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       complex - Sun Grid Engine complexes configuration file format


       Complex   reflects   the   format   of  the  Sun  Grid  Engine  complex
       configuration.  The  definition  of  complex  attributes  provides  all
       pertinent  information  concerning  the  resource attributes a user may
       request for a Sun Grid Engine job via the qsub(1) -l option and for the
       interpretation of these parameters within the Sun Grid Engine system.

       The  Sun  Grid Engine complex object defines all entries which are used
       for configuring the global, the host, and queue object. The system  has
       a set of pre defined entries, which are assigned to a host or queue per
       default.  In a addition can the user define new entries and assign them
       to   one  or  multiple  objects.  Each  load  value  has  to  have  its
       corresponding complex entry object, which  defines  the  type  and  the
       relational operator for it.

   defining resource attributes
       The complex configuration should not be accessed directly.  In order to
       add or modify complex entries, the qconf(1) options -Mc and -mc  should
       be  used  instead.   While the -Mc option takes a complex configuration
       file as an argument and overrides the current  configuration,  the  -mc
       option   bring  up  an  editor  filled  in  with  the  current  complex

       The provided list contains all definitions of  resource  attributes  in
       the  system. Adding a new entry means to provide: name, shortcut, type,
       relop, requestable, consumable, default, and urgency.  The  fields  are
       described  below.  Changing one is easily done by updating the field to
       change and removing an entry by deleting its definition.  An  attribute
       can  only  be  removed,  when  it  is not referenced in a host or queue
       object anymore. Also does the system have a  set  of  default  resource
       attributes which are always attached to a host or queue. They cannot be
       deleted nor can the type of such an attribute be changed.

   working with resource attributes
       Before a user can request a resource attribute it has to be attached to
       the  global, host, or cqueue object. The resource attribute exists only
       for the objects, it got attached to ( if it is attached to  the  global
       object(qconf  -me  global),  it exits system wide, host object: only on
       that host (qconf -me NAME): cqueue object: only on that  cqueue  (qconf
       -mq NAME)).

       When  the user attached a resource attribute to an object, one also has
       to assign a value to it; the resource  limit.  Another  way  to  get  a
       resource  attribute value is done by configuring a load sensor for that

   Default queue resource attributes
       In its default form it contains a selection of parameters in the  queue
       configuration  as  defined  in  queue_conf(5).  The queue configuration
       parameters being requestable for a job by the user in principal are:


   Default host resource attributes
       The standard set of host related attributes consists of two categories.
       he  first  category  is built by several queue configuration attributes
       which are particularly suitable to be managed on a  host  basis.  These
       attributes are:

       (please refer to queue_conf(5) for details).

       Note: Defining these attributes in the host complex is no contradiction
       to having them also in the queue configuration. It  allows  maintaining
       the  corresponding  resources on a host level and at the same time on a
       queue level. Total virtual free memory (h_vmem) can be  managed  for  a
       host,  for  example, and a subset of the total amount can be associated
       with a queue on that host.

       The second attribute category in the  standard  host  complex  are  the
       default  load  values  Every  sge_execd(8) periodically reports load to
       sge_qmaster(8).  The reported load values are either the  standard  Sun
       Grid Engine load values such as the CPU load average (see uptime(1)) or
       load values defined by the Sun  Grid  Engine  administration  (see  the
       load_sensor  parameter in the cluster configuration sge_conf(5) and the
       Sun Grid Engine Installation and  Administration  Guide  for  details).
       The  characteristics definition for the standard load values is part of
       the default host  complex,  while  administrator  defined  load  values
       require  extension  of  the  host  complex.  Please  refer  to the file
       <sge_root>/doc/load_parameters.asc  for  detailed  information  on  the
       standard set of load values.

   Overriding attributes
       One  attribute  can  be assigned to the global object, host object, and
       queue object at the same time. On the host level it might get its value
       from  the  user  defined resource limit and a load sensor. In case that
       the attribute is a consumable, we have  in  addition  to  the  resource
       limit  and its load report on host level also the internal usage, which
       the system keeps track of. The merge is done as follows:

       In general an attribute can be overridden on a lower level
          - global by hosts and queues
          - hosts by queues and load values or resource  limits  on  the  same

       We   have  one  limitation  for  overriding  attributes  based  on  its
       relational operator:

       !=, == operators can only be overridden on the same level, but not on a
       lower level. The user defined value always overrides the load value.

       >=,  >,  <=,  < operators can only be overridden, when the new value is
       more restrictive than the old one.

       In the case of a consumable on  host  level,  which  has  also  a  load
       sensor,  the  system  checks for the current usage, and if the internal
       accounting is  more  restrictive  than  the  load  sensor  report,  the
       internal  value is kept; if the load sensor report is more restrictive,
       that one is kept.

       Note, Sun Grid Engine allows backslashes (\) be used to escape  newline
       (\newline)  characters. The backslash and the newline are replaced with
       a space (" ") character before any interpretation.


       The principal format of a complex configuration is that of a  tabulated
       list.  Each  line starting with a '#' character is a comment line. Each
       line despite comment lines define one element of the complex. A element
       definition line consists of the following 8 column entries per line (in
       the order of appearance):

       The name of the complex element to be used to  request  this  attribute
       for  a  job  in  the  qsub(1)  -l option. A complex attribute name (see
       complex_name  in  sge_types(1))  may  appear  only  once   across   all
       complexes, i.e. the complex attribute definition is unique.

       A  shortcut  for  name which may also be used to request this attribute
       for a job in the qsub(1) -l option. An attribute  shortcut  may  appear
       only  once  across  all  complexes,  so  as to avoid the possibility of
       ambiguous complex attribute references.

       This setting determines how the corresponding values are to be  treated
       Sun  Grid  Engine  internally in case of comparisons or in case of load
       scaling for the load complex entries:

       o  With INT only raw integers are allowed.

       o  With DOUBLE floating point numbers in double precision (decimal  and
          scientific notation) can be specified.

       o  With  TIME time specifiers are allowed. Refer to queue_conf(5) for a
          format description.

       o  With  MEMORY  memory  size  specifiers   are   allowed.   Refer   to
          queue_conf(5) for a format description.

       o  With  BOOL  the  strings  TRUE and FALSE are allowed. When used in a
          load formula (refer to sched_conf(5) ) TRUE  and  FALSE  get  mapped
          into '1' and '0'.

       o  With STRING all strings are allowed and is used for wildcard regular
          boolean expression matching.  Please see  sge_types(1)  manpage  for
          expression definition.

           -l arch="*x24*|sol*"  :
                results in "arch=lx24-x86" OR "arch=lx24-amd64"
                   OR "arch=sol-sparc" OR "arch=sol-sparc64"
                   OR "arch=sol-x86" OR ...
           -l arch="sol-x??"  :
                results in "arch=sol-x86" OR "arch=sol-x64" OR ...
           -l arch="lx2[246]-x86"  :
                results in "arch=lx22-x86" OR "arch=lx24-x86"
                   OR "arch=lx26-x86"
           -l arch="lx2[4-6]-x86"  :
                results in "arch=lx24-x86" OR "arch=lx25-x86"
                   OR "arch=lx26-x86"
           -l arch="lx2[24-6]-x86"  :
                results in "arch=lx22-x86" OR "arch=lx24-x86"
                   OR "arch=lx25-x86" OR "arch=lx26-x86"
           -l arch="!lx24-x86&!sol-sparc"  :
                results in NEITHER "arch=lx24-x86" NOR "arch=sol-sparc"
           -l arch="lx2[4|6]-x86"  :
                results in "arch=lx2[4" OR "arch=6"

       o  CSTRING is like STRING except comparisons are case insensitive.

       o  RESTRING is like STRING and it will be deprecated in the future.

       o  HOST is like CSTRING but the expression must match a valid hostname.

       The relation operator.  The relation operator is used  when  the  value
       requested  by  the  user  for  this  parameter  is compared against the
       corresponding value configured for the considered queues. If the result
       of  the comparison is false, the job cannot run in this queue. Possible
       relation operators are "==", "<", ">", "<=", ">=" and "EXCL". The  only
       valid operator for string type attributes is "==".

       The  "EXCL"  relation  operator  implements exclusive scheduling and is
       only valid for consumable boolean type attributes. Exclusive means  the
       result of the comparison is only true if a job requests to be exclusive
       and no other exclusive or non-exclusive jobs uses the complex.  If  the
       job  does  not  request to be exclusive and no other exclusive job uses
       the complex the comparison is also true.

       The entry can be used in a qsub(1) resource request if  this  field  is
       set  to  'y' or 'yes'.  If set to 'n' or 'no' this entry cannot be used
       by a user in order to request a queue or a class  of  queues.   If  the
       entry  is set to 'forced' or 'f' the attribute has to be requested by a
       job or it is rejected.

       To enable resource request enforcement the existence  of  the  resource
       has  to  be defined. This can be done on a cluster global, per host and
       per queue basis. The definition of resource availability  is  performed
       with the complex_values entry in host_conf(5) and queue_conf(5).

       The  consumable parameter can be set to either 'yes' ('y' abbreviated),
       'no' ('n') or 'JOB' ('j'). It can be set to 'yes' and  'JOB'  only  for
       numeric attributes (INT, DOUBLE, MEMORY, TIME - see type above). If set
       to 'yes' or 'JOB' the consumption of the corresponding resource can  be
       managed  by Sun Grid Engine internal bookkeeping. In this case Sun Grid
       Engine accounts for the consumption of this resource  for  all  running
       jobs  and  ensures that jobs are only dispatched if the Sun Grid Engine
       internal bookkeeping indicates enough available  consumable  resources.
       Consumables  are  an efficient means to manage limited resources such a
       available memory, free space on a file  system,  network  bandwidth  or
       floating software licenses.

       A  consumable  defined by 'y' is a per slot consumables which means the
       limit is multiplied by the number of slots being used by the job before
       being  applied.  In case of 'j' the consumable is a per job consumable.
       This resource is debited as requested (without multiplication) from the
       allocated  master  queue.  The  resource needs not be available for the
       slave task queues.

       Consumables  can  be  combined  with  default  or  user  defined   load
       parameters  (see sge_conf(5) and host_conf(5)), i.e. load values can be
       reported for consumable attributes or the consumable flag  can  be  set
       for load attributes. The Sun Grid Engine consumable resource management
       takes both the load (measuring availability of the  resource)  and  the
       internal  bookkeeping  into  account  in this case, and makes sure that
       neither of both exceeds a given limit.

       To enable consumable resource management the basic  availability  of  a
       resource  has  to be defined. This can be done on a cluster global, per
       host and per queue basis while  these  categories  may  supersede  each
       other  in  the  given order (i.e. a host can restrict availability of a
       cluster resource and a queue can restrict host and cluster  resources).
       The   definition   of  resource  availability  is  performed  with  the
       complex_values  entry   in   host_conf(5)   and   queue_conf(5).    The
       complex_values definition of the "global" host specifies cluster global
       consumable  settings.  To  each  consumable  complex  attribute  in   a
       complex_values  list  a  value  is  assigned  which denotes the maximum
       available amount for  that  resource.  The  internal  bookkeeping  will
       subtract  from  this  total  the  assumed  resource  consumption by all
       running jobs as expressed through the jobs' resource requests.

       Note: Jobs can be forced to request a  resource  and  thus  to  specify
       their  assumed  consumption  via  the  'force' value of the requestable
       parameter (see above).

       Note also: A default resource consumption value can be  pre-defined  by
       the administrator for consumable attributes not explicitly requested by
       the job (see the default parameter below). This is meaningful  only  if
       requesting the attribute is not enforced as explained above.

       See  the  Sun  Grid  Engine  Installation  and Administration Guide for
       examples on the usage of the consumable resources facility.

       Meaningful only  for  consumable  complex  attributes  (see  consumable
       parameter  above).  Sun Grid Engine assumes the resource amount denoted
       in the default parameter  implicitly  to  be  consumed  by  jobs  being
       dispatched  to  a host or queue managing the consumable attribute. Jobs
       explicitly requesting the  attribute  via  the  -l  option  to  qsub(1)
       override this default value.

       The  urgency  value allows influencing job priorities on a per resource
       base. The urgency value effects  the  addend  for  each  resource  when
       determining  the  resource  request  related  urgency contribution. For
       numeric type resource requests the addend is the product of the urgency
       value,  the  jobs  assumed  slot allocation and the per slot request as
       specified via -l option to  qsub(1).   For  string  type  requests  the
       resources  urgency value is directly used as addend. Urgency values are
       of type  real.  See  under  sge_priority(5)  for  an  overview  on  job


       sge_intro(1), sge_types(1), qconf(1), qsub(1), uptime(1), host_conf(5),
       queue_conf(5), sge_execd(8), sge_qmaster(8)
       Sun Grid Engine Installation and Administration Guide.


       See sge_intro(1) for a full statement of rights and permissions.