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       gl_getcontext, currentcontext - get the current graphics contents.


       #include <vgagl.h>

       void gl_getcontext(GraphicsContext *gc);

       extern GraphicsContext currentcontext; /* this is already in vgagl.h */


       Save the current context in the structure variable gc.

       You  can  also  get  the  current  context  from  the  global  variable

       However,  simply  access  single  elements  in  this structure with the
       macros given in vgagl(7) but do  not  copy  currentcontext  in  another
       structure.  This  is because the size of the structure might change and
       your program does not know it when it will  be  linked  dynamically  to
       future svgalib versions.

       Instead use gl_allocatecontext(3) to allocate such a structure, fill it
       with gl_getcontext and release it with free(3) after usage.


       svgalib(7),   vgagl(7),   svgalib.conf(5),   threedkit(7),   testgl(1),
       plane(1), wrapdemo(1), gl_allocatecontext(3), gl_copyboxfromcontext(3),
       gl_copyboxtocontext(3),      gl_freecontext(3),       gl_setcontext(3),
       gl_setcontextheight(3),                            gl_setcontextvga(3),
       gl_setcontextvgavirtual(3),                    gl_setcontextvirtual(3),


       This  manual  page  was  edited by Michael Weller <eowmob@exp-math.uni->. The exact source of the referenced demo as well  as  of  the
       original documentation is unknown.

       It is very likely that both are at least to some extent are due to Harm
       Hanemaayer <>.

       Occasionally this might be wrong. I hereby asked to be excused  by  the
       original author and will happily accept any additions or corrections to
       this first version of the svgalib manual.