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       cibadmin  -  read,  modify, or administer heartbeat Cluster Information


       cibadmin (--cib_query|-Q) -[Vrwlsmfbp] [-i xml-object-id|-o xml-object-
       type] [-t t-flag-whatever] [-h hostname]

       cibadmin   (--cib_create|-C)  -[Vrwlsmfbp]  [-X  xml-string]  [-x  xml-
       filename] [-t t-flag-whatever] [-h hostname]

       cibadmin  (--cib_replace-R)  -[Vrwlsmfbp]  [-i  xml-object-id|-o   xml-
       object-type] [-X xml-string] [-x xml-filename] [-t t-flag-whatever] [-h

       cibadmin  (--cib_update|-U)  -[Vrwlsmfbp]  [-i  xml-object-id|-o   xml-
       object-type] [-X xml-string] [-x xml-filename] [-t t-flag-whatever] [-h

       cibadmin  (--cib_modify|-M)  -[Vrwlsmfbp]  [-i  xml-object-id|-o   xml-
       object-type] [-X xml-string] [-x xml-filename] [-t t-flag-whatever] [-h

       cibadmin  (--cib_delete|-D)  -[Vrwlsmfbp]  [-i  xml-object-id|-o   xml-
       object-type] [-t t-flag-whatever] [-h hostname]

       cibadmin (--cib_delete_alt|-d) -[Vrwlsmfbp] -o xml-object-type [-X xml-
       string|-x xml-filename] [-t t-flag-whatever] [-h hostname]

       cibadmin --cib_erase (-E)

       cibadmin --cib_bump (-B)

       cibadmin --cib_ismaster (-m)

       cibadmin --cib_master (-w)

       cibadmin --cib_slave (-r)

       cibadmin --cib_sync (-S)

       cibadmin --cib_help (-?)


       Cibadmin is the primary administrative  command  for  manipulating  the
       heartbeat  CIB.   It  can  be  used  to dump all or part of the CIB, to
       update all or part of it to modify all or part of  it,  to  delete  the
       entire  CIB, or to perform miscellaneous CIB administrative operations.

       Cibadmin operates  on  the  XML  trees  of  the  CIB,  largely  without
       knowledge  of  the  meaning  of the updates or queries being performed.
       This means that shortcuts that seem natural to  humans  who  understand
       the  meaning of the elements in the XML tree are impossible to use with
       cibadmin - which requires a complete lack of ambiguity,  and  can  only
       deal  with  valid  XML  subtrees  (tags/elements)  -  both on input and


       --id (-i) xml-object-id
               the XML id of the XML object being operated on.  This option is
               deprecated, and may go away in future versions of cibadmin.

       --obj_type (-o) object-type
               the  type of object being operated on.  Valid values are nodes,
               resources, status, constraints

       --verbose (-V)
               turn  on  debug  mode.   Additional  -V  options  increase  the
               verbosity of the output.

       --help (-?)
               obtain a help message from the cibadmin.

       --cib_erase (-E)
               Erase the contents of the whole CIB.

       --cib_query (-Q)
               Query a portion of the CIB.

       --cib_create (-C)
               Create a new CIB from the argument XML content.

       --cib_replace (-R)
               Recursively replace an XML object in the CIB.

       --cib_update (-U)
               Recursively  update  an  object in the CIB.  Updating an object
               replaces  like  members  in  the  XML,  but  does  not   delete
               attributes not mentioned.

       --cib_modify (-M)
               Modify  the  attributes  of an object in the CIB.  Object to be
               modified must be specified with a --id option.

       --cib_delete (-D)
               Delete the first object matching the specified criteria.  e.g.,
               <tagname  id="rsc1_op1"  name="monitor"/>.  The tagname and all
               attributes must match in order for the element to be deleted.

       --cib_delete_alt (-d)
               Delete the object at the specified  fully  qualified  location.
               e.g.,  <resource  id="rsc1"><operations><op  id="rsc1_op1"/>...
               Requires -o type option.

       --cib_ismaster (-m)
               Print a message indicating whether or not the local instance of
               the  CIB  software  is  the master instance or not.  Exits with
               return code 0 if it is the master instance, or 35 otherwise.

       --cib_sync (-S)
               Force a full sync of the local CIB against the master CIB.  (or
               does this force all slave copies to be updated?).

       --crm_xml (-X) xml-fragment-string
               specifies  an  XML  tag  or  fragment  on  the command line for
               crmadmin to operate on.  Note that it must be a complete tag or
               XML fragment.

       --xml-file (-x) filename
               specifies  XML in a file for cibadmin to operate on.  Note that
               it must be a complete tag or XML fragment.

       --xml_pipe (-p)
               specifies that the XML for cibadmin to  operate  on  will  come
               from  standard  input.   Note that it must be a complete tag or
               XML fragment.


       --cib_bump (-B)
               This forcibly increases the update counter of the CIB.

       --cib_master (-w)
               This command forces the  local  CIB  instance  into  read-write
               mode. This is a highly dangerous command.

       --cib_slave (-r)
               This command forces the local CIB instance into read-only mode.
               This is a highly dangerous command.

       --force_quorum (-f)
               This will force a write to the CIB, regardless of  whether  the
               cluster has quorum or not. Use carefully.

       --host (-h) hostname
               specifies  the  host  to  send  this  command  to (rarely used,
               advanced option)

       --local (-l)
               command takes effect locally (rarely used, advanced option)

       --no-bcast (-b)
               Command will not be  broadcast  to  other  nodes,  even  if  it
               modifies  the  CIB.   This  is  a fairly dangerous, rarely used
               advanced option.

       --sync-call (-s)
               Wait for the operation given to  cibadmin  to  complete  before


       Need  to  put  a few real examples here...  To get a copy of the entire
       active CIB (including status section, etc.) delivered to stdout,  issue
       this command:
              cibadmin -Q

       To  get  a copy of the status section (only) delivered to stdout, issue
       this command:
              cibadmin -Q --obj_type status

       To add an IPaddr2 resource to the resources  section,  first  create  a
       file foo with the following contents:
              <primitive id="R_10.10.10.101" class="ocf" type="IPaddr2"
               <instance_attributes id="RA_R_10.10.10.101">
                 <nvpair id="R_ip_P_ip" name="ip" value=""/>
                 <nvpair id="R_ip_P_nic" name="nic" value="eth0"/>
       Then, issue the following command:
              cibadmin --obj_type resources -U -x foo

       To  change  the  IP  address  of the IPaddr2 resource previously added,
       issue the command below:
              cibadmin  --id  R_10.10.10.101  -M  -X  '<nvpair  id="R_ip_P_ip"
              name="ip" value=""/>'
       Note:  This  does  not  change  the  resource  name to match the new IP
       address.  To do that you have to delete and re-add the resource with  a
       new id tag.

       To  stop  (disable)  the  IP  address resource added previously without
       removing it, create a file called ''bar'' with the following content in
              <primitive id="R_10.10.10.101">
               <instance_attributes id="RA_R_10.10.10.101">
                 <nvpair id="stop_R_10.10.10.101" name="target_role" value="Stopped"/>
       Then issue the following command:
              cibadmin --obj_type resources -U -x bar

       To  restart the IP address resource stopped by the previous step, issue
       the command below:
              cibadmin -D -X '<nvpair id="stop_R_10.10.10.101">'

       To completely remove the IP address resource from  the  CIB  which  was
       added earlier, issue the command below:
              cibadmin -D -X '<primitive id="R_10.10.10.101"/>'

       To replace the CIB with a new hand-edited version of the CIB, issue the
       following command
              cibadmin -R -x $HOME/cib.xml
       NOTE: you should not edit the cib.xml file in place, but edit a copy of
       it, since it is frequently updated by the CIB at unpredictable times.


       /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml  -  the  CIB  (minus  status section) on


       crm_resource(8), crmadmin(8), lrmadmin(8), heartbeat(8)


       cibadmin was written by Andrew Beekhof.

       This manual page was originally written by Alan Robertson.


       cibadmin is perfectly willing to completely mangle your CIB if you  ask
       it reasonably nicely.

       Because the CIB is updated continually as things change in the cluster,
       relying on using the automatically maintained previous copy of the  CIB
       on disk as a backup is likely to be a dissapointing experience.


       Note  carefully  the long options.  Some have - characters in them, and
       some have _ characters in them.

       What does the -t xxx flag do?