fence_baytech - I/O Fencing agent for Baytech RPC switches in
combination with a Cyclades Terminal Server
fence_baytech [OPTION]...
This fencing agent is written for the Baytech RPC27-20nc in combination
with a Cyclades terminal server. The Cyclades TS exports the RPC’s
serial port via a Telnet interface. Other interfaces, such as SSH, are
possible. However, this script relies upon the assumption that Telnet
is used. Future features to this agent would allow the agent to work
with a multitude of different communication protocols such as Telnet,
SSH or Kermit.
The other assumption that is made is that Outlet names do not end in
space. The name "Foo" and "Foo " are identical when the RPC prints
them with the status command.
fence_baytech accepts options on the command line as well as from
stdin. fenced sends parameters through stdin when it execs the agent.
fence_baytech can be run by itself with command line options which is
useful for testing.
-a host
IP address or hostname to connect to.
-h Print out a help message describing available options, then
-l login
Username name for the switch.
-n port
The name of the outlet to act upon.
-o action
The action required. This can be on, off, status or reboot
-p password
Password for login.
-S path
Full path to an executable to generate the password for login.
-q Quiet mode: print only error messages.
-V Print out a version message, then exit.
agent = < param >
This option is used by fence_node(8) and is ignored by
host = < hostname | ip >
IP address or hostname to connect to.
login = < param >
Login name.
action = < param >
The action required. This can be on, off, status or reboot
passwd = < param >
Password for login.
passwd_script = < param >
Full path to an executable to generate the password for login.
outlet = < param >
The name of the outlet to act upon.
fence(8), fence_node(8)