libgii.conf - LibGII configuration file format
/etc/ggi/libgii.conf is the configuration file that defines what input
module are available and where libgii is supposed to find them. It
consists of lines defining target locations (mapping a target name a
function name) and target aliases (fake targets that actually calls
other target with a specific set of parameters).
The format is common to all GGI libraries. It is defined by libgg. See
ggLoadConfig(3) for additional information on file inclusions and other
generic options.
These examples show how to use the generic configuration mechanism
proposed by LibGG with LibGII.
The first example defines three input modules (or targets) for which
initialization function is found in three different dynamic libraries
(.so files), under the default LibGII input symbol: GIIdlinit:
input-stdin input/
input-x input/
input-xwin input/
In the second example, the two inputs are implemented in a single
dynamic library, but they each have their own initialization functions
in this library. Their name is separated from the path by a :.
input-x input/ input-xwin
The third example defines only one real target input-x, located in
shared object input/ under the symbol GIIdl_x. input-xwin is an
alias that will resolve to target input-x with the option string -be-
xwin to be passed to the target function (GIIdl_x in input/
input-x input/ alias
input-xwin input-x:-be-xwin
The last examples defines two inputs, with two possible location for
their implementation. The first two lines are the same as in example
2. The other two states that these two inputs can also be found (if the
previous fail) as a built-in modules. The /gii-builtins path points to
the LibGII built-in symbol namespace. In this case both input would be
found in this namespace under the default symbol GIIdlinit. The
initialization function will be given the requested target name to know
which implementation to use.
input-x input/ input-xwin
input-x /gii-builtins input-xwin