watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl - Keep an eye on a cluster of MIMEDefang
watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl [-archive] machine-1 machine-2 ...
watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl is a Tk script that graphically displays
the status of mimedefang-multiplexor(8) on a cluster of machines. Note
that Tcl/Tk 8.4 or higher is required to run watch-multiple-
If you supply the -archive command-line option, then watch-multiple-
mimdefangs.tcl logs the output of md-mx-ctrl rawload for each machine.
The output for machine_name is logged in:
To use watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl to monitor a cluster of machines,
you need the following prerequisites:
o A UNIX-like machine with Tcl/Tk 8.4, the X window system and an
SSH client. You also need "xterm" to use some of the features.
o The ability to SSH as root to all of the machines you want to
monitor. Ideally, you should be using the SSH agent so that you
can SSH to the monitored machines as root without being prompted
for a password or pass phrase.
o The program md-mx-ctrl on root’s path on all the machines you
want to monitor.
For each machine specified on the command line, watch-multiple-
mimdefangs.tcl creates a chart with five columns. The columns are:
o A button with the name of the machine. Clicking the button pops
up a menu that lets you take various actions, as described
later. If all slaves on the machine are busy, the button turns
o A label showing the number of busy slaves in the form
"busy/total", where total is the total number of slaves.
o A label showing the average number of messages per second over
the last 10 seconds.
o A label showing the average number of milliseconds per scan over
the last 10 seconds.
o A chart that graphs the average number of busy slaves, the
average number of messages per second and the average scan time
in milliseconds, all averaged over the last 10 seconds.
If you click on a machine name, a menu with three options pops up:
SSH Open an xterm session and ssh as root to the machine.
Busy Slaves
Monitor the busy slaves on the machine. If you click on the
process-ID of a slave, an xterm will open up and the command
"strace -s 100 -t -p pid" will be executed on the remote
machine. This is Linux-specific, but you can edit watch-
multiple-mimdefangs.tcl to replace the command with your
particular system’s command for tracing system calls.
Delete Remove the machine from the list of machines being monitored.
If you need to add a machine to the display, simply type the name of
the machine in the "Add Machine:" box and press Enter.
watch-multiple-mimdefangs.tcl was written by David F. Skoll.
SEE ALSO, mimedefang-filter(5), mimedefang(8), mimedefang-
protocol(7), md-mx-ctrl(8), watch-mimedefang(8)