xfs.options - configuration options for the X font server
/etc/X11/fs/xfs.options contains a set of flags that determine some of
the behavior of the X font server xfs(1).
/etc/X11/fs/xfs.options may contain comments, which begin with a hash
mark (‘#’) and end at the next newline, just like comments in shell
scripts. The rest of the file consists of options which are expressed
as words separated by hyphens, with only one option per line. Options
are enabled by simply placing them in the file; they are disabled by
prefixing the option name with ‘no-’.
Available options are:
Enable this option with caution on ‘production’ machines; it
causes the xfs daemon to be stopped and restarted on upgrade.
This will break all existing connections by X servers to the
font server, and as a result may deprive them of access to
fonts. In some situations this could be an unwelcome surprise
(for instance, for remote xfs users who had no idea the
administrator was performing system maintenance). On the other
hand, for machines that stay up for long periods of time,
leaving the old daemon running can be a bad idea if the new
version has, for instance, a fix for a security vulnerability
(overwriting xfs’s executable on the file system has no effect
on the copy of xfs in memory). This behavior is disabled by
default: xfs will be not be stopped or started during an upgrade
of its package; the administrator will have to do so by hand
(with invoke-rc.d xfs restart or by rebooting the system) before
the newly installed xfs binary is used.
Since no options are enabled by default, /etc/X11/fs/xfs.options is not
created automatically.
Branden Robinson customized xfs’s package maintainer scripts to
implement the functionality described above.