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       vzquota - manipulate containers disk quotas


       vzquota [quota_options] command quota_id [command_options]


       vzquota controls disk quotas for Virtuozzo/OpenVZ container.  These are
       per-container disk quotas set from Virtuozzo/OpenVZ host system.

       The quota_id must be numeric-only identifier. Note, that  quota  ID  is
       not  the  same  as container ID (CTID). One container can mount several
       filesystems and each of them can have its own quotas.


       Argument command can be one of the  following:  init,  drop,  on,  off,
       setlimit, setlimit2, stat, show.

       -h     Print usage information.

       -V     Print utility version.

       -q     Quiet  mode.  Causes  all  warning and diagnostic messages to be
              suppressed.  Only fatal errors are displayed.

       -v     Verbose mode.  Causes vzquota to print debugging messages  about
              its progress. Multiple -v options increase verbosity. Maximum is

       -b     Batch mode. in this mode  outputs  (usually  on  stat  and  show
              commands)  will  be  in  format better suitable for parsing by a

   Quota Commands
       The following commands are available:

       init   A necessary preliminary for any other quota command work: create
              a  new  quota  file,  calculating  current disk usage from given
              path.  This  command  requires  full  set  of  quota  soft-  and
              hardlimits given as command-line options. Limits are also stored
              in quota file, so subsequent vzquota  on  doesn’t  requires  any
              quota  limit as command-line parameter, although accepts them as
              well. New specified limits and flags will also be stored in  the
              quota file.

              You  can  also  create  your own quota files for arbitrary quota
              accounting points.   Quota  file  location  and  path  to  quota
              accounting  point  can  be  specified via -c and -p options (see
              below). You can use also -R option instead of -c option, to  set
              relative  quota  file  location. In this case quota file resides
              one dirrectory upper than quota accounting point and has special
              name (see below).

       drop   Remove  quota  file.  Command  checks  if  quota  is running and
              refuses to remove  file  in  this  case,  option  -f  allows  to
              override that rule.

       on     Turn  quota  on.  If  previous quota session wasn’t switched off
              properly (quota is not running, but quota file indicates it is),
              initialization  procedure  will be performed. -f option allow to
              force  initialization  procedure  regardless  of  the   shutdown
              status.  Command  on  doesn’t work in case specified quota id is

       off    Turn quota off, write usage statistic back to  the  quota  file.
              Doesn’t  work  if quota file cannot be accessed, also accepts -f
              option (force switching off, even if  usage  statistic  will  be
              lost).  This  is  possible that quota will still be in a stopped
              state, even if -f flag is used.

              Set new quota parameters. Requires at least one quota  parameter
              or  flag  specified. Applies new parameters immediately if quota
              with given quota_id is running. Stores new limits and  flags  in
              the  quota  file. Option -f specifies to mark quota as dirty, so
              at the next quota  start,  disk  will  be  rescanned  and  usage

              Set   second-level  quota  parameters.  Applies  new  parameters
              immediately if quota with given quota_id is running and  second-
              level quota is on. Stores new limits in the quota file.

       stat   Show  usage  statistics  and  update it in quota file. Option -f
              causes to  do  not  read  and  update  quota  file,  just  print
              statistics  from kernel.  Option -t specifies to show and update
              user/group based quota statistics  for  a  container.  Works  on
              running  containers only. The command with -t option flushes all
              quota statistics from kernel to file and thus may  be  used  for
              backup purposes.

       show   Show  usage and limits info from quota file. Option -t specifies
              to show user/group quota information as well.

   Quota Command Options
       Quota limits and flags.
       All these options are required in init command, and optionally accepted
       in on and setlimit commands.

       -s, --sub-quotas 1|0
              Enables or disables user/group based quota inside the container.
              Here 1 means  to  enable,  and  0  -  to  disable.   By  default
              user/group  quota  is  disabled. This option is accepted by init
              and on commands.

       -u user_id
              For setlimit2 command  only.  Limits  will  be  applied  to  the
              specified user_id.

       -g group_id
              For  setlimit2  command  only.  Limits  will  be  applied to the
              specified group_id.

       -u, --ugid-limit limit
              For on and setlimit commands only.  Specifies maximum number  of
              user and group IDs allowed in the container.  If the value is 0,
              user/group quota will not be accounted.   Default  value  is  0.
              There  is  one note concerning setlimit command.  If first-level
              quota is running, second-level quota is active and not all  ugid
              objects   were   loaded   into  kernel  by  on  command  due  to
              insufficient ugid_limit value (this can be  checked  by  issuing
              stat  -t command and observing whether ugid limit was exceeded),
              then setlimit with new limit value updates it in kernel and file
              but  this  change  does  not take immediate effect. Modification
              will be applied after quota restart.

       -b, --block-softlimit bsl
              Disk quota block soft limit.  Soft limit  is  amount  of  blocks
              which   excess  is  allowed  in  time  equal  exptime.   On  the
              expiration of this time soft limit becomes  hard  limit.   Block
              limits are set in 1k sized blocks.

       -B, --block-hardlimit bhl
              Disk  quota  block  hard  limit.  Hard limit is amount of blocks
              which excess is not allowed.

       -e, --block-exptime bet
              Disk quota expiration time for excess of  a  block  soft  limit.
              Time can be given in two different formats:
              1. dd:hh:mm:ss
              For instance: 30 - 30 seconds; 12:00 - 12 minutes; 20:15:11:00 -
              20 days, 15 hours, 11 minutes
              2. xxA, where A - h/H(hour);  d/D(day);  w/W(week);  m/M(month);
              For instance: 7D - 7 days; 01w - 1 week; 3m - 3 months

       -i, --inode-softlimit isl
              Disk quota inode soft limit. Similarly to block soft limit.

       -I, --inode-hardlimit ihl
              Disk quota inode hard limit.

       -n, --inode-exptime iet
              Disk quota expiration time for excess of a inode soft limit.

       Quota options.

       -p path
              Point  of  quota  accounting  for  given  quota_id.  This option
              required for init command and can be used also with any  another
              command  to override quota path obtained from quota file. For on
              and setlimit commands, this option can be used to set  and  save
              new quota accounting path for given quota_id

       -R     Set  special  relative  path  to  quota_file.  If this option is
              specified, quota file location will depends  on  path  to  quota
              accounting    dir:    if   your   quota   accounting   path   is
              /path/to/somewhere/     than     quota     file     will      be
              /path/to/quota.somewhere. If this option is not specified, quota
              file location is /var/lib/vzquota/quota.quota_id.  All  commands
              accept this option.

       -c quota_file
              This  option  allows  to specify a quota_file to work with.  All
              commands accept this option. If this option  is  not  specified,
              default  file location depends on whether -R option is specified
              or not (see above).

       -f     Force option. Accepted by drop,  on,  off,  stat,  setlimit  and
              setlimit2  commands. Action of this option differs for different
              commands and is described above for each command separately.

       -t     For stat and show  commands  only.  Processes  user/group  quota
              statistics.   Specifies   whether   to  show  (update  in  file)
              user/group quota information.

       -t     For  setlimit2  command.  Set  second-level  quota  time   grace


       It  is  impossible  to  start or stop quota accounting if the directory
       given by -p option is busy. This is rather limitation of kernel part of
       disk quota implementation.


       vzquota stat and vzquota show display the following information:

       resource - 1k-blocks or inodes.

       usage - current usage of resource.

       softlimit  -  resource limit. Current usage can exceed this limit up to
       hard limit during grace time.

       hardlimit - resource limit. Current usage can’t exceed this limit.

       grace - during this amount of time usage can  exceed  softlimit.  If  a
       soft  limit  has  not  been  exceeded the grace column is blank. If the
       grace period has expired, the grace column contain special none  value.

       If -t is specified the following information is displayed also:

       User/group  quota  -  on|off,  active|inactive. Status of the 2nd level
       quota.  on|off defines the state of the 2nd level  quota  at  the  next
       start  of container quota.  active|inactive indicates the current state
       of the 2nd level quota in kernel.

       Ugids - loaded, total and limit. loaded is number of records  (uids  or
       gids)  in  kernel.  total  is  number  of unique records located in the
       kernel and quota file.  limit  is  current  kernel  limits  of  records
       amount. loaded and total may be greater then limit.

       Ugid limit was exceeded - yes or no. Yes indicates that vzquota did not
       loaded all records in kernel. In this case you should reduce number  of
       unique  records  (remove  files  which  belong to unnecessary users) or
       increase limit. After that you should restart quota.

       User/group grace times and quotafile flags - during  grace  time  usage
       can  exceed  softlimit.  Quotafile  flags  are  internal  parameters of
       standard linux kernel quota v.3.


       0      Command executed successfully

       1      System error

       2      Usage error

       3      Virtuozzo syscall error

       4      Quota file error

       5      Quota is already running

       6      Quota is not running

       7      Can not get lock on this quota id

       8      Directory tree crosses mount points

       9      Quota is running but user/group quota is inactive;  this  status
              is returned by stat -t command for information purposes and does
              not indicate a error

       10     Quota is marked as dirty in file; this  status  is  returned  by
              show  command  for  information purposes and does not indicate a

       11     Quota file does not exist

       12     Internal error

       13     Can’t obtain mount point


       Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Parallels, Inc. Licensed under GNU GPL.