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       pure-ftpd-wrapper - configures and starts Pure-FTPd daemon




       pure-ftpd-wrapper reads the configuration for the Pure-FTPd daemon from
       files in the directory /etc/pure-ftpd/conf. Each file in this directory
       is related to a command line option. No more than one line with
       configuration values is allowed. Empty lines or lines starting with the
       comment character "#" are discarded.

       The Pure-FTPd daemon allows to use different authentication methods
       together. The authentication methods are tried in the order they are
       specified on the command line. In order to achieve the same flexibility
       with files in the /etc/pure-ftpd directory, pure-ftpd-wrapper checks
       all valid symbolic links within the directory /etc/pure-ftpd/auth in
       alphabetical order. E.g., a link in this directory pointing to
       /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PureDB would enable authentication against a PureDB

       There are no means to configure the PIDFile setting, it is hardwired to
       /var/run/pure-ftpd/ in this script.


   Boolean values
       The strings "Yes",1,"On" enable the corresponding commandline option
       (case doesn’t matter). To disable the option use "No",0 or "Off".

       Configuration files containing boolean values are "AllowAnonymousFXP",
       "AllowDotFiles", "AllowUserFXP", "AnonymousCanCreateDirs",
       "AnonymousCantUpload", "AnonymousOnly", "AntiWarez", "AutoRename",
       "BrokenClientsCompatibility", "CallUploadScript", "ChrootEveryone",
       "CreateHomeDir", "CustomerProof", "Daemonize", "DisplayDotFiles",
       "DontResolve", "IPV4Only", "IPV6Only", "KeepAllFiles", "LogPID",
       "NATmode", "NoAnonymous", "NoChmod", "NoRename", "PAMAuthentication",
       "ProhibitDotFilesRead", "ProhibitDotFilesWrite", "UnixAuthentication"
       and "VerboseLog".

   Numerical values
       There are several types of numerical values (one number, two numbers
       one or two numbers, two octal numbers).

       One number
           "MaxClientsNumber", "MaxClientsPerIP", "MaxDiskUsage",
           "MaxIdleTime", "MaxLoad", "MinUID", "TLS", "TrustedGID".

       Two numbers
           "AnonymousRatio", "LimitRecursion", "PassivePortRange",
           "PerUserLimits", "Quota", "UserRatio".

       One or two numbers
           "AnonymousBandwidth", "UserBandwidth".

       Two octal numbers

   String values
       Arbritrary strings
           "AltLog", "Bind", "ForcePassiveIP".


   Character Sets
       "FSCharset", "ClientCharset".

   IP values

   File values
       These values designate an existing file or socket.

           "FortunesFile", "LDAPConfigFile", "MySQLConfigFile",
           "PGSQLConfigFile", "PureDB".



       This manual page was written by Stefan Hornburg (Racke)
       <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system.