Man Linux: Main Page and Category List


       wondershaper - simple traffic shaping script


       wondershaper [interface]
       wondershaper clear [interface]
       wondershaper [interface] [downlink] [uplink]


       This  manual  page  documents  briefly  the  wondershaper script.  This
       manual page  was  written  for  the  Debian  distribution  because  the
       original script does not have a manual page.

       wondershaper  is  a  traffic  shaping script that provides low latency,
       prioritizes  bulk  transfers  below  normal  web  traffic,  prioritizes
       interactive  shells  above  normal web traffic, and attempts to prevent
       upload and download traffic from affecting each  other’s  ack  packets.
       Put  simply,  the  wondershaper  makes  your  internet  connection more


       A summary of wondershaper syntax is included  below.   For  a  complete
       description, see the files in /usr/share/doc/wondershaper.

       wondershaper [ interface ]
              Shows the status of traffic shaping on that interface.

       wondershaper clear [ interface ]
              Removes all traffic shaping from that interface.

       wondershaper [ interface ] [ downlink ] [ uplink ]
              Configures  the  wondershaper  on the specified interface, given
              the specified downlink speed in kilobits  per  second,  and  the
              specified uplink speed in kilobits per second.


       The programs are documented fully by:




       This  manual  page was written by Vince Mulhollon <>, for
       the Debian project (but may be used by others).

                                 May  30, 2004