deb-override - Debian archive override file
While most information about a package can be found in the control
file, some is managed centrally by the distribution czars rather than
by the maintainer in order to offer some global consistency. This
information is found in the override file.
The override file has a simple whitespace-delimited format. Comments
are allowed (denoted with a #).
package priority section [maintainerinfo]
package is the name of the package. Entries in the override file for
packages not found in the tree of binary packages are ignored.
priority and section correspond to the respective control fields
available in the .deb. The allowed values are listed in the Debian
maintainerinfo, if present, can be either the name of a maintainer for
an unconditional override, or else oldmaintainer => newmaintainer to
perform a substitution.
The override files used to make the official Packages lists may be
found in the indices directory on any Debian mirror.
dpkg-scanpackages(1), dpkg-scansources(1), apt-ftparchive(1),