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     debfoster - weed unnecessary Debian packages


     debfoster [-acdefhiknopqrstvV] [--verbose] [--version] [--help] [--quiet]
               [--force] [--mark-only] [--upgrade] [--config file]
               [--keeperfile file] [--no-keeperfile] [--ignore-default-rules]
               [--show-keepers] [--show-orphans] [--show-depends package]
               [--show-dependents package] [--show-providers package]
               [--show-related package] [--use-tasks] [--option opt=val]
               [package1 ...] [package2- ...]


     debfoster maintains a list of installed packages that were explicitly
     requested rather than installed as a dependency.  Arguments are entirely
     optional, debfoster can be invoked per se after each run of dpkg and/or

     Alternatively you can use debfoster to install and remove packages by
     specifying the packages on the command line.  Packages suffixed with a -
     are removed while packages without a suffix are installed.

     If a new package is encountered or if debfoster notices that a package
     that used to be a dependency is now an orphan, it will ask you what to do
     with it.  If you decide to keep it, debfoster will just take note and
     continue.  If you decide that this package is not interesting enough it
     will be removed as soon as debfoster is done asking questions.  If your
     choices cause other packages to become orphaned more questions will

     Whenever debfoster asks you about a package, any of the following
     responses can be given:

       ‘y’         Yes, keep the package. This is the default response.
       ‘n’         No, delete the package.
       ‘p’         Prune the package. This tells debfoster to also delete all
                   packages that are only installed because this package
                   depends on them.  A list of such packages, if any, is shown
                   above the prompt.
       ‘s’         Skip this question. The next time you run debfoster it will
                   ask you again about this package.
       ‘h’         Print a help message.
       ‘i’ or ‘?’  Show information about the package.
       ‘u’         Undo last response.
       ‘q’         Exit without removing packages.  All changes will be lost.
       ‘x’         Save changes to debfoster database, remove unwanted
                   packages, and exit without asking further questions.

   Command line options
     -v, --verbose
             debfoster will show which packages have disappeared, have become
             dependencies or (if Quiet is enabled) have become orphans.

     -V, --version
             Display version and copyright information.

     -h, --help
             Display a concise summary of the available options and argument

     -f, --force
             Don’t ask anything and assume ‘no’ as the answer to all
             questions.  It also installs any packages that seem to be
             missing, thus forcing your system to comply with the debfoster
             database.  Can have ‘interesting’ results if you’re not careful.

     -q, --quiet
             Don’t ask anything and assume ‘yes’ as the answer to all
             questions.  Useful to create an initial
             /var/lib/debfoster/keepers file or to recreate it after changing
             the configuration file.

     -m, --mark-only
             Instructs debfoster to make changes to the keeper file but not to
             actually install or delete any packages.  This can be used to
             ‘edit’ a keeper file by invoking debfoster one or more times in a
             row.  The changes can then be committed by invoking debfoster
             with the --force option, which will delete/install any necessary
             packages.  This is mainly useful for scripts and frontends, but
             may be useful from the command line as well.

     -u, --upgrade
             If used as ‘debfoster -u package’ it will install or upgrade the
             packages specified on the command line and try to upgrade all
             packages that it relies on.

     -c, --config file
             Specify a different configuration file to use.

     -k, --keeperfile file
             Specify a different debfoster database to use.

     -n, --no-keeperfile
             Don’t read the debfoster database and start with an empty list.

     -i, --ignore-default-rules
             This will instruct debfoster to ignore the UseHold, UseEssential,
             MaxPriority, KeepSections, and NokeepSections settings in the
             config file (i.e., assume that any package can be an orphan).
             This is a good option for those who really want to make sure
             their system is squeaky clean. It’s also useful when sharing or
             transferring a keeper file between multiple machines where
             different config files can cause some confusion. Properly used,
             -i eliminates that uncertainty.

     -a, --show-keepers
             Lists the contents of the debfoster database.

     -s, --show-orphans
             List all orphaned packages that are not mentioned in the
             debfoster database.

     -d, --show-depends package
             List all packages that this package depends on.

     -e, --show-dependents package
             List all packages in the debfoster database that depend on this

     -p, --show-providers package
             List all packages that provide the dependency target specified by
             package (e.g.  "debfoster -p x-terminal-emulator" ).

     -r, --show-related package
             List all packages that are only installed because this package
             depends on them.

     -t, --use-tasks
             Make tasks visible as packages. This will make tasks that are
             selectable using tasksel(1) appear as packages named

     -o, --option opt=val
             Override any configuration option specified in the configuration


     Some aspects of the behaviour of debfoster can be configured in the
     configuration file, /etc/debfoster.conf.  Options are specified as
           Option = Value
     Option names are case insensitive.

             Default: apt-get install
             Command invoked with a number of packages on the command line.
             The command is not passed to /bin/sh but invoked like xargs(1)
             with a number of packages as extra options.

             Default: apt-get --purge remove
             Like InstallCmd but for removing packages.

             Default: dpkg -s
             Like InstallCmd but called with a single package as an argument
             to display information on.

             Default: /var/lib/debfoster/keepers
             The file where the list of orphans is stored.  You can use this
             file for reference when installing a machine or even to make
             identical Debian installs.

             Default: /var/lib/dpkg/status
             The file where dpkg(8) stores its information about which
             packages are more or less installed.  This value can usually be
             left untouched.

             Default: /var/lib/dpkg/available
             The file where dpkg(8) stores its information about which
             packages are available.  This value can usually be left

             Default: standard
             Any packages with a priority greater than this value will be
             considered too basic to ask questions about.  The default value
             means that questions will be asked about packages with priority
             "standard", "optional" and "extra".  With the special value ‘ANY’
             you can indicate that all known priorities should be considered
             too important to ask questions about.  These priority values are
             known to debfoster (taken from the debian-policy package):

             Default: yes
             Use the hold attribute from the Status: line.  Packages with this
             attribute won’t ever be upgraded by apt, so it’s safe to assume
             that you want to keep it.

             Default: yes
             Use the Essential: line from dpkg(8) ’s status file.  Most
             packages which are marked essential shouldn’t be removed anyway,
             so if you don’t want to be bothered with it, enable this option.

             Default: yes
             A package that pre-depends on another package requires the latter
             during installation.  This option will make debfoster count these
             pre-dependencies as ordinary dependencies.  If you frequently
             update your packages you may want to keep an eye out for pre-
             depended packages that have become obsolete.

             Default: yes
             Recommended packages would be installed together with the package
             that recommends them in all usual setups.  This option will make
             debfoster count these recommendations as real dependencies.
             Enabling this option will enable you to better manage packages
             which were installed because another package recommended them.

             Default: no
             Packages suggested by another package usually enhance the
             function of the latter or have a related function which may be
             useful in combination with the package that suggested them.  This
             option will make debfoster count these suggestions as real
             dependencies.  Using this option will result in even fewer
             questions being asked.

             Default: no
             Make tasks visible as packages. This will make tasks that are
             selectable using tasksel(1) appear as packages named
             task-<label>.  debfoster will treat them as if they were normal
             packages. Tasks cannot be removed but marking a task for removal
             will stop debfoster asking questions about it.

             You may find that you are always interested in keeping (for
             example) documentation.  With this option you can indicate that
             packages from a certain section should always be kept.  You can
             specify a comma separated lists of ‘precious’ sections.

             List the sections you are never interested in.  For example,
             ‘libs’ is a good candidate, as most libraries debfoster asks
             about are leftovers from old packages.

             List name extensions for packages that you want to group with
             their base packages. Applications are often separated into
             multiple packages with names like "app", "app-doc", "app-dev". If
             you don’t want to answer questions about "app-doc", you can add
             the "doc" extension to the GuessDepends list.

             Default: yes
             Remember explicit removals of packages.  If a package is
             installed that has been explicitly removed before, remove it
             again without asking.  Set this to no if you want to be asked

             Default: no
             Using this option has the same result as having -v on the command
             line.  It will make debfoster show which packages have
             disappeared or have become a dependency.

     Force   Default: no
             This option has the same meaning as the -f command line option.
             All orphaned packages are scheduled for removal without asking
             any question.

     Quiet   Default: no
             Having this option (which has the same meaning as the -q command
             line argument) in your configuration file more or less defeats
             the purpose of debfoster although the KeeperFile is still kept


     Send reports to the Debian bug tracking system:
     with as much information as you can gather (error messages, configuration
     files, versions of dpkg/apt, whatever might be relevant).  A tool such as
     reportbug might come in handy.


     apt-get(8), apt-cache(8), dpkg(8), deborphan(1) tasksel(1)