fprobe-ulog - a NetFlow probe
fprobe-ulog [options] remote:port[/[local][/type]] ...
fprobe-ulog - libipulog-based tool that collect network traffic data
and emit it as NetFlow flows towards the specified collector.
-h Display short help
-U <mask>
ULOG group bitwise mask. [default=1]
-s <seconds>
How often scan for expired flows. [default=5]
-g <seconds>
Fragmented flow lifetime. [default=30]
-d <seconds>
Idle flow lifetime (inactive timer). [default=60]
-e <seconds>
Active flow lifetime (active timer). [default=300]
-n <version>
NetFlow version for use (1, 5, 7). [default=5]
-a <address>
Use address as source for NetFlow flow.
-X <rule[,...]>
Comma separated list of interface name to SNMP-index conversion
rules. Each rule consists of interface base name and SNMP-index
base separated by colon (e.g. ppp:200). Final SNMP-index is sum
of corresponding SNMP-index base and interface number.
In the above example SNMP-index of interface ppp11 is 211.
If interface name did not fit to any of conversion rules then
SNMP-index will be taken from kernel.
-M Use the netfilter mark as Type Of Service value.
-b <flows>
Memory bulk size. [default=200 or 10000]
Note that maximum and default values depends on compiling
options (--with-membulk parameter).
-m <kilobytes>
Memory limit for flows cache (0=no limit). [default=0]
-q <flows>
Pending queue length. [default=100]
Each captured packet at first puts into special buffer called
‘pending queue’. Purpose of this buffer is to separate most
time-critical packet capture thread from other.
-B <kilobytes>
Kernel capture buffer size (0=don’t change). [default=0]
Increase kernel capture buffer size is most adequate way to
prevent packets loss.
Note that maximum allowed size of the buffer in Linux limited
and generally relatively small, so it should need to change the
maximum: sysctl -w net/core/rmem_max=4194304
-r <priority>
Real-time priority (0=disabled). [default=0]
If parameter greater then zero fprobe-ulog will use real-time
scheduling policy to prevent packets loss. Note that possible
values for this option depends on operating system.
-t <B:N>
Emitting rate limit (0:0=no limit). [default=0:0]
Produce N nanosecond delay after each B bytes sent. This option
may be useful with slow interfaces and slow collectors. Note
that the suspension time may be longer than requested because
the argument value is rounded up to an integer multiple of the
sleep resolution (it depends on operating system and hardware)
or because of the scheduling of other activity by the system.
See BUGS section.
-c <directory>
Directory to chroot to.
-u <user>
User to run as.
-v <level>
Maximum displayed log level. (0=EMERG, 1=ALERT, 2=CRIT, 3=ERR,
4=WARNING, 5=NOTICE, 6=INFO, 7=DEBUG) [default=6]
-l <[dst][:id]>
Log destination (0=none, 1=syslog, 2=stdout, 3=both) and
log/pidfile identifier. [default=1]
This option allows to select opportune log destination and
process identifier. The identifier helps to distinguish pidfile
and logs of one fprobe-ulog process from other.
Note that if log destination contains ‘stdout’ (equal 2 or 3)
fprobe-ulog will run in foreground.
Parameters remote and port are respectively define address and
port of the NetFlow collector.
The local parameter allows binding certain local IP address with
specified collector. If the parameter is omitted the value (if
any) of -a option will be used.
The type parameter determines emitting behavior. It may be ‘m’
for mirroring (by default) and ‘r’ for collectors round-robin
You may specify multiple collectors.
fprobe-ulog -Xeth:100,ppp:200 localhost:2055
Reasonable configuration to run under heavy load:
fprobe-ulog -B4096 -r2 -q10000 -t10000:10000000 localhost:2055
Send packets to collector at and distribute them between
collectors at and at on a round-robin
Slow interfaces and slow collectors.
There are may be problems with slow interfaces and slow collectors. It
effects as emitted packets loss. On the one hand silent non-blocking
sendto() implementation can’t guarantee that packet was really sent to
collector - it may be dropped by kernel due to outgoing buffer shortage
(slow interface’s problem) and on the other hand packet may be dropped
on collector’s machine due the similar reason - incoming buffer
shortage (slow collector’s problem).
Use -t option as workaround for this issue.
Locally originated packets and their timestamps.
Locally originated packets does not contains valid timestamps.
Therefore fprobe-ulog fill timestamp by itself on act of receive such
packet. Unfortunately, between capturing packet by netfilter code and
receiving it by fprobe-ulog may occur certain lags, thus timestamps of
locally originated packets generally inexact.
It is possible to fix this problem entirely by trivial kernel patch
(see contrib/ipt_ULOG.patch).