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       debugvmfs - VMFS file system debugger


       debugvmfs VOLUME... COMMAND [ OPTIONS ]


       The debugvmfs program allows to display various informations about VMFS
       file systems, and to access data within the file systems.

       The VOLUME to be opened can be either a block device or an image file.
       When the VMFS spreads accross several extents, all extents must be

       Please note that most commands are still likely to change in future


       cat file [ ... ]
           Outputs the content of the given files from the VMFS.

       ls [ -l ] path
           Lists files contained at the given location within the VMFS.

           With -l, gives some more information, much like the output from
           ls(1) when given the -l option.

       truncate path length
           Truncate the file to the specified length. R/W support must be

           Outputs information about file system size.

       show_file_blocks file
           Outputs block_ids for the given file’s content blocks.

       get_file_block file position
           Get file block corresponding to position in the specified file.

       check_file_blocks file
           Check that all blocks used by a file are correctly allocated.

           Checks volume bitmaps consistency.

           Outputs active heartbeats on the file system.

       read_block block_id [ ... ]
           Outputs content within the specified block_id in binary

       dump_block block_id [ ... ]
           Outputs content within the specified block_id in hex

       get_block_status block_id
           Get status (allocated or free) of the specified block_id.

       alloc_block_fixed block_id
           Allocate the specified block_id. R/W support must be enabled.

       alloc_block block_type
           Allocate a block of the specified type. R/W support must be

           Allowed block types are: 1 (File Block), 2 (Sub-Block), 3 (Pointer
           Block) and 4 (File Descriptor / Inode).

       free_block block_id
           Free the specified block_id. R/W support must be enabled.

           Warning: can cause damage since no heartbeat is used at this time
           and a block used by a file can be freed.

       show_bitmap_item block_id
           Outputs raw content for the bitmap item corresponding to the given

           Display value(s) of the given variable. See the VARIABLES section
           for more details.

           Starts an interactive session. All of the above commands can be
           executed from within the interactive session.

           The current working directory can be changed with the cd command,
           followed by a path.

           The following output redirections are supported within the shell:

           ·    cmd > output

               Puts the output of cmd in the output file.

           ·    cmd >> output

               Appends the output of cmd to the output file.

           ·    cmd | external command

               Sends the output of cmd to the input of external command. The
               external command itself can contain output redirection.


               ·   read_block 0x00000681 | less

               ·   cat /.fdc.sf | hexdump -C

               ·   cat /.fdc.sf | hexdump -C > /tmp/fdc.hex

               ·   cat /.fdc.sf | hexdump -C | less


       Variables in debugvmfs represent structures on the filesystem. The
       currently supported top-level variables are the following:

       ·    fbb

       ·    fdc

       ·    pbc

       ·    sbc

       ·    fs

       ·    lvm

       ·    blkid[blk]

       ·    dirent[path]

       ·    inode[path]

       The fbb, fdc, pbc and sbc variables are bitmaps. Running them through
       the show command will display all the bitmaps header fields. Each of
       these fields can also be displayed individually:

       ·    bitmap.items_per_bitmap_entry

       ·    bitmap.bmp_entries_per_area

       ·    bitmap.hdr_size

       ·    bitmap.data_size

       ·    bitmap.area_size

       ·    bitmap.area_count

       ·    bitmap.total_items

       ·    bitmap.used_items

       ·    bitmap.free_items

       ·    bitmap.entry[n]

       e.g. to display the data size of the fdc bitmap, type show

       Each bitmap.entry[n] (where 0 ⤠n < bitmap.bmp_entries_per_area *
       bitmap.area_count) contains information about each entry in the bitmap.
       The available fields are:

       ·    bitmap.entry[n].id

       ·    bitmap.entry[n].total

       ·    bitmap.entry[n].free

       ·    bitmap.entry[n].ffree

       ·    bitmap.entry[n].mdh

       ·    bitmap.entry[n].item[m]

       The bitmap.entry[n].mdh is a metadata header. See further below for
       more details about metadata headers.

       Each bitmap.entry[n].item[m] (where 0 ⤠m <
       bitmap.items_per_bitmap_entry) contains information about a given item
       in the given entry. The available fields are:

       ·    bitmap.entry[n].item[m].used

       The fs variable contains low-level information about the filesystem.
       The available fields are:

       ·    fs.vol_version

       ·    fs.version

       ·    fs.label

       ·    fs.mode

       ·    fs.uuid

       ·    fs.ctime

       ·    fs.block_size

       ·    fs.subblock_size

       ·    fs.fdc_header_size

       ·    fs.fdc_bitmap_count

       The lvm variable contains low-level information about the physical and
       logical volumes. The available fields are:

       ·    lvm.uuid

       ·    lvm.size

       ·    lvm.blocks

       ·    lvm.num_extents

       ·    lvm.extent[n]

       Each lvm.extent[n] (where 0 ⤠n < lvm.num_extents) contains low-level
       information about the physical volumes. The available fields are:

       ·    lvm.extent[n].device

       ·    lvm.extent[n].uuid

       ·    lvm.extent[n].lun

       ·    lvm.extent[n].version

       ·    lvm.extent[n].name

       ·    lvm.extent[n].size

       ·    lvm.extent[n].num_segments

       ·    lvm.extent[n].first_segment

       ·    lvm.extent[n].last_segment

       Each blkid[blk] (where blk is a block id) contains information on the
       given block id. The available fields are:

       ·    blkid[blk].item

       ·    blkid[blk].flags

       Each dirent[path] (where path is a path relative to the current
       directory in the shell or / outside the shell) contains information on
       the directory entry corresponding to the given path. The available
       fields are:

       ·    dirent[path].type

       ·    dirent[path].block_id

       ·    dirent[path].record_id

       ·    dirent[path].name

       Each inode[path] (where path is a path relative to the current
       directory in the shell or / outside the shell) contains information on
       the inode corresponding to the given path. The available fields are:

       ·    inode[path].id

       ·    inode[path].id2

       ·    inode[path].nlink

       ·    inode[path].type

       ·    inode[path].flags

       ·    inode[path].size

       ·    inode[path].blk_size

       ·    inode[path].blk_count

       ·    inode[path].uid

       ·    inode[path].gid

       ·    inode[path].mode

       ·    inode[path].zla

       ·    inode[path].tbz

       ·    inode[path].cow

       ·    inode[path].atime

       ·    inode[path].mtime

       ·    inode[path].ctime

       ·    inode[path].rdm_id

       ·    inode[path].mdh

       Metadata headers are being used in several places, such as
       bitmap.entry[n].mdh and inode[path].mdh. They mostly contain
       information about clustered accesses to metadata on the filesystem. The
       available fields are:

       ·    mdh.magic

       ·    mdh.pos

       ·    mdh.hb_pos

       ·    mdh.hb_lock

       ·    mdh.hb_uuid

       ·    mdh.hb_seq

       ·    mdh.obj_seq

       ·    mdh.mtime


       Christophe Fillot <[1]>, Mike Hommey <[2]>




