bbcombotest.cfg - Configuration of bbcombotest tool
bbcombotest(1) uses it’s own configuration file,
$BBHOME/etc/bbcombotest.cfg Each line in this file defines a combined
Each line of the file defines a new combined test. Blank lines and
lines starting with a hash mark (#) are treated as comments and
The configuration file uses the hostnames and testnames that are
already used in your Xymon bb-hosts file. These are then combined using
normal logical operators - "||" for "or", "&&" for "and" etc.
A simple test - e.g. "Web1.http" - results in the value "1" if the
"http" test for server "Web1" is green, yellow or clear. It yields the
value "0" if it is red, purple or blue.
Apart from the logical operations, you can also do integer arithmetic
and comparisons. E.g. the following is valid:
WebCluster.http = (Web1.http + Web2.http + Web3.http) >= 2
This test is green if two or more of the http tests for Web1, Web2 and
Web3 are green.
The full range of operators are:
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
% Modulo
| Bit-wise "or"
& Bit-wise "and"
|| Logical "or"
&& Logical "and"
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal
<= Less than or equal
== Equal
There is currently no support for a "not" operator. If you need it, use
the transcription "(host.test == 0)" instead of "!host.test".
NB: All operators have EQUAL PRECEDENCE. If you need something
evaluated in a specific order, use parentheses to group the expressions
If the expression comes out as "0", the combined test goes red. If it
comes out as non-zero, the combined test is green.
Note: If the expression involves hostnames with a character that is
also an operator - e.g. if you have a host ""
with a dash in the hostname - then the operator-character must be
escaped with a backslash ’\’ in the expression, or it will be
interpreted as an operator. E.g. like this:
nyc.conn = (t1\-router\-nyc.conn || backup\-router\-nyc.conn)
WebCluster.http = (Web1.http || Web2.http)
AppSrvCluster.procs = (AppSrv1.conn && AppSrv1.procs) || (AppSrv2.conn
&& AppSrv2.procs)
Customer.cluster = WebCluster.http && AppSrvCluster.procs
The first line defines a new test, with hostname "WebCluster" and the
columnname "http". It will be green if the http test on either the
"Web1" or the "Web2" server is green.
The second line defines a "procs" test for the "AppSrvCluster" host.
Each of the AppSrv1 and AppSrv2 hosts is checked for "conn" (ping) and
their "procs" test. On each host, both of these must be green, but the
combined test is green if that condition is fulfilled on just one of
the hosts.
The third line uses the two first tests to build a "double combined"
test, defining a test that shows the overall health of the system.