afrestore - the restore utility of the afbackup package
afrestore [ -nltvmi ] [ -<past-backup-no> ] [ -C <root-directory> ] [
-h <backuphosts> ] [ -P <backup-ports> ] [ -c <configuration-file> ] [
-W <identity> ] [ -A "<after-date> [ % <after-backup-date> ]" ] [ -B
"<before-date> [ % <before-backup-date> ]" ] [ -T <tapes> ] [ -I
<indexfile-part> ] [ -V <var-directory> ] [ -k <encryption-key-file> ]
[ -z <process-cmd> <unprocess-cmd> ] [ -Z <built-in-compress-level> ] [
-F <format> ] [ { -N <num-indexfiles> | -O <indexfile-age-days> } ] [
-M <server-message-config> ] [ -p ] <path-pattern> [ [ -p ] <path-
patterns> [ ... ] ]
afrestore -a [ -nlvm ] [ -<past-backup-no> ] [ -C <root-directory> ] [
-h <backuphosts> ] [ -P <backup-ports> ] [ -c <configuration-file> ] [
-W <identity> ] [ -I <indexfile-part> ] [ -V <var-directory> ] [ -k
<encryption-key-file> ] [ -z <process-cmd> <unprocess-cmd> ] [ -Z
<built-in-compress-level> ] [ -F <format> ] [ -M <server-message-
config> ]
afrestore -{ef} [ -evm ] [ -C <root-directory> ] [ -h <backuphosts> ] [
-P <backup-ports> ] [ -V <var-directory> ] [ -z <process-cmd>
<unprocess-cmd> ] [ -Z <built-in-compress-level> ] [ -k <encryption-
key-file> ] [ -W <identity> ] [ -M <server-message-config> ] [ -c
<configuration-file> ] < <startup-info-file>
afrestore -E [ -Enlvm ] [ -C <root-directory> ] [ -h <backuphosts> ] [
-P <backup-ports> ] [ -V <var-directory> ] [ -z <process-cmd>
<unprocess-cmd> ] [ -Z <built-in-compress-level> ] [ -k <encryption-
key-file> ] [ -W <identity> ] [ -M <server-message-config> ] [ -c
<configuration-file> ] [ <cartridge-number> | <cartridge-range> ] ... ]
The first form can be used for restoring selected pieces of a certain
previous backup run. If no option of the type -<past-backup-no> is
supplied (e.g. -2 ), the most recently made backup is accessed. If an
option like this is given, the backup system tries to extract the files
from the backup before ( -1 ) or even an earlier one. This requires,
that enough file- and directory-name-logging is provided. This can be
done with the client-side configuration parameter NumIndexesToStore
(See: afclient.conf(8)). The parameters <path-pattern> indicate, which
files and directories should be restored. An asterisk is implicitely
put before and after the <path-pattern>, so it is assumed to be a
substring of the path. This can be prevented preceding the <path-
pattern> with the option -p. These may be wildcards for the full path
name leading to the file relative to the directory, to that the client
changes before starting any backup or restore (See under the parameter
RootDirectory under afclient.conf(8)). Note, that you have to put
these into quotes, if you are using wildcards to prevent substutition.
It is a bad idea to restore a total backup entering: restore "*" This
leads to a huge filelist to be processed by the client, what might plug
up memory and/or temporary space in some filesystem. Instead you should
use the second form with the option -a, what restores a total backup.
The third form restores without looking for filename log files. Instead
it reads the standard input for information, where to extract from. The
format expected at standard input is the same as produced by
incr_backup or full_backup, if the configuration option
StartupInfoProgram is used. The given program is then supplied with the
appropriate information and should write it to some place outside the
local host, so that it will not be affected by a hard crash (see:
StartupInfoProgram in afclient.conf(8)). The flag -e can be supplied
more than one time. In that case the emergency restore goes back to the
beginning of the previous full backup, if the full backup is split into
several parts (configuration parameter NumBackupParts) and the last
part of the current full backup has not yes run. If the backup parts
configuration has changed after the beginning of the previous full
backup, this option should be considered, as it gives additional
safety, that really everything will be restored. The fourth form scans
the cartridges (if supplied) on the given servers (if supplied,
eventually with alternate given port numbers - see below for the
format, how to specify cartridge/host/port-triples) for backups done
from the host, where the restore program is started and restores
everything it finds. The functionality is similar to -e, but no input
has to be supplied. Like with option -e, the -E flag can be given
several times, what has the same meaning like with option -e (see
above). If the client’s hostname has changed or restore should be done
on another host, the original client ID must be supplied with the -W
option. Otherwise nothing or the wrong stuff will be restored. Scanning
the cartridges can take a lot of time, but it should be several
minutes, not hours. Cartridges can be supplied in three forms as
arguments: simple numbers, ranges (e. g. as 3-5 without spaces), and
ranges relative to the current backup writing position (e. g. as -3).
In the latter case -0 means the cartridge, that will be written to next
time i.e. that holds the current writing point. -2 stands for the
latest 3 cartridges. To indicate, that a cartridge is located at a
certain backup server, maybe with a special port number (if there are
several backup servers), the cartridge number or range can be followed
by the at-character @, optionally followed by the percent character %
and the port number, e. g. 3-5@buhost%2989 . No whitespace is allowed
in such a specifier. If no port is given, the default port is assumed
(2988). If no hostname is given, the default backup server is used.
Default backup server is the first one in the list, that is configured
in the parameter file or overriden by the option -h. Any number of
ranges or numbers can be supplied, overlapping duplicates are ignored.
If no cartridge numbers are given, the program searches backward from
the current writing position on each configured backup server until it
thinks, it has enough backups found, or all cartridges on that server
have been tried. The found backups are sorted in the correct order
(using the stored backup time) and afterwards everything found is
restored. This form of the command needs no information at all for an
emergency restore. If the configuration file is not supplied
explicitly, then it is searched for in the /usr/client/lib and if not
found there the files /etc/buclient.conf, /etc/afbuclient.conf,
/etc/afclient.conf and /etc/afbackup/client.conf are tried.
-A <date>
restore files modified after the given date. A second date may
be given prefixed with a percent sign % telling to search only
backups started after the given date. Either of the dates can be
omitted, so valid specifications are "<date>" "%<backupdate>" or
"<date> % <backupdate>" . Like shown, the argument should be put
into quotes, cause it usually contains whitespace. Valid formats
are e.g.:
MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss
DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss
or the formats produced by ctime(3) or date(1). The year may be
supplied in two digits or in the non-US- formats be omitted,
then the current year is assumed. The seconds may also be
omitted (hh:mm), the whole time may be left off, then 00:00 is
assumed. Thus the shortest valid format is DD.MM
-B <date>
restore files modified before the given date. A second date may
be given prefixed with a percent sign % telling to search only
backups started before the given date. See -A for the valid date
-C <rootdir>
change to the given root-directory before restoring files
instead of the one specified in the client side configuration
file. If this directory does not exist, it will be created
-c <configfile>
use the given file for configuration information
-e restore all files from the previous backup in an emergency case
without looking for the filename logfiles, which are also
-F <format-string>
In combination with -l a format string for output. Default is:
only the full paths of the stored files are printed, one per
line. The format string can also contain patterns representing
other file attributes present in the index file(s). For possible
patterns see below under FORMAT STRING.
-f restore only the filename logfiles in an emergency case
-h <hostnames>
Use the given list of hosts as backup servers. This list is used
only, if no hostname information can be found as associated with
the current filesystem entry, that should be restored. The first
host in this list is the default server, if no hostname
information at all can be found. If -E is given and no cartridge
number is supplied at all, all hosts in this list are tried one
after the other. The hostnames in this list can be separated by
whitespace and/or commas
-I <idx-prefix>
The first part of the filename, the names of the stored files
and directories are written to. The current total backup number
is appended (that increments each start of a full backup). If
these files undergo processing, .z is appended
-i Ignore case distinctions in the filename patterns
-k <file>
Use the contents of the given file as encryption key for
authenticating to the server
-l Do not restore anything, just list the names of the files and/or
directories, that fit the supplied path-part(s); in combination
with -E: just scan the given tape(s) and printout the minimum
restore info, that can be read by restore -e
-M <server-message-config>
The configuration to output messages from the server, that
normally are sent only via mail to a maintainer. The first word
consisting of the letters b r v and c tells, whether to output
messages during backup, restore, verify and copy-tape,
respecively. The next words must name the service name or port
number of the single stream servers, related to the option -P .
For each multi stream service configured with -P or in the
configuration file, the respective single stream service must be
given here
-m Do not overwrite existing files (merge)
-n do not restore anything, just printout a message, how many files
and/or directories fit the supplied path-part(s); in combination
with -E: just scan the given tape(s) and printout, what backups
have been written there
-N <numidxs>
The maximum number of index files, that are scanned for matching
filenames. With each full backup, a new index file is created.
If time restrictions are given (options -A or -B), all existing
index files are read, what may take a long time, if many of them
are kept available (see clientside configuration option
NumIndexesToStore or option -N of full_backup). So using this
parameter the scanning can be restricted to a certain number of
-O <maxidxage>
The maximum age of index files, that are scanned for matching
filenames, in days. See option -N . The given number of days may
be a floating point value
-P <portnos>
The list of port numbers for the backup servers either
configured in the parameter file or supplied with the -h option.
This list is used only, if no port number information can be
found as associated with the current filesystem entry, that
should be restored. The port numbers supplied here are
associated with the backup server names by position. The port
numbers in this list can be separated by whitespace and/or
-T <tapes>
Restore and list only files from the given list of tapes. Tapes
can be specified using numbers, commas and dashes, e.g. 3-5,8,1
-t Do not restore anything, just list the tapes, that would be
needed to restore everything that matches the supplied path-
-V <var-dir>
The directory, where varying files are put
-z <proccmd> <unproccmd>
The commands to use for process and unprocess. If a command
comprises of several words, it must be put in quotes
I suggest to run restore with the -l option before really going to
restore anything. So you see, what files will be generated, without
overwriting existing ones unintendedly.
The following patterns will be replaced:
%n The filename with full path like in default output
%b The basename of the file, without path
%O The username of the file owner
%o The user-ID of the file owner (integer)
%m The modification time in seconds since epoch
%M The modification time in readable format
%t The starting time of the backup containing the file in seconds
since epoch
%T Like %t, but in readable format
%h The hostname of the backup server, to that the file has been
%p The port number of the backup server, to that the file has been
%c The cartridge number on the server, the saved file can be found
%f The tape file number on cartridge %c, where the saved file can
be found
%% A percent character
The usual C-like backslash sequences are allowed, but special
characters within the filenames are still printed as escape sequences,
e.g. \n . A newline at the end must be given explicitly as backslash n
(\n), otherwise no new line will start. Double quotes should be
written as argument enclosed in single quotes. To see several versions
of a saved filesystem entry in the indexes the option -B or -A must be
given, maybe with a condition, that is always true, e.g. -B 23:59, what
means: before today, 23:59.
Client configuration file
The directory for logging the client backups
Some internal state information of the client backups.
afclientconfig(8), xafclientconfig(8), full_backup(8), incr_backup(8),
afverify(8), afrestore(8), xafrestore(8), update_indexes(8),
copy_tape(8), afclient.conf(8), afserver(8), afmserver(8),
afserver.conf(8), tar(1)
afbackup was written by Albert Fluegel (