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       sane-microtek - SANE backend for Microtek scanners


       The  sane-microtek  library implements a SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)
       backend that  provides  access  to  the  "second  generation"  Microtek
       scanners.   At  present,  the  following hardware is known to work with
       this backend:

              Microtek ScanMaker E2, E3, E6
              Microtek ScanMaker II, IIG, IIHR, IISP, III
              Microtek ScanMaker 35t, 35t+, 45t
              Microtek ScanMaker 600GS, 600ZS (see bug notes)
              Agfa StudioScan
              Agfa StudioScan II, StudioScan IIsi
              Agfa Arcus II (but not the "Arcus")
              Agfa DuoScan (preliminary)
              Vobis "Highscreen Realscan"
              Microtek Color PageWiz (preliminary)

              Transparent Media Adapter
              Document AutoFeeder

       The driver supports line art, halftone,  8bpp  gray,  and  24bpp  color
       scans  at  normal and "expanded" resolutions (i.e. 1200x1200 on an E6),
       fast scans for color previews, and downloadable gamma tables.

       The supported scanners are all SCSI scanners.  However,  some  parallel
       port  models  may work (under Linux), if they use a parport->scsi chip,
       and if you can find a scsi->parport driver.  This is known  to  be  the
       case for the Color PageWiz.

       The  driver  does not support the newest Microtek scanners, such as the
       V330 and V660, which use a new and very different SCSI-II command  set.
       For those, try the alternate microtek2 backend.  Most non-SCSI scanners
       would use the new command set.  Most scanners newer than the  Scanmaker
       E6 would use the new command set.

       If you own a Microtek scanner other than the ones listed above, tell us
       what happens --- see the BUGS section at the end of this document.

       Although this manual page is generally updated with each  release,  up-
       to-date  information  on  new releases and extraneous helpful hints are
       available from the backend homepage:


       This backend expects device names of the form:


       Where special is  the  UNIX  path-name  for  the  special  device  that
       corresponds  to the scanner.  The special device name must be a generic
       SCSI device or a symlink to such a device.  Under Linux, such a  device
       name could be /dev/sga or /dev/sge, for example.


       The  contents  of the microtek.conf file is a list of device names that
       correspond to Microtek scanners.  Empty lines and lines starting with a
       hash mark (#) are ignored.  A sample configuration file is shown below:

              # this is a comment

       The configuration file may also contain the special tokens norealcal or
       noprecal.   norealcal  will  disable  the  use  of  magic, undocumented
       scanner calibration commands which are known to work on the E6, but may
       not work with other models.  noprecal will disable logic which tries to
       avoid  scanner  precalibration.   This  logic  would  only  have   been
       activated if the magic calibration code was turned off.


              The   backend   configuration  file  (see  also  description  of
              SANE_CONFIG_DIR below).

              The static library implementing this backend.

              The shared library implementing this backend (present on systems
              that support dynamic loading).


              This environment variable specifies the list of directories that
              may contain the configuration file.  Under UNIX, the directories
              are  separated  by a colon (‘:’), under OS/2, they are separated
              by a semi-colon  (‘;’).   If  this  variable  is  not  set,  the
              configuration  file  is  searched  in  two  default directories:
              first,  the  current  working  directory  (".")  and   then   in
              /etc/sane.d.  If the value of the environment variable ends with
              the directory separator character, then the default  directories
              are  searched  after  the explicitly specified directories.  For
              example, setting SANE_CONFIG_DIR to "/tmp/config:" would  result
              in   directories  "tmp/config",  ".",  and  "/etc/sane.d"  being
              searched (in this order).

              If the library was compiled with debugging support enabled, this
              environment  variable controls the debug level for this backend.
              A value of 128 requests maximally copious debug output;  smaller
              levels reduce verbosity.


       sane(7), sane-scsi(5)


       Matt Marjanovic


       Known bugs/limitations are:

              Brightness and contrast broken.
              The  600GS  is  grayscale  only,  and will lock up if you select
              color.    (Unfortunately,    the    600GS    and    600ZS    are
              indistinguishable by software.)

       i.e.  don’t  complain about these --- but if brightness and/or contrast
       do work for you, please tell me.

       If your scanner locks up, try setting the norealcal or noprecal  option
       in  the configuration file (first one, then both), and see if it helps.
       (If it does, report it.)

       Send   lengthy   bug   reports   and   new   scanner   information   to   All  bug  reports and new scanner inquiries should
       include an error log file.  You can generate copious stderr  output  by
       setting  the  SANE_DEBUG_MICROTEK environment variable described above.
       For example:

              setenv SANE_DEBUG_MICROTEK 128

       More general comments, suggestions, and inquiries  about  frontends  or
       SANE   should   go   to,  the  SANE
       Developers      mailing      list.      Have      a       look       at  concerning subscription
       to sane-devel.

                                  13 Jul 2008                 sane-microtek(5)