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       ksplice-create - Create a set of kernel modules for a rebootless kernel


       ksplice-create [OPTIONS] --patch=PATCH_FILE KERNEL_SOURCE

       ksplice-create [OPTIONS] --diffext=EXTENSION KERNEL_SOURCE

       ksplice-create [OPTIONS] --git=COMMIT KERNEL_SOURCE

       ksplice-create [OPTIONS] --prebuild KERNEL_SOURCE


       ksplice-create creates a set of Ksplice kernel modules that, when
       loaded, will apply a user-specified source code patch to the running
       binary kernel.

       Before you use ksplice-create on a patch, you should confirm that the
       desired source code change does not make any semantic changes to kernel
       data structures--that is, changes that would require existing instances
       of kernel data structures to be transformed (e.g., a patch that adds a
       field to a global data structure would require the existing data
       structures to change).  If you use Ksplice on a patch that changes data
       structure semantics, Ksplice will not detect the problem and you could
       experience kernel problems as a result.

       The to-be-applied source code patch can be specified by providing a
       patch(1) file (--patch=PATCH_FILE) or by providing a file extension

       If a file extension is specified, then the desired source code patch
       will be determined by comparing all of the files in the KERNEL_SOURCE
       directory tree whose names end with the extra extension EXTENSION
       against the corresponding files without the extra extension.  Only the
       new files containing the extra extension in their filenames should be

       Here is an example of using a file extension to specify a patch:

        $ cp KERNEL_SOURCE/kernel/sys.c KERNEL_SOURCE/kernel/sys.c.prctl_fixed
        [edit sys.c.prctl_fixed to include the desired changes]
        $ ksplice-create --diffext=.prctl_fixed KERNEL_SOURCE

       KERNEL_SOURCE must be a directory containing the to-be-updated kernel’s
       original source code.  If your Linux distribution applies patches to
       the Linux kernel during the kernel build process, then those patches
       must be applied to the KERNEL_SOURCE directory before invoking ksplice-
       create on that directory.  ksplice-create will not modify the source
       code in the KERNEL_SOURCE directory tree, but it will perform a kernel
       build in that directory tree.

       ORIG_CONFIG can be used to specify the directory containing the to-be-
       updated kernel’s original .config file and original file
       (the files should have exactly those names).  ORIG_CONFIG defaults to

       The default gcc(1) compiler and as(1) assembler on the system should be
       as close to the compiler and assembler originally used to build the
       running kernel as possible.  If the current compiler and linker are too
       different from the original compiler and linker, ksplice-apply will
       abort when applying the update.

       ksplice-create outputs a tar(1) file, compressed with gzip(1),
       containing the desired Ksplice update modules.  This tarball will be
       created in the current directory, and it can be manipulated using the
       other Ksplice utilities, such as ksplice-apply.

       The first time that ksplice-create is invoked on a KERNEL_SOURCE
       directory, it must build that kernel from scratch, which is much slower
       than the rest of the update-creation process.  --prebuild can be used
       to perform this initial kernel build without providing a source code

       In order to patch a function that has previously been patched by
       Ksplice, the user needs to ensure that the KERNEL_SOURCE directory
       provided to Ksplice contains the source for the currently running
       kernel, including any patches that have previously been applied by


               Builds a Ksplice update out of the given patch(1) file

               Builds a Ksplice update using the modified source files with
               names ending in EXTENSION.  The patch will be determined by
               comparing all of the files in the KERNEL_SOURCE directory tree
               whose names end with the extra extension EXTENSION against the
               corresponding files without the extra extension.

               Builds a Ksplice update using the commit COMMIT in the Git
               working tree KERNEL_SOURCE.  The original state corresponding
               to the running kernel is remembered in the Git ref
               refs/ksplice/pre, which will be created from the current HEAD
               if it does not yet exist (and can be changed using the --series
               option).  Therefore, the source code change to be applied
               corresponds to the output of git diff ksplice/pre COMMIT.

               Compiles the original source code that will be needed to build
               future Ksplice updates.  If any Ksplice updates have previously
               been built in the KERNEL_SOURCE tree, the source files in the
               tree are reverted to their original state.

               Specifies that the current state of the KERNEL_SOURCE tree
               should be used as the original source that corresponds to the
               running kernel.  If a Ksplice update has recently been built in
               the KERNEL_SOURCE tree, this option specifies that the Ksplice
               update being built should be applied after the previous update
               in series.  This option can be used with --prebuild to forget
               the previous original state and perform no other action.

               For a patch that includes changes to kernel modules, in
               addition to building a hot update that can be applied to the
               running kernel, this option will cause ksplice-create to
               generate a set of new modules based on the updated source code.
               These modules can be used to replace the kernel modules stored
               on disk, where they can later be loaded normally after part of
               the hot update has been applied using ksplice-apply(1)

       -v, --verbose
               Causes ksplice-create to print debugging messages about its
               progress.  Using multiple -v options increases the verbosity.
               The maximum is 2.

       -j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS
               Specifies the number of jobs to run simultaneously while
               performing kernel builds.  ksplice-create also honors the
               environment variable CONCURRENCY_LEVEL.

               Can be used to pass options to patch(1).  If this option is NOT
               specified, then -p1 is passed to patch.  If this option is
               specified, then only the specified options will be passed to
               patch.  This option can be repeated in order to pass multiple
               options to patch.  This option is ignored when the to-be-
               applied source code patch is specified using --diffext.

       --id=ID Specifies the unique value that will be used as the identifier
               of the Ksplice update.  This identifier will, for example,
               appear in the name of the update tarball.  By default, a random
               8-character ID will be generated.


       ksplice-apply(8), ksplice-view(8), ksplice-undo(8)


       Please report bugs to <>.


       Jeff Arnold, Anders Kaseorg, and Tim Abbott


       Copyright (C) 2007-2009  Ksplice, Inc.

       This is free software and documentation.  You can redistribute and/or
       modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.