend
blend-user - add/remove user to Role of a registered Debian Pure Blend
blkid - command-line utility to locate/print block device attributes
blkiomon - monitor block device I/O based o blktrace data
blktool - Display or change block device settings
blktrace - generate traces of the i/o traffic on block devices
blockdev - call block device ioctls from the command line
blootbot - the slowest and most bloated IRC bot on the internet
blootbotset - create the mysql tables for blootbot
bls - Bacula’s ’Tape LS’
bluetoothd - Bluetooth daemon
bmc-config - configure BMC values
bmc-device - perform advanced BMC commands
bmc-info - display BMC information
bmc-watchdog - BMC watchdog timer daemon and control utility
bnetd - Unix Battle.net® daemon
bnproxy - Battle.net® proxy daemon
boa - a single-tasking high performance http server
booleans - Policy booleans enable runtime customization of SELinux
bootlogd - record boot messages
bootparamd - boot parameter server
bootpc - bootp client
bootpd, bootpgw - Internet Boot Protocol server/gateway
bootpef - BOOTP Extension File compiler
bootpd, bootpgw - Internet Boot Protocol server/gateway
bootptest - send BOOTP queries and print responses
bootstrap_firmware - detect hardware for use with a package manager
bos_addhost - Adds a database server machine to the CellServDB file
bos_addkey - Adds a new server encryption key to the KeyFile file
bos_adduser - Adds a privileged user to the UserList file
bos_apropos - Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
bos_create - Defines a new process in the BosConfig file and starts it
bos_delete - Deletes a server process from the BosConfig file
bos_exec - Executes a command on a remote server machine
bos_getdate - Displays the time stamps on an AFS binary file
bos_getlog - Prints a server process’s log file
bos_getrestart - Displays the automatic restart times for server
bos_help - Displays help for bos commands
bos - Introduction to the bos command suite
bos_install - Installs a new version of a binary file
bos_listhosts - Displays the contents of the CellServDB file
bos_listkeys - Displays the server encryption keys from the KeyFile
bos_listusers - Lists the privileged users from the UserList file
bos_prune - Removes obsolete files from /usr/lib/openafs and
bos_removehost - Removes a database server machine from the CellServDB
bos_removekey - Removes a server encryption key from the KeyFile file
bos_removeuser - Removes a privileged user from the UserList file
bos_restart - Restarts a server process
bos_salvage - Restores internal consistency to a file system or volume
bosserver - Initializes the BOS Server
bos_setauth - Sets authorization checking requirements for all server
bos_setcellname - Sets the cell’s name in ThisCell and CellServDB
bos_setrestart - Sets when the BOS Server restarts processes
bos_shutdown - Stops a process without changing its status flag
bos_start - Starts a process after setting its status flag
bos_startup - Starts a process without changing its status flag
bos_status - Displays the status of server processes
bos_stop - Stops a process after changing its status flag
bos_uninstall - Reverts to the former version of a process’s binary
bos_util - Manipulate the AFS server Keyfile
bounced (or bounced.pl) - Mailing List Bounce Processing Daemon for
bozohttpd - hyper text transfer protocol version 1.1 daemon
bpqparms - Configure BPQ ethernet devices.
br2684ctl - RFC1483/2684 Bridge Daemon
brctl - ethernet bridge administration
bscan - Bacula’s ’Scan tape’
btape - Bacula’s Tape interface test program
BTCFLASH - firmware flash utility for BTC DRW1008 DVD+/-RW recorder.
btnx - Button Extension
btrace - perform live tracing for block devices
btrecord - recreate IO loads recorded by blktrace
btreplay - recreate IO loads recorded by blktrace
btrfsck - check a btrfs filesystem
btrfsctl - control a btrfs filesystem
btrfs - control a btrfs filesystem
btrfs-image - create/restore an image of the filesystem
btrfs-show - scan the /dev directory for btrfs partitions and print
buffchan - Buffered file-writing backend for INN
builddbm - users.db compiler
Boot-Up Manager - Graphical runlevel configuration tool
bundleTool - adds a card ATR to a selected card service bundle
buserver - Initializes the Backup Server
les, bus - ATM LAN Emulation service demons
butc - Initializes the Tape Coordinator process
bwbar - generates text and graphical readout of current bandwidth use.
bw_file_rd - time the reading and summing of a file
bw_mem - time memory bandwidth
bw_mem_rd - time memory read rate (with overhead)
bw_mmap_rd - time the reading and summing of a file
bw_pipe - time data movement through pipes
bw_tcp - time data movement through TCP/IP sockets
bw_unix - UNIX pipe bandwidth
cachefilesd - CacheFiles userspace management daemon
cache - cache parameters
cachemgr.cgi - squid HTTP proxy manager interface
caladmin - Calendar Server Administrative Interface
calcappclient - RSerPool Client (PU) for the CalcApp service
caldavd - Calendar Server Control Interface
calibrate_ppa - pnm2ppa calibration tool
callback - call a user back, presenting a login prompt
capiinfo - Show supported features of all installed CAPI2.0 controllers
capiinit - start or stop CAPI-capable ISDN cards
capiplugin - Plugin for pppd (Point-to-Point Protocol daemon)
capisuite - Python-scriptable ISDN telecommunication suite
capsh - 'bash' wrapper to raise and lower the bset and pI capabilities
captest - a program to demonstrate capabilities
carrousel - perform load balancing services
cartagehandler - automatic cartridge age handler
cart_ctl - perform operations on cartridges, e.g. moves
cartis - Administration of the cartridge numbers.
cartready - tell the tape server about cartridge changes
catman - create or update the pre-formatted manual pages
cat_nvram - Dumps the contents of nvram to STDOUT.
cauthtool - ceph keyring manipulation tool
ccat - cat a encrypted file
cciss_vol_status - show status of logical drives attached to HP
cclass - ceph class loading utility
cclsinfo - show class object information
cconf - ceph conf file tool
ccs-auditd - TOMOYO Linux’s auditing daemon
ccs-checkpolicy - TOMOYO Linux’s policy validator
ccs-diffpolicy - Diff TOMOYO Linux’s domain policy
ccs-domainmatch - Scan TOMOYO Linux’s domain policy
ccs-editpolicy-agent - Agent for editing TOMOYO Linux’s policy
ccs-editpolicy - Edit TOMOYO Linux’s policy
ccs-editpolicy - Edit TOMOYO Linux’s policy
ccs-findtemp - Detect TOMOYO Linux’s temporary pathnames
ccs-init - Load TOMOYO Linux’s policy automatically
ccs-ld-watch - Update TOMOYO Linux’s library’s pathnames automatically
ccs-loadpolicy - Load TOMOYO Linux’s policy manually
ccs-notifyd - Notify TOMOYO Linux’s policy violation
ccs-pathmatch - Do TOMOYO Linux’s pathname pattern matching on the
ccs-patternize - Convert TOMOYO Linux’s pathnames into patterns
ccs-pstree - View TOMOYO Linux’s process information
ccs-queryd - Handle TOMOYO Linux’s delayed enforcing mode
ccs-savepolicy - Save TOMOYO Linux’s policy
ccs-selectpolicy - Pick up TOMOYO Linux’s specific domain’s policy
ccs-setlevel - Update TOMOYO Linux’s profile
ccs-setprofile - Assign TOMOYO Linux’s profile to domains
ccs-sortpolicy - Sort TOMOYO Linux’s domain policy
ccs_tool - The tool used to make online updates of CCS config files.
blend-role - add/remove roles in registered Debian Pure Blend
blend-update-menus - add menu of meta package to all Debian Pure Blend
blend-update-usermenus - update user menus of all Debian Pure Blend
blend-user - add/remove user to Role of a registered Debian Pure Blend
cdpr - Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter
ceph - ceph file system control utility
cereal-admin - administer cereal sessions
certpatch - add subjectAltName identities to X.509 certificates
cf-agent - cfengine’s change agent
cfagent - system configuration agent
GNU cfdisk - a curses-based partition table manipulation program
cfdoc - Simple utility to document a cfengine configuration file
cfengine - network configuration engine
cfengine - network configuration engine
cfengine - network configuration engine
cfetoolcheck - Check a new value against the averages currently in the
cfetoolcreate - Set up a new Database
cfetooldump - dump the contents of a database in XML format
cfetoolgraph - create graphs from a cfetool database
cfetool - Standalone UI for Long term state registry
cfetoolimport - import the contents of a database from XML format
cfetoolinfo - Get information about a database
cfetoolupdate - Update the database with a new value
cf-execd - cfengine’s execution agent
cfengine - network configuration engine
cfingerd - Configurable finger daemon.
cf-key - cfengine’s key generator
cfengine - network configuration engine
cf-know - cfengine’s knowledge agent
cf-monitord - cfengine’s monitoring agent
cf-promises - cfengine’s promise analyzer
cf-report - cfengine’s reporting agent
cf-runagent - Run agent
cfrun - Execute remote cfagents
cfsd - cryptographic file system daemon
cfservd - cfengine server daemon
cf-serverd - cfengine’s server agent
cfshow - Dump cfengine databases
cfuse - FUSE-based client for ceph
cgconfigparser - setup control group file system
cgrulesengd - control group rules daemon
cartready - tell the tape server about cartridge changes
chat - Automated conversational script with a modem
chbind - The chbind utility is used to lock a process and its children
chcat - change file SELinux security category
chcontext - chcontext allocates a new security context and executes a
chcp - change mode of NILFS2 checkpoints
checkapoppw - checks APOP password against the file ~/Maildir/.password
check_db - Check the integrity of a list's database file
check-free - check for mounted filesystems nearing capacity
check_forensic - tool to extract mod_log_forensic output from apache
checkgid - checks the gid
checkgroups - update group descriptions
checkinstall — Track installation of local software, and produce -
check_lft_balance.sh - check InfiniBand unicast forwarding tables
checkmodule - SELinux policy module compiler
check-passwd - check for empty or duplicate system accounts.
checkpassword - check a password
checkpc - check out the printcap database
check_perms - Check permissions of Mailman's files
checkpolicy - SELinux policy compiler
checkpw - checks password against the file ~/Maildir/.password
checkrhosts - program to check the users .rhosts files for security
checksecurity - Run a collection of simple system checks
check-selinux-installation — perform configuration checks in SELinux -
checksendmail - verify sendmail address transformations.
checksecurity - check for changes to setuid programs
chef-client: - Runs a client node connecting to a chef-server.
chef-solo: - Runs chef in solo mode against a specified cookbook
chgpasswd - update group passwords in batch mode
chiark-named-conf - check and generate nameserver configuration
chilli - ChilliSpot.org. A Wireless LAN Access Point Controller
chilli - ChilliSpot.org. A Wireless LAN Access Point Controller
chkconf - check ircd config-file
chkconfig - enable or disable system services
chkcon - determine if a security context is valid for a given binary
chk_cyrus - perform a consistency check of the cyrus mailstore
chktcpquota - Check the tcp quotas for the user(s) thus far.
chntpw - utility to overwrite Windows NT/2000 SAM passwords
choptest - HylaFAX page chopping test program
chpasswd - update passwords in batch mode
chpst - runs a program with a changed process state
chronyd - chrony background daemon
chroot - run command or interactive shell with special root directory
cibadmin - read, modify, or administer heartbeat Cluster Information
c-icap - ICAP Server
cifs.upcall - Userspace upcall helper for Common Internet File System
citserver - Core of the Citadel Suite.
ckpasswd - nnrpd password authenticator
clamav-check - check clamav installation
clamav-milter - milter compatible mail scanner
clamav-unofficial-sigs - Download, test, and install third-party ClamAV
clamd - an anti-virus daemon
clamsmtpd - an SMTP server for scanning viruses via clamd
cleandb — purges old HybServ services database backups -
client.conf - client side configuration file for afbackup
clockdiff - measure clock difference between hosts
hwclock - query and set the hardware clock (RTC)
clone - UPS driver clone
clone_member - Clone a Mailman subscriber address
clubufflush - Flush buffers on a service’s file system.
clufindhostname - Find a hostname or IP address given the other.
clulog - Log a message to the cluster and/or system logs
Clurgmgrd - Resource Group (Cluster Service) Manager Daemon
clurmtabd - Cluster NFS Remote Mount Table Daemon
clustat - Cluster Status Utility
clusvcadm - Cluster User Service Administration Utility
clvmd - cluster LVM daemon
cmannotifyd - CMAN Notification Daemon
cman_tool - Cluster Management Tool
cmds - ceph metadata server daemon
cmon - ceph monitor daemon
cmospwd - a cmos/bios password recovery tool
cmpi-provider-register - install class definitions (MOFs) and
cname - prints the name of the encrypted file
cnfsheadconf - Read and write CNFS headers
cnfsstat - Show usage of CNFS buffers
cnid_dbd - implement access to CNID databases through a dedicated
cnid_metad - start cnid_dbd daemons on request
coldreboot - Force a cold reboot bypassing kexec-tools default
comedi_calibrate - COMEDI calibration utility
comedi_config - COMEDI configuration utility
aa-complain - set a AppArmor security profile to complain mode.
computer-janitor-gtk - remove cruft from system (GUI version)
computer-janitor - clean up a system installation
comsatd - the Comsat daemon
comsat - biff server
confdb2ldif - Create an LDIF file from a cluster configuration
confdb_overview - Confdb Library Overview
config_list - Configure a Mailman list from a text file description
configure-debian - central configuration program for packages using
conflict - search for alias/password conflicts
connmand - connection manager
conntrackd - netfilter connection tracking user-space daemon
conntrack - command line interface for netfilter connection tracking
conserver - console server daemon
consolechars - load EGA/VGA console screen font, screen-font map,
consolehelper-gtk - A helper program for consolehelper
consolehelper - A wrapper that helps console users run system programs
controlchan - channel-fed control message handler
convert-console-log.conf - Convert console-log.conf to current format
convertquota - convert quota from old file format to new one
convirt - A graphical Xen management tool
ipsec _copyright - prints FreeSWAN copyright
copy_tape - make a duplicate of a tape
coraid-update - upload an update file to a CORAID appliance
coroipc_overview - Overview of coroipc libraries
corosync-objctl - Configure objects in the Object Database
corosync_overview - Corosync overview
cosd - ceph object storage daemon
courieresmtpd - Courier mail server ESMTP daemon
courierfax - Send faxes via E-mail
courierfilter - Courier mail filters
courier - The Courier mail server
courierldapaliasd - LDAP-based mail aliasing
courier-mtaconfig - Show configuration parameters for the Courier MTA
courierpassd - change passwords from across the network using the
couirerpasswd - Authenticate users and change passwords using the
courierperlfilter - Sample Perl-based mail filter
courierpop3d - The Courier POP3 server
courierpop3d - The Courier POP3 server
courieruserinfo - use the Courier authentication library to collect
courieruucp - Sample Courier mail filter
cowbuilder - a pbuilder wrapper for cowdancer.
The CPG library is delivered with the openais project. This library is -
cppw, cpgr - copy with locking the given file to the password or group
cppw, cpgr - copy with locking the given file to the password or group
cpudynd - CPU Dynamic frecuency daemon
cpufreqd - intelligently monitor and manipulate CPU frequency
cpu - A tool for user and group administration
cpu - a user administration tool for LDAP backends
cqtest - HylaFAX copy quality checking test program
Crack, Reporter - programs to break password files
cracklib-check - Check passwords using libcrack2
cracklib-format, cracklib-packer, cracklib-unpacker - cracklib
cracklib-format, cracklib-packer, cracklib-unpacker - cracklib
cracklib-format, cracklib-packer, cracklib-unpacker - cracklib
Crack, Reporter - programs to break password files
cramfsck - check a compressed ROM file system
crash - Analyze Linux crash data or a live system
crda - send to the kernel a wireless regulatory domain for a given ISO
create-cracklib-dict - Check passwords using libcrack2
create-munge-key - Create munge key
createrepo - Create repomd (xml-rpm-metadata) repository
crm_resource - Interact with the Cluster Resource Manager
cron-apt — program to update the system using apt-get -
cron - daemon to execute scheduled commands (Vixie Cron)
crosspost - create the links for cross posted articles
cruft - Check the filesystem for cruft (missing and unexplained files)
crun - restart daemon on core dump
crushtool - CRUSH map manipulation tool
cryptdisks_start - wrapper around cryptsetup which parses
cryptdisks_stop - wrapper around cryptsetup which parses /etc/crypttab.
cryptmount - mount/unmount/configure an encrypted filing system
cryptmount-setup - setup a new encrypted filing system
cryptsetup - setup cryptographic volumes for dm-crypt (including LUKS
cserver - To start the Chinese server.
cspmonitor - CSP server for monitoring RSerPool components
csyn - ceph synthetic workload generator
ctcs-newburn - generate a CTCS burn profile, and run the burnin
ctermd - CTERM services for Linux
ctl_cyrusdb - perform operations common to all Cyrus databases
ctl_deliver - perform operations on the duplicate delivery database
ctlinnd - Control the main InterNetNews daemon
ctl_mboxlist - perform operations on the mailbox list database
ctrlaltdel - set the function of the Ctrl-Alt-Del combination
lnstat - unified linux network statistics
cupsaccept/cupsreject - accept/reject jobs sent to a destination
cupsaddsmb - export printers to samba for windows clients
cups-calibrate - ESP CUPS Printer Calibration Tool
cupsctl - configure cupsd.conf options
cups-deviced - cups device daemon
cupsd - cups scheduler
cupsdisable, cupsenable - stop/start printers and classes
cups-driverd - cups driver daemon
cupsdisable, cupsenable - stop/start printers and classes
cupsfilter - convert a file to another format using cups filters
cups-genppdupdate - update CUPS+Gutenprint PPD files
cups-lpd - receive print jobs and report printer status to lpd clients
cups-polld - cups printer polling daemon
cupsaccept/cupsreject - accept/reject jobs sent to a destination
cutter - cut tcp/ip connections
cvm-benchclient - testing the performance of a CV module
cvm-checkpassword - checkpassword interface for CVM modules
cvm-mysql - MySQL module
cvm-pgsql - PgSQL module
cvm-pwfile - POSIX-style passwd file module
cvm-qmail - qmail configuration lookup module
cvm-testclient - testing CV modules from the command line
cvm-unix - UNIX/POSIX-standard module
cvm-vmailmgr - vmailmgr virtual user validation module
cvsd-buginfo - print out cvsd configuration information for bug reports
cvsd-buildroot - create a chrooted directory structure for use in cvsd.
cvsd - chroot wrapper to run ‘cvs pserver’ more securely.
cvsd-passwd - generate password entries for repositories
cvs - The GNU Concurrent Versions System
cvtbatch - Convert Usenet batch files to INN format
cvt_cyrusdb - convert a database file between cyrus database formats
cwdaemon - morse daemon for the serial or parallel port
cwnnkill - To terminate the cserver.
cyclades-ser-cli Serial Port Interface for Cyclades Terminal Servers -
cyclades-serial-client Serial Port Interface for Cyclades Terminal -
cyclictest - High resolution test program
cyrdeliver - deliver mail to an IMAP mailbox
cyrdump - dump mailboxes to stdout
cyr_expire - expire messages and duplicate delivery database entries
cyrmaster - master Cyrus process
cyrquota - report and optionally fix quota usage
cyrreconstruct - reconstruct mailboxes
cyrus-imspd -- server for storing application preferences and address -
cyrus-makedirs - Sets up the Cyrus IMAPd system directories (spools)
cytune - Tune driver parameters for Cyclades-Z multiport serial card
d2cs — Program needed to host Diablo II open and closed servers -
d2dbs — Program needed to host Diablo II open and closed servers -
d2mbox - a script to create an mbox format file from MailScanners
dahdi_cfg - configures DAHDI kernel modules from /etc/dahdi/system.conf
dahdi_diag — Dump DAHDI channel parameters -
dahdi_genconf - Generate configuration for dahdi channels.
dahdi_hardware - Shows Dahdi hardware devices.
dahdi_monitor - checks the rx/tx levels of DAHDI channels
dahdi_registration - Handle registration of Xorcom XPD modules in
dahdi_scan — Print Configuration of DAHDI Spans -
dahdi_test — Test if the DAHDI timer provides timely response -
dahdi_tool - Shows status of DAHDI interfaces
damnit ‐ DAtabase MaNagement InTerface -
dancer-ircd - an IRC server
DansGuardian2 - web content filter
danted - network proxyserver
daptup - wrapper script on ’apt-get update’
darkstat - network statistics gatherer
dbcheck - Bacula’s Catalog Database Check/Clean program
dbck - LysKOM database maintenance program
dbmail-export - export a mailbox from the DBMail mailsystem to mbox
dbmail-imapd - provides access to the DBMail system to clients
dbmail-lmtpd - receive messages from an MTA supporting the Lightweight
dbmail-pop3d - provides access to the DBMail system to client support-
dbmail-sievecmd - manipulates Sieve scripts in the DBMail database.
dbmail-timsieved - speaks the Manage Sieve draft protocol, used for
dbmail-users - manages the DBMail user database.
dbmail-util - maintains the integrity and cleanliness of the DBMail
dbskkd-cdb - a dictionary server for the SKK
dcbd - Data Center Bridging capabilities exchange daemon
dcbtool - manage the Data Center Bridging (DCB) settings of a DCB
ddclient - Update IP addresses at dynamic DNS services
ddns-confgen - ddns key generation tool
debbugsconfig - copy basic debbugs configuration files from templates
debbugs-dbhash - migrate a debbugs database to hashed format
debfoster - weed unnecessary Debian packages
debootstrap - Bootstrap a basic Debian system
debsecan-create-cron - Create cron entry for the Debian Security
debsums_gen - Generate /var/lib/dpkg/info/acpid.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/acpi-support.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/adduser.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/adium-theme-ubuntu.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/adobe-flashplugin.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/aisleriot.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/alacarte.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/alsa-base.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/alsa-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/amarok-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/amarok.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/amarok-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/anacron.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/apparmor.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/apparmor-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/app-install-data.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/app-install-data-partner.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/apport-gtk.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/apport.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/apport-symptoms.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/aptdaemon.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/aptitude.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/apt.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/apt-transport-https.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/apturl-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/apturl.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/apt-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/apt-xapian-index.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/aspell-en.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/aspell.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/at.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/at-spi.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/avahi-autoipd.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/avahi-daemon.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/avahi-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/base-files.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/base-passwd.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bash-completion.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bash.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bc.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bcmwl-modaliases.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bind9-host.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/binfmt-support.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bluefish-data.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bluefish-dbg.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bluefish.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bluefish-plugins.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bluez-alsa.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bluez-cups.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bluez-gstreamer.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bluez.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bogofilter-bdb.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bogofilter-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bogofilter.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/branding-ubuntu.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/brasero-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/brasero.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/brltty.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/brltty-x11.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bsdmainutils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bsdutils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/busybox-initramfs.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/busybox-static.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/byobu.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/bzip2.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cairo-dock-core.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cairo-dock-data.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cairo-dock-plug-ins-data.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cairo-dock-plug-ins-integration.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cairo-dock-plug-ins.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/capplets-data.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cdparanoia.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/checkbox-gtk.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/checkbox.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cli-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/command-not-found-data.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/command-not-found.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/compizconfig-backend-gconf.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/compizconfig-settings-manager.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/compiz-core.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/compiz-fusion-plugins-main.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/compiz-gnome.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/compiz.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/compiz-plugins.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/computer-janitor-gtk.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/computer-janitor.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/consolekit.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/console-setup.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/console-terminus.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/coreutils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/couchdb-bin.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cpio.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cpp-4.4.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cpp.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cpu-checker.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cron.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cups-bsd.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cups-client.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cups-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cups-driver-gutenprint.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/cups.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/curl.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dash.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dbus.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dbus-x11.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dc.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dcraw.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/debconf-i18n.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/debconf.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/debianutils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/defoma.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/desktopcouch.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/desktop-file-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dhcp3-client.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dhcp3-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dictionaries-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/diffutils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dmidecode.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dmsetup.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dmz-cursor-theme.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dnsmasq-base.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dnsutils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/doc-base.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/docbook-xml.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dosfstools.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dpkg.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/driconf.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/dvd+rw-tools.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/e2fslibs.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/e2fsprogs.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ed.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/eject.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/emerald.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/empathy-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/empathy.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/enca.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/eog.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/erlang-base.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/erlang-crypto.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/erlang-inets.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/erlang-mnesia.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/erlang-public-key.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/erlang-runtime-tools.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/erlang-ssl.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/erlang-syntax-tools.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/erlang-xmerl.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/esound-clients.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/esound-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/espeak-data.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/espeak.md5sums 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/var/lib/dpkg/info/python-egenix-mxdatetime.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-egenix-mxtools.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-enchant.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-farsight.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-fstab.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-gconf.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-gdbm.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-glade2.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-gmenu.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-gnome2.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-gnomeapplet.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-gnomecanvas.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-gnomekeyring.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-gnupginterface.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-gobject.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-gst0.10.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-gtk2.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-gtksourceview2.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-gtkspell.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-httplib2.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-ibus.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-imaging.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-indicate.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-kde4.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-launchpad-integration.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-launchpadlib.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-lazr.restfulclient.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-lazr.uri.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-libxml2.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-louis.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-mako.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-minimal.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-newt.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-notify.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-oauth.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-openssl.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-packagekit.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-pam.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-papyon.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-paramiko.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-pexpect.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-pkg-resources.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-problem-report.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-protobuf.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-pyatspi.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-pycurl.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-pygoocanvas.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-pyinotify.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-pyorbit.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-pysqlite2.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-qt4.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-rdflib.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-serial.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-simplejson.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-sip.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-smbc.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-software-properties.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-speechd.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-support.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-telepathy.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-twisted-bin.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-twisted-core.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-twisted-names.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-twisted-web.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-ubuntuone-client.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-ubuntuone.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-uno.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-virtkey.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-vte.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-wadllib.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-webkit.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-wnck.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-xapian.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-xdg.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-xkit.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-zope.interface.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/quadrapassel.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/radeontool.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/rarian-compat.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/rdesktop.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/readline-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/rhythmbox.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/rhythmbox-plugins.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/rsync.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/rsyslog.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/rtkit.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/samba-common-bin.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/samba-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/sane-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/screen.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/screen-resolution-extra.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/screensaver-default-images.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/seahorse.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/sed.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/sensible-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/sgml-base.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/sgml-data.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/shared-desktop-ontologies.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/shared-mime-info.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/simple-ccsm.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/simple-scan.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/smartdimmer.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/smbclient.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/software-center.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/software-properties-gtk.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/software-properties-kde.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/soprano-daemon.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/speech-dispatcher.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/splix.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ssh-askpass-gnome.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ssl-cert.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/strace.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/sudo.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/synaptic.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/syslinux.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/system-config-printer-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/system-config-printer-gnome.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/system-config-printer-udev.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/system-tools-backends.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/sysvinit-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/sysv-rc.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/tar.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/tasksel-data.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/tasksel.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/tcl8.4.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/tcpd.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/tcpdump.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/telepathy-butterfly.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/telepathy-gabble.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/telepathy-haze.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/telepathy-idle.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/telepathy-mission-control-5.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/telepathy-salut.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/telnet.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/time.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/tk8.4.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/tomboy.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/toshset.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/totem-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/totem.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/totem-mozilla.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/totem-plugins.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/transmission-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/transmission-gtk.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/tree.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/tsclient.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/tsconf.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-dejavu-core.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-dejavu-extra.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-dejavu.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-freefont.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-indic-fonts-core.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-kacst-one.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-khmeros-core.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-lao.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-liberation.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-opensymbol.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-punjabi-fonts.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-takao-pgothic.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-thai-tlwg.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-unfonts-core.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-wqy-microhei.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/tzdata.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubufox.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntu-artwork.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntu-desktop.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntu-docs.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntu-keyring.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntu-minimal.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntu-mono.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntuone-client-gnome.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntuone-client.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntu-sounds.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntu-standard.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntu-system-service.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ubuntu-wallpapers.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ucf.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/udev.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/udisks.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ufw.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/unattended-upgrades.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/uno-libs3.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/unzip.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/update-inetd.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/update-manager-core.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/update-manager-kde.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/update-manager.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/update-notifier-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/update-notifier.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/upower.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/upstart.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ureadahead.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/ure.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/usb-creator-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/usb-creator-gtk.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/usbmuxd.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/usbutils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/util-linux.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/uuid-runtime.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/vbetool.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/vim-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/vim-tiny.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/vinagre.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/vino.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/virtuoso-nepomuk.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/vkeybd.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/vlc-data.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/vlc.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/vlc-nox.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/vlc-plugin-pulse.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/w3m.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/wamerican.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/wbritish.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/wgdd-archive-keyring.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/wget.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/whiptail.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/whois.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/wireless-crda.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/wireless-tools.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/wodim.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/wpasupplicant.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/x11-apps.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/x11-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/x11-session-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/x11-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/x11-xfs-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/x11-xkb-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/x11-xserver-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xauth.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xbitmaps.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xcursor-themes.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xdg-user-dirs-gtk.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xdg-user-dirs.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xdg-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xdotool.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xfonts-100dpi.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xfonts-75dpi.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xfonts-base.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xfonts-encodings.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xfonts-mathml.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xfonts-scalable.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xfonts-utils.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xinit.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xinput.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xkb-data.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xml-core.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xorg-docs-core.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xorg.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xscreensaver-data.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xscreensaver-gl.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-common.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-core.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-input-evdev.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-input-mouse.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-input-wacom.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-apm.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-ark.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-ati.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-chips.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-cirrus.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-fbdev.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-geode.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-i128.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-i740.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-intel.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-mach64.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-mga.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-neomagic.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-nv.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-openchrome.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-r128.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-radeon.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-rendition.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-s3.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-s3virge.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-savage.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-sis.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-sisusb.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-tdfx.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-trident.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-tseng.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-v4l.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-vesa.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-vmware.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg-video-voodoo.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xsltproc.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xterm.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/x-ttcidfont-conf.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/xulrunner-1.9.2.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/yelp.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/zenity.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/zip.md5sums /var/lib/dpkg/info/zlib1g.md5sums for packages
debsums_init - Initialize md5sums files for packages lacking them
debugfs - ext2/ext3/ext4 file system debugger
debugfs.ocfs2 - OCFS2 file system debugger.
debugfs.reiser4 - the program for debugging reiser4 filesystem.
debugreiserfs - The debugging tool for the ReiserFS filesystem.
debugvmfs - VMFS file system debugger
decnetconf - Simple configuration script for DECnet
defoma-reconfigure - Reconfigure all from zero.
delete-pr - deletes closed PRs
deluser, delgroup - remove a user or group from the system
deliverquota - deliver to a maildir with a quota
deliverquota - deliver to a maildir with a quota
delo - install boot loader
delpart - simple wrapper around the "del partition" ioctl
delrconsole - Delete a remote console user
deluser, delgroup - remove a user or group from the system
DenyHosts - version: 2.6
depmod - program to generate modules.dep and map files.
desktop-file-install - install a desktop file to the applications
devmap_name - Query device-mapper name
df2mbox - a script to create an mbox format file from MailScanners
dhclient - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client
dhclient - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client
dhclient-script - DHCP client network configuration script
dhcp6c - DHCPv6 client daemon
dhcp6ctl - DHCPv6 client and server control utility
dhcp6relay - DHCPv6 relay agent
dhcp6s - DHCPv6 server
dhcpcd - a wrapper for the DHCP client daemon.
dhcpcd - an RFC 2131 compliant DHCP client
dhcpcd - a wrapper for the DHCP client daemon.
dhcpd - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server
dhcpdump - DHCP packet dumper
dhcp-edit - add or and remove entries to/from dhcpd.conf
dhcp-helper - A DHCP/BOOTP relay agent.
dhcping - send a DHCP request to DHCP server to see if it’s up and
dhcp_probe - locate DCHP and BootP servers on a directly-attached
dhcrelay - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Relay Agent
dhelp_parse - Debian online help parser
dhid - Dynamic Host Information System client.
dhisd - Dynamic Host Information System server.
dhis-genid - Dynamic Host Information System client ID generation.
dhis-genkeys - Dynamic Host Information System key generation.
dhis-genpass - Dynamic Host Information System password generation.
dhis-register-p, dhist-register-q - Dynamic Host Information System
dhis-register-p, dhist-register-q - Dynamic Host Information System
dhis-register-p, dhist-register-q - Dynamic Host Information System
dh_make - prepare Debian packaging for an original source archive
diagperm - Enable access to network diagnostic tools for a user group
dialtest - HylaFAX dial string processing rules test program
dibbler-client - a portable DHCPv6 client
dibbler-relay - a portable DHCPv6 relay
dibbler-server - a portable DHCPv6 server
dicodconfig - write dicod database configuration section
dicod - a DICT daemon
dicodconfig - write dicod database configuration section
dictd - a dictionary database server
dirvish-expire - delete expired dirvish images
dirvish - Disk based virtual image network backup system
dirvish-runall - run a set of dirvish backup jobs.
discover-modprobe — kernel module loading using discover(1) -
discover-pkginstall — intsall packages for available hardware using -
distributed-net-config - distributed.net client configuration
divaload - configure Eicon Diva active ISDN card
divalogd - utility to record messages from Diva cards
divalog - Utility to read and translate messages from divalogd
divertctrl - set/query ISDN diversion services for (E)DSS1 protocol
dk-filter - DomainKeys filter for sendmail
dkim-filter - DKIM filter for sendmail
dkim-genkey - DKIM filter key generation tool
dkimproxy.in - SMTP proxy for verifying DKIM signatures
dkimproxy.out - SMTP proxy for adding DKIM signatures to email
dkim-stats - output dkim-milter statistics
dkim-testkey - DKIM filter installation test
dkim-testssp - DKIM filter ADSP evaluation tool
dkms - Dynamic Kernel Module Support
dl10k1 - emu10k1(emu10k2) dump loader
dlm_controld - daemon that configures dlm according to cluster events
dlm_tool - A program to join and leave lockspaces and display dlm
newaliases - update /etc/aliases database
dmevent_tool - A utility used to load a DSO into dmeventd and
dmidecode - DMI table decoder
dmraid - discover, configure and activate software (ATA)RAID
dmsetup - low level logical volume management
dncopynodes - copy a list of nodes from a remote DEC system
dnetinfo - DECnet Routing Information
dnetd - DECnet Super-server
dnetinfo - DECnet Routing Information
dnetnml - DECnet Network Management Listener
dnroute - DECnet Routing Daemon
dnscache-conf - sets up a DNS cache service.
dnscache - a DNS cache.
DNS-FLOOD-DETECTOR - dns flood detection and alert tool
dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server.
dnssec-dsfromkey - DNSSEC DS RR generation tool
dnssec-keyfromlabel - DNSSEC key generation tool
dnssec-keygen - DNSSEC key generation tool
dnssec-revoke - Set the REVOKED bit on a DNSSEC key
dnssec-settime - Set the key timing metadata for a DNSSEC key
dnssec-signzone - DNSSEC zone signing tool
dnsspoof - forge replies to DNS address / pointer queries
dnstop - displays various tables of DNS traffic on your network
dnstracer - trace a chain of DNS servers to the source
do_auth - Program allowing more granular control than tac_plus.
docheckgroups - Process checkgroups and output a list of changes
domain - nnrpd domain resolver
domainjoin-cli - Join a host to an Active Directory domain
domainname - set or display name of current domain
do-release-upgrade - manual page for do-release-upgrade
dosfsck - check and repair MS-DOS file systems
dosfslabel - set or get a MS-DOS filesystem label
dovecot - An IMAP and POP3 mail server
dp - parse dates 822-style
dphys-swapfile - set up, mount/unmount, and delete an swap file
dpkg-divert - override a package's version of a file
dpkg-hold - program to flag for hold a package or packages
dpkg-preconfigure - let packages ask questions prior to their
dpkg-purge - program to flag for purge a package or packages
dpkg-reconfigure - reconfigure an already installed package
dpkg-remove - program to flag for removal a package or packages
dpkg-statoverride - override ownership and mode of files
dpkg-unhold - program to flag for installation a package or packages
dpkg-www, dpkg-www-installer - WWW Debian package browser
dpkg-www, dpkg-www-installer - WWW Debian package browser
dpm-rfiod- Remote file access daemon -
dracut-catimages - creates initial ramdisk image by concatenating
dracut-gencmdline - generates kernel command line parameters for the
dracut - create initial ramdisk images for preloading modules
drbdadm - Administration tool for DRBD .
drbddisk - Script to mark devices as primary and mount file systems
drbd - The start and stop script for DRBD
drbdlinks - manages links into a shared DRBD partition
drbdmeta - DRBD's meta data management tool .
drbdsetup - Setup tool for DRBD .
drobom - CLI for managing drobo units
droboview - GUI for managing drobo units
dropbear - lightweight SSH2 server
dropbearkey - create private keys for the use with dropbear(8)
dsniff - password sniffer
dsyslog - system logging daemon
dtc_autodeploy - Autodeploy the DTC panel
dtc_change_bsd_kernel - rewrites the xen startup script with selected
dtc-chroot-shell - Make it possible for dtc shared hosting users to log
dtc_install_centos - bootstrap a CentOS install to use in a chroot or
dtc_kill_vps_disk - destroy LVM disks for freeing space
dtc_reinstall_os - reinstall an operating system in a VM
dtc_setup_disk - setup LVM disks for using it as a VM
dtc-soap-server - This is a SOAP server running over HTTPS with Auth to
dtc_write_xenpv_conf - rewrites the xen startup script with selected
dtc-xen-client - tests the dtc-xen soap daemon
dtc-xen_domUconf_network_debian - configure a debian VPS for using
dtc-xen_domUconf_network_redhat - configure a redhat VPS for using
dtc-xen_domUconf_standard - configure a debian VPS for using network
dtc-xen_domU_gen_xen_conf - configure the Xen startup file of a VPS
dtc-xen_finish_install.8 - configure your server after the package dtc-
dtc-xen_migrate - migrate a VPS to another Xen server
dtc-xen-volgroup - This script is a part of the SOAP server of dtc-xen
duende - run a child process as a daemon
dumbnet - dumb networking library test program
dummy_server - A simple server that binds to a user-specified port and
dummy-ups - Driver for multi purpose UPS emulation
dump-acct - print an acct file in human-readable format.
dumpe2fs - dump ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem information
dumpfs - dump file system information
dump - ext2/3/4 filesystem backup
dump_lfts.sh - dump InfiniBand unicast forwarding tables
dump_lfts.sh - dump InfiniBand multicast forwarding tables
dumpseg - print segment information of NILFS2
dump_sockdfc - Display contents of frozen configuratyion file for
dump_sockdfr - Display contents of frozen route file for SOCKS server
dump_socksfc - Display contents of frozen configuratyion file for
dump-utmp - print an utmp file in human-readable format.
dupfilter - Sample Courier mail filter
dvhtool - Disk volume header manipulation tool
dwww-build - build dwww index lists
dwww-build-menu - builds dwww Debian Documentation Menu
dwww-cache - manage the dwww cache of converted documents
dwww-convert - convert files to HTML for dwww
dwww-find - find documentation related to a search argument
dwww-format-man - batch format manual pages for dwww
dwww-quickfind - find quickly which package a program belongs to.
dwww-refresh-cache - rebuilds dwww cache directory
dwww-txt2html - simple txt to HTML converter for dwww
e21-diag - Diagnostic program for Cabletron E2100 ethernet cards
e2freefrag - report free space fragmentation information
e2fsck - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
e2image - Save critical ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem metadata to a file
e2label - Change the label on an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
e2undel — Undelete files on ext2 file systems interactively -
e2undo - Replay an undo log for an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
ebox - start/stop ebox modules from command line
ebsmount-udev - Triggered by udev on EBS attach and detach
ebtables - Ethernet bridge frame table administration
ecryptfsd - user-space eCryptfs daemon.
ecryptfs-manager - eCryptfs key manager.
edac-ctl - EDAC admin utility
edge - n2n edge node daemon
editkeep - frontend for deborphan
editmap - query and edit single records in database maps for sendmail
edquota - edit user quotas
eepro100-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for Intel
eexpress-diag - Diagnostic program for Intel EtherExpress 16
efibootmgr - manipulate the EFI Boot Manager
efingerd - another finger daemon for linux
eftd - ISDN EUROFILE file transfer server
eiconctrl - configure Eicon active ISDN card
ejabberd2prosody - ejabbed db dump importer for prosody
ejabberdctl -- a control interface of ejabberd Jabber/XMPP server -
ejabberd -- a distributed fault-tolerant Jabber/XMPP server -
ekeydctl - Entropy Key Daemon Control tool
ekey-egd-linux - EGD Entropy Daemon
ekeyd - Entropy Key Daemon
ekey-rekey - Entropy Key Long Term Session Key tool
ekey-setkey - Entropy Key Long Term Key programmer
ekey-ulusbd - Entropy Key, Userland USB Daemon
el3diag - diagnostic program for the 3Com 3x9 cards.
eliloalt - manipulate elilo alternate
elilo - install EFI boot loader
emacspeakconfig - configure emacspeak
aa-enforce - set an AppArmor security profile to enforce mode from
linux-atm - preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump
envdir - runs another program with environment modified according to
envuidgid - runs another program with environment variables indicating
epic-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for SMC EtherPowerII
eposd - speech server
eppfpga - Baycom EPP modem with FPGA configuration/diagnostics tool
epylog - Syslog new log notifier and parser.
eql_enslave - enslave a network interface with a master interface
esi - get or set the end system identifier (ESI)
esmtpd - The Courier mail server mail server ESMTP daemon
esmtpd - The Courier mail server mail server ESMTP daemon
espeakup — connect Speakup to the ESpeak TTS engine -
essidscan - scan for ESSID corresponding to available WLAN access
etapro - Driver for ETA UPS equipment
etckeeper - store /etc in git, mercurial, bazaar, or darcs
etherwake - A tool to send a Wake-On-LAN "Magic Packet"
ethtool - Display or change ethernet card settings
ettercap NG-0.7.3 - Man page for the Ncurses GUI.
ettercap NG-0.7.3 - A multipurpose sniffer/content filter for man in
ettercap-plugins NG-0.7.3 - A collection of plugins for ettercap
etterfilter NG-0.7.3 - Filter compiler for ettercap content filtering
etterlog NG-0.7.3 - Log analyzer for ettercap log files
euca_conf - configuration tool for Eucalyptus
eventlogadm - push records into the Samba event log store
everups - Driver for Ever UPS models
The EVS library is delivered with the openais project. This library is -
execstack - tool to set, clear, or query executable stack flag of ELF
exicyclog - Cycle exim's logfiles
EXIGREP - Search Exim's main log
newaliases - update /etc/aliases database
exim_checkaccess - Check address acceptance from given IP
exim_convert4r4 - Convert Exim configuration from v3 to v4 format
exim_db - Manage Exim's hint databases (exim_dumpdb, exim_fixdb,
exim_dbmbuild - Build a DBM file.
exim_db - Manage Exim's hint databases (exim_dumpdb, exim_fixdb,
exim_db - Manage Exim's hint databases (exim_dumpdb, exim_fixdb,
newaliases - update /etc/aliases database
exim_lock - Mailbox maintenance
eximon - Monitor Exim
eximstats - generates statistics from Exim mainlog or syslog files.
exim_db - Manage Exim's hint databases (exim_dumpdb, exim_fixdb,
exinext - Finding individual retry times
exipick - selectively display messages from an Exim queue
exiqgrep - Search in the exim queue
exiqsumm - Summarising the queue
exiwhat - Finding out what Exim processes are doing
expire - Usenet article and history expiration program
expireover - Expire entries from the news overview database
expirerm - Remove articles that have been expired
exportfs - maintain list of NFS exported file systems
ext3grep - ext3 file recovery tool
extlinux-install - install EXTLINUX on your drive
extlinux-update - program to generate EXTLINUX’s configuration files
ez-ipupdate - dynamic DNS client
fai-cd - make a bootable CD-ROM or USB stick that performs an FAI
fai-chboot - manage the network boot configuration files
faifa - configure HomePlug 1.0/AV devices
fai - fully automatic installation
faillog - display faillog records or set login failure limits
faimond - fai monitor daemon
fai-setup - Setup script for Fully Automatic Installation (FAI)
fai-statoverride - dpkg-statoverride for multiple files
fake - IP address takeover tool
fakepop - a fake pop3 daemon
fal - File Access Listener for DECnet
famd - The File Alteration Monitor (FAM) daemon
fancontrol - automated software based fan speed regulation
farpd - ARP reply daemon
fastrm - quickly remove a set of files
faubackup - Backup System using a Filesystem for Storage
faubackup - Backup System using a Filesystem for Storage
faubackup - Backup System using a Filesystem for Storage
faubackup - Backup System using a Filesystem for Storage
faxabort - tell a HylaFAX server to abort a receive
faxaddmodem - configure a modem for use with HylaFAX
faxadduser - add a fax user to the permissions file
faxanswer - tell a HylaFAX server to answer the telephone
faxconfig - dynamically change HylaFAX configuration parameters
faxcron - HylaFAX routine maintenance script
faxdeluser - delete a fax user from the permissions file
faxgetty - HylaFAX front-door process
faxinfo - print information about a received facsimile
faxlock - tell a HylaFAX server to switch to LOCKWAIT state
faxmodem - dynamically add a modem to a HylaFAX server system
faxmsg - back end to faxabort, faxanswer and faxquit
faxqclean - HylaFAX queue cleaner process
faxq-helper - privileged helper process to access the fax queue
faxq - HylaFAX queue manager process
faxquit - tell a HylaFAX server to terminate
faxrcvd - HylaFAX notification script for received facsimile
faxrunqd - daemon to send fax jobs queued by faxspool(1)
faxsend - HylaFAX facsimile transmit program
faxsetup - setup a machine for use with HylaFAX
faxstate - control ``modem state'' of a device used by HylaFAX
faxwatch - monitor low-level HylaFAX server actions
fbb - Script to start the fbb daemon
fcgiwrap - serve CGI applications over FastCGI
fcheck - IDS filesystem baseline integrity checker
fcoeadm - The Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) administration tool
fcoemon - The Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) administration tool
fcopy - copy files using classes
fcron - daemon to execute scheduled tasks
fcron-update-crontabs - refreshes all fcron crontabs
fdflush - force floppy disk drive to detect disk change
fdformat - Low-level formats a floppy disk
GNU fdisk, lfdisk, gfdisk - manipulate partition tables on a hard drive
fdutilsconfig - configure the suid bit of fdmount
febootstrap - Bootstrap a basic Fedora system (like Debian debootstrap)
febootstrap-install - Install a file in an febootstrap root filesystem
febootstrap-minimize - Minimize an febootstrap image
febootstrap-run - Run extra commands in febootstrap root filesystem
febootstrap-supermin-helper - Reconstruct initramfs from supermin
febootstrap-to-initramfs - Convert febootstrap root to initramfs (cpio)
febootstrap-to-supermin - Convert febootstrap root to supermin
fence_ack_manual - program run by an operator as a part of manual I/O
fence_alom - I/O Fencing agent for Sun Advanced Lights Out Manager
fence_apc - I/O Fencing agent for APC MasterSwitch
fence_apc_snmp - I/O Fencing agent for APC PDU SNMP devices
fence_baytech - I/O Fencing agent for Baytech RPC switches in
fence_bladecenter - I/O Fencing agent for IBM Bladecenter
fence_brocade - I/O Fencing agent for Brocade FC switches
fence_bullpap - I/O Fencing agent for Bull FAME architecture controlled
fence_cisco_mds - I/O Fencing agent for Cisco MDS 9000 series SNMP
fence_cpint - I/O Fencing agent for GFS on s390 and zSeries VM clusters
fenced - the I/O Fencing daemon
fence_drac - fencing agent for Dell Remote Access Card
fence_egenera - I/O Fencing agent for the Egenera BladeFrame
fence_eps - I/O Fencing agent for ePowerSwitch 8M+ power switch
fence - I/O Fencing reference guide
fence_ibmblade - I/O Fencing agent for IBM BladeCenter
fence_ifmib - I/O Fencing agent for IF-MIB capable SNMP devices
fence_ilo - I/O Fencing agent for HP Integrated Lights Out card
fence_intelmodular - I/O Fencing agent for Intel MFSYS SNMP devices
fence_ipmilan - I/O Fencing agent for machines controlled by IPMI over
fence_ldom - I/O Fencing agent for Logical Domains (LDoms)
fence_mcdata - I/O Fencing agent for McData FC switches
fence_node - A program which performs I/O fencing on a single node.
fence_rackswitch - I/O Fencing agent for RackSaver RackSwitch
fence_rib - I/O Fencing agent for Compaq Remote Insight Lights Out card
fence_rsa - I/O Fencing agent for IBM RSA II
fence_rsb - I/O Fencing agent for Fujitsu-Siemens RSB
fence_sanbox2 - I/O Fencing agent for QLogic SANBox2 FC switches
fence_scsi - I/O fencing agent for SCSI persistent reservations
fence_tool - A program to join and leave the fence domain
fence_virsh - I/O Fencing agent for libvirt virtual machines using
fence_vixel - I/O Fencing agent for Vixel FC switches
fence_vmware - I/O Fencing agent for VMware virtual machines
fence_wti - I/O Fencing agent for WTI Network Power Switch
fence_xcat - I/O Fencing agent for xcat environments
fence_xvmd - Libvirt-based, general purpose fencing host for virtual
fence_xvm - General purpose fencing agent for virtual machines.
fence_zvm - I/O Fencing agent for GFS on s390 and zSeries VM clusters
fetch-crl - retrieve certificate revocation lists
fetchnews - retrieve new articles from peer and feed to Cyrus
ffproxy - filtering HTTP/HTTPS proxy server
ffsinfo - dump all meta information of an existing ufs file system
fgadm - filtergen command program
fgetty - a small getty for linux
fghack - is an anti-backgrounding tool.
fh-sync - remount the root file system as read only, and synchronize
fiaif-getdev - retreive interface data and print information to
fiaif - FIAIF is an Intelligent Firewall.
fiaif-scan - print syslog entries in human readable form
fiaif-update - tests for new version and updated reserved_networks
fiforead - test program for aprsdigi.
fifowrite - test program for aprsdigi.
filecap - a program to see capabilities
filechan - file-writing backend for InterNetNews
filefrag - report on file fragmentation
file-pr - files incoming problem reports in GNATS database
fileserver - Initializes the File Server component of the fs process
filesnarf - sniff files from NFS traffic
filetraq - keep track of changes in config files.
courierfilter - Courier mail filters
filtergen - packet filter compiler
filterproxy - a filtering web proxy
findchip - checks the FIR chipset.
findfs - Find a filesystem by label or UUID
find_member - Find all Mailman lists that a member's address is on
firestarter - program to manage and observe firewalls
fixfiles - fix file SELinux security contexts.
fixmount - fix remote mount entries
flashrom - detect, read, write, verify and erase flash chips
flowprobe - libpcap traffic collector and NetFlow packets originator
fms - Determine a tape’s capacity and a tape device’s filemark size
fmtdump - decode nmh format files
fnfxd - the daemon reacts on Fn-x combinations and hot-keys which are
fnord-conf - sets up a fnord HTTP service
fnord-ssl-conf - sets up a fnord HTTPS service
fodtrack - Driver for the fodtrack rotor interface
fontdump - extract fonts from files
foomatic-addpjloptions - Format PJL option information the for foomatic
foomatic-getpjloptions - yyyyylt;put a short description hereyyyyygt;
foomatic-kitload - installs a data kit into the foomatic database.
foomatic-preferred-driver - yyyyylt;put a short description hereyyyyygt;
foremost - Recover files using their headers, footers, and data
fpga_load - Xorcom Astribank (xpp) firmware tool
fping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
fping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
fprobe - a NetFlow probe
fprobe-ulog - a NetFlow probe
fractalpooluser - RSerPool Client (PU) for the Fractal Generator service
radiusd - Authentication, Authorization and Accounting server
freeramdisk - frees the memory used by the loadlin ramdisk
frox - a transparent ftp proxy and cache.
fsarchiver - filesystem archiver
e2fsck - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.gfs2 - Offline GFS2 file system checker
fsck.gfs - Offline GFS file system checker
fsck_hfs - HFS file system consistency check
fsck_hfs - HFS file system consistency check
fsck - check and repair a Linux file system
jfs_fsck - initiate replay of the JFS transaction log, and check and
fsck.minix - a file system consistency checker for Linux
dosfsck - check and repair MS-DOS file systems
fsck.nfs - Dummy fsck.nfs script that always returns success.
fsck.ocfs2.checks - Consistency checks that fsck.ocfs2(8) performs and
fsck.ocfs2 - Check an OCFS2 file system.
fsck.reiser4 - the program for checking and repairing reiser4
reiserfsck - The checking tool for the ReiserFS filesystem.
fsck.ffs, fsck.ufs - file system consistency check and interactive repair
dosfsck - check and repair MS-DOS file systems
fsck.vmfs - VMFS file system check utility
fsck.xfs - do nothing, successfully
fsdb - FFS debugging/editing tool
fstab-decode - run a command with fstab-encoded arguments
fstrace_apropos - Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
fstrace_clear - Clears the trace log
fstrace_dump - Dumps a trace log
fstrace_help - Displays help for fstrace commands
fstrace - Introduction to the fstrace command suite
fstrace_lslog - Displays information about a log
fstrace_lsset - Reports the status of an event set
fstrace_setlog - Sets the size of a trace log
fstrace_setset - Sets the status of an event set
ftar - extract tar files using classes
ftpasswd - manipulates ProFTPD authentication files
ftpdctl - ProFTPD control program
ftpd - Internet File Transfer Protocol server
ftpd_selinux - Security-Enhanced Linux policy for ftp daemons.
ftpmirror - Mirroring directory hierarchy using FTP protocol
ftp-proxy - application level proxy for the FTP protocol
ftprestart - restart previously shutdown ftp servers
ftpshut - close down the ftp servers at a given time
ftpstats - FTP Log summarizer
ftpwatch - Notifies you of changes on remote ftp servers
FUD - provide information about user mailboxes
full_backup - run a full backup with the afbackup package
fwcheck_psad - look for iptables rules that log and block unwanted
fwknopd - Firewall Knock Operator (server component)
fwknop - Firewall Knock Operator
fwknop_serv - Fwknop server for the TOR network.
fwlogwatch - a firewall log analyzer, report generator and realtime
fwlogwatch - a firewall log analyzer, report generator and realtime
fwlogwatch - a firewall log analyzer, report generator and realtime
fw_printenv - Tool for printing environment for the bootloader U-Boot
fw_setenv - Tool for modifying the environment for the bootloader
fwsnort - Firewall Snort
fxload - Firmware download to EZ-USB devices
fxotune - automatically tune DAHDI FXO channels
fxstest - Simple tests for DAHDI FXS adapters
gadmin-bind - GTK+ configuration tool for bind9
gadmin-dhcpd - GTK+ configuration tool for dhcpd3-server
gadmin-openvpn-client - GTK+ configuration tool for openvpn (client)
gadmin-openvpn-server - GTK+ configuration tool for openvpn (server)
gadmin-proftpd - GTK+ configuration tool for proftpd
gadmin-rsync - GTK+ configuration tool for rsync
gadmin-samba - GTK+ configuration tool for samba
gadmin-squid - GTK+ configuration tool for squid
gak - GUI APT Key Manager
gamatronic - Driver for Gamatronic UPS equipment
ganeti-cleaner - ganeti job queue cleaner
ganeti-confd - ganeti conf daemon
ganeti-masterd - ganeti master daemon
ganeti-noded - ganeti node daemon
ganeti-rapi - ganeti remote API daemon
ganeti-watcher - ganeti cluster watcher
gconf-schemas - register gconf schemas with the gconf database
gdisk - GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator for Linux and Unix
gdm-emulatord - provides a gdm socket as front-end for kdmctl
gdomap - GNUstep Distributed Objects name server
gearmand - Gearman job server
genccode - generate C or platform specific assembly code from an ICU
gencmn - generate an ICU memory-mappable data file
genericups - Driver for contact-closure UPS equipment
genext2fs - ext2 filesystem generator for embedded systems
gen-index - generate new GNATS database index
genpolbools - Rewrite a binary policy with different boolean settings
genpolusers - Generate new binary policy with updated user
genpowerd - UPS monitor daemon
genpowerd - UPS monitor daemon
aa-genprof - profile generation utility for AppArmor
genrandom - generate a file containing random data
genromfs - create a romfs image
gensprep - compile StringPrep data from files filtered by
gentest - tests communication with UPS
genuca - create the UCA data table
geordi - IRC bot that compiles and runs C++ code snippets.
geordi-local - Local version of Geordi IRC bot.
geordi-refresh-chroot - Refresh chroot for Geordi C++ eval bot.
set6x86, get6x86 - access Cyrix control registers
getcap - examine file capabilities
getclose - Find PRs fixed in a particular release
getc_putc - program to test hard drive performance.
getkeycodes - print kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table
get-news - Debian Suck front end
getsebool - get SELinux boolean value(s)
GETSTREAM - Lightweight DVB Streaming tool
getty - alternative Linux getty
geximon - a Gtk2 exim MTA monitor
GNU fdisk, lfdisk, gfdisk - manipulate partition tables on a hard drive
gfmd(8) - Gfarm metadata server
gfs2_convert - Convert a GFS1 filesystem to GFS2
gfs2_edit - Display, print or edit GFS2 or GFS internal structures.
gfs2_grow - Expand a GFS2 filesystem
gfs2 - GFS2 reference guide
gfs2_jadd - Add journals to a GFS2 filesystem
gfs2_quota - Manipulate GFS2 disk quotas
gfs2_tool - interface to gfs2 ioctl/sysfs calls
gfs_controld - daemon that manages mounting, unmounting, recovery and
gfsd(8) - Gfarm filesystem daemon
gfs_grow - Expand a GFS filesystem
gfs - GFS reference guide
gfs_jadd - Add journals to a GFS filesystem
gfs_quota - Manipulate GFS disk quotas
gfs_tool - interface to gfs ioctl calls
gld - GreyListing Daemon for postfix
globus-gatekeeper - Authorize and execute a grid service on behalf of a
globus-job-manager - Execute and monitor jobs
globus-rls-admin - Replica Location Service Administration
globus-rls-reporter - Globus Replica Location Service MDS Reporter
globus-rls-server - Replica Location Server
GlusterFS - Clustered Filesystem.
GlusterFS - Clustered Filesystem.
gm-adjust_db_settings - GNUmed server adjust database settinigs
gm-backup_database - complete backup of GNUmed database
gm-backup_data - backup of GNUmed data
gm-bootstrap_server - bootstrap the latest released version of the SQL
gm-fixup_server - apply fixup scripts to an SQL database for GNUmed
gm-install_arriba - installiert den ARRIBA-Rechner für
gm-remove_person - GNUmed server remove person from database
gm-upgrade_server - upgrade an existing SQL database for GNUmed to the
gnarwl ‐ GNU Neat Autoreply With LDAP -
gnatsd - GNATS network server
gnokiid - create a virtual modem for old Nokia mobile phones
gnt-backup - ganeti instance import/export
gnt-cluster - ganeti administration, cluster-wide
gnt-debug - debug commands
gnt-instance - ganeti instance administration
gnt-job - job commands
gnt-node - node administration
gnt-os - instance operating system administration
gogoc - gogoCLIENT
gomconfig - configuration tool for gom, a generic audio mixer
gparted - Gnome partition editor for manipulating disk partitions.
gpart - guess PC-type hard disk partitions
gpm - a cut and paste utility and mouse server for virtual consoles
gpm-mouse-test - a tool for determining mouse type and device it’s
gprostats - statistics generator tool for proftpd
gpsd - interface daemon for GPS receivers
gpt_build_config - Returns a minimized list of ldflags from a list of
gpt-build - Builds and installs GPT source packages and bundles.
gpt-bundle - Creates binary or source bundles from an installation or a
gpt-config - Configure the current installation of GPT
gpt-deps - Reports on an installation’s package dependencies
gpt_extract_data - Print out package metadata as shell variables
gpt-flavor-configuration - Permutes the build flavor choices found in
gpt-install - Installs GPT packages.
gpt-pkg - Creates flavored binary packages out of an installation
gpt-postinstall - Searches for post install scripts and executes them
gpt-query - Queries an installation for packages
gpt-setup - Create automake and autoconf files to convert software into
gptsync - GPT partition table to MBR partition table synchronisation
gpt-undefines - Generate a list of preprocessor macros that are not
gpt-uninstall - Uninstall any GPT package.
gpt-verify - Verify dependencies needed for Globus are avaliable.
gpt-virtual-pkg - Link external software into a GPT managed
grab-account - add new account synchronised to remote system
gracied - local-authentication OpenID provider
gradm - Administration program for the grsecurity RBAC system
greylistd - simple greylisting system for mail transport agents
greylistd-setup-exim4 - add/remove support for greylistd in Exim 4
grid-default-ca - Select default CA for certificate requests
grid-mapfile-add-entry - Add an entry to a gridmap file
grid-mapfile-check-consistency - Add an entry to a grid map file
grid-mapfile-delete-entry - Remove entries from a gridmap file
grlearn - Automatic learning daemon for grsecurity RBAC system
grml-btnetc - program to join a bluetooth network
grml-btnet - program to configure ip over bluetooth
grml-btnets - program to setup a bluetooth network access point (NAP)
grossd - Greylisting of Suspicious Sources
groupadd - create a new group
groupdel - delete a group
groupd - the group manager for fenced, dlm_controld and gfs_controld
groupmod - modify a group definition on the system
group_tool - display/dump information about fence, dlm and gfs groups
growfs - grow size of an existing ufs file system
grpck - verify integrity of group files
pwconv, pwunconv, grpconv, grpunconv - convert to and from shadow
pwconv, pwunconv, grpconv, grpunconv - convert to and from shadow
grub - the grub shell
grub-install - install GRUB to a device
grub-md5-crypt - Encrypt a password in MD5 format
grub-mkconfig - generate a GRUB configuration file
grub-mkdevicemap - generate a GRUB device map file automatically
grub-probe - probe device information for GRUB
grub-reboot - set the default boot entry for GRUB, for the next boot
grub-set-default - set the default boot entry for GRUB
grub-setup - set up a device to boot using GRUB
grub-terminfo - Generate a terminfo command from a terminfo name
gsm0710muxd - a gsm 07.10 muxer
gsmctl, gsmsiectl - GSM mobile phone control program
gsmpb - GSM mobile phone phonebook manipulation program
gsmsendsms - SMS message sender utility
gsmsmsd - SMS message reception daemon
gsmsmsstore - SMS store manipulation program
rpc.gssd - rpcsec_gss daemon
gtalkd - GNU talk daemon
GtkOrphan - A graphical tool to find and remove orphaned libraries
guess-helper - Tries to guess the configuration by comparing four
guess - Tries to guess the configuration by comparing four dumps of
guessnet - guess which LAN a network interface is connected to
guessnet - guess which LAN a network interface is connected to
guessnet-scan - guess network configuration data by looking at network
Gufw - Graphic user interface for managing ufw
gak - GUI APT Key Manager
hackbench - scheduler benchmark/stress test
hald - HAL daemon
ha_logd - Logging Daemon for High-Availability Linux
reboot, halt, poweroff - reboot or stop the system
hapm - local TCP/UDP port monitor used with Heartbeat (HA)
hard-reboot - reboot your system immedeately
haveged - Feed kernel random device
hb_report - create report for CRM based clusters (Pacemaker)
hciattach - attach serial devices via UART HCI to BlueZ stack
hciconfig - configure Bluetooth devices
hcidump - Parse HCI data
hdapsd - park the drive in case of an emergency
hddtemp - Utility to monitor hard drive temperature
hdparm - get/set SATA/IDE device parameters
heartbeat - Heartbeat subsystem for High-Availability Linux
hfaxd - HylaFAX client-server protocol server
hg-ssh - restricted ssh login shell for Mercurial
hibernate - save your computer’s state to disk, and then switch it off
hibernate - save your computer’s state to disk, and then switch it off
hibernate - save your computer’s state to disk, and then switch it off
hisaxctrl - configure HiSax-Module
HLBR - Hogwash Light BR, an layer 2 network IPS
hlfsd - home-link file system daemon
hobbitd_alert - hobbitd worker module for sending out alerts
hobbitd_channel - Feed a hobbitd channel to a worker module
hobbitd_client - hobbitd worker module for client data
hobbitd_filestore - hobbitd worker module for storing Xymon data
hobbitd_history - hobbitd worker module for logging status changes
hobbitd_hostdata - hobbitd worker module for storing historical client
hobbitd - Master network daemon for a Xymon server
hobbitd_rrd - hobbitd worker module for updating Xymon RRD files
hobbitd_sample - example of a hobbitd worker module
hobbit-enadis.cgi - CGI program to enable/disable Xymon tests
hobbitfetch - fetch client data from passive clients
hobbitlaunch - Master program to launch other Xymon programs
hobbit-mailack - permit acknowledging alerts via e-mail
honest_identd - another minimal RFC 1413 auth server
honeyd - Honeypot Daemon
hostapd - IEEE 802.11 AP, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator
hp+-diag - Diagnostic program for HP 100VG vetwork adaptors
hping3 - send (almost) arbitrary TCP/IP packets to network hosts
hpropd - receive a propagated database
hprop - propagate the KDC database
hsdump - Dumps the handlespace of a RSerPool Registrar.
hsolinkcontrol - application helper to manage the Option hso interface
htcacheclean - Clean up the disk cache
htdigconfig - script to create fuzzy databases for ht://Dig
httpd_selinux - Security Enhanced Linux Policy for the httpd daemon
httppower - communicate with HTTP based power distribution units
httxt2dbm - Generate dbm files for use with RewriteMap
hwclock - query and set the hardware clock (RTC)
hwinfo - probe for hardware
hwlatdetect - program to control the kernel hardware latency detection
hybserv — daemon which provides IRC services -
i2cdetect - detect I2C chips
i2cdump - examine I2C registers
i2cget - read from I2C/SMBus chip registers
i2cset - set I2C registers
iauth - The Internet Relay Chat Authentication Program
ibaddr - query InfiniBand address(es)
ibcheckerrors - validate IB subnet and report errors
ibcheckerrs - validate IB port (or node) and report errors in counters
ibchecknet - validate IB subnet and report errors
ibchecknode - validate IB node and report errors
ibcheckport - validate IB port and report errors
ibcheckportstate - validate IB port for LinkUp and not Active state
ibcheckportwidth - validate IB port for 1x link width
ibcheckstate - find ports in IB subnet which are link up but not active
ibcheckwidth - find 1x links in IB subnet
ibclearcounters - clear port counters in IB subnet
ibclearerrors - clear error counters in IB subnet
ibdatacounters - query IB subnet for data counters
ibdatacounts - get IB port data counters
ibdiscover.pl - annotate and compare InfiniBand topology
ibfindnodesusing.pl - find a list of end nodes which are routed through
ibhosts - show InfiniBand host nodes in topology
ibidsverify.pl - validate IB identifiers in subnet and report errors
iblinkinfo.pl - report link info for all links in the fabric
ibnetdiscover - discover InfiniBand topology
ibnodes - show InfiniBand nodes in topology
ibping - ping an InfiniBand address
ibportstate - handle port (physical) state and link speed of an
ibprintca.pl - print either the ca specified or the list of cas from
ibprintrt.pl - print either only the router specified or a list of
ibprintswitch.pl - print either the switch specified or a list of
ibqueryerrors.pl - query and report non-zero IB port counters
ibroute - query InfiniBand switch forwarding tables
ibrouters - show InfiniBand router nodes in topology
ibstat - query basic status of InfiniBand device(s)
ibstatus - query basic status of InfiniBand device(s)
ibswitches- show InfiniBand switch nodes in topology -
ibswportwatch.pl - poll the counters on the specified switch/port and
ibsysstat - system status on an InfiniBand address
ibtracert- trace InfiniBand path -
icecast - MPEG Layer III Streaming Server
icinga - network/systems status monitoring daemon
icingastats - report statistics information from the Icinga system
icmpinfo - interpret ICMP messages
icmpush - ICMP packet builder
icnctrl - configure ICN ISDN adaptor
iconvconfig - Create fastloading iconv module configuration file
icupkg - extract or modify an ICU .dat archive
idecrypt - Encrypted IDENT response decryption utility
ident2 - An advanced ident daemon
identd - TCP/IP IDENT protocol server
ident - nnrpd ident resolver
idled - provide near real-time updates for IMAP IDLE
idmap_adex - Samba's idmap_adex Backend for Winbind
idmap_ad - Samba's idmap_ad Backend for Winbind
rpc.idmapd - NFSv4 ID yyyyylt;-yyyyygt; Name Mapper
idmap_hash - Samba's idmap_hash Backend for Winbind
idmap_ldap - Samba's idmap_ldap Backend for Winbind
idmap_nss - Samba's idmap_nss Backend for Winbind
idmap_rid - Samba's idmap_rid Backend for Winbind
idmap_tdb2 - Samba's idmap_tdb2 Backend for Winbind
idmap_tdb - Samba's idmap_tdb Backend for Winbind
ido2db - store icinga events and configs in database
ietadm - iSCSI Enterprise Target Administration Utility.
ietd - iSCSI Enterprise Target Daemon
ifcico - Establish connections with other FTN nodes.
ifconfig - configure a network interface
ifup - bring a network interface up
ifenslave - Attach and detach slave network devices to a bonding device.
ifhp - Almost Universal LPRng Print Filter
ifindex - Create nodelist index
ifinfo - Query node information
iflink - Returns whether or not the system has a network link
iflinkstatus - Returns the status of hardware network links
ifmail - Convert RFC-822 and RFC-1036 mail/news to FTN Fidonet packets.
ifmetric - An IPv4 route metrics manipulation tool
ifmail - Convert RFC-822 and RFC-1036 mail/news to FTN Fidonet packets.
ifplugd - A link detection daemon for ethernet devices
ifplugstatus - A link beat detection tool
ifscheme - scheme control for network interfaces
ifscheme - scheme control for network interfaces
ifplugstatus - A link beat detection tool
iftop - display bandwidth usage on an interface by host
iftoss - Convert Fidonet FTN packets to RFC-822 and RFC-1036 mail/news.
ifup - bring a network interface up
iked - Internet Key Exchange Daemon
ikeygen - Generate a random DES key
ikiwiki-mass-rebuild - rebuild all ikiwiki wikis on a system
linux-atm - preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump
imap4d - the IMAP4D daemon
imapd - IMAP server process
imapfront-auth - IMAP Front End
imapproxyd - IMAP proxy daemon
imsniff - Simple program to log Instant Messaging activity on the
im-switch - set up input method for X Window
inadyn - a client for open DNS servers.
aspd - Address Search Protocol Daemon
__inc_link - modify a symlink to point to the next file in sequence
comsat - biff server
incr_backup - run an incremental backup with the afbackup package.
incrond - inotify cron (incron) daemon
indexer - indexing WWW space.
inetd2rlinetd - configuration file converter
inetd - internet “super-server”
inetd - internet “super-server”
fakepop - a fake pop3 daemon
in.fingerd - remote user information server
infond - Program bugs to compete for food and survival
ftpd - Internet File Transfer Protocol server
in.identtestd - a small daemon that can be used to test Ident servers
initctl - init daemon control tool
init - Upstart process management daemon
init_policy - Initialize TOMOYO Linux’s policy
initramfs-tools - an introduction to writing scripts for mkinitramfs
in.nanoweb - inetd mode wrapper script for Nanoweb
innbind - Helper program to bind sockets to privileged ports
inncheck - check inn configuration and database files.
inndf - Report free disk, inodes, and overview information
innd - InterNetNews daemon
innd - InterNetNews daemon
innfeed - multi-host, multi-connection, streaming NNTP feeder.
innlog.pl - summarize innd and nnrpd log files.
nnrpd - NNTP server for on-campus hosts
innreport - summarize INN log files.
innstat - print snapshot of INN system
talkd - remote user communication server
innupgrade - Upgrade INN configuration files
innwatch - monitor innd.
innxbatch - send xbatched Usenet articles to a remote NNTP server
innxmit - Send Usenet articles to a remote NNTP server
input-events - print input events
input-kbd - print or modify keyboard maps for input devices
inputlircd - zeroconf LIRC daemon using input event devices
qpopper -- POP3 server (v4.0) -
rexecd - remote execution server
rlogind - remote login daemon
rshd - remote shell daemon
insmod - simple program to insert a module into the Linux Kernel
insserv - Enable an installed system init script
install-docs - manage online Debian documentation
extlinux-install - install EXTLINUX on your drive
installkernel - install a new kernel image
install-keymap — expand a given keymap and install it as boot-time -
install-mbr - install a Master Boot Record manager
install_packages - install FAI configured packages
install-sgmlcatalog - maintain transitional SGML catalog
talkd - remote user communication server
telnetd - DARPA telnet protocol server
inteltool - a tool for dumping Intel(R) CPU / chipset configuration
InteractiveBastille - bastion a host using Bastille
interdaemon - Postman’s IMAP and NNTP user sessions daemon
tftpd - DARPA Trivial File Transfer Protocol server
intltool-extract - generate header files which can be read by gettext
intltoolize - copy intltool related files to software package
intltool-merge - merge translated strings into various types of file
intltool-prepare - Prepare software to make use of intltool
intltool-update - updates PO template file and merge translations with
intro - Introduction to administration and privileged commands
uucpd, in.uucpd - run uucico from inetd
inventory_firmware_gui - graphically inventory and update firmware
inventory_firmware - detect versions of firmware installed in hardware
invoke-rc.d - executes System-V style init script actions
xfingerd - simple BSD-compatible finger daemon
iodine-client-start - start an iodine IPv4-over-DNS tunnel
iodine, iodined - tunnel IPv4 over DNS
iodine, iodined - tunnel IPv4 over DNS
iptables-apply - a safer way to update iptables remotely
ip6tables - IPv6 packet filter administration
ip6tables-restore - Restore IPv6 Tables
ip6tables-save - dump iptables rules to stdout
ipband - IP bandwidth watchdog
ipcheck - dyndns.org client
ipfm - IP Flow Meter
ipgrab - A Verbose Packet Sniffer
ip - show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels
ipkungfu - An iptables-based firewall for Linux
ipmi-chassis-config - configure chassis fields
ipmi-chassis - IPMI chassis management utility
ipmiconsole - IPMI console utility
ipmidetectd - IPMI node detection monitoring daemon
ipmidetect - list detected and/or undetected IPMI interfaces in a
ipmievd - IPMI event daemon for sending events to syslog
ipmi-fru - display FRU information
ipmilan - IPMI LAN to System Interface Converter
IPMI - IPMI probing utility
ipmimonitoring - IPMI monitoring utility
ipmi-oem - IPMI OEM utility
ipmiping - send IPMI Get Authentication Capabilitiy request to network
ipmipower - IPMI power control utility
ipmi-raw - execute IPMI commands by hex values
ipmi-sel - display SEL entries
ipmi-sensors-config - configure sensors
ipmi-sensors - display IPMI sensor information
IPOPd - Post Office Protocol server
IPOPd - Post Office Protocol server
IPOPd - Post Office Protocol server
ippl - IP Protocols Logger
ipppd - (ISDN) Point to Point Protocol daemon
pppstats - print PPP statistics
iprofd - Modem-register daemon
iprop, ipropd-master, ipropd-slave - propagate changes to a Heimdal
iprop-log - maintain the iprop log file
ipsec_addconn - load a given policy into pluto
ipsec_auto - control automatically-keyed IPsec connections
ipsec_barf - spew out collected IPsec debugging information
ipsec_ipsec_confread - internal routing to parse config file
ipsec_copyright - prints Openswan copyright
ipsec_eroute - manipulate IPSEC extended routing tables
ipsec - invoke IPsec utilities
ipsec_ikeping - send/receive ISAKMP/IKE echo requests/replies
ipsec_include - internal script to process config files
ipsec_keycensor - internal routine to remove sensitive information
ipsec_klipsdebug - set KLIPS and MAST debug features and level. Other
ipsec_livetest - see if Openswan has been installed correctly,
ipsec_look - get a quick summary of Openswan status
lwdnsq - lookup items in DNS to help pluto (and others)
ipsec_mailkey - mail DNS records for Opportunistic Encryption
ipsec_manual - take manually-keyed IPsec connections up and down
ipsec_newhostkey - generate a new raw RSA authentication key for a host
ipsec_pf_key - shows pfkey messages emitted by the kernel when using
ipsec_pluto - ipsec whack : IPsec IKE keying daemon and control
ipsec_plutoload - internal script to start pluto
ipsec_plutorun - internal script to start pluto
ipsec_ranbits - generate random bits in ASCII form
ipsec_readwriteconf - validate and output an Openswan IPsec
ipsec_realsetup - internal routine to start Openswan.
ipsec_rsasigkey - generate RSA signature key
ipsec_secretcensor - internal routing to sanitize files
ipsec_secrets - prompt for PIN codes and passphrases
ipsec_setup - control IPsec subsystem
ipsec_showdefaults - show %defaultroute defaults
ipsec_showhostkey - show host´s authentication key
ipsec_showpolicy - dump policy of socket found as stdin
ipsec_spigrp - group/ungroup IPSEC Security Associations
ipsec_spi - manage IPSEC Security Associations
ipsec_startklips - internal script to bring up kernel components
ipsec_startnetkey - internal script to bring up kernel components for
ipsec_tncfg - manipulate KLIPS virtual interfaces
ipsec__updown - bsd manipulation script
ipsec__updown - kernel and routing manipulation script
ipsec_updown - klips manipulation script
ipsec_updown - klips manipulation script
ipsec_updown - klips manipulation script
ipsec_verify - see if FreeSWAN has been installed correctly
ipset -- administration tool for IP sets -
ipsvd-cdb - create constant database from ipsvd instructions directory
iptables-apply - a safer way to update iptables remotely
iptables - administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT
iptables-restore - Restore IP Tables
iptables-save - dump iptables rules to stdout
iptables-xml - Convert iptables-save format to XML
iptotald - iptotal daemon
iptotal - IP Traffic-based monitor, not requiring SNMP
iptraf - Interactive Colorful IP LAN Monitor
iptstate - A top-like display of IP Tables state table entries
ipurge - delete mail from IMAP mailbox or partition based on age or
ipv6calc - a small utility written in C to manipulate IPv6 addresses.
ipv6loganon - HTTP server log file anonymizer
ipv6logconv - a small IPv6 log converter written in C.
ipv6logstats - Takes http log data from stdin and print a table on
ipvsadm - Linux Virtual Server administration
ipvsadm-restore - restore the IPVS table from stdin
ipvsadm-save - save the IPVS table to stdout
ipwatchd - IP conflict detection tool for Linux
ipx_cmd - bridge between Novell’s SCMD driver and local IPX network
ipx_configure - query/configure IPX behavior
ipx_interface - add, delete, or display an IPX interface
ipx_internal_net - add or delete the IPX internal network
ipx_route - add or delete IPX route
irattach - binds the Linux-IrDA stack to a IrDA port
ircd - The IRCD-Hybrid Internet Relay Chat server
ircd - The IRCD-Hybrid Internet Relay Chat server
ircd - The Undernet Internet Relay Chat Daemon
ircd-mkpasswd - manual page for ircd-mkpasswd
ircdwatch - check ircds current state
irdadump - monitors the IrDA traffic on one or more links.
irdaping - sends IrDA test frames
irmp3d - multimedia audio jukebox daemon
irpsion5 - IrDA connectivity to a Psion V PDA
isadump - examine ISA registers
isakmpd - ISAKMP/Oakley a.k.a. IKE key management daemon
isaset - set ISA registers
isatapd - ISATAP client for Linux
isbmex - Driver for ISBMEX UPS equipment
isc-hmac-fixup - fixes HMAC keys generated by older versions of BIND
iscsiadm - open-iscsi administration utility
iscsid - Open-iSCSI daemon
iscsi_discovery - discover iSCSI targets
iscsi-iname - iSCSI node name generation utility
iscsistart - iSCSI boot utility
isdnconfig - configure the Debian isdnutils package
isdnctrl - get/set ISDN device information
isdnlog - isdn log system (and more)
isisd - an IS-IS routing engine for use with Quagga routing software.
isosize - outputs the length of an iso9660 file system
ispell-autobuildhash - Autobuilding the ispell hash file for some dicts
update-ispell-dictionary - Bash script to select a new ispell default
itox - converts inetd.conf style configuration files to xinetd.conf
ivman - volume manager
ivman-launch - launch script for Ivman
iwconfig - configure a wireless network interface
iwevent - Display Wireless Events generated by drivers and setting
iwgetid - Report ESSID, NWID or AP/Cell Address of wireless network
iw - show / manipulate wireless devices and their configuration
iwlist - Get more detailed wireless information from a wireless
iwpriv - configure optionals (private) parameters of a wireless network
iwspy - Get wireless statistics from specific nodes
jabberd2-c2s - client-to-server connector
jabberd - jabberd startup script
jabberd2-router - XML packet distributor
jabberd2-s2s - server-to-server connector
jabberd2-sm - Jabber IM session manager
jabberd - jabberd daemon
jabberd-irc - IRC gateway for jabber server
jailer - jailer is a script for creating jails from Debian packages
janitor - ARC Dynamic Runtime Environment Maintenance
jazipconfig - jazip(1) configuration tool.
jetpipe - bind a printer device to a tcp port
jfs_debugfs - shell-type JFS file system editor
jfs_fsck - initiate replay of the JFS transaction log, and check and
jfs_fscklog - extract a JFS fsck service log into a file and/or format
jfs_logdump - dump a JFS formatted device’s journal log
jfs_mkfs - create a JFS formatted partition
jfs_tune - adjust tunable file system parameters on JFS
jisftconfig - set up for ptex-jisfonts
jnettop - View hosts/ports taking up the most network traffic
jobcontrols - per-job controls for HylaFAX servers
john - a tool to find weak passwords of your users
kadmind - KADM5 administration server
kadmin - Kerberos administration utility
kadmin - Kerberos V5 database administration program
ka-forwarder - Forward AFS Authentication Server requests to another
bearerbox, wapbox, smsbox - Parts of Kannel, the WAP and SMS gateway
kas_apropos - Displays each help entry containing a keyword string
kas_create - Creates an entry in the Authentication Database
kas_delete - Deletes an entry from the Authentication Database
kas_examine - Displays information from an Authentication Database
kas_forgetticket - Discards all tickets for the issuer
kas_help - Displays help for kas commands
kas - Introduction to the kas command suite
kas_interactive - Enters interactive mode
kas_list - Displays all entries in the Authentication Database
kas_listtickets - Displays all of the issuer’s tickets (tokens)
kas_noauthentication - Discards an authenticated identity in
kas_quit - Leaves interactive mode
kas_setfields - Sets fields in an Authentication Database entry
kas_setpassword - Changes the key field in an Authentication Database
kas_statistics - Displays statistics from an Authentication Server
kas_stringtokey - Converts a character string into an octal key
kas_unlock - Unlocks a locked user account
kbd-compat - kbd-compatibility wrapper scripts for Linux Console Tools.
kbd-config - Configure the console keyboard
kbdrate - reset the keyboard repeat rate and delay time
kbuildsycoca4 - Rebuilds the system configuration cache.
kcm - is a process based credential cache for Kerberos tickets.
kcookiejar4 - KDE HTTP cookie daemon
kdb5_ldap_util - Kerberos Configuration Utility
kdb5_util - Kerberos database maintenance utility
kdc - Kerberos 5 server
kded4 - KDE daemon
kdeinit4 - Start all other KDE programs and kdeinit loadable modules
kdump - This is just a placeholder until real man page has been written
keepalived. - keepalive demon
kerberos_selinux - Security Enhanced Linux Policy for Kerberos.
kerneloops - program to collect and submit kernel oopses to
kernel-packageconfig - Internal handler of /etc/kernel-pkg.conf.
kexec - directly boot into a new kernel
keyd - Backend key serving daemon for the onak PGP keyserver
keytab-lilo - compile keytables files for use with LILO
keytouch-editor - An editor for keytouch keyboard definition files
kfd - receive forwarded tickets
killall5 -- send a signal to all processes. -
kissattach, spattach - Attach a KISS or 6PACK interface
kissbridge - connect scc port to a pty device
kissnetd - Create a virtual network.
kissparms - Configure KISS TNCs.
klogd - Kernel Log Daemon
klogind - remote login server
kloned - klone daemon
kmsgsd - separates iptables messages from all other kernel messages.
knopmd - separates iptables messages from all other kernel messages.
knoptm - Daemon in charge to remove firewall rules.
knopwatchd - "FwKnop Watch Daemon" checks to make sure knopmd, knoptm
Kobil_mIDentity_switch - activate mIDentity CCID reader
KOMMRUNNING - program to control if the LysKOM server is running
kpartx - Create device maps from partition tables
kpasswdd - Kerberos 5 password changing server
kpropd - Kerberos V5 slave KDC update server
kprop - propagate a Kerberos V5 principal database to a slave server
kproplog - display the contents of the Kerberos principal update log
krb5kdc - Kerberos V5 KDC
krb5_newrealm — Create a new Kerberos Realm -
system-config-kickstart - graphical interface for creating kickstart
kshd - kerberized remote shell server
ksplice-apply - Apply an on-disk Ksplice update to the running kernel
ksplice-create - Create a set of kernel modules for a rebootless kernel
ksplice-undo - Undo a Ksplice update that has been applied to the
ksplice-view - View in-kernel or on-disk Ksplice kernel updates
kstash - store the KDC master password in a file
ktutil - manage Kerberos keytabs
kuser -- Configures users on the system. -
qemu-nbd - QEMU Disk Network Block Device Server
kxd - securely forward X conections
l2ping - Send L2CAP echo request and receive answer
l2tpns - Layer 2 tunneling protocol network server (LNS)
label_tape - write label to tape for use by afbackup or display it
laptop-detect - attempt to detect a laptop
/etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf - Configuration file for laptop-mode-
/usr/sbin/laptop_mode - apply laptop mode settings
lastfmproxy - handler for lastfmproxy
lastlog - reports the most recent login of all users or of a given user
lat_connect - measure interprocess connection latency via TCP/IP
latcp - LAT Control Program
lat_ctx - context switching benchmark
latd - LAT daemon
latencytop - a tool for developers to visualize system latencies
lat_fcntl - fcntl file locking benchmark
lat_fifo - FIFO benchmark
lat_fs - measure file system create/delete performance
lat_fcntl - fcntl file locking benchmark
lat_mem_rd - memory read latency benchmark
lat_mmap - costs of mmapping and unmmapping varying file sizes
lat_ops - basic CPU operation parallelism
lat_pagefault - measure the cost of pagefaulting pages from a file
lat_pipe - measure interprocess communication latency through pipes
lat_proc - process creation tests
lat_rpc - measure interprocess communication latency via Sun RPC
lat_select - select benchmark
lat_sig - select benchmark
lat_syscall - time simple entry into the operating system
lat_tcp - measure interprocess communication latency via TCP/IP
lat_udp - measure interprocess communication latency via UDP/IP
lat_unix_connect - measure interprocess connection latency via UNIX
lat_unix - measure interprocess communication latency via UNIX sockets
lbcd - Report system load for remote load balancing
Version - daemon for ’’lcd’’ display devices
LCDd - LCDproc server daemon
lcd-flash - Momentarily inverts the LCD to indicate an error
lcd-getip - Prompts the user to enter an IP address on the LCD
lcd-setcursor - Sets the position of the cursor on the LCD
lcd-swrite - Writes the specified lines to the LCD device and blinks
lcd-write - Writes the specified lines to the LCD device and blinks
lcd-yesno - Prompts the user to make a choice between two options
lchage - Display or change user password policy
ld10k1 - emu10k1(emu10k2) patch loader daemon
ldattach - attach a line discipline to a serial line
ldbashconfig - Creates or updates cache file for libbash(7) libraries.
ldconfig - configure dynamic linker run-time bindings
lde - a curses based file system viewer/editor for Linux
ldirectord - Linux Director Daemon
e2fsck - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
ld.so/ld-linux.so - dynamic linker/loader
ld.so/ld-linux.so - dynamic linker/loader
ldminfod -- output login sessions and available locales -
ld.so/ld-linux.so - dynamic linker/loader
leafnode - NNTP server for small (dialup) sites
les, bus - ATM LAN Emulation service demons
ledd - scriptable LED control daemon
les, bus - ATM LAN Emulation service demons
lfc-dli - start the LFC Data Location Interface server
GNU fdisk, lfdisk, gfdisk - manipulate partition tables on a hard drive
lfsck - check a Lustre distributed filesystem
lfs - helper utility to administrate lustre clusters
lft - display the route packets take to a network host/socket; optionally
lgroupadd - Add an user group
lgroupdel - Delete an user group
lgroupmod - Modify an user group
libgvc5-config-update - maintain libgvc’s configuration file
libntfs-gnomevfs - Module for GNOME VFS that allows access to NTFS
libntfs - library for accessing and managing NTFS volumes
lid - Display user’s groups or group’s users
liebert - Driver for Liebert contact-closure UPS equipment
lighttpd - a fast, secure and flexible web server
liloconfig - interactive configure script for lilo
lilo_find_mbr - a simple script that prints the block device containing
lilo - install boot loader
lilo - install boot loader
line - cache line size
lircd - LIRC daemon decodes infrared signals and provides them on a
lircmd - LIRC mouse daemon translates infrared signals into mouse
list_admins - List all the owners of a Mailman mailing list.
list_lists - List all Mailman mailing lists on this host
list_members - List all the members of a Mailman list
live-installer-launcher - Debian Installer desktop launcher for live
lldpctl - control LLDP daemon
lldpd - LLDP daemon
lmbench - system benchmarks
lmdd - move io for performance and debugging tests
lmbench - system benchmarks
/etc/laptop-mode/lm-profiler.conf - Configuration file for lm-profiler,
/usr/sbin/lm-profiler - laptop mode profiler
/usr/sbin/lm-syslog-setup - configure laptop mode tools to switch
lmtpd - LMTP server process
lnewusers - Create new user accounts
lnpd - a LinuX Interface to the BrickOS Networking Protocol
lnstat - unified linux network statistics
loadndisdriver - Userspace ndis driver loader for the ndiswrapper Linux
loadndisdriver - load ndis driver (wrapper)
load_policy - load a new SELinux policy into the kernel
kbd-compat - kbd-compatibility wrapper scripts for Linux Console Tools.
locale-gen - compile a list of locale definition files
localepurge - reclaim disk space removing unneeded localizations
lockname - generate a UUCP lock filename
log2mail runs as a daemon matching patterns in files and sending mail -
logcheck — program to scan system logs for interesting lines -
login.krb5 - kerberos enhanced login program
logkeys - a GNU/Linux keylogger that works!
aa-logprof - utility program for managing AppArmor security profiles
logrotate - rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
logsave - save the output of a command in a logfile
logsys_overview - Logsys Library Overview
logtail2 - print log file lines that have not been read
logtail - print log file lines that have not been read
logwatch - system log analyzer and reporter
lookupconfig - program to create index files for lookup program.
loop-aes-runtests - Testsuite for loop-AES kernel modules and userspace
losetup - set up and control loop devices
lpadmin - configure cups printers and classes
lpasswd - Change group or user password
lpc - line printer control program
lpd - line printer daemon
lpf - lpd filter for nroff output
lphdisk - prepare a hibernation partition for NoteBIOS suspend-to-disk
lpinfo - show available devices or drivers
lpmove - move a job or all jobs to a new destination
lsb - Linux Standard Base support for Debian
lsdahdi - List all dahdi channels with their types and spans.
lsdev - display information about installed hardware
lshd - secsh (SSH2) server
lsh-execuv - program to securely execute a program as another user
lsh-krb-checkpw - program to check a Kerberos username/password
lsh-pam-checkpw - program to check a PAM username/password combination
lsinitramfs - list content of an initramfs image
lsinput - list input devices
!!!NOTICE!!! !!!NOTICE!!! !!!NOTICE!!! !!!NOTICE!!! !!!NOTICE!!!! -
lsmod - program to show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel
lsof - list open files
lspci - list all PCI devices
pccardctl - PCMCIA card control utility
lspnp - list Plug and Play BIOS device nodes and resources
lsscsi - list SCSI devices (or hosts) and their attributes
lsusb - list USB devices
ltsp-build-client - Builds an LTSP client system for use with the LTSP
ltsp-sirvecole — controlaula daemon for ltsp clients -
ltsp-update-image -- Updates the LTSP server image to be shared by nbd -
ltsp-update-kernels -- Updates the LTSP server kernel -
ltsp-update-sshkeys -- Updates the LTSP server's ssh host keys on the -
luckybackup - a powerful, fast and reliable backup yyyyyamp; sync tool
luksformat - Create and format an encrypted LUKS device
luseradd - Add an user
luserdel - Delete an user
lusermod - Modify an user
lvchange - change attributes of a logical volume
lvconvert - convert a logical volume from linear to mirror or snapshot
lvcreate - create a logical volume in an existing volume group
lvdisplay - display attributes of a logical volume
lvextend - extend the size of a logical volume
lvmchange - change attributes of the logical volume manager
lvmdiskscan - scan for all devices visible to LVM2
lvmdump - create lvm2 information dumps for diagnostic purposes
lvm - LVM2 tools
lvreduce - reduce the size of a logical volume
lvremove - remove a logical volume
lvrename - rename a logical volume
lvresize - resize a logical volume
lvscan - scan (all disks) for logical volumes
lvs - report information about logical volumes
lwresd - lightweight resolver daemon
Lynis - Run an system and security audit on the system
lyskomd - LysKOM server
macof - flood a switched LAN with random MAC addresses
madwimax - driver for mobile WiMAX equipment based on Samsung CMC-730
magicfilterconfig - writes interactively a printcap file.
magicfilter - automatic configurable printer filter
module-assistant - manage kernel modules packages
maidag - the mail delivery agent
mailer - script to warn users about their weak passwords
mail.local - store mail in a mailbox
mailpost - Feed an e-mail message into a newsgroup
masqmail - An offline Mail Transfer Agent
masqmail - An offline Mail Transfer Agent
mailscanner_create_locks - a script to create the lockfile used by
MailScanner - a email virus scanner and spam tagger.
mailsnarf - sniff mail messages in Berkeley mbox format
mailstats - display mail statistics
makeacceptmailfor - Create /etc/courier/esmtpacceptmailfor.dat
makeactive - tool to recover Usenet active file.
makealiases - Create an alias database
make-clamav-data-package - preliminary manpage clamav-getfiles -
makedbm - create or dump a ypserv database file
makedbz - Rebuild dbz files
MAKEDEV - create devices
makedumpfile - make a small dumpfile of kdump
make-fai-nfsroot - create the FAI nfsroot directory
MAKEFLOPPIES - Creates the default floppy device nodes.
makefs - create a file system image from a directory tree
makehistory - Initialize or rebuild INN history database
makehosteddomains - Build a database of hosted domains
makejail — Helps creating and maintaining a chroot jail -
makemap - create database maps for sendmail
makepercentrelay - Build a list of %-relayed domains
makesmtpaccess - Build ESMTP server access file
makesmtpaccess - Build ESMTP server access file
make_sockdfc - Generates frozen configuratyion file for SOCKS server
make_sockdfr - Generates frozen route file for SOCKS server
make_socksfc - Generates frozen configuratyion file for SOCKS clients
make-ssl-cert - Debconf wrapper for openssl
makeuserdb - create /etc/courier/userdb
courieruucp - Sample Courier mail filter
manage_jobq - Sched job queue manager
mandb - create or update the manual page index caches
mandos - Gives encrypted passwords to authenticated Mandos clients
mandos-keygen - Generate key and password for Mandos client and server.
kbd-compat - kbd-compatibility wrapper scripts for Linux Console Tools.
maradns - DNS server
martian-modem - userspace utility for DSP 164x Agere Mars linmodem.
masqmail - An offline Mail Transfer Agent
massagevendor - convert the ethernet vendor codes master list to
masterguard - Driver for Masterguard UPS equipment
matchpathcon - get the default SELinux security context for the
mathopd - Advanced Hypertext Tranfer Protocol Server
mbexamine - examine a cyrus-format mailbox
mbpath - translate mailbox names to filesystem paths
mcelog - Decode kernel machine check log on x86 machines
mcsender - Multicast test tool to send multicast test packets
mcs - Multi-Category System
mdadm - manage MD devices aka Linux Software RAID
md-mx-ctrl - Control mimedefang-multiplexor
measurefs.reiser4 - the program for measuring reiser4 filesystem
meatclient - Manually confirm that a node has been removed from the
megatec - Driver for Megatec protocol based UPS equipment
megatec_usb - Driver for Megatec protocol based USB UPS equipment
meinproc4 - KDE translator for XML
memlockd - daemon to lock files in memory with mlock
memtester - stress test to find memory subsystem faults.
metasys - Driver for Meta System UPS equipment
metche - reducing root bus factor
mge-shut, newmge-shut - Driver for SHUT Protocol UPS equipment
mgetty - smart modem getty
mge-utalk - Driver for MGE UPS SYSTEMS UTalk protocol hardware
mgnokiidev - links /dev/gnokii to a virtual modem
mheardd - collect information about packet activity
mhz - calulate processor clock rate
microcode_ctl - microcode utility for Intel IA32 processors
micro-httpd - really small HTTP server
micro_proxy - really small HTTP/HTTPS proxy
midentd - IDENT protocol server with masquerading support
migratepages - Migrate the physical location a processes pages
mii-diag - Network adapter control and monitoring
mii-tool - view, manipulate media-independent interface status
milter-greylist - grey listing filter for sendmail
miltertest -- milter unit test utility -
mimedefang - Sendmail MIME mail filter
mimedefang-multiplexor - Process pool controller for mail filters.
mimedefang.pl - Perl script to scan MIME messages.
minbif - The IRC instant messaging gateway
mindi - a tool for creating boot/root disks
mingetty - minimal getty for consoles
mini_epn - too to nagios/icingaplugins inside of an embedded perl
mini_epn - too to nagiosplugins inside of an embedded perl interpreter
mini_httpd - small HTTP server
minit - a UNIX process no 1
minit-list - list running services
minit-shutdown - shutdown the minit init system.
minit-update - replace running minit with a new version
miredo-checkconf - Miredo configuration file syntax checking tool
miredo - Teredo IPv6 tunneling for Unix
miredo-server - Teredo server for Unix
mission-control-5 - Telepathy account manager/chanel dispatcher
mix - starts the proxyserver of the an.on anonymizing proxy project.
mk-amd-map - create database maps for Amd
mkcat - create a new GNATS category
mkcephfs - create a ceph file system
mkcover - HylaFAX continuation cover page generation command
mkcp - make a NILFS2 checkpoint
mkcramfs - make a compressed ROM file system
mkdb - create a new GNATS database
mkdosfs - create an MS-DOS file system under Linux
mkelfImage - make an elf network bootable image for linux
mkenvdir - populate a directory with the contents of the current
mkesmtpdcert - Create a secure SMTP test certificate
mkfs.bfs - make an SCO bfs filesystem
mkfs.btrfs - create an btrfs filesystem
mke2fs - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mkfs.gfs2 - Make a GFS2 filesystem
mkfs.gfs - Make a GFS filesystem
newfs_hfs - construct a new HFS Plus file system
newfs_hfs - construct a new HFS Plus file system
mkfs - build a Linux file system
jfs_mkfs - create a JFS formatted partition
mkfs.lustre - format a disk for a Lustre service
mkfs.minix - make a Linux MINIX filesystem
mkdosfs - create an MS-DOS file system under Linux
mkfs.nilfs2 - create a NILFS2 filesystem
mkntfs - create an NTFS file system
mkfs.ocfs2 - Creates an OCFS2 file system.
mkfs.reiser4 - the program for creating reiser4 filesystem.
mkreiserfs - The create tool for the Linux ReiserFS filesystem.
newfs - construct a new UFS1/UFS2 file system
mkdosfs - create an MS-DOS file system under Linux
mkfs.xfs - construct an XFS filesystem
mkhomedir_helper - Helper binary that creates home directories
mkimapdcert - create a test SSL certificate for IMAP over SSL
mkinitramfs - low-level tool for generating an initramfs image
mkinitramfs-kpkg - generates an initramfs image for kernel-package
mkiss - Attach a multi KISS interface
mkjigsnap - Create a snapshot tree on a jigdo server
mk_modmap - translate a Linux keytable file into an xmodmap file
mknetid - generate data for netid map
mkntfs - create an NTFS file system
mkpasswd-ratbox - Hash password to use with ratbox.
mkpop3dcert - create a test SSL certificate for POP3 over SSL
mkqdisk - Cluster Quorum Disk Utility
mkrboot - Generates combined kernel+root image floppies / .EXE files
mkfs.reiser4 - the program for creating reiser4 filesystem.
mkreiserfs - The create tool for the Linux ReiserFS filesystem.
mkrescue - make rescue floppy
mksmbpasswd - formats a /etc/passwd entry for a smbpasswd file
mkswap - set up a Linux swap area
MkUsers - Batch creating multiple XMail accounts
mkzonedb - Utility create a zone file for isdnlog
mmarch - Rebuild a Mailman list's archive.
mmsitepass - Set the Mailman site password, prompting from the
mnogosearchconfig - maintainer script to update database configuration
mod-active - Batch processing of newsgroups creation and removal
mod_apparmor - fine-grained AppArmor confinement for apache
modconf - a module configuration utility
mode3 - set a vesa mode.
modinfo - program to show information about a Linux Kernel module
modprobe - program to add and remove modules from the Linux Kernel
module-assistant - manage kernel modules packages
moin-mass-migrate - migrate all moin wikis on a system
molly-guard - guard against accidental shutdowns/reboots
mondoarchive - a backup / disaster-recovery tool.
mondorestore - a restore / disaster-recovery tool.
mon - monitor services for availability, sending alarms upon failures.
monkey - a small HTTP/1.1 webserser
monkeysphere-authentication - Monkeysphere authentication admin tool.
monkeysphere-host - Monkeysphere host key administration tool.
monmaptool - ceph monutir cluster map manipulation tool
mono-server2-admin - mono-server2 hosts file creator, hosts file is
mono-server2-update - creates .webapp and .host file for mod_mono and
mono-server-admin - mono-server hosts file creator, hosts file is part
mono-server-update - creates .webapp and .host file for mod_mono and
mono-xsp2-admin.conf - mono-xsp2 hosts file creator
mono-xsp2-update.conf - creates .webapp needed by xsp2
mono-xsp-admin.conf - mono-xsp hosts file creator
mono-xsp-update.conf - creates .webapp needed by xsp
monthly - httpd log rotation for wwwstat
mopd - MOP Loader Daemon
moprc - MOP Remote console requestor
mountall - Mount filesystems during boot
mount.ceph - mount a ceph file system
mount.cifs - mount using the Common Internet File System (CIFS)
mount.crypt - mount a dm-crypt encrypted volume
mount.crypt - mount a dm-crypt encrypted volume
mount.crypt - mount a dm-crypt encrypted volume
mount.dapfs - Mount DAP filesystem over DECnet
mount.davfs - Mount a WebDAV resource in a directory
rpc.mountd - NFS mount daemon
mount.ecryptfs - eCryptfs mount helper.
mounted.ocfs2 - Detects all OCFS2 volumes on a system.
ntfsmount - Read/Write userspace NTFS driver.
mount.gfs2 - GFS2 mount options
mount.gfs - GFS mount options
mount.glusterfs - mount glusterfs filesystem
mount - mount a filesystem
mount.lustre - start a Lustre client or target service
ncpmount, mount.ncp, mount.ncpfs - mount volume(s) from a specified
ncpmount, mount.ncp, mount.ncpfs - mount volume(s) from a specified
mount.nfs, mount.nfs4 - mount a Network File System
mount.nilfs2 - mount a NILFS2 file system
ntfs-3g - Third Generation Read/Write NTFS Driver
ntfsmount - Read/Write userspace NTFS driver.
ntfs-3g - Third Generation Read/Write NTFS Driver
mount.ocfs2 - mount an OCFS2 filesystem
mountro - remount the root file systems as read only
mountrw - remount the root file systems as read/write
mount.cifs - mount using the Common Internet File System (CIFS)
vmware-hgfsmounter - program for mounting HGFS shares
mount.wikipediafs — A program to mount WikipediaFS, a filesystem that -
mouseemu - Emulate mouse buttons and mouse wheel
mpath_prio_alua - Path priority tool based on Asymmetric LUn Access
mpcd - ATM MPOA (Multi-Protocol Over ATM) client daemon
mpt-status - retrieve configuration and health status from LSI hardware
mrb - manage incremental snapshots with rsync/make.
mrd6 - an IPv6 Multicast routing daemon and framework
mrtd - Multi-threaded Routing Toolkit Daemon
mservdetect - Helper for masqmail and masqdialer
msgcache - Cache client messages for later pickup by hobbitfetch
msgsnarf - sniff chat messages
lmbench - system benchmarks
msvc - control minit
mt-daapd - iTunes-compatible DAAP server
__mt - Wrapper script for mt where the count is always be 0 for sub-
mtinkd - daemon to control your EPSON printer
mtr - a network diagnostic tool
multilog - reads a sequence of lines from stdin and appends selected
multinet - Connect to a Multinet* DECnet over IP server
multipathd - multipath daemon
multipath - Device mapper target autoconfig
MuMuDVB - Multicast a DVB transponder over multiples ip addresses
munged - MUNGE daemon
munin-check - A program to fix permissions of Munin directories and
munin-cron - A program to batch other Munin master programs
munin-graph - A program to create graphs from data contained in
munin - Munin manpage hub
munin-html - A program to generate html-pages in an Munin installation
munin-limits - A program to check for any off-limit values
munin-update - A program to gather data from machines running
mwavem - Mwave/ACP modem support daemon
mwavem - Mwave/ACP modem support daemon
mwenext, mwdisext - enable or disable an extension for mediawiki
mwenext, mwdisext - enable or disable an extension for mediawiki
myrescue - Harddisc Rescue
myson-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards
mysqld - the MySQL server
mysqlmanager - the MySQL Instance Manager
mysqmail-courier-logger - logs courier-imap traffic to a mysql database
mysqmail-dovecot-logger - logs dovecot-imapd and dovecot-pop3d traffic
mysqmail-postfix-logger - logs smtp traffic to a mysql database
mysqmail-pure-ftpd-logger - logs pureftpd traffic to a mysql database
nacctd - network accounting daemon
nagios3 - network/systems status monitoring daemon
nagios3stats - report statistics information from the nagios system
nagiosgrapher - Collects data from nagios and pipes them to generate
nagios-statd - nagios-statd daemon
named-checkconf - named configuration file syntax checking tool
named-checkzone, named-compilezone - zone file validity checking or
named-checkzone, named-compilezone - zone file validity checking or
named - Internet domain name server
named-journalprint - print zone journal in human-readable form
named_selinux - Security Enhanced Linux Policy for the Internet Name
nameif - name network interfaces based on MAC addresses
nanoctl - Starts and Stops Nanoweb
nanoweb.php - Nanoweb HyperText Transfer Protocol server
nast - Network Analyzer Sniffer Tool
natsemi-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards
nbd-client - connect to a server running nbd-server(1), to use its
nbdrootd -- Serve out LTSP images created with ltsp-update-image(8) -
nbdswapd -- dynamically create swap files on request export with an -
ncpd - Daemon which handles the serial link to a Psion
ncpmount, mount.ncp, mount.ncpfs - mount volume(s) from a specified
ncpumount - unmount a NetWare filesystem mounted with ncpmount.
ndisc6 - ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery tool
ndisgtk - load Windows wireless drivers with ndiswrapper
ndiswrapper - Linux kernel module and user space tool to load and run
ndiswrapper - install/modify/remove ndis driver (wrapper)
ne2k-diag - Diagnostic program for NE2000 ethernet cards.
ne2k-pci-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for PCI NE2000
nepenthes - finest collection -
net2kiss - convert a network AX.25 driver to a KISS stream on a pseudo-
netamsctl - command-line configuration tool for NeTAMS daemon
NeTAMS - Network Traffic Accounting and Monitoring Software.
uniconv - convert Netatalk volume encoding
netcap - a program to see capabilities
netdiscover - an active/passive arp reconnaissance tool.
netenv - Configure your system for different network environments
nethogs - Net top tool grouping bandwidth per process
netperfmeter - Network Performance Meter
netplan - IP server for plan(1) appointment lists
netplugd - network cable hotplug management daemon
ax25_call, netrom_call, rose_call, tcp_call - make an AX.25, NET/ROM,
netromd - Send and receive NET/ROM routing messages
net - Tool for administration of Samba and remote CIFS servers.
netscript-compile - netscript ipfilter-defs compile back end.
ifup - bring a network interface up
netsniff-ng - a high performance network sniffer for packet inspection
netstat - Print network connections, routing tables, interface
network-config - Simple network configuration tool
NetworkManager - network management daemon
netxml-ups - Driver for Eaton /MGE Network Management Card / Proxy
newaliases - update /etc/aliases database
newaliases - rebuild the data base for the mail aliases file
newlist - Create a new, unpopulated mailing list.
news2mail - Channel script to gateway news into e-mails
news.daily - Perform daily Usenet maintenance tasks
scanlogs, writelog, innstat, tally.unwanted, tally.control, innlog.pl - -
makeactive, makehistory, newsrequeue - tools to recover Usenet
newsrequeue - tool to rewrite batchfiles.
newusers - update and create new users in batch
rpc.nfsd - NFS server process
nfslogsum - summarize nfswatch log file
nfs_selinux - Security Enhanced Linux Policy for NFS
nfsstat - list NFS statistics
nfswatch - monitor an NFS server
ngetty - daemon for virtual console terminals
ngIRCd - the next generation IRC daemon
ngrep - network grep
nilfs_cleanerd - NILFS2 garbage collector
NILFS - the new implementation of a log-structured file system
ninja - Privilege escalation detection system for GNU/Linux
ninpaths - Report Usenet Path statistics (new inpaths)
domainname - set or display name of current domain
nlpatch - Patches a nodelist
nmbd - NetBIOS name server to provide NetBIOS over IP naming services
nnmaster - nn database manager
nnrpd - NNTP server for reader clients
nnspew - subject database manager (nn)
nntpd - NNTP server process
nntpsend - send Usenet articles to remote site
node - Node front end for AX.25, NET/ROM, Rose and TCP
nodesave - Saves NET/ROM routing information
nodm - X display manager for automatic logins
noflushd - userland daemon to spin down idle disks.
noip2 - No-IP.com Dynamic DNS Update Client (DUC)
nologin - politely refuse a login
oping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
notifyd - Cyrus notification server
notify - HylaFAX user notification script
nrattach - Start a NET/ROM interface
nrparms - Configure the NET/ROM interface.
nrpe - Nagios Remote Plugin Executor
nrsdrv - KISS to NET/ROM serial converter
ns820-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards
nscd - name service caching daemon
nsctl - manage running l2tpns instance
nsd-checkconf - NSD configuration file checker.
nsdc - Name Server Daemon (NSD) control script.
nsd - Name Server Daemon (NSD) version 3.2.5.
nsd-notify - program to send NOTIFY’s to remote nameservers.
nsd-patch - NSD zone patcher version 3.2.5.
nsd-xfer - AXFR client to transfer zones from a name server
nsec3hash - generate NSEC3 hash
nslcd - local LDAP name service daemon.
nslint - perform consistency checks on dns files
nssldap-update-ignoreusers - update ldap.conf based on
nss_updatedb - cache name service directories in DB format
nstat, rtacct - network statistics tools.
nstxcd - IP over DNS tunneling client
talkd - remote user communication server
ntfs-3g - Third Generation Read/Write NTFS Driver
ntfs-3g.probe - Probe an NTFS volume mountability
ntfs-3g.secaudit - NTFS Security Data Auditing
ntfs-3g.usermap - NTFS Building a User Mapping File
ntfscat - print NTFS files and streams on the standard output
ntfsclone - Efficiently clone, image, restore or rescue an NTFS
ntfscluster - identify files in a specified region of an NTFS volume.
ntfscmp - compare two NTFS filesystems and tell the differences
ntfs-config - Enable/disable write support for NTFS with a simple
ntfs-config-root - ntfs-config su helper
ntfscp - copy file to an NTFS volume.
ntfsfix - fix common errors and force Windows to check NTFS
ntfsinfo - dump a file’s attributes
ntfslabel - display/change the label on an ntfs file system
ntfsls - list directory contents on an NTFS filesystem
ntfsmount - Read/Write userspace NTFS driver.
ntfsprogs - tools for doing neat things with NTFS
ntfsresize - resize an NTFS filesystem without data loss
ntfsundelete - recover a deleted file from an NTFS volume.
ntop - display top network users
ntpdate-debian - set the date and time via NTP
ntpdate - set the date and time via NTP
ntpd - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon
ntp-keygen - generate public and private keys
ntptime - read kernel time variables
ntp-wait - wait for NTP server to synchronize
nuaclgen - NUFW acl generator
nuauth - NUFW authentication server
nufw - NUFW User filtering gateway server
nullidentd - a bare minimum identd server
nullmailer-queue - insert mail messages into the queue
nullmailer-send - Send queued messages
numactl - Control NUMA policy for processes or shared memory
numastat - Print statistics about NUMA memory allocation
__numset - deals with number-sets
nutop - display top NUFW Users
nuttcp - network performance measurement tool
nutupsdrv - generic manual for unified NUT drivers
nvdump — program to dump NVidia TV-OUT encoder registers -
nvram-wakeup - a (small) program that can read and write the WakeUp
nvtvd — backend server to control TV output hardware -
nwbocreate - Create a NetWare Bindery Object
nwborm - Remove a NetWare Bindery Object
nwbpadd - Set the value of a NetWare Bindery Property
nwbpcreate - Create a NetWare Bindery Propery
nwbprm - Remove a NetWare Bindery Propery
nwepgen - generates Neesus Datacom compatible WEP keys
nwfsctrl - Perform server command
nwgrant - Add Trustee Rights to a directory
nwmsg - Deliver NetWare user broadcast messages
nwrevoke - Revoke a Trustee Right from a directory
o2cb_ctl - Control program for the O2CB cluster service.
o2image - Copy or restore OCFS2 file system meta-data
ocfs2console - GUI console for OCFS2.
ocfs2_hb_ctl - Starts and stops the OCFS2 heartbeat on a given device.
ods-enforcerd - OpenDNSSEC Policy Enforcer daemon
ods-signerd - OpenDNSSEC Signer Engine daemon
ods-signer - OpenDNSSEC Signer Engine client
oem-config-firstboot - run oem-config on first boot after shipping to end
ubiquity - install Ubuntu from a live CD
oem-config-prepare - prepare system for shipping to end user
ofonod - oFono mobile telephony daemon
oidentd - TCP/IP IDENT protocol server
oldlog2new - Convert an NCSA httpd 1.1 access_log file to CLF
olsrd - Optimized Link State Routing protocol daemon
omniEvents - CORBA Event Service daemon
omniMapper - Simple proxy for CORBA naming service from omniORB
omniNames - OmniORB Interoperable Naming Service
onak-mail.pl - Process OpenPGP keyserver emails.
ondelay - open device without waiting for carrier
oneac - Driver for Oneac UPS equipment
ipsec openac - Generation of X.509 attribute certificates
The openais project is a project to implement a production quality -
opendkim-convert-keylist - convert an OpenDKIM KeyList
opendkim-genkey.sh - DKIM filter key generation tool
opendkim-genzone - DKIM public key zone file generation tool
opendkim - DKIM signing and verifying filter for MTAs
opendkim-importstats - DKIM statistics import tool
opendkim-stats - output opendkim statistics
opendkim-testadsp - DKIM filter ADSP evaluation tool
opendkim-testkey - DKIM filter installation test
openhpid - HPI instance to which multiple clients can connect.
open_init_pty - run an program under a psuedo terminal
ntpd - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon
openserctl - openser control tool
openser - flexible and roboust SIP (RFC3261, RFC3263) server for Voice
openserunix - openser UNIX socket wrapper
opensm - InfiniBand subnet manager and administration (SM/SA)
openvas-adduser - add a user in the openvasd userbase
openvasd - The server part of the OpenVAS Security Scanner
openvas-mkcert - Creates a server certificate
openvas-nvt-sync - updates the OpenVAS security checks
openvas-rmuser - removes a user from the openvasd userbase
openvpn - secure IP tunnel daemon.
oping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
op_server.pl - Proxy server for the Asterisk Flash Operator Panel
optiups - Driver for Opti-UPS (Viewsonic) UPS and Zinto D (ONLINE-USV)
orphaner - frontend for deborphan
osdmaptool - ceph osd cluster map manipulation tool
osmtest - InfiniBand subnet manager and administration (SM/SA) test
ospf6d - an OSPFv3 routing engine for use with Quagga routing software.
ospfd - an OSPFv2 routing engine for use with Quagga routing software.
ossdetect - Open Sound System audio device detection program.
ossdevlinks - Open Sound System legacy device management utility.
ovdb_init - Prepare ovdb database for use
ovdb_monitor - Database maintenance
ovdb_server - overview ’helper’ server
ovdb_stat - Display information from the ovdb database
overchan - Batch update the INN overview database
ownership - Compaq ownership tag retriever
p3scan - fully transparent proxy scanning server for POP3 and SMTP
p3scan_readme - readme for the p3scan tool
p910nd - port 9100+n printer daemon
pac - printer/plotter accounting information
Packit - Packet analysis and injection tool
__packpats - Auxiliary script used by xafrestore
pacoball - Binary package support for paco(8).
paco - a source code package organizer
pads.conf - pads configuration file
pads - Passive Asset Detection System
pads-report - PADS Text Reporting Module
pagesend - HylaFAX IXO/TAP and UCP transmit program
palo - hppa/palinux Linux boot media management (think lilo)
pam_access - PAM module for logdaemon style login access control
pam_alreadyloggedin - Already-logged-in PAM module
pam-auth-update - manage PAM configuration using packaged profiles
pam_ck_connector - Register session with ConsoleKit
pam_cracklib - PAM module to check the password against dictionary
pam_debug - PAM module to debug the PAM stack
pam_deny - The locking-out PAM module
pam-dotfile-helper - check password for libpam-dotfile
pam_echo - PAM module for printing text messages
pam_ecryptfs - PAM module for eCryptfs
pam_env - PAM module to set/unset environment variables
pam_exec - PAM module which calls an external command
pam_faildelay - Change the delay on failure per-application
pam_filter - PAM filter module
pam_ftp - PAM module for anonymous access module
pam_getenv - get environment variables from /etc/environment
pam_group - PAM module for group access
pam_issue - PAM module to add issue file to user prompt
pam_keyinit - Kernel session keyring initialiser module
pam_lastlog - PAM module to display date of last login
pam_ldap - PAM module for LDAP-based authentication
pam_limits - PAM module to limit resources
pam_listfile - deny or allow services based on an arbitrary file
pam_localuser - require users to be listed in /etc/passwd
pam_loginuid - Record user's login uid to the process attribute
pam_mail - Inform about available mail
pam_mkhomedir - PAM module to create users home directory
pam_motd - Display the motd file
pam_mount - A PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session
pam_namespace - PAM module for configuring namespace for a session
pam_nologin - Prevent non-root users from login
pam_otpw - verify one-time passwords
pam_passwdqc - Password quality-control PAM module
pam_permit - The promiscuous module
pam_pkcs11 - PAM Authentication Module for PKCS#11 token libraries
pam_pwhistory - PAM module to remember last passwords
pam_rhosts - The rhosts PAM module
pam_rootok - Gain only root access
pam_rsa - pam_rsa PAM-module
pamrsakp - generate keypairs for pam_rsa PAM-authentication module
pam_securetty - Limit root login to special devices
pam_selinux - PAM module to set the default security context
pam_sepermit - PAM module to allow/deny login depending on SELinux
pam_shells - PAM module to check for valid login shell
pam_ssh - authentication and session management with SSH private keys
pam_sss - PAM module for SSSD
pam_succeed_if - test account characteristics
pam_tally2 - The login counter (tallying) module
pam_tally - The login counter (tallying) module
pam_thinkfinger - PAM module for fingerprint authentication through
pam_time - PAM module for time control access
pam_timestamp_check - Check to see if the default timestamp is valid
pam_timestamp - Authenticate using cached successful authentication
pam-tmpdir-helper - create safe temporary directory
pam_tty_audit - Enable or disable TTY auditing for specified users
pam_umask - PAM module to set the file mode creation mask
pam_unix2 - Standard PAM module for traditional password authentication
pam_unix - Module for traditional password authentication
pam_userdb - PAM module to authenticate against a db database
pam_warn - PAM module which logs all PAM items if called
pam_wheel - Only permit root access to members of group wheel
pam_winbind - PAM module for Winbind
pam_xauth - PAM module to forward xauth keys between users
papd - AppleTalk print server daemon
paperconfig - configure the system default paper size
papstatus - get the status of an AppleTalk-connected printer
paris-traceroute - print the IP-level routes between two Internet
par_mem - memory parallelism benchmark
par_ops - basic CPU operation parallelism
parprouted - Proxy ARP IP bridging daemon
GNU fdisk, lfdisk, gfdisk - manipulate partition tables on a hard drive
GNU Parted - a partition manipulation program
partimaged - backup/restore partitions server
partimaged-passwd - Manage partimaged user accounts
partprobe - inform the OS of partition table changes
partx - telling the kernel about presence and numbering of on-disk
passenger-make-enterprisey - activate your Phusion passenger enterprise
passenger-memory-stats - reports a snapshot of the Apache and Phusion
passenger-status - inspect Phusion Passenger’s internal status
pathfinderd - RFC3280 Path Discover and Validation Daemon
pawserv - CERNLIB program for serving PAW histograms remotely
pbuilder - personal package builder
pcbitctl - PCBIT-D firmware loader
pccardctl - PCMCIA card control utility
pcnet-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards
pcimodules - List kernel driver modules available for all currently
pcnet-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards
pcscd - PC/SC Smart Card Daemon
pdbedit - manage the SAM database (Database of Samba Users)
pdf2fax - image Portable Document Format file for facsimile
pdns_control - Control the pDNS nameserver
pdnsd-ctl - controls pdnsd
pdnsd - dns proxy daemon
pdns_control - The PowerDNS nameserver
pdumpfs - A daily backup system similar to Plan9’s dumpfs
peercast_handler.sh - Handler for peercast:// URIs
peercast_handler.sh - Handler for peercast:// URIs
peercast - P2P Streaming Server
peercast_handler.sh - Handler for peercast:// URIs
pef-config - configure PEF values
perditiondb_ldap_makedb - create perdition popmap in LDAP
perditiondb_mysql_makedb - create perdition database in a MySQL RDMS
perditiondb_odbc_makedb - create perdition database using ODBC RDMS
perditiondb_postgresql_makedb - create perdition database in a
perdition - POP3 and IMAP4 proxy server
perdition - POP3 and IMAP4 proxy server
perdition - POP3 and IMAP4 proxy server
perdition - POP3 and IMAP4 proxy server
perdition - POP3 and IMAP4 proxy server
perdition - POP3 and IMAP4 proxy server
perfquery - query InfiniBand port counters
perl-nocem - A NoCeM-on-spool implementation for INN 2.x
pfqueue - A queue realtime scanner for MTA
PGAChange - Repeatedly apply mutation to a string (with an increasing
PGACheckStoppingConditions - returns boolean to indicate if the PGAPack
PGACopyIndividual - copies string p1 in population pop1 to position p2
PGACreate - creates an uninitialized context variable. The Fortran
PGADestroy - deallocate memory for this instance of PGAPack, if this
PGADone - Returns PGA_TRUE if the stopping conditions have been met,
PGADuplicate - determines if a specified string is a duplicate of one
PGAGetDataType - Returns the data type used by the given context.
PGAGetGAIterValue - returns the number of the current genetic algorithm
PGAGetMaxGAIterValue - Returns the maximum number of iterations to run
PGAGetMutationAndCrossoverFlag - Returns true if mutation occurs only
PGAGetMutationOrCrossoverFlag - Returns true if mutation only occurs
PGAGetNoDuplicatesFlag - Returns PGA_TRUE if duplicates are not
PGAGetNumReplaceValue - Returns the maximum number of strings to
PGAGetOptDirFlag - Returns a symbolic constant that represents the
PGAGetPopReplaceType - returns the symbolic constant used to determine
PGAGetPopSize - Returns the population size
PGAGetSortedPopIndex - returns a population string index from the array
PGAGetStoppingRuleType - Returns a symbolic constant that defines the
PGAGetStringLength - Returns the string length
PGARunGM - High-level routine to execute the genetic algorithm using
PGARun - Highest level routine to execute the genetic algorithm. It is
PGARunMutationAndCrossover - Performs crossover and mutation from one
PGARunMutationOrCrossover - Performs crossover or mutation (but not
PGASetMaxGAIterValue - specify the maximum number of iterations for the
PGASetMaxNoChangeValue - specifiy maximum number of iterations of no
PGASetMaxSimilarityValue - Specifiy the maximum percent of homogeneity
PGASetMutationAndCrossoverFlag - A boolean flag to indicate if
PGASetMutationOrCrossoverFlag - A boolean flag to indicate if
PGASetNoDuplicatesFlag - A boolean flag to indicate if duplicate
PGASetNumReplaceValue - specifies the number of new strings to create
PGASetPopReplaceType - Choose method of sorting strings to copy from
PGASetPopSize - Specifies the size of the genetic algorithm population.
PGASetStoppingRuleType - specify a stopping criterion.
PGASetUp - set all uninitialized variables to default values and
PGASetUserFunction - specifies the name of a user-written function call
PGASortPop - Creates an (internal) array of indices according to one of
PGAUpdateGeneration - updates internal data structures for the next
pg_createcluster - create a new PostgreSQL cluster
pg_ctlcluster - start/stop/restart/reload a PostgreSQL cluster
pg_dropcluster - completely delete a PostgreSQL cluster
pgpool - PostgreSQL connection pool daemon
pgpverify - cryptographically verify Usenet control messages
pgrphack - runs a program in a separate process group.
pg_updatedicts - build PostgreSQL dictionaries from myspell/hunspell
pg_upgradecluster - upgrade an existing PostgreSQL cluster to a new
phoned - DECnet phone server daemon
php-fpm - PHP FastCGI Process Manager 'PHP-FPM'
picocom - minimal dumb-terminal emulation program
pidfilehack - work around daemons that always fork
pidof -- find the process ID of a running program. -
pimd - PIM-SM v2 dynamic multicast routing daemon
pimpstat - UP-ImapProxy statistics
ping, ping6 - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
ping, ping6 - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
pingpongclient - RSerPool Client (PU) for the PingPong service
__piper - create commands pipes without the overhead of shells
pi_stress - a stress test for POSIX Priority Inheritance mutexes
pivot_root - change the root file system
pkcs11-helper - Simplified PKCS#11 library.
pkcsslotd - shared memory manager for opencryptoki
pkgsync - Automated package synchronization tool
pklocalauthority - PolicyKit Local Authority
pkspxy - The PKS proxy server
plainrsa-gen - generator for Plain RSA keys
plipconfig - fine tune PLIP device parameters
plmpower - control Insteon/X10 devices via SmartLabs PLM 2412S
plpfuse - Daemon to mount an EPOC device as a file system
plpprintd - Daemon for printing via PC from a Psion.
ipsec pluto - IPsec IKE keying daemon
pma-configure - enables configuration of phpMyAdmin installation
pm-action - Suspend or Hibernate your computer
pmailq - Postfix MAIL Queue manager
pmap_dump - print a list of all registered RPC programs
pmap_set - set the list of registered RPC programs
pma-secure - secures phpMyAdmin installation
pm-action - Suspend or Hibernate your computer
pmksetup - premake setup
pm-powersave - Put your computer into low power mode
pmqtest - Start pairs of threads and measure the latency of
pm-action - Suspend or Hibernate your computer
pm-action - Suspend or Hibernate your computer
pmt-ehd - create an encrypted disk image
pmvarrun - updates /var/run/pam_mount/user
pokerbot - simple minded poker bots
pokerconfigupgrade - upgrade poker XML configuration files to match the
pokerdatabaseupgrade - upgrade a poker-network database to match the
pokerserver - multiplayer poker server
policyd-weight - weighted SMTP policy daemon
PolicyKit - Centralized policy management
policy-test - Postfix Policy Daemon Testing Tool
polkitd - PolicyKit daemon
polkit - Authorization Framework
pollrcvd - HylaFAX script for delivering facsimile received by polling
PootleServer - Web-based translation and translation management tool
pop3d - POP3 server process
pop2front - POP3 Front End
pop2front - POP3 Front End
pop2front - POP3 Front End
popa3d - Post Office Protocol (POP3) server
popauth -- manipulate POP authorization DB -
pop-before-smtp - watch log for POP/IMAP auth, update map allowing SMTP
popcon-largest-unused - List size of unused packages
popfile-bayes - dumps the word matrix for a given message
popfile-insert - feeds sample emails to a specified bucket to train
popfile-pipe - allows message classification via a pipe
poppassd - Password change server for Eudora and NUPOP mail clients
popper - POP3 server
popularity-contest - list the most popular Debian packages
portmap - DARPA port to RPC program number mapper
portsentry - detect portscan activity
portslave - terminal server program.
postal - program to test SMTP mail server throughput.
postfix-add-filter - add filter service to Postfix master.cf
postfix-add-policy - add policy service to Postfix master.cf
postfix-nochroot - change /etc/postfix/master.cf to not use chroot
postgrey - Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
post - deliver a message
poundctl - control the pound(8) daemon
pound - HTTP/HTTPS reverse-proxy and load-balancer
powercom - UPS driver for Powercom/Trust/Advice UPS equipment
powermand - power control and monitoring daemon
powernapd - configurable daemon that will run at a specified
powernap - have the system "take a power nap"; this can be a user
powernap-now - send the powernapd daemon the ’powernap now’ signal
reboot, halt, poweroff - reboot or stop the system
powerpanel - Driver for PowerPanel Plus compatible UPS equipment
powertop - program to analyze power consumption on Intel-based laptops
powstatd - a configurable UPS monitor.
pppconfig - configure pppd to connect to the Internet
pppd - Point-to-Point Protocol Daemon
radattr.so - RADIUS utility plugin for pppd(8)
radius.so - RADIUS authentication plugin for pppd(8)
pppdump - convert PPP record file to readable format
pppoeconf — configures a PPPoE (ADSL) connection -
pppoe-connect - Shell script to manage a PPPoE link
pppoe-discovery - perform PPPoE discovery
pppoe - user-space PPPoE client.
pppoe-relay - user-space PPPoE relay agent.
pppoe-server - user-space PPPoE server
pppoe-setup - Shell script to configure Roaring Penguin PPPoE client
pppoe-sniff - examine network for non-standard PPPoE frames
pppoe-start - Shell script to bring up a PPPoE link
pppoe-status - Shell script to report on status of PPPoE link
pppoe-stop - Shell script to shut down a PPPoE link
pppstats - print PPP statistics
pptpctrl - PPTP control connection manager
pptpd - PPTP VPN daemon
pptp - PPTP driver
pptpsetup - Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol setup
praliases - display system mail aliases
prayer - standalone IMAP-based webmail server
prayer-session - Prayer user session backend daemon
prayer-ssl-prune - purge stale SSL session data
prdb_check - Checks the integrity of the Protection Database
pr-edit - creates, edits or deletes PRs
prelink - prelink ELF shared libraries and binaries to speed up startup
prelink - prelink ELF shared libraries and binaries to speed up startup
preload - Adaptive readahead daemon
privatepw - Change WU-FTPD Group Access File Information
privoxy - Privacy Enhancing Proxy
probemodem - check modem and report the result of certain commands
procinfo - display system statistics gathered from /proc
proftpd - Professional configurable, secure file transfer protocol
prosodyctl - Manage Prosody XMPP Server
prosody - Prosody XMPP Server
proxsmtpd - an SMTP server for performing filtering
prunehistory - Remove tokens from Usenet history file
ps2fax - image POSTSCRIPT(R) for facsimile transmission by HylaFAX
psad - The Port Scan Attack Detector
psadwatchd - checks to make sure kmsgsd and psad are running.
pscap - a program to see capabilities
psf - PostScript filter
ps-watcher - monitors various processes based on ps-like information.
ptsematest - Start two threads and measure the latency of interprocess
ptserver - Initializes the Protection Server
ptunnel - tunnel TCP connections over ICMP echo request/reply packets.
pt_util - Load or dump a Protection Server database
pump - configure network interface via BOOTP or DHCP protocol
puppet -
pure-authd - External authentication agent for Pure-FTPd.
pure-ftpd-control - invokes init script for installed Pure-FTPd flavour
pure-ftpd - simple File Transfer Protocol server
pure-ftpd - simple File Transfer Protocol server
pure-ftpd - simple File Transfer Protocol server
pure-ftpd - simple File Transfer Protocol server
pure-ftpd - simple File Transfer Protocol server
pure-ftpd - simple File Transfer Protocol server
pure-ftpd - simple File Transfer Protocol server
pure-ftpd - simple File Transfer Protocol server
pure-ftpd-wrapper - configures and starts Pure-FTPd daemon
pure-ftpwho - Report current FTP sessions
pure-mrtginfo - provide an MRTG-graphable user count for ftpd
pure-pwconvert - Generate a virtual users file from system accounts
pure-pw - Manage virtual users files for Pure-FTPd
pure-quotacheck - Update virtual quota files for Pure-FTPd
pure-statsdecode - Show human-readable dates from a "stats" logfile
pure-uploadscript - Automatically run an external program after a
push - fetch mail via POP
pvchange - change attributes of a physical volume
pvck - check physical volume metadata
pvcreate - initialize a disk or partition for use by LVM
pvdisplay - display attributes of a physical volume
pvmove - move physical extents
pvpgn-support-installer — Downloads the support files needed by pvpgn -
pvremove - remove a physical volume
pvresize - resize a disk or partition in use by LVM2
pvscan - scan all disks for physical volumes
pvs - report information about physical volumes
makeuserdb - create /etc/courier/userdb
pwauth - authenticator for mod_authnz_external and the Apache HTTP
pwck - verify integrity of password files
pwconv, pwunconv, grpconv, grpunconv - convert to and from shadow
pwd_controlaula — create a file with a VNC encrypted password -
pwmconfig - tests the PWM outputs of sensors and configures fancontrol
pwrkap_aggregate - Present a large number of pwrkap servers as if they
pwrkap_main - Main pwrkap system daemon
pwconv, pwunconv, grpconv, grpunconv - convert to and from shadow
pwupdate - updates passwd and shadow NIS map
pxfw - Firmware flashing tool for Plextor CD/DVD devices
pyca - CA written in python
pydhcp - a dhcp command line tool
pyftpd - ftp server in python
PyGopherd - Multiprotocol Information Server
pyroman - a firewall configuration utility
pysdm - PyGTK Storage Device Manager
pysieved - managesieve server
qdiskd - Cluster Quorum Disk Daemon
qemubuilder - a pbuilder wrapper for qemu.
qemu-nbd - QEMU Disk Network Block Device Server
qingy - Framebuffer-enabled replacement for getty
ql-dynamic-tgt-lun-disc - Scans for newly added LUNs.
ql-hba-snapshot - display specific information of the QLogic HBA.
ql-lun-state-online - scans for all offline LUNs and enables them.
ql-set-cmd-timeout - set the timeout on the devices connected to the
qpsmtpd-forkserver - Fork-on-demand server for qpsmtpd
qpsmtpd-prefork - Preforkin server for qpsmtpd
qtool - manipulate sendmail queues
queue-pr - incoming mail control for GNATS
quotacheck - scan a filesystem for disk usage, create, check and repair
quota_nld - quota netlink message daemon
quotaon, quotaoff - turn filesystem quotas on and off
quotaon, quotaoff - turn filesystem quotas on and off
quotastats - Program to query quota statistics
quotatool - manipulate filesystem quotas
quot - summarize filesystem ownership
r2test - MFC/R2 call setup test program
rabid - program to test POP server throughput.
racoonctl - racoon administrative control tool
racoon - IKE (ISAKMP/Oakley) key management daemon
racoon-tool - program to manage the racoon(8) IPSEC IKE daemon.
raddebug - Display debugging output from a running server.
radeontool — utility to get/set registers and to control backlight on -
radiusd - Yet Another Radius Daemon (YARD RADIUS)
radius - nnrpd RADIUS password authenticator
radmin - FreeRADIUS Administration tool
radosgw_admin - rados REST gateway user administration utility
radosgw - rados REST gateway
rados - rados object storage utility
radrelay -- Deprecated command. -
radsqlrelay - relay SQL queries to a central database server
radvd - router advertisement daemon for IPv6
radvdump - dump router advertisements
radwatch - A watchdog for RADIUS users
1. here -
rainbow-gc - Helper script which attempts to garbage-collect stale uid
rainbow-hub -
rainbow-run - Create and use Rainbow-isolated instances
rainbow-sugarize - Helper script for using Sugar with Rainbow
rainbow-xify - Enable the use of the X display in rainbow-secured
rdev - query/set image root device, RAM disk size, or video mode
randomsound - ALSA sound card related entropy gathering daemon.
rarpd - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) daemon
rarp - manipulate the system RARP table
asterisk - All-purpose telephony server.
raw - bind a Linux raw character device
rbd - manage rados block device (RBD) images
rbldns-conf - sets up an IP-address-listing DNS service.
rbldns-data - data tool for rbldns
rbldnsd - DNS daemon suitable for running DNS-based blocklists
rbldns - an IP-address-listing DNS server
rbootd - HP remote boot server
rcapid - remote CAPI server
rcconf - Debian Runlevel configuration tool
rc.news - Start or stop INN daemons
rdate - set the system’s date from a remote host
rdev - query/set image root device, RAM disk size, or video mode
rdisc - ICMPv6 Router Discovery tool
rdnssd - IPv6 Recursive DNS Server discovery Daemon
dump - ext2/3/4 filesystem backup
readahead-collector - collect list of files used during the boot
readahead - file preloader for boot process optimization
readbutton - Returns the status front panel buttons
readproctitle - maintains an automatically rotated log in memory for
read_tape - Reads volume dumps from a backup tape to a file
realksh.c - A shell for running Kernel-mode C code
really - gain privilege or run commands a different user
reboot, halt, poweroff - reboot or stop the system
recvstats - summarize HylaFAX receive accounting information
redirect - simple redirection CGI program
reducecap - The reducecap utility is used to lower the capability
ree - extract ROM extensions
regdbdump - parse and print out regulatory rules file
regionset - display and set the zone setting of a DVD drive
(un)register-common-lisp-{implementation|source) - internal clc
register-stardata - Install or remove star data catalogues and
registrar - RSerPool Pool Registrar (PR) Service
reiserfsck - The checking tool for the ReiserFS filesystem.
reiserfstune - The tunning tool for the ReiserFS filesystem.
initctl - init daemon control tool
remctld - Server for remctl, a remote command execution utility
remove-default-ispell - remove default ispell dictionary
remove-default-wordlist - remove default wordlist
remove_members - Remove members from a list.
remove-shell - remove shells from the list of valid login shells
repquota - summarize quotas for a filesystem
request-key - Handle key instantiation callback requests from the
rescan-scsi-bus.sh - rescan the SCSI bus.
reseed - seeds urandom with a truly random seed retrieved from
resize2fs - ext2/ext3/ext4 file system resizer
resizecons - change kernel idea of the console size
resize_reiserfs - resizer tool for the ReiserFS filesystem
resolvconf - manage nameserver information
restartd - process checker and/or reloader
initctl - init daemon control tool
restorecond - daemon that watches for file creation and then sets the
restorecon - restore file(s) default SELinux security contexts.
restore - restore files or file systems from backups made with dump
restorevol - Restore a volume from vos dump to the local file system
s2disk - program to suspend to disk (hibernate)
RevertBastille - revert changes made by Bastille
revnetgroup - generate reverse netgroup data
rfkill - tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices
rhino - Driver for Brazilian Microsol RHINO UPS equipment
rigctld - Hamlib TCP rig control daemon
rinetd - internet “redirection server”
rinputd - Remote Input Server Daemon
rinse - RPM Installation Entity.
rip98d - Send and receive RIP98 routing messages
ripd - a RIP routing engine for use with Quagga routing software.
ripngd - a RIPNG routing engine for use with Quagga routing software.
rkhunter - RootKit Hunter
rklogd - RSBAC kernel log daemon.
rlinetd - an(other) internet super-server
rlm_ippool_tool - dump the contents of the FreeRadius ippool database
rlogind - remote login daemon
rlprd - remote printing proxy daemon
rltraceroute6 - IPv6 traceroute tool
newaliases - update /etc/aliases database
rmcat - remove GNATS categories
rmcp - remove NILFS2 checkpoints
rmcpping - send RMCP Ping to network hosts
addftpuser - set up anonymous FTP user
rmlist - Remove the components of a mailing list with impunity -
rmmod - simple program to remove a module from the Linux Kernel
rmt - remote magtape protocol module
rmtermd - Old style DECnet terminal services for Linux
rmt-star - remote magnetic tape protocol server
rmt - remote magtape protocol module
rndc-confgen - rndc key generation tool
rndc - name server control utility
rngd - Check and feed random data from an entropy source (e.g. hardware
rdev - query/set image root device, RAM disk size, or video mode
ax25_call, netrom_call, rose_call, tcp_call - make an AX.25, NET/ROM,
rotatelogs - Piped logging program to rotate Apache logs
rotctld - Hamlib TCP rotator control daemon
route_atob - converts ASCII descriptions of MRT messages to binary
route_btoa - converts binary descriptions of MRT messages to ASCII
routel - list routes with pretty output format
route - show / manipulate the IP routing table
routel - list routes with pretty output format
rovclock - utility to control frequency rates of your Radeon card
rpcbind - universal addresses to RPC program number mapper
bootparamd - boot parameter server
rpcdebug - set and clear NFS and RPC kernel debug flags
rpc.dracd - Dynamic Relay Authorization Control server
rpc.gssd - rpcsec_gss daemon
rpc.idmapd - NFSv4 ID yyyyylt;-yyyyygt; Name Mapper
rpcinfo - report RPC information
rpc.mountd - NFS mount daemon
rpc.nfsd - NFS server process
rigd - Hamlib rig service daemon
rotd - Hamlib rotator service daemon
rquotad, rpc.rquotad - remote quota server
rpc.rstatd - kernel statistics server
rpc.rusersd - logged in users server
rpc.rwalld - write messages to users currently logged in server
rpc.statd - NSM service daemon
rpc.svcgssd - server-side rpcsec_gss daemon
rpc.yppasswdd - NIS password update daemon
rpc.ypxfrd - NIS map transfer server
rpl8 - Firmware loader for DVD drives
rplayd - rplay sound server
rpld - an RPL/RIPL remote boot server
rpm2cpio - Extract cpio archive from RPM Package Manager (RPM) package.
rpm2paco - create paco logs from a local RPM database
rpmbuild - Build RPM Package(s)
rpm - RPM Package Manager
rpmdeps - Generate RPM Package Dependencies
rpm - RPM Package Manager
rpmgraph - Display RPM Package Dependency Graph
rpm - RPM Package Manager
rpm - RPM Package Manager
rpm - RPM Package Manager
rpm - RPM Package Manager
rpm - RPM Package Manager
rpm - RPM Package Manager
rquotad, rpc.rquotad - remote quota server
RRDcollect -- Round-Robin Database Collecting Daemon. -
restore - restore files or file systems from backups made with dump
rsattach - Start a Rose interface
rsdwnlnk - User exit from the ROSE network.
rshd - remote shell daemon
newaliases - update /etc/aliases database
rsockd - SOCKSified SOCKS server
rsparms - Configure the Rose interface.
rsuplnk - User entry into the ROSE network.
rsync_selinux - Security Enhanced Linux Policy for the rsync daemon
rsyslogd - reliable and extended syslogd
nstat, rtacct - network statistics tools.
rtc - Prints the RTC Alarm values using ioctls on /dev/rtc.
rt-clean-sessions - clean old and duplicate RT sessions
rtcwake - enter a system sleep state until specified wakeup time
rt-dump-database - dump the Request Tracker database
rt-email-dashboards - Send email dashboards
rt-email-digest - dispatches all deferred RT notifications as a
rt-email-group-admin - Command line tool for administrating NotifyGroup
rtkitctl - Realtime Policy and Watchdog daemon control
rtl8139-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards
rtmon - listens to and monitors RTnetlink
rtmpgw - RTMP streaming media gateway
rtpproxy - RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) Proxy Server
rt-setup-database - Set-up the database for Request Tracker
rt-shredder - Script which wipes out tickets from RT DB
lnstat - unified linux network statistics
runas — program to run daemons as non priviledge users -
rungetty - a minimal console getty that can run any process
run_init - run an init script in the proper SELinux context
runit - a UNIX process no 1
init - a UNIX process no 1
runit-policy-rc.d - runit’s init script policy for invoke-rc.d(8)
run_kannel_box - Run a Kannel box
runlevel - output previous and current runlevel
run-parts - run scripts or programs in a directory
newaliases - update /etc/aliases database
runq - run the sendmail queue
runsvchdir - change services directory of runsvdir(8)
runsvdir - starts and monitors a collection of runsv(8) processes
runsvdir-start - monitor and start runsv(8) processes in /etc/service
runsv - starts and monitors a service and optionally an appendant log
runvdr - starts VDR and reloads the DVB modules in case of errors
rvnamed - reverse name resolution daemon for iptraf(8)
rwhod - system status server
rxecho - Route AX.25 packets between ports transparently.
s2disk - program to suspend to disk (hibernate)
s2disk - program to suspend to disk (hibernate)
s2ram - program to suspend to ram (suspend)
s3switch - manage the output devices on an S3 Savage chip
sa1 - Collect and store binary data in the system activity daily data
sa2 - Write a daily report in the /var/log/sysstat directory.
linux-atm - preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump
sabayon-apply - Apply a sabayon profile to a user.
sabayon - A tool to graphically manage GNOME desktop profiles.
sac - system accounting.
sadc - System activity data collector.
safe_asterisk — A wrapper to run the asterisk executable in a loop -
safe_finger - finger client wrapper that protects against nasty stuff
safenet - Driver for SafeNet compatible UPS equipment
sa - summarizes accounting information
salvager - Initializes the Salvager component of the fs process
samba - server to provide filesharing- and directory services to
samba_selinux - Security Enhanced Linux Policy for Samba
samhain - check file integrity
sam_overview - Overview of the Simple Availability Manager
saned - SANE network daemon
saquery - query InfiniBand subnet administration attributes
saslauthd - sasl authentication server
sasldbconverter2 - Convert sasldb file into the new format
sasldblistusers2 - list users in sasldb
saslpasswd2 - set a user’s sasl password
pluginviewer - list loadable SASL plugins and their properties
sasl-sample-client — Sample client program for demonstrating and -
sasl-sample-server — Sample server program for demonstrating and -
savecore-lyskom - Save core files from lyskomd
savelog - save a log file
saveme - unlink ld.so.preload
savemixer - Open Sound System program for saving and restoring mixer
kbd-compat - kbd-compatibility wrapper scripts for Linux Console Tools.
SIMPLE-BACKUP - programm suite to do a simple desktop backups
sbgp - a simple BGP4 speaker and listener
sbminst - program to install Smart Boot Manager
sbuild-adduser - add an sbuild user
sbuild-createchroot - create sbuild chroot
scanlogd - detects and logs TCP port scans
scanlogs - Summarize and rotate INN log files
sccinit - Initialize scc card
sccparam - Change or list parameters of a scc port
ipsec scepclient - Client for the SCEP protocol
schedtool - query and set CPU scheduling parameters
schleuder - GnuPG enabled mailing list manager with remailer-
schleuder-newlist - create new Schleuder mailing list
scponlyc - chrooted version of scponly
script-email - Amanda script to send email notifications
scriptingclient - RSerPool Client (PU) for the Scripting service
scriptingcontrol - Scripting Control script for the Scripting Service
scriptingserviceexample - Example client script for the Scripting Service
scrounge-ntfs - helps retrieve data from corrupted NTFS partitions
scsiadd - Add and remove SCSI devices
scsi-config - query information from a scsi device with a nice user
scsidev - populate /dev/scsi with device names that are persistent
scsiformat - low level format an scsi disk device
scsi_id - retrieve and generate a unique SCSI identifier
scsiinfo - query information from a scsi device
scsi_readcap - do SCSI READ CAPACITY command on disks
scsi_ready - do SCSI TEST UNIT READY on devices
scsi-spin - spin up and down a SCSI device
scsi_start - start one or more SCSI disks
scsi_stop - stop (spin down) one or more SCSI disks
sdm-autokeys - generates keys to be used with ssh autologin
sdm - starts X server and sdm-login
sdm-login - prompts a user for login
sdparm - access SCSI modes pages; read VPD pages; send simple SCSI
sdpnetstat - Print network connections, routing tables, interface
sealert - setroubleshoot client tool
se_dpkg,se_apt-get,se_aptitude,se_dpkg- -
se_dpkg,se_apt-get,se_aptitude,se_dpkg- -
seaudit - SELinux graphical audit log analysis tool
seaudit-report - SELinux audit log reporting tool
se_dpkg,se_apt-get,se_aptitude,se_dpkg- -
se_dpkg,se_apt-get,se_aptitude,se_dpkg- -
se_dpkg,se_apt-get,se_aptitude,se_dpkg- -
select-default-ispell - select default ispell dictionary
select-default-wordlist - select default wordlist
selinux-config-enforcing - change /etc/selinux/config to set enforcing
selinux - NSA Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)
selinux-policy-upgrade - upgrade the modules in the SE Linux policy
semanage - SELinux Policy Management tool
semodule_deps - show the dependencies between SELinux policy packages.
semodule_expand - Expand a SELinux policy module package.
semodule - Manage SELinux policy modules.
semodule_link - Link SELinux policy module packages together
semodule_package - Create a SELinux policy module package.
send_arp - Send out one ARP packet with source/target IP and Ethernet
sendcommand - command sending utility for Citadel
sendfax - send group 3 fax files (G3 files) with a class 2 faxmodem
sendfiled - Simple Asynchronous File Transfer server
send-uucp - Send Usenet articles via UUCP
sendinpaths - Send Usenet Path: statistics via e-mail
sendmailconfig - configure sendmail for Debian systems
masqmail - An offline Mail Transfer Agent
sendmail - an electronic mail transport agent
sendme - Send a signal from driver to user and measure time intervals
send-uucp - Send Usenet articles via UUCP
send_to_keyboard - send to the keyboard device
send-uucp - Send Usenet articles via UUCP
sendvmsmail - mail forwarder for DECnet
sensible-mda - a generic local MDA router for Debian systems
sensord - Sensor information logging daemon.
sensors-detect - detect hardware monitoring chips
ser2net - Serial to network proxy
sercmd - send commands to SIP Express Router using binrpc
serdo - run commands serially
ser - very fast and configurable sip proxy
server.conf - server side configuration file for afbackup
server - RSerPool Server (PE) for multiple example services
service - run a System V init script
servlink — ircd-hybrid internal server linking utility -
sestatus - SELinux status tool
se_dpkg,se_apt-get,se_aptitude,se_dpkg- -
set6x86, get6x86 - access Cyrix control registers
setarch - change reported architecture in new program environment and
setcap - set file capabilities
setether - Set the ethernet address for use with DECnet
setfiles - set file SELinux security contexts.
kbd-compat - kbd-compatibility wrapper scripts for Linux Console Tools.
sethdlc - get/set Linux HDLC packet radio modem driver port information
setkeycodes - load kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table entries
setkey - manually manipulate the IPsec SA/SP database
setlock - runs another program with a file locked.
setlogcons - Send kernel messages to console N
set_nodedesc - set the node_desc field of infiniband HCA
setpci - configure PCI devices
setpnp - modify Plug and Play BIOS device resources
setquota - set disk quotas
setsebool - set SELinux boolean value
setserial - get/set Linux serial port information
setuidgid - runs another program under a specified account’s uid and
setup-storage - automatically prepare storage devices
setvesablank - Turn VESA screen blanking on or off
sfdisk - Partition table manipulator for Linux
sftp-server - SFTP server subsystem
sg3_utils - a package of utilities for sending SCSI commands
sg_dd - copies data to and from files and devices. Specialised for
sge_execd - Sun Grid Engine job execution agent
sg_emc_trespass - Changes ownership of a LUN from another
sge_qmaster - Sun Grid Engine master control daemon
sge_shadowd - Sun Grid Engine shadow master daemon
sge_shepherd - Sun Grid Engine single job controlling agent
sg_format - format or resize a SCSI disk (perhaps change its block
sg_get_config - sends a SCSI GET CONFIGURATION command (MMC-4 +)
sg_get_lba_status - send the SCSI GET LBA STATUS command
sginfo - access mode page information for a SCSI (or ATAPI) device
sg_inq - sends a SCSI INQUIRY or ATA IDENTIFY (PACKET) DEVICE command
sg_logs - access log pages with SCSI LOG SENSE command
sg_luns - send the SCSI REPORT LUNS command
sg_map26 - maps a special file to a SCSI generic (sg) device (or vice
sg_map - displays mapping between linux sg and other SCSI devices
sgm_dd - copies data to and from files and devices. Specialized for
sg_modes - reads mode pages with SCSI MODE SENSE command
sg_opcodes - reports information on supported SCSI commands or task
sgp_dd - copies data to and from files and devices. Specialized for
sg_persist - sends a SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVE (IN or OUT) command to
sg_prevent - sends a SCSI PREVENT ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL command
sg_raw - sends an arbitrary SCSI command to a device
sg_rbuf - reads data using SCSI READ BUFFER command
sg_rdac - Display or Modify RDAC Redundant Controller Page
sg_read_block, limits - sends a SCSI READ BLOCK LIMITS command
sg_read_buffer - send a SCSI READ BUFFER command
sg_readcap - sends a SCSI READ CAPACITY command
sg_read - read blocks of data continually from same offset
sg_read_long - send a SCSI READ LONG command
sg_reassign - sends a SCSI REASSIGN BLOCKS command
sg_requests - send one or more SCSI REQUEST SENSE commands
sg_reset - sends SCSI device, target, bus or host reset; or checks
sg_rmsn - sends a SCSI READ MEDIA SERIAL NUMBER command
sg_rtpg - sends a SCSI REPORT TARGET PORT GROUPS command
sg_safte - Fetch status from a SCSI Accessed Fault-Tolerant Enclosure
sg_sat_identify - sends a ATA IDENTIFY (PACKET) DEVICE command via a
sg_sat_phy_event - Sends an ATA READ LOG EXT command via a SAT pass
sg_sat_set_features - sends a ATA SET FEATURES command via a SCSI to
sg_scan - does a scan of sg devices (or given SCSI/ATAPI/ATA devices)
sg_senddiag - performs a SCSI SEND DIAGNOSTIC command
sg_ses - send controls and fetch status from a SCSI Enclosure Services
sg_start - send SCSI START STOP UNIT command to start, stop, load or
sg_stpg - sends a SCSI SET TARGET PORT GROUPS command
sg_sync - send the scsi command synchronize cache
sg_test_rwbuf - Tests the SCSI host adapter by issuing write and read
sg_turs - send one or more SCSI TEST UNIT READY commands
sg_unmap - sends a SCSI UNMAP command
sg_verify - invoke SCSI VERIFY command(s) on a block device
sg_vpd - fetches Vital Product Data (VPD) pages using a SCSI INQUIRY
sg_write_buffer - send a SCSI WRITE BUFFER command
sg_write_long - send the SCSI WRITE LONG command
sg_write_same - send the SCSI WRITE SAME command
sg_wr_mode - write mode page
shadowconfig - toggle shadow passwords on and off
shaperd - traffic shaper for tcp-ip networks
sharedindexinstall - Installs the shared index files
sharedindexsplit - Splits a shared index file into multiple ones
shef: - Run Chef in an IRB session.
shibd - Shibboleth daemon
shib-keygen - Generate a key pair for a Shibboleth SP
shield-purge - manage hosts rules
shield-trigger - Trigger ip route blocking rule
shield-trigger-iptables - Trigger iptables blocking rule
shorewall6 - Administration tool for Shoreline Firewall 6 (Shorewall6)
shorewall6-lite - Administration tool for Shoreline Firewall 6 Lite
shorewall - Administration tool for Shoreline Firewall (Shorewall)
shorewall-init - Companion package
shorewall-lite - Administration tool for Shoreline Firewall Lite
showchans, shownicks — show channels and nicks registered with IRC -
showconsolefont - Show the current EGA/VGA console screen font
showfsck - Show the number of reboots until a forced fsck
showmount - show mount information for an NFS server
showchans, shownicks — show channels and nicks registered with IRC -
showpart - show GPT and MBR partition tables side by side
shutdown - bring the system down
siggen - signature gathering routine for Tripwire
sigwaittest - Start two threads or fork two processes and measure the
silcd - SILC server
simba -
SIMPLE-BACKUP - programm suite to do a simple desktop backups
SIMPLE-BACKUP - programm suite to do a simple desktop backups
SIMPLE-BACKUP - programm suite to do a simple desktop backups
sinfod - a monitoring tool for networked computers
siproxd - SIP Registrar/Proxy/Redirect Server
sipw - sipwitch service daemon
sipwitch.cgi - web services for sipwitch
sirvecole — controlaula daemon -
SiSU - Structured information, Serialized Units
skksearch - yet another SKK Dictionary server
SKS - Synchronizing Key Server
slack - Sysadmin’s lazy autoconfiguration kit
slapacl - Check access to a list of attributes.
slapadd - Add entries to a SLAPD database
slapauth - Check a list of string-represented IDs for LDAP authc/authz
slapcat - SLAPD database to LDIF utility
slapd - Stand-alone LDAP Daemon
slapdn - Check a list of string-represented LDAP DNs based on schema
slapindex - Reindex entries in a SLAPD database
slappasswd - OpenLDAP password utility
slapschema - SLAPD in-database schema checking utility
slaptest - Check the suitability of the OpenLDAP slapd.conf file
slattach - attach a network interface to a serial line
sleepd - puts a laptop to sleep during inactivity or on low battery
slidentd - a minimal RFC 1413 auth server
slimrat-gui - Graphical utility for downloading files
slimrat - Command-line utility for downloading files
slmodemd - manual page for SmartLink Soft Modem daemon
slpd - SLPv2 Service Agent (SA)/Directory Agent (DA)
slrn_getdescs - weekly update of newsgroups descriptions file
slurmctld - The central management daemon of Slurm.
slurmdbd - Slurm Database Daemon.
slurmd - The compute node daemon for SLURM.
slurmstepd - The job step manager for SLURM.
sma - Sendmail Log Analyser
smartctl - Control and Monitor Utility for SMART Disks
smartd - SMART Disk Monitoring Daemon
smart - The Smart Package Manager
smbd - server to provide SMB/CIFS services to clients
smbldap-groupadd - Create a new group
smbldap-groupdel - Delete a group
smbldap-groupmod - Modify a group
smbldap-groupshow - Display group informations
smbldap-passwd - change user password
smbldap-populate - Populate your LDAP database
smbldap-useradd - Create a new user
smbldap-userdel - Delete a user account and related files
smbldap-userinfo - change user real name, information and shell
smbldap-userlist - list users or machines with some info
smbldap-usermod - Modify a user account
smbldap-usershow - Show a user account informations
mount.cifs - mount using the Common Internet File System (CIFS)
smbpasswd - change a user's SMB password
smbspool - send a print file to an SMB printer
smcinit - initialize the SMSC IrDA controler on various laptops
SMCRoute - Static Multicast Router (-Interface)
smdiag - Linux soundcard packet radio modem driver diagnostics utility
smem - Report memory usage with shared memory divided proportionally.
sminfo - query InfiniBand SMInfo attribute
SMMAPD - Sendmail socket map daemon
smmixer - get/set Linux soundcard packet radio modem driver mixer
sm-notify - send reboot notifications to NFS peers
smpdump - dump InfiniBand subnet management attributes
smpquery - query InfiniBand subnet management attributes
smrsh - restricted shell for sendmail
bearerbox, wapbox, smsbox - Parts of Kannel, the WAP and SMS gateway
smsd - spools incoming and outgoing sms.
smtpfeed - SMTP Fast Exploding External Deliverer
smtpfront - SMTP Front Ends
smtpfront - SMTP Front Ends
smtpfront - SMTP Front Ends
smtpfront - SMTP Front Ends
snscan - display information on articles in the spool
snscan - display information on articles in the spool
sndelgroup - delete an existing sn newsgroup
sndumpdb - dump contents of sn database.
snexpire - expire news under the sn system.
snfetch - fetch articles.
snget,sngetd - fetch news from upstream sites and store them locally.
snget,sngetd - fetch news from upstream sites and store them locally.
HELLO - perform initial conversation with a newsserver (used by sn news
sn - The sn news system.
sniffit - packet sniffer and monitoring tool
lockf - lock files from within shell-scripts (used by sn news system)
snmail - mail-to-news filter
snmpd - daemon to respond to SNMP request packets.
snmptrapd - Receive and log SNMP trap messages.
snmptrapfmthdlr - Trap handler for receiving SNMP Traps
snmptrapfmt - Receive and log SNMP trap messages from a trap handler.
snmp-ups - Multi-MIB Driver for SNMP UPS equipment
snnewgroup - create a new sn newsgroup
snnewsq - show a list of outgoing news articles
snntpd - small news server
snntpd - small news server
Snort - open source network intrusion detection system
snort-stat - generates statistic of scans detected by snort
POST - Handle a part of posting messages (used by sn news system)
snprimedb - feed the sn database.
snscan - display information on articles in the spool
snsend - distribute articles
snsplit - split an article stream into individual articles
snsend - distribute articles
sockd - Internet firewall secure socket server (proxy server)
socklist - display list of open sockets
socklog-check - checks for the availability of a socklog(8) service.
socklog-conf - sets up a socklog(8) service.
socklog - small and secure syslogd replacement for use with runit
softflowctl - Remote control program for softflowd
softflowd - Traffic flow monitoring
softlimit - runs another program with new resource limits.
solid-pop3d - The Solid POP3 Server
solis - Driver for Brazilian Microsol SOLIS UPS equipment
linux-atm - preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump
soundmodemconfig - Soundcard modem configuration utility
soundmodem - Soundcard modem driver
SpamPD - Spam Proxy Daemon (version 2.2)
SPANK - SLURM Plug-in Architecture for Node and job (K)control
kissattach, spattach - Attach a KISS or 6PACK interface
spfmilter - SPF mail filter module
pfqueue - A queue realtime scanner for MTA
splatd - Scalable Periodic LDAP Attribute Transmogrifier
splitkomdb - Split the database for efficient backups
split-logfile - Split combined virtual hosts access log into one file
sqlr-cachemanager - running the cache manager
sqlr-connection-postgresql - Setting up a connection to PostgreSQL
sqlr-connection-postgresql - Setting up a connection to PostgreSQL
sqlr-connection-postgresql - Setting up a connection to PostgreSQL
sqlr-connection-postgresql - Setting up a connection to PostgreSQL
sqlr-connection-postgresql - Setting up a connection to PostgreSQL
sqlr-connection-postgresql - Setting up a connection to PostgreSQL
sqlr-connection-postgresql - Setting up a connection to PostgreSQL
sqlr-connection-postgresql - Setting up a connection to PostgreSQL
sqlr-connection-postgresql - Setting up a connection to PostgreSQL
sqlr-connection-postgresql - Setting up a connection to PostgreSQL
sqlr-connection-postgresql - Setting up a connection to PostgreSQL
sqlr-ipclean - release left-over IPC resources
sqlr-listener - connect to a TCP port and wait for queries
sqlr-listener - connect to a TCP port and wait for queries
sqlr-scaler - fire up new connections on demand
sqlr-start - startup SQLRelay
sqlr-stop - kill running SQLRelay daemons
squatter - create SQUAT indexes for mailboxes
squid_db_auth - Database auth helper for Squid
squid - proxy caching server
squid_ldap_auth - Squid LDAP authentication helper
squid_ldap_group - Squid LDAP external acl group helper
ncsa_auth - NCSA httpd-style password file authentication helper for
pam_auth - Squid PAM authentication helper
squid_radius_auth - Squid RADIUS authentication helper
squid_session - Squid session tracking external acl group helper
squid_unix_group - Squid UNIX Group external_acl helper
squid - proxy caching server
squid_ldap_group - Squid LDAP external acl group helper
squid_session - Squid session tracking external acl group helper
squidtaild — Squid log monitoring program -
squid_unix_group - Squid UNIX Group external_acl helper
squirrelmail-configure - Interactively configure SquirrelMail
sraw - benchmark raw scsi I/O performance under linux
sredird - RFC 2217 serial port server
sshd - OpenSSH SSH daemon
sshguard - monitors daemon activity
ssh-keysign - ssh helper program for host-based authentication
sshmitm - SSH monkey-in-the-middle
sshow - SSH traffic analysis tool
ssh-pkcs11-helper - ssh-agent helper program for PKCS#11 support
ss - another utility to investigate sockets
ssi - server-side-includes CGI program
sslh - ssl/ssh multiplexer
sslio - SSL input/output for service programs
sslsvd - SSLv3 TCP/IP service daemon
sendmail - Local user interface to XMail
sssd - System Security Services Daemon
sssd_krb5_locator_plugin - the configuration file for SSSD
sss_groupadd - create a new group
sss_groupdel - create a new group
sss_groupmod - modify a group
sss_groupshow - print properties of a group
sss_useradd - create a new user
sss_userdel - delete a user account
sss_usermod - modify a user account
stap-authorize-server-cert - systemtap server authorization utility
stap-authorize-signing-cert - systemtap signing authorization utility
stap-client - systemtap client
staprun - systemtap runtime
stap-server - systemtap server management
starfire-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards
initctl - init daemon control tool
startinnfeed - setuid root program to start innfeed
startpar - start runlevel scripts in parallel
startsrv - invoke ttysrv for a particular host.
start-stop-daemon - start and stop system daemon programs
startup.sh - default startup script of ledd(8)
start-xpilot-ng-server - start the XPilot NG server
rpc.statd - NSM service daemon
initctl - init daemon control tool
stinit - initialize SCSI magnetic tape drives
stjerm - quake-style terminal emulator
stonith - extensible interface for remotely powering down a node in the
initctl - init daemon control tool
stow - software package installation manager
stream - John McCalpin’s STREAM benchmark
string2key - map a password into a key
stund - STUN protocol (Simple Traversal of UDP through NATs) Server
stunnel - universal SSL tunnel
stunnel - universal SSL tunnel
stunnel - universal SSL tunnel
submit - Submit a new message to the Courier mail server
subnetcalc - IPv4/IPv6 Subnet Calculator
sudo, sudoedit - execute a command as another user
sudo, sudoedit - execute a command as another user
sudo_root - How to run administrative commands
suexec - Switch user before executing external programs
sulogin - Single-user login
superiotool - Super I/O detection tool
superpaco - Debian, RPM or Slackware package installation support for
supervise - starts and monitors a service.
supfilesrv, supscan - sup server processes
suphp — run php scripts with the owner permissions -
supfilesrv, supscan - sup server processes
suricata - Next Generation Intrusion Detection and Prevention Tool
suspend-keygen - program to generate a RSA key to be used by s2disk
rpc.svcgssd - server-side rpcsec_gss daemon
svc - controls services monitored by supervise(8).
sv - control and manage services monitored by runsv(8)
svlogd - runit’s service logging daemon
svnserve - Server for the ’svn’ repository access method
svok - checks whether supervise(8) is running.
svscanboot - starts svscan(8) in the /service directory, with output
svscan - starts and monitors a collection of services
svsematest - Start two threads or fork two processes and measure the
svstat - prints the status of services monitored by supervise(8).
swapd - dynamic swapping manager
swapon, swapoff - enable/disable devices and files for paging and
s2disk - program to calculate the offset of a swap file in a partition
swapon, swapoff - enable/disable devices and files for paging and
swapspace - dynamically manage swap space
swat - Samba Web Administration Tool
switchconf - Change system configuration to one of many predefined
switch_root - switch to another filesystem as the root of the mount
sympa (or sympa.pl) - A Modern Mailing List Manager
synaptic - graphical management of software packages
sync-accounts-createuser - helper/hook program for sync-accounts
sync-accounts - synchronise accounts and passwords
sync-available - sync dpkg’s available database with apt’s database
synce-serial-abort - Force a SynCE serial connection to abort.
synce-serial-abort - Force a SynCE serial connection to abort.
synce-serial-chat - starts a serial connection
synce-serial-config - Configure a serial device for use with SynCE.
synce-serial-start - Start a serial connection for use with SynCE.
synce-serial-start - Start a serial connection for use with SynCE.
sync - synchronize data on disk with memory
sync_members - Synchronize a mailing list's membership with a flat
sysctl - configure kernel parameters at runtime
sysklogd - Linux system logging utilities.
syslog2eximlog - make syslog output suitable for eximstats
syslogd-listfiles - list system logfiles
syslog-facility - Setup and remove LOCALx facility for sysklogd
syslog-ng - syslog-ng system logger application
syslogout - modular centralized shell logout mechanism
syslogtocern - convert thttpd syslog entries into CERN Common Log
sysprofile - modular centralized shell configuration
system-config-audit - Graphical utility for editing audit configuration
system-config-date - graphical interface for changing system date and
system-config-kickstart - graphical interface for creating kickstart
system-config-samba - GUI for managing Samba shares and users
systraq - monitors your system and warns you when files change
systunedump - Dumps /proc files for kernel tuning.
systune - Kernel tuning through the /proc filesystem.
sysv-rc-conf - Run-level configuration for SysV like init script links
t1libconfig - create the t1lib.config and FontDataBase files for t1lib
tac_plus - tacacs plus daemon
tac_pwd - generate DES encryption of a password
tagtest - HylaFAX tag line testing program
tai64n - puts a precise timestamp on each line.
tai64nlocal - converts precise TAI64N timestamps to a human-readable
talkd - remote user communication server
tally.control - Keep track of newsgroup creations and deletions
tally.unwanted - keep track of unwanted newsgroups.
tasksel - a user interface for installing tasks
pfifo - Packet limited First In, First Out queue
CBQ - Class Based Queueing
CBQ - Class Based Queueing
drr - deficit round robin scheduler
HTB - Hierarchy Token Bucket
tc - show / manipulate traffic control settings
tcpblast - tool for measuring network bandwidth
ax25_call, netrom_call, rose_call, tcp_call - make an AX.25, NET/ROM,
tcpdchk - tcp wrapper configuration checker
tcpd - access control facility for internet services
tcpdmatch - tcp wrapper oracle
tcpdump - dump traffic on a network
pfifo_fast - three-band first in, first out queue
pfifo - Packet limited First In, First Out queue
tcpick - tcp stream sniffer and connection tracker
tcpkill - kill TCP connections on a LAN
tcp_masq_openfw - Open a set of hosts for free masquerading.
tcpnice - slow down TCP connections on a LAN
tcpperiod - -
tcpquotaadmin - Administrate the TCP quota values.
tcpquotad - The TCPQuota daemon.
PRIO - Priority qdisc
tcpspy - TCP/IP Connection Monitor
tcpsvd - TCP/IP service daemon
rltraceroute6 - IPv6 traceroute tool
red - Random Early Detection
tcsd - daemon that manages Trusted Computing resources
sfq - Stochastic Fairness Queueing
tbf - Token Bucket Filter
tdbbackup - tool for backing up and for validating the integrity of
tdbdump - tool for printing the contents of a TDB file
tdbtool - manipulate the contents TDB files
tdx-util - Tradindexed overview manipulation utility
teamspeak-server - the daemon used to create a TeamSpeak server.
telepathy-gabble - Telepathy connection manager for XMPP (Jabber)
telepathy-haze - Telepathy connection manager using libpurple
telepathy-idle - Telepathy connection manager for IRC
telepathy-salut - Telepathy connection manager for link-local XMPP
telepathy-sofiasip - Telepathy connection manager for SIP
telinit - change system runlevel
telnetd - DARPA telnet protocol server
telnetlogin - login wrapper for telnetd
tenshi - Log Monitoring and Reporting tool
terminal - RSerPool terminal (PU) for services like Echo, Discard,
testsaslauthd - test utility for the SASL authentication server
texpire - delete old news articles and repair leafnode news spool
textps - text to PostScript filter
tftpd - DARPA Trivial File Transfer Protocol server
tgtadm - Linux SCSI Target Administration Utility
tgt-admin - Linux SCSI Target Configuration Tool
tgtd - The SCSI Target Daemon
tgtimg - Linux SCSI Target Framework Image File Utility
tgt-setup-lun - creates a target, adds a device to the target and
thotswap - change the device in the SelectBay of a Toshiba laptop
thpot - Tiny honeypot to setup simple (and fake) services
thttpd - tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server
tiff2fax - convert TIFF for facsimile transmission by HylaFAX
tiffcheck - check TIFF for HylaFAX conversion requirements
tigercron - Cron utility for Tiger UNIX Security Checker
tiger - UNIX Security Checker
tigexp - UNIX Security Checker Explanation Generator
tilecache - Cache and serve map tiles
tilecache - Cache and serve map tiles
tilecache - Cache and serve map tiles
tilecache - Cache and serve map tiles
timelord - Macintosh time server daemon
timeoutd - Enforce idle and session time restrictions
timsieved - CMU hack for getting sieve scripts onto the server
tincd - tinc VPN daemon
tinydns-conf - sets up a DNS publication service.
tinydns-data - data tool for tinydns
tinydns-edit - edit the (source form of the) database served by
tinydns - a DNS server.
tinydyndns-conf - sets up a pop-before-dyndns service
tinydyndns-data - add or remove TYPE A record to or from data.cdb
tinydyndns-update - update TYPE A record in data.cdb
tinyleaf - Very simple IHAVE-only NNTP server
tinyproxy - A light-weight HTTP proxy daemon
tipc-config - TIPC configuration tool
tk_scsiformat - low level format an scsi disk device with a nice user
tlb - TLB size and latency benchmark
tls_prune - prune expired sessions from the TLS sessions database
tmpreaper - removes files which haven’t been accessed for a period of
tntnet - web application server for c++
tobconv - Convert tob listing files from pre-0.2 to post-0.2 format
tob - Tape Oriented Backup
tomoyo-checkpolicy - TOMOYO Linux’s policy validator
tomoyo-domainmatch - Scan TOMOYO Linux’s domain policy
tomoyo-editpolicy-agent - Agent for editing TOMOYO Linux’s policy
tomoyo-editpolicy - Edit TOMOYO Linux’s policy
tomoyo-findtemp - Detect TOMOYO Linux’s temporary pathnames
tomoyo-init - Load TOMOYO Linux’s policy automatically
tomoyo_init_policy - Initialize TOMOYO Linux’s policy
tomoyo-ld-watch - Update TOMOYO Linux’s library’s pathnames
tomoyo-loadpolicy - Load TOMOYO Linux’s policy manually
tomoyo-pathmatch - Do TOMOYO Linux’s pathname pattern matching on the
tomoyo-patternize - Convert TOMOYO Linux’s pathnames into patterns
tomoyo-pstree - View TOMOYO Linux’s process information
tomoyo-savepolicy - Save TOMOYO Linux’s policy
tomoyo-setlevel - Update TOMOYO Linux’s profile
tomoyo-setprofile - Assign TOMOYO Linux’s profile to domains
tomoyo-sortpolicy - Sort TOMOYO Linux’s domain policy
acledit - Manage Torrus access control lists (ACLs).
buildsearchdb - Build the search database
cleanup - Cleans up Torrus web session data.
clearcache - Clears the Torrus Renderer’s cache.
collector - Torrus data Collector.
compilexml - Torrus XML configuration (re)compiler.
configinfo - Displays useful statistics for all Torrus trees.
configsnapshot - Generates a configuration snapshot for a Torrus tree.
devdiscover - Performs SNMP discovery and generates Torrus XML
genddx - Generates SNMP discovery instructions file for devdiscover
genlist - Lists Torrus objects
genreport - Generate the Usage Report
torrus - Commandline wrapper for Torrus utilities
monitor - Torrus Monitor.
rrddir2xml - Searches a directory for RRD files and generates Torrus
schedulerinfo - Displays extended scheduler tasks information.
srvderive - Derive a new service ID from sum or maximum of other
ttproclist - Process a template with a nodelist
torsocks - Library for intercepting outgoing network connections and
totdconfig - configure script for totd
totd - DNS proxy and translator for IPv6 and IPv4
tpm_changeownerauth - change the authorization data associated with the
tpm_clear - return the TPM to the default state (unowned, disabled,
tpm_createek - create an Endorsement Key Pair on the TPM
tpm_getpubek - display the public portion of the TPM’s Endorsement Key
tpm_resetdalock - reset the dictionary attack lock for the user
tpm_restrictpubek - restrict the ability to display the public portion
tpm_revokeek - revokes the Endorsement Key Pair of the TPM
tpm_selftest - request TPM perform selftest and report
tpm_setactive - change TPM active states
tpm_setclearable - disable TPM clear operations
tpm_setenable - change TPM enable states
tpm_setoperatorauth - sets the operator authorization value in the TPM
tpm_setownable - change whether the TPM allows tpm_takeownership
tpm_setpresence- change TPM physical presence states or settings -
tpm_takeownership - setup an owner on the TPM
tracepath, tracepath6 - traces path to a network host discovering MTU
tracepath, tracepath6 - traces path to a network host discovering MTU
traceroute6 - traces path to a network host
rltraceroute6 - IPv6 traceroute tool
transponder - backend node for load balancing services
tricklectl - control utility for trickled
trickled - userspace bandwidth manager daemon
trimhistory - Remove old Xymon history-log entries
tripplite - Driver for Tripp-Lite SmartPro UPS equipment
tripplitesu - Driver for Tripp-Lite SmartOnline (SU) UPS equipment
tripplite_usb - Driver for older Tripp Lite USB UPSes (not PDC HID)
tripwire - a file integrity checker for UNIX systems
try-from - test program for the tcp_wrapper
tsitest - HylaFAX TSI access control list checking program
tsocks - Library for intercepting outgoing network connections and
linux-atm - preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump
ttylinkd - TTYlink daemon for AX.25, NET/ROM, ROSE and IP.
ttylog - serial device logger
ttysnoop - snoop on a user’s tty
ttysnoop - snoop on a user’s tty
ttysrv - connect to a serial port and log output
tulip-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards
tumgreyspf - an external policy checker for the postfix mail server
tunctl — create and manage persistent TUN/TAP interfaces -
tune2fs - adjust tunable filesystem parameters on ext2/ext3/ext4
tunefs.lustre - modify the Lustre configuration information on a disk
tunefs.ocfs2 - Change OCFS2 file system parameters.
tunefs - tune up an existing file system
tunelp - set various parameters for the lp device
tvflash - Tool to flash Mellanox HVAs
twadmin - Tripwire administrative and utility tool
twinstar - Control the Twinstar feature of a Xorcom Astribank
twintro - introduction to Tripwire software
twprint - Tripwire database and report printer
typetest - test out typerules
tz-brasil - adjust time zone information to Brazil.
tz-brasil-restart - restart programs if time zone has changed.
tzselect - select a timezone
uanytun - micro anycast tunneling daemon
ubiquity - install Ubuntu from a live CD
ucarp — Automatic IP failover -
udevadm - udev management tool
udevd - event managing daemon
udisks-daemon - udisks Daemon
tcpblast - tool for measuring network bandwidth
udpsvd - UDP/IP service daemon
ufiformat - Format a USB floppy disk.
ufw-framework - using the ufw framework
ufw - program for managing a netfilter firewall
uif - Tool for generating optimized packetfilter rules
ulistd - collect FBB BBS messages list sent via unproto frames
ulog-acctd - network accounting daemon
ulogd - netfilter/iptables ULOG daemon
umount.crypt - unmount a dm-crypt encrypted volume
umount.crypt - unmount a dm-crypt encrypted volume
umount.crypt - unmount a dm-crypt encrypted volume
umount.davfs - Umount-helper to unmount a davfs2 file system
umount.ecryptfs - eCryptfs umount helper.
umount - unmount file systems
umount.nfs, umount.nfs4 - unmount a Network File System
umount.nilfs2 - unmount NILFS2 file systems
unafs - script to warn users about their weak passwords
unattended-upgrade - automatic installation of security (and other)
unbound-checkconf - Check unbound configuration file for errors.
unbound-control, unbound-control-setup - Unbound remote server control
unbound - Unbound DNS validating resolver 1.4.5.
aa-unconfined - output a list of processes with tcp or udp ports that
RevertBastille - revert changes made by Bastille
unfsd - NFS server process
unhide — forensic tool to find hidden processes -
unhide — forensic tool to find hidden processes -
unhide — forensic tool to find hidden processes -
unhide-tcp — forensic tool to find hidden TCP/UDP ports -
uniconfd - a daemon program for the UniConf configuration system
uni - a program to interface with the UniConf configuration system
unionfs-fuse - A userspace unionfs implementation
unique - removes duplicates from a wordlist
unix2_chkpwd - helper binary that verifies the password of the current
unix_chkpwd - Helper binary that verifies the password of the current
unix_update - Helper binary that updates the password of a given user
unshadow - combines passwd and shadow files
upclient - Initializes the client portion of the Update Server
update-aide.conf - build run-time AIDE configuration
update-alternatives - maintain symbolic links determining default
update-apt-xapian-index - manual page for update-apt-xapian-index 0.38
update-auctex-elisp - update AUCTeX automatically generated TeX macros
update-auctex-install - update AUCTeX installation.
update-binfmts - maintain registry of executable binary formats
update-ca-certificates - update /etc/ssl/certs and certificates.crt
update-canna-dics_dir - compile dics.dir file
update-catalog - create or update entry in SGML catalog file
update-cracklib - Regenerate cracklib dictionary
updatedb - update a database for mlocate
update-dictcommon-aspell - rebuild aspell database and emacsen stuff
update-default-ispell - update default ispell dictionary
update-default-wordlist - update default wordlist
update-dictcommon-aspell - rebuild aspell database and emacsen stuff
update-dictcommon-hunspell - rebuild hunspell database and emacsen
update-dlocatedb - Generate text database of installed files for
update-eicar - download EICAR Anti-Virus test file
update-exim4.conf - Generate exim4 configuration files.
update-exim4.conf.template - Regenerate exim4 configuration file
update-exim4defaults - Manage exim4 daemon default file.
extlinux-update - program to generate EXTLINUX’s configuration files
update_firmware - writes firmware into the flash memory of system
update-fonts-alias - compile fonts.alias files
update-fonts-dir - compile fonts.dir files
update-fonts-scale - generate fonts.scale files
update-gconf-defaults - generate GConf defaults shipped in Debian
update-gdkpixbuf-loaders - Update wrapper script for the Gdkpixbuf
update-grace-fonts - regenerate font database for xmgrace
update-grub2 - stub for update-grub
update-grub - stub for grub-mkconfig
update-gtk-immodules - Update wrapper script for the GTK+ IM modules
update-icon-caches - Update wrapper script for the icon caches
update_indexes - clean indexes from erased tapes
update-inetd - manage rlinetd (and inetd) configuration entries
update-info-dir - (re-)create /usr/share/info/dir from all installed
update-initramfs - generate an initramfs image
update-intel-microcode - download current Intel processor microcode
update-ispell-dictionary - Bash script to select a new ispell default
updatejail - is a script for rebuilding a chrooted environment made
update-java-alternatives - update alternatives for jre/sdk
liloconfig - interactive configure script for lilo
update-locale-config - Update differnt programs’ language settings
updateLysKOM - check that lyskomd is running
update-manager - graphical management of software packages updates
update-mime - create or update MIME information
mono-server2-update - creates .webapp and .host file for mod_mono and
mono-server-update - creates .webapp and .host file for mod_mono and
mono-xsp2-update.conf - creates .webapp needed by xsp2
update-openoffice-dicts - rebuild dictionary.lst for OpenOffice.org
update-otags - Update otags database
update-pangox-aliases - Update wrapper script for the Pango X aliases
update-passwd - safely update /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group
update-pciids - download new version of the PCI ID list
update-perl-sax-parsers - (de)register Perl SAX parser modules
update_phishing_sites - a script to update the list of phishing safe
update-python-modules - byte-compile python modules
update-rcconf-guide - Create default guide file for rcconf
update-rc.d - install and remove System-V style init script links
update-rc.d-insserv - obsolete
update-reader.conf - (re)generate /etc/reader.conf
update-rt-siteconfig-3.8 - update the Request Tracker configuration
update-service - add/remove a service to/from system-wide service
update-skkdic - make a local skk dictionariy
update-software-center - Update the database for software-center
update-texmf-config - script used in maintainer scripts to trigger tex-
update-texmf - shell script to generate /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf
update-usbids - download new version of the USB ID list
update-vfontmap - shell script to generate /var/lib/texmf/vfontmap
update_virus_scanners - a script to update virus scanners used by
update_wdm_wmlist - updates the window manager list for wdm
update-xmlcatalog - maintain XML catalog files
update-xpdfrc - program to generate xpdf’s configuration file
ipsec _updown_espmark - manages routes and firewall rules
ipsec _updown - route and firewall manipulation script
upgrade_MailScanner_conf - upgrades MailScanner.conf config files
upgrade-system - APT front-end to automate system upgrades
upgrade-windowmaker-defaults - Convert old wmaker configuration files
uphpmvault - upload recovery images to HP MediaVault2 via Ethernet
upnpd - Linux UPnP Internet Gateway Device daemon.
upowerd - UPower Daemon
upsc - example lightweight UPS client
upscmd - UPS administration program for instant commands
upscode2 - Driver for UPScode II compatible UPS equipment
upsd - UPS information server
upsdrvctl - UPS driver controller
upserver - Initializes the server portion of the Update Server
upsimage.cgi - Image-generating helper for upsstats.cgi
upslog - UPS status logger
upslug2 - utility to upgrade the firmware of a NSLU2 via the network
upsmon - UPS monitor and shutdown controller
upsrw - UPS variable administration tool
upssched - Timer helper for scheduling events from upsmon
upsset.cgi - Web-based UPS administration program
upsstats.cgi - Web-based UPS status viewer
upstart-udev-bridge - Bridge between Upstart and udev
uptimed - daemon to record uptime records
ureadahead - Read files in advance during boot
urlsnarf - sniff HTTP requests in Common Log Format
usb-creator-gtk - Ubuntu startup disk creation tool for Gtk+
usb-creator-kde - Ubuntu startup disk creation tool for KDE
usbhid-ups - Driver for USB/HID UPS equipment
usbip_bind_driver - change driver binding for USB/IP
usbipd - USB/IP server daemon
usbip - manage USB/IP devices
useradd - create a new user or update default new user information
userdb - manipulate /etc/courier/userdb
userdbpw - create an encrypted password
userdel - delete a user account and related files
userhelper - A helper interface to PAM.
userlist - Userlisting of who’s on your system.
usermod - modify a user account
uservd - supply user services
usplash - userspace bootsplash daemon
usplash_write - send commands to a running usplash daemon
uswsusp.conf - Config file for the s2disk program
utmpset - logout a line from utmp and wtmp file
uucico - UUCP file transfer daemon
uucpd, in.uucpd - run uucico from inetd
uucpsend - Alternative frontend for uucp batching
uuidd - UUID generation daemon
uusched - Call all systems which have work in a random order.
uuxqt - UUCP execution daemon
v4l-conf - configure a video4linux driver
v86d - daemon to run x86 code in an emulated environment
varmon - a VA RAID monitor
vbackup - A modular backup program
vbackup-wizard - A wizard for basic vbackup configuration
vblade, vbladed - export data via ATA over Ethernet
vblade, vbladed - export data via ATA over Ethernet
vblade-persist - manage persistent exported ATA-over-Ethernet devices
vboxd - isdn voice box daemon
vboxgetty - getty for isdn voice response system (vbox3)
vboxmail - script to send notification of new voice message
vboxputty - a self-dialing/-calling vboxgetty (vbox3)
vconfig - VLAN (802.1q) configuration program.
vcstime - Show time in upper right hand corner of the console screen
vde_tunctl — create and manage persistent TUN/TAP interfaces -
vendstat - query InfiniBand vendor specific functions
verify_krb5_conf - checks krb5.conf for obvious errors
vga_reset - reset video graphic board
vgcfgbackup - backup volume group descriptor area
vgcfgrestore - restore volume group descriptor area
vgchange - change attributes of a volume group
vgck - check volume group metadata
vgconvert - convert volume group metadata format
vgcreate - create a volume group
vgdisplay_free_size - This script is a part of the SOAP server of dtc-
vgdisplay - display attributes of volume groups
vgetty - voice extension to the mgetty+sendfax program
vgexport - make volume groups unknown to the system
vgextend - add physical volumes to a volume group
vgimportclone - import and rename duplicated volume group (e.g. a
vgimport - make exported volume groups known to the system
vgmerge - merge two volume groups
vgmknodes - recreate volume group directory and logical volume special
vgreduce - reduce a volume group
vgremove - remove a volume group
vgrename - rename a volume group
vgscan - scan all disks for volume groups and rebuild caches
vgs - report information about volume groups
vgsplit - split a volume group into two
via-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for the VIA Rhine
victronups - Driver for IMV/Victron UPS unit Match, Match Lite, NetUps
rdev - query/set image root device, RAM disk size, or video mode
vipw, vigr - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-group
vipw, vigr - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-group
visudo - edit the sudoers file
vldb_check - Checks the integrity of the VLDB
vlock-main - lock current virtual console
vlserver - Initializes the Volume Location Server
vmfs-fuse - mount VMFS file system
vmixctl - Open Sound System utility to control the vmix subsystem.
vmsmaild - mail daemon for DECnet
vmstat - Report virtual memory statistics
vmware-hgfsmounter - program for mounting HGFS shares
vmware-user-suid-wrapper - wrapper programm for vmware-user(1)
voldump - Dump an AFS volume without using the Volume Server
volinfo - Produces detailed statistics about AFS volume headers
volserver - Initializes the Volume Server component of the fs process
voms - VOMS server
vortex-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for the 3Com Vortex
votequorum_overview - Votequorum Library Overview
VpbConfigurator - Generate configuration files for libvpb
vpcd - virtual power control daemon
vpddecode - VPD structure decoder
vpnc - client for Cisco VPN3000 Concentrator, IOS and PIX
vpnc - client for Cisco VPN3000 Concentrator, IOS and PIX
vpnc - client for Cisco VPN3000 Concentrator, IOS and PIX
vpstree - The vpstree utility is simply a wrapper for the pstree
vrrpd - Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Deamon
vserver-build - initializes a vserver
vserver - The vserver utility enables you to manage the state of
vserver-stat -
vsftpd - Very Secure FTP Daemon
vtop - The vtop utility is simply a wrapper for the top program.
vtund - VTun(Virtual Tunnel) daemon.
vtund - VTun(Virtual Tunnel) daemon.
Vuurmuur_conf - ncurses GUI for administration of the Vuurmuur IPTables
Vuurmuur - rule creating daemon/commandline tool of the Vuurmuur
Vuurmuur_log - log parsing daemon of the Vuurmuur IPTables frontend.
Vuurmuur_script - scriptable commandline tool for administration of the
vzcalc - utility to calculate the container’s resources usage.
vzcfgvalidate - validate a container configuration file
vzcpucheck - shows information about the CPU power and utilization.
vzctl - utility to control an OpenVZ container.
vzdqcheck - counts disk usage
vzdqdump, vzdqload - dump, load user/group quotas
vzdqdump, vzdqload - dump, load user/group quotas
vzlist - containers listing utility
vzmemcheck - utility to display information of node memory parameters
vzmigrate - utility for container migration between hardware nodes.
vzpid - display the CT ID given the process ID (PID).
vzquota - manipulate containers disk quotas
vzsplit - generate a sample container configuration file with a certain
wackamole - IP-failover high-availability tool
wackatrl - IP-failover high-availability controller
walldns-conf - sets up a DNS wall service.
walldns - a reverse DNS wall
bearerbox, wapbox, smsbox - Parts of Kannel, the WAP and SMS gateway
warnquota - send mail to users over quota
watchdog - a software watchdog daemon
watch-mimedefang - Keep an eye on mimedefang-multiplexor
watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl - Keep an eye on a cluster of MIMEDefang
wd_identify - a simplified software watchdog daemon
wd_keepalive - a simplified software watchdog daemon
wdsetup - configure Western Digital and SMC ethernet cards.
webcit - Citadel Servlet Engine.
webgpg - initializes maildir subdirectory gpg
webmaild - wrapper script for the sqwebmail daemon
webmitm - HTTP / HTTPS monkey-in-the-middle
webspy - display sniffed URLs in Netscape in real-time
wedged - HylaFAX modem wedged script
whereami — non-interatively ascertain the location of the computer and -
wicd-cli - command-line interface to wicd
wicd-curses - curses-based wicd(8) controller
Wicd - Wired and Wireless Network Connection Manager
winbindd - Name Service Switch daemon for resolving names from NT
winbond-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for Winbond w89c840
wipefs - wipe a filesystem signature from a device
wire-test - test your network interfaces and local IP address
withlist - General framework for interacting with a mailing list
wlancfg - manupulate linux-wlan-ng MIB values
wlanctl-ng - control utility for linux-wlan-ng 802.11 devices
wland - linux-wlan-ng daemon
wmaloader - server to download firmware to the Linksys WMA11B media
wondershaper - simple traffic shaping script
wpa_action - wpa_cli action script
wpa_background - Background information on Wi-Fi Protected Access and
wpa_cli - WPA command line client
wpa_gui - WPA Graphical User Interface
wpa_passphrase - Generate a WPA PSK from an ASCII passphrase for a SSID
wpa_supplicant - Wi-Fi Protected Access client and IEEE 802.1X
writelog - add a entry to an INN log file.
writetmp - write special wtmp entries to a wtmp file.
writevt - put text into the input buffer of a virtual terminal
ftpd - Internet File Transfer Protocol server
wwwerrs - httpd log rotation for wwwstat
wwwoffle-audit-usage - displays information about wwwoffle’s state
wwwoffle-checkcert - check wwwoffle root certificate
wwwoffled - A proxy server for the World Wide Web Offline Explorer.
wwwoffle-tools - tools to manage wwwoffle cache
wwwoffle-tools - tools to manage wwwoffle cache
wwwoffle-tools - tools to manage wwwoffle cache
wwwoffle-tools - tools to manage wwwoffle cache
wwwoffle-tools - tools to manage wwwoffle cache
wwwoffle-tools - tools to manage wwwoffle cache
wwwoffle-tools - tools to manage wwwoffle cache
wwwoffle-tools - tools to manage wwwoffle cache
wwwoffle-tools - tools to manage wwwoffle cache
wwwoffle-tools - tools to manage wwwoffle cache
wzdftpd - a modular and cool ftp server
client.conf - client side configuration file for afbackup
xafrestore - GUI frontend fot the restore utility
server.conf - server side configuration file for afbackup
xfaserverstatus - Graphical interface that check the status for the
client.conf - client side configuration file for afbackup
xconv.pl - inetd.conf to xinetd.conf converter
xentrace - capture Xen trace buffer data
xfbbC - Console for the fbb mailbox
xfbbd - Daemon for the fbb mailbox
xfce4-kiosk-query - Queries Xfce4 kiosk capabilities
xferfaxstats - summarize HylaFAX transmission accounting
xferstats - displays FTP usage statistics
xferstats - displays FTP usage statistics
xfs_admin - change parameters of an XFS filesystem
xfs_bmap - print block mapping for an XFS file
xfs_check - check XFS filesystem consistency
xfs_copy - copy the contents of an XFS filesystem
xfs_db - debug an XFS filesystem
xfsdump - XFS filesystem incremental dump utility
xfs_estimate - estimate the space that an XFS filesystem will take
xfs_freeze - suspend access to an XFS filesystem
xfs_fsr - filesystem reorganizer for XFS
xfs_growfs, xfs_info - expand an XFS filesystem
xfs_growfs, xfs_info - expand an XFS filesystem
xfsinvutil - xfsdump inventory database checking and pruning utility
xfs_io - debug the I/O path of an XFS filesystem
xfs_logprint - print the log of an XFS filesystem
xfs_mdrestore - restores an XFS metadump image to a filesystem image
xfs_metadump - copy XFS filesystem metadata to a file
xfs_mkfile - create an XFS file
xfs_ncheck - generate pathnames from i-numbers for XFS
xfs_quota - manage use of quota on XFS filesystems
xfs_repair - repair an XFS filesystem
xfsrestore - XFS filesystem incremental restore utility
xfs_rtcp - XFS realtime copy command
xinetd - the extended Internet services daemon
xl2tpd - Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol Daemon
XMail - Internet Mail Server
xmcdconfig - configure Xmcd
XMCrypt - XMail password crypter
xm_info_free_memory - This script is a part of the SOAP server of dtc-
xmlsysd - provide anonymous information to enable the efficient remote
xmotd - message-of-the-day browser for X (and dumb terminals, VT100,
xorp_rtrmgr — XORP Router Manager -
xpp_blink - Blink the leds of a specified XPD
xpp_sync - Handle sync selection of Xorcom Astribanks.
xqmstats - Display XFS quota manager statistics from /proc
xrdp - a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server
xrdp-keygen - xrdp RSA keys generation utility
sesman - xrdp(8) session manager
sesrun - sesman(8) session launcher
afrestore - the restore utility of the afbackup package
xringd - The Linux extended modem ring server
xsendkeycode - send a key event to X using a keycode
xsendkeys - send a named key combination to X using strings
server.conf - server side configuration file for afbackup
xfaserverstatus - Graphical interface that check the status for the
Xtables-addons -- additional extensions for iptables, ip6tables, etc. -
xtelld - daemon receiving messages from xtell(1) clients
xttpd - Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor (web server)
xvmountconfig - interactive xvmount configuration script
yate-config - retrieve metainformation about the YATE telephony engine
yate - launch the YATE telephony engine
yaz-config - Script to get information about YAZ.
yazpp-config - Script to get information about YAZ++.
yaz-ztest - Z39.50 Test Server
yellowfin-diag - EEPROM setup and diagnostic program for Ethernet cards
Yersinia - A FrameWork for layer 2 attacks
yiff - Y sound system server
ypbind - NIS binding process
ypbind_selinux - Security Enhanced Linux Policy for NIS.
domainname - set or display name of current domain
yphelper - helper application for internal use
ypinit - NIS database install and build program
yppoll - return version and master server of a NIS map
yppush - force propagation of changed NIS databases
ypserv - NIS server
ypset - bind ypbind to a particular NIS server
yptest - test NIS configuration
ypxfr - transfer NIS database from remote server to local host
yum - Yellowdog Updater Modified
yum - Yellowdog Updater Modified shell
yum-updatesd - Update notifier daemon
zabbix_agentd - remote agent that collects system information
zabbix_server - main process to monitor remote systems
zcav - program to test raw hard drive throughput.
zdb - ZFS debugger
zebra - a routing manager for use with associated Quagga components.
zebrasrv - Zebra Server
zemberek-server ‐ Turkish spell-checker server -
zephyrd - Zephyr server daemon
zeppelin - ATM LAN Emulation client demon (LED) Zeppelin
zerofree — zero free blocks from ext2/3 file-systems -
zfs-fuse - ZFS filesystem daemon
zfs - configures ZFS file systems
zg-policy-rc.d - allows flexible handling of policy-rc.d
zhm - Zephyr HostManager
__z - Performs the same (un)compression like the built-in compression
zic - time zone compiler
linux-atm - preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump
zone2ldap - convert zonefiles to ldif
zone2sql - Convert ISC Bind zones to SQL
zonec - NSD zone compiler version 3.2.5.
zoneserver - handle zone transfers and other TCP functions for MaraDNS
zpool - configures ZFS storage pools
zserv - CERNLIB server program for transferring ZEBRA formatted files
zshutdown_notify - notify users of impending shutdown via Zephyr
zstat - display Zephyr statistics
zstreamdump - filter data in zfs send stream