ibportstate - handle port (physical) state and link speed of an
InfiniBand port
ibportstate [-d(ebug)] [-e(rr_show)] [-v(erbose)] [-D(irect)] [-G(uid)]
[-s smlid] [-V(ersion)] [-C ca_name] [-P ca_port] [-t(imeout)
timeout_ms] [-h(elp)] <dest dr_path|lid|guid> <portnum> [<op>]
ibportstate allows the port state and port physical state of an IB port
to be queried (in addition to link width and speed being validated
relative to the peer port when the port queried is a switch port), or a
switch port to be disabled, enabled, or reset. It also allows the link
speed enabled on any IB port to be adjusted.
op Port operations allowed
supported ops: enable, disable, reset, speed, query
Default is query
ops enable, disable, and reset are only allowed on switch ports
(An error is indicated if attempted on CA or router ports)
speed op is allowed on any port
speed values are legal values for PortInfo:LinkSpeedEnabled
(An error is indicated if PortInfo:LinkSpeedSupported does not support
this setting)
(NOTE: Speed changes are not effected until the port goes through
link renegotiation)
query also validates port characteristics (link width and speed)
based on the peer port. This checking is done when the port
queried is a switch port as it relies on combined routing
(an initial LID route with directed routing to the peer) which
can only be done on a switch. This peer port validation feature
of query op requires LID routing to be functioning in the subnet.
Most OpenIB diagnostics take the following common flags. The exact list
of supported flags per utility can be found in the usage message and
can be shown using the util_name -h syntax.
# Debugging flags
-d raise the IB debugging level.
May be used several times (-ddd or -d -d -d).
-e show send and receive errors (timeouts and others)
-h show the usage message
-v increase the application verbosity level.
May be used several times (-vv or -v -v -v)
-V show the version info.
# Addressing flags
-D use directed path address arguments. The path
is a comma separated list of out ports.
"0" # self port
"0,1,2,1,4" # out via port 1, then 2, ...
-G use GUID address argument. In most cases, it is the Port GUID.
-s <smlid> use ’smlid’ as the target lid for SM/SA queries.
# Other common flags:
-C <ca_name> use the specified ca_name.
-P <ca_port> use the specified ca_port.
-t <timeout_ms> override the default timeout for the solicited mads.
Multiple CA/Multiple Port Support
When no IB device or port is specified, the port to use is selected by
the following criteria:
1. the first port that is ACTIVE.
2. if not found, the first port that is UP (physical link up).
If a port and/or CA name is specified, the user request is attempted to
be fulfilled, and will fail if it is not possible.
ibportstate 3 1 disable # by lid
ibportstate -G 0x2C9000100D051 1 enable # by guid
ibportstate -D 0 1 # (query) by direct route
ibportstate 3 1 reset # by lid
ibportstate 3 1 speed 1 # by lid
Hal Rosenstock